[DLC] Road to Gehenna Puzzle Solutions (text only, no stars)

[DLC] Road to Gehenna Puzzle Solutions (text only, no stars)


Welcome to the wonderful world of Gehenna! I imagine you have opened this walkthrough after getting frustrated on some of the ridiculously hard puzzles in this DLC. I may be old school, but I still prefer a good old fashioned text walkthrough over basic video walkthroughs. These allow me to figure out some pieces of the puzzle by myself without having my hand held the whole way through. If you are like me, then this guide is targeted just for you.

If you don't want the full solution, I have left hints for each puzzle that I feel is the crucial step to the solution. I am trying to make these similar to the Messenger Hints in the original game, but hopefully a little bit more helpful. Let me know if you think of a more appropriate hint!

Also, my intention is to only provide the developer's intended solution to the puzzle. Croteam loves to leave the world wide open and exploitable for alternate solutions, but this guide isn't about breaking the game. With that being said, if you've discovered a particularly clever solution, feel free to leave it in the comments to share with others!

I am going to assume that you are already very familiar with the Talos Principle. If you need some help with some of the more advanced strategies and controls, take a look at my starter guide.


Also, since there is already an amazing Star solution guide for the DLC, I will direct you there instead of writing my own solutions (trust me, you will likely need a guide for some of the stars in this DLC!).


Without further adieu, here we go!

Zone 1

[DLC] Road to Gehenna Puzzle Solutions (text only, no stars) image 10

The SwapperHINT: A single connector can target both red and blue transmitters simultaneously.

Pick up the connector, target the blue transmitter and the blue receiver adjacent to the nearest energy gate. Head through, pick up the box and bring it back to the main area. Pick up the fan and place it in the receptor so that it blows the beam blocker. Pick up the box and head up to the higher edge. When the beam blocker gets blown to the ledge, place the box on the beam blocker. Pick up the connector, target BOTH the red and blue transmitters, the blue receiver, and all three stationary connectors in towers nearby. When the beam blocker passes by again, place the connector on the box. You will see the connector switch between red and blue as it gains/loses LoS with one of the transmitters. Pick up the fan and bring it through the energy gate when it unlocks and place it on the pressure plate. Now it will be just a matter of waiting for the connector to unlock the gates. Head through them and free the prisoner.

Through A WindowHINT: Make a connector redundant by unlocking an energy gate from the other side.

Pick up connector A, target the red transmitter through the window and the two receivers (one immediately across the transmitter, another right next to the window) to open the two energy gates. Pick up the connector B, head through the next energy gate, then turn around. Target the red transmitter through the window and the nearby receiver to unlock the energy gate from the other side. Explore the puzzle until you find connector C. Bring it back to connector B. See that window on the other side of the long hallway? Bring the connector to this point. With appropriate LoS, target the connector B and the red receiver through a nearby window. This frees up connector A, so bring it into this inner area and head to the next locked energy gate you find. Target the red receiver and place the connector near a window that has LoS through another window that is close to connector B. Pick up connector C and head to connector B. Target the red transmitter through the open energy gate, the nearby red receiver, and connector C through the two windows, thus unlocking the next energy gate (current position in puzzle shown below). This frees connector B, so bring it through the newly unlocked gate.

Once through, find the red transmitter by looking through two windows. Target it, walk back as far as you can while maintaining LoS, and target the red receiver on the other side of the energy gate. At this point, bring the remaining two connectors through to the other side of the gate. With either connector, head down the hallway with two windows, target the red receiver through the window and place it such that it has LoS around the nearby corner near the end of the puzzle. Pick up the connector currently targeting the red transmitter, this will lock the energy gate. Target the red transmitter again, and then the connector through the locked energy gate. Using the last free connector, target both connectors and place it such that it has LoS to both. Once the energy gate unlocks again, this connector becomes redundant and you can pick it up. Head to the end of the puzzle, target the nearby connector and red receiver to unlock the final energy gate to free the prisoner.

So Close, So FarHINT: If a ghost is standing on a pressure plate, it will still power the fan... even if it wasn't there during the recording.

