The Con Simulator Modding Guideline!~ (12.17.2018)

The Con Simulator Modding Guideline!~ (12.17.2018)

Welcome To The Con Simulator Workshop!

The Con Simulator Modding Guideline!~ (12.17.2018) image 1

The Con Simulator Modding Guideline!~ (12.17.2018) image 2


Welcome! This is the tutorial of Steam Workshop + The Con Simulator Mod Tools!

First of all, it's super easy for players to implement mods into the game: just simply click "Subscribe" button at Steam Workshop Item page - and you have it!

For creators & artists who want to create your own characters and booths - it's not complicated at all! You can use the mod tool I built~♪

The mod tool is located at ~ModTools~/WorkshopUploader inside the folder where you installed the game!

~Mod Tools~

The Con Simulator Modding Guideline!~ (12.17.2018) image 9
The Con Simulator Modding Guideline!~ (12.17.2018) image 10
The Con Simulator Modding Guideline!~ (12.17.2018) image 11
The Con Simulator Modding Guideline!~ (12.17.2018) image 12
The Con Simulator Modding Guideline!~ (12.17.2018) image 13
The Con Simulator Modding Guideline!~ (12.17.2018) image 14
The Con Simulator Modding Guideline!~ (12.17.2018) image 15
The Con Simulator Modding Guideline!~ (12.17.2018) image 16
The Con Simulator Modding Guideline!~ (12.17.2018) image 17

Before launching the tool, make sure you have "The Con Simulator" in your Steam Library and Steam application is running.

This is the interface of our mod tool:

This tool is made for reading and uploading mod folder content.

And the basic mod folder structure looks like this:

(You can find the basic template at ~ModTools~/Template&Example/Workshop_EmptyTemplate)

In the mod tool, just follow the steps below to create your mod characters:

Step1. Draw the assets for your characters & booths (use whatever software you want, Photoshop/SAI/Krita etc.). You can find the character template at ~ModTools~/Template&Example

Step2. Copying all the required files into related folders. It's OK to keep unused folder empty.

【Booth_VIP】Special booths with specific name & properties (Read "Advanced Techniques" part for details)

【Cosplayer_Random】Costumes for random cosplayers show up in the game. Just directly copy the character PNG files inside this folder! They're more likely to appear in the game than 【Cosplayer_VIP】.

【Cosplayer_VIP】[In development] Special cosplayers with specific name & properties

【Visitor_Random】Body parts for random visitors. Similar to 【Cosplayer_Random】

【Visitor_VIP】[In development] Special visitors with specific name & properties

Step3. Open the "checklist.tcsmod" with text editor, fill in the basic mod info:

【Booth_VIP=】 This line indicates the name of subfolders under "/Booth_VIP/" folder. For example, if I have 2 folders called "Bob1991" and "FabulousBooth" inside "/Booth_VIP/", this line should be written like: "Booth_VIP=Bob1991,FabulousBooth" (no space between ",")

【Cosplayer_Random=】Indicates the number of random cosplayer image files, e.g. "Cosplayer_Random=2"

【Cosplayer_VIP=】[In development]

【Visitor_Random=】Indicates the number of random visitor body parts image files

【Visitor_VIP=】[In development]

(Keep the unused value empty after "=")

Step4. Use the button beside the file location input field to locate your mod file "checklist.tcsmod" (it's gonna automatically showcasing the preview of all your characters at right bottom corner of your mod tool interface!).

Step5. Use the same way to select your thumbnail (should be larger than 512x512), and fill up tags & description.

Step6. Click "Create New Item" button (If you want to update old items, then click "Update Workshop Button" and enter your item ID).

Step7. And wait until this message pops up:

Step8. Check out your workshop item page, edit the page detail, modify the description and add more preview images~ (Sometimes the item won't show up until couple minutes later)

Step⑨. Change the item visibility to "Public" once you're finished.

It's done! Now everybody can invite your characters into their convention!!

☆★☆Advanced Techniques☆★☆

The Con Simulator Modding Guideline!~ (12.17.2018) image 46
The Con Simulator Modding Guideline!~ (12.17.2018) image 47

To add customized booths, you need to copy booth template folder into "\Booth_VIP\" .

You can find the booth template at "~ModTools~/Template&Example/Template/VIPBoothTemplate"

VIP booth structure looks like this:

Open "PropertyContent.txt" at first. This is the core file for your booth's basic property:

[BoothName=] Your booth's name

[BoothTags=0,1,2,3] Specialties of your booth, maximum 4 specialties. The first tag will become the booth's best selling point(e.g., 0 Game,1 Doujin,2 Figure,3 Toys & Knick-knacks,4 Arts,5 Apparel & Cosplay,6 Music,7 Original Content, 8 Anime, 9 Comic, 10 Novel, 11 Photography, 12 Science)

[AgentNumber=1] Number of stallholders, maximum 2

[AgentName=holder1,holder2] Your stallholders' name

[ReputationGate=1000] Fame gate, it is no use in this version

[Location=Default] Available areas, no use yet

And you can replace the files below to customize it even more:

[Thumbnail.jpg] 128x128 pixel jpg format. It's the thumbnail of your booth.

Core Folders:

[PosterV] A4 Ratio. Regular posters.

[CoverM] Letter Ratio. Book covers on the table

[Agents] Including folder 1 & 2, represent art assets for 2 stallholders. For more detail, refer to the format of customized cosplayer (just copy the character PNG files into this folder).


Extra Folders for extra art assets. Auto generate its content if keeps empty:

[Extra/PosterH] Horizontal posters, no use yet

[Extra/Banner] 256 x 23 pixel, banner of the booth

[Extra/CoverS] Square ratio. Disc covers and knick-knacks on the table

[Extra/CoverL] Narrow long pic for bookmarks

[Extra/PropertyContent_EN.txt] Booth's name for English version

Keep the file size as small as possible. Make your loading life easier~


【Extra bonus】

There are also offline ways to implement your character:

For adding random visitors, put your PNG file into StreamingAssets/Custom/Visitors/Random.

For adding cosplayers, put your PNG file into StreamingAssets/Custom/Cosplayers/Random.

In the folder of StreamingAssets\Custom\Booths\VIP you can find all the customized booths. If you want to add your own booth this way, just open "BoothList.txt" and start a new line with your booth name, and then create a folder with the same name.


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