Pick up the connector and place it on the other pressure plate to start the fan. Hop in to reach the other side. Start the recording and step on the other pressure plate to start the opposite fan. Stand here for a good minute or so. During playback, hop into the fan to go back to the start of the puzzle. Pick up the connector, target the blue transmitter, the blue receiver (through two windows on the other side of the puzzle), and place it on the other pressure plate. Go back through the fan, pick up the other unlocked connector, and drop it outside of the energy gate. Head through the fan one more time and bring the first connector to the further side of the puzzle as well. At this point, you should have both connectors on the furthest side of the puzzle. Take the fan off the receptacle, and place it on the pressure plate that unlocks the energy gate. Pick up one connector, walk through the gate, target the red transmitter, and place it for LoS into the previous room. Take the second connector, target the first, and place it such that is has LoS through the two windows near the fans.

Once again, start the recording and stand on the fan pressure plate and stay here for a long time (give yourself plenty of time, I did two minutes). During playback, pick up the fan and place it back in the receptor. Pick up a connector and bring it to the entrance of the puzzle. Using the connector, target the ghost connector through the windows, the nearby red receiver, and place it on the pressure plate. The switch is unlocked and flip it to free the prisoner.

Open FieldHINT: Both fans need to be powered simultaneously.

Explore the puzzle until you see a red and blue transmitter with a blue connector. Pick up the connector, target the blue transmitter, and walk away from it until you see a nearby blue receiver protecting an energy gate. Target it to unlock the gate and free a second connector. With new connector in hand, walk until you see two fans powered by receivers. Standing between these two fans, you should see a red receiver waaaay in the distance, target it and place it here. Go back to the first connector, target the second through a window, and the red transmitter to unlock the energy gate.

Make the long journey to find a box, bring it back and place it on the fan under the blue receiver (this is very important). Pick up the connector, walk to the box courtyard, and target a red receiver you see through a gate (this is the “end” of the puzzle), but don’t place it yet. Head back to the fans, target the red receiver here, the red transmitter, and place it on top of the box. The connector won’t have LoS to any of these targets, but don’t worry about that. Pick up the other connector, target the blue transmitter, and use windows to target the blue receiver powering the other fan. If done correctly, the box will become airborne, causing all red beams to connect. At this point the box will become stationary in the air. Head to the end of the puzzle to free the prisoner.

Zone 2

Bunny HopHINT: You can use your body to temporarily shut down a fan.

Pick up the box blocking the red beam and bring it next to the connector. Pick up the connector, target the blue transmitter and receiver, and place it on top of the other box. The box should become airborne. Jump into the other fan and pick up the connector (the box should remain airborne). Bring the connector back to its original location on the ledge. Target the red transmitter and receiver and place it here. Put the box back in the other fan. Walk in front of the red receiver and position yourself such that you block both red beams. When the fan deactivates, run to the box and jump on it before the fan reactivates. Jump onto the other box and onto the platform to free the prisoner.

Static VexerHINT: Jammers work best when they disable gates from the opposite side.

Pick up a connector, walk through the jammed gate, target the blue transmitter through the locked gate, and place it right in front of the window. Pick up the jammer, and jam the blue transmitter energy gate by looking through the window. Use the second connector to target the first connector and the nearby receiver to open the gate. Pick up the freed jammer by the transmitter, jam the energy gate from the inside, and bring both connector and jammer through. Use one jammer to disable the transmitter energy gate and the other one to disable the following gate. Pick up either connector and walk through the energy gate. Target the blue transmitter and the two receivers you see from this room. Pick up the other connector walk down the end of the corridor to see a blue receiver in a window. Target this receiver and the previous connector to free up the jammer disabling the transmitter gate. With the two jammers free, juggle them past the mine and two energy gates to reach the end of the puzzle, free the prisoner to finish.

HaircutHINT: Use a high connector to block the red beam to lower the platform.

Pick up either connector, target the blue transmitter, and any of the blue receivers behind the fans. Pick up the other connector and jump into the fans to be launched to the second floor. Jump into the fan powered by the blue beam on the second floor to reach the third floor. With connector in hand, target the connector on the first floor, then place it such that it conflicts with the vertical red beam. If done correctly, the platform will lower. Quickly pick up the connector, jump onto the platform, and ride it back up to grab the keys. Use the keys to unlock the gate and free the prisoner.

Cube DriverHINT: The beam blocker can be used as a vessel to bring objects to the other side.

Pick up a connector and place it on the box, grab another connector, target the blue transmitter and receiver to power the fan. If done correctly, the beam blocker will come by and the box will land on its head. Head through the purple gate, up the stairs, and pick up the connector off the box. Repeat the process two more times to bring a total of three connectors to the other side of the purple gate. Pick up the box, drop it in the beam blockers path so that it doesn’t cross the red transmitter. Pick up the only remaining connector, target the red transmitter, and head to the purple gate to target a red receiver protecting a second blue transmitter. Use a connector to target the red connector through the purple gate and a nearby receiver that is part of a double lock energy gate. Use one more connector with the blue transmitter to unlock the other side to disable the energy gate. Use the last connector on the pressure plate to free the prisoner.

CraterHINT: Utilize the connector in the middle of the puzzle.

Due to the symmetry of this puzzle, it is easy to get lost. For my instructions, I will refer to the halves as red/blue side, based on the color of the transmitter on that side. Got it? Let’s get to it. Grab the jammer and head to the blue side. You will see a connector in one of the chambers. Jam the energy gate through the forcefield and bring the connector through. Circle around with the jammer and disable the other energy gate to bring the connector to the blue transmitter. Target the transmitter and a connector on a box in the middle of the puzzle (you won’t have LoS right now, it will come later).

Now head to the red side with the jammer and jam the energy gate closest to the transmitter. Take a connector, target the red transmitter and place it within this chamber. Head to the next chamber, pick up the connector and target the previous connector and nearby receiver. In the next chamber, pick up a connector, target the previous connector, the nearby receiver of the double lock energy gate, and the red receiver in the middle of the puzzle (there is a box and connector above it). A blue beam should become airborne. Pick up the last free connector, target the airborne connector and the blue receiver in the double lock gate to free the fan blades. Place the fan in the receptor of the middle chamber, then bring the blue connector to this area. Target the airborne beam and the fan receiver. The fan should power up. Jump through to grab the keys and free the prisoner.

Zone 3

Ray TriviaHINT: Think outside the boundaries of the four chambers.

Pick up the one free connector, target the red transmitter and both receivers and place it in the middle. Pick up the freed connector, target both blue transmitters (one behind an energy gate) and nearby receiver to unlock the second gate. With the third connector, target the red transmitter and closest receiver, placing it such that it doesn’t conflict with any beams. This frees up the first connector. Pick it up, target the blue transmitter behind the double lock energy gate and the blue receiver powering this double lock gate. Place it right outside the gate so it doesn’t conflict with any beams. Pick up the other blue connector and walk backwards to the wall opposite the blue transmitter. With luck, you can target the same blue transmitter, receiver, and also the blue receiver at the end of the puzzle. Once placed, this frees up the other blue connector. Pick it up, walk to the other wall, target the red connector and red receiver at the end of the puzzle to free the prisoner.

BFFHINT: Two fans will destroy the turret.

Use the jammer to disable the turret. Use the two connectors to bring a red beam to the hallway past the turret and the red receiver at the end of the hallway. Take a box down the hallway, place it on the pressure plate, and pick up the fan. Bring both the fan and box to the main puzzle area. Use the box to place the fan into the receptor high up on the wall. Now pick up a connector and head to the red transmitter. Target the red transmitter and nearby receiver, then place the connector such that it has LoS through the middle doorway. Use the other connector to target the previous connector through the doorway and into the receiver powering the horizontal fans. If done right, both fans should be going while the beam is uninterrupted by the mine.

The mine should hit the vertical fan going towards the horizontal fan. If it is moving in the opposite direction, place a box in its path to switch its path. To make sure the receivers are fully charged by the time the mine hits the first fan, you may need to jam the mine in place. If done correctly, the mine should get blown through both fans and blow up the turret.

With the turret destroyed, place a box on the vertical fan and disable the fan. Pick up a connector, target the transmitter, vertical fan receiver, and place it on top of the box. It won’t have LoS, so use the other connector to power the fan, at which point the airborne connector will become self powering. Pick up the connector on the ground and head to the right of the destroyed turret. From here, you can target the airborne connector and two receivers through a window to unlock two energy gates. Use the remaining box to pull the high fan off the wall. In the long hallway, jam the energy gate on the right side and bring the fan through and place it on the pressure switch. Using LoS through a window and the recently unlocked energy gate, jam the following energy gate. Place the box on the last pressure switch and follow the winding path to the end of the puzzle to free the prisoner.

HarmonyHINT: Two redundant beams are needed to power the last fan.

Pick up the two boxes and bring them to the slightly elevated platform with stairs near the puzzle entrance. Use the boxes to jump to the higher platform, being sure to turn around and bring both boxes with you. Drop the boxes into the chamber with two pressure plates and place one on the pressure plate closest to the fan. Place the other box on the following plate. With the jammer, step on the next pressure plate, target the next energy gate, and place the jammer such that it sits on the plate while simultaneously deactivating a gate. Pick up the connector, target the blue transmitter and receiver, and place it on the only free pressure plate. The vertical fan should power up, jump in and grab the fan blades from the wall. Working backwards, bring all objects to the main area of the puzzle (you will need to use the jammer to help with the energy gates.

Notice the two pairs of beam blockers that move in opposite directions? Use the jammer on both pairs such that the beam blocker pairs move completely in line with each other. With that done, jam the energy gate protecting the red transmitter through the purple forcefield. With that done, jump through the purple forcefield, pick up the connector, target the stationary connector, and place it such that it has LoS through two tiny windows. Hop over the wall to get back in the main area. Pick up one of the boxes and place it on the first pressure plate. Pick up the connector, target the red transmitter on this side of the puzzle, the red connector previously placed, and the red receiver located behind an energy gate. Place the connector on the remaining pressure plate to unlock the energy gate.

Place the fan in the nearby receptor and wait. If done correctly, the beam should have a constant beam to the fan. If not, it means the two beam blocker pairs are hitting the two beams simultaneously. You will have to use the jammer to throw off the path on one of the pairs and try again. Once it works, jump in the fan to free the prisoner.

PendulumHINT: The beam blockers need to be synchronized.

Grab the two boxes and put them on the two beam blockers that are in line with each other. Take one connector, target the blue transmitter, and place it on the box closest to the transmitter. Take the next connector, target the previous connector and the blue receiver and place it on the other box. You will see a blue beam, but it keeps getting interrupted between the windows. Instead of having the beam blockers be synchronized, you want their movements to be exactly opposite. So take the jammer, jam one of the beam blockers, and unjam it when the other beam blocker is in the exact opposite position. If done correctly, there will be a constant beam through the middle window. Use the jammer to disable the last energy gate and free the prisoner.

Zone 4

Press And JamHINT: Use jammers to disable two gates at once (pressure plate + jammed gate) to reduce the necessary number of objects.

Hit the recorder and let it sit for just a few seconds. During playback, pick up the jammer, walk through the energy gate, and jam the following gate. Put the connector on the pressure plate and bring the jammer through. Take the connector off the plate, pick up the jammer, and stand on the plate. Use the jammer to simultaneously jam the first gate and disable the second gate by sitting on the plate. Take the connector to the front, target the red transmitter, and place it such that it has LoS through all energy gates. Start the recording, walk through the first two gates, and pick up the jammer. Jam the third energy gate, then stand on the following pressure plate to disable the fourth energy gate. Stand in this location for about a minute and backtrack with the jammer to stop the recording. During playback, pick up the jammer and follow the ghost player to the very end, finally jamming the fifth energy gate and freeing the second jammer. Pick up this jammer, head back to the front and again use the pressure plate to deactivate the first and second energy gates. Pick up the connector, head to the end of the puzzle, and target the ghost connector and nearby receiver to power the fan. Jump into the fan to free the prisoner.

GoliathHINT: Get the beam blockers airborne.

Find the free box and place it next to the short fence with the jammer inside. Use the box to hop over the fence, then use the box on the other side to bring the jammer, connector, and second box into the main area. You will find a hallway with turrets and at the very end a beam blocker and a narrow window. Place one of the boxes on the other side of this window such that it prevents the second beam blocker from moving. Grab the connector, target a stationary connector near the entrance (through a window), the blue transmitter, and place it on top of the box. If done correctly, there should be an uninterrupted blue beam. Follow the blue beam and you will see that it hits an energy gate. Use the jammer to disable the energy gate and head into this area.

With the connector that has two targets, pick it up, target the same targets and also the receiver protecting a second jammer. Pick up the jammer and use it to bring both of the connectors and this second jammer to the main area (you will need to use the first jammer to assist you). In the wall behind the red transmitter you will see two fan blades behind an energy gate. Use a jammer to retrieve them, then place them in the receptors in the hallway in front of the red transmitter. Use the two connectors to bring a blue beam from the stationary connector to the fan hallway, up to the two receivers that power the fans, and a third blue receiver behind a locked energy gate. If done correctly, the two beam blockers should become airborne.

Use one of the jammers to disable the next energy gate. Place a box on the next pressure plate, then bring the last jammer through to the next area. While standing on the pressure plate, jam the next gate and place the jammer on the pressure plate to kill two birds with one stone. The red beam should connect and you will now be able to free the prisoner.

Air DeliveryHINT: Jammer + Box + Fan = your key to the solution.

Pick up the jammer and disable the energy gate protecting the box by looking through two windows. Enter the right chamber with two fans, pick up the fan blade on the left, put it on the other fan’s pressure plate, and jump in to reach the chamber with the box. Put the box on the fan and step on the pressure plate to send it over the wall, then climb the ladder into the chamber. Put the fan back in its receptor, put the box in front of this fan, then step on the plate to send the box further into the puzzle. Head out of the chamber, pick up the jammer, and disable the next energy gate to free the box. Put the box on the nearby fan, then simultaneously put the jammer on the box while still jamming the first energy gate. Step on the pressure plate to send the box over and the jammer should keep the energy gate disabled. Use the jammer on the following pressure plate to simultaneously hit the plate and jam the following gate. Put the box on the last pressure plate and ride the fan to free the prisoner.

Colliding BeamsHINT: Is a beam in your way? Place a connector in its path to make the problem go away.

Pick up the connector, target the blue transmitter and nearby receiver, then place the connector such that it is right in the path of the red beam (otherwise the beam won’t complete its path). Take the connector out of the courtyard and explore the puzzle until you see a red receiver protecting a third connector. Target the receiver, then walk away from it, preserving LoS, until you get LoS down a long hallway through a window, place the connector here. Take the first connector, walk down this hallway, and target the connector previously placed and a stationary connector through a window. You may also see through a narrow window, a blue receiver that gets blocked by a beam blocker occasionally. Also target this receiver and place the connector where it has LoS to all three targets (I know it’s the wrong color, but it will come into play later). Take the third connector out of the unlocked chamber and head to the blue transmitter. Target the blue transmitter, the nearby stationary connector, and place the connector right in the path of the red beam. If done correctly, both stationary connectors should turn blue. Only one more connector to place. Pick up the connector used to unlock the last chamber. Find LoS to the blue receiver from the right side and walk back as far as you can, you should be able to get LoS to the stationary connector and the blue transmitter through three windows. Place the connector to free the prisoner.

Secret Zone

To enter this world, you must have 10 of 16 stars and will be faced with the most difficult and mind bending puzzles of the game. To reach the secret world, head to the hub world and journey behind the World 4 building. Eventually you should come across a floating island slightly below the World 4 island. Jump down to find a fan. You will ride a series of fans until finally you locate the dome guarding the world. Solve the tetris puzzle to gain access, good luck!

TransferHINT: A connector can carry both red and blue beams simultaneously, you just need to block the other color.

Pick up a connector, target the blue transmitter and receiver directly across from it and place it near the middle. Pick up another connector, target the red transmitter, red receiver, previous connector, and blue receiver through the window. Only the red receiver will receive a beam, but that is okay for now. Carry the third connector through the unlocked energy gate to reach the other side of the windows. Target both of the other connectors and place it such that the beam from the blue connector disrupts the red beam from the transmitter. If done correctly, all beams will turn blue and gain access to the Sigil.

Cut It OutHINT: A beam still gets sent from a transmitter, even if a wall is in its way.

Pick up the left connector so that the other connector can power the energy gate. Head through with the connector to reach the other side of the wall. Looking through the fence, target the blue transmitter and place the connector such that it disrupts the beam between the other connector and blue receiver. This will shut down the fan, so head down the hallway and flip the switch to permanently shut it down. Pick up the connector, target the blue transmitter again, and head to the end of the puzzle. Near the end, you will see another blue transmitter/receiver combination. Target this blue transmitter and place the connector. A blue beam will be created and cause a conflict, allowing the fan to shut down and provide you access to the Sigil.

Small Space Big SolutionHINT: A connector can target both red and blue receivers.

Pick up the connector, target the blue transmitter, and the blue receiver directly across from it and place the connector near the middle. Head through the gate, pick up the connector, and target the blue transmitter through the window and place it at the window. Head back through the energy gate and pick up the previous connector. Target the same blue receiver, along with a red receiver right next to it through a window, and finally target the previously placed connector. Walk through the unlocked energy gate again and pick up the second connector. This time, target the red transmitter and the connector to unlock the following energy gate. Pick up the third connector and target the red transmitter and nearby receiver to keep this energy gate permanently open.

Pick up the second connector and retarget the blue transmitter & first connector to gain access to the main area. Pick up the first connector, target the blue transmitter and both blue receivers and place in the middle of the courtyard. Head through the first energy gate, pick up the second connector, and walk through the second energy gate. While standing in front of the second blue receiver, target the red connector and another red receiver. Place the connector in the blue beam’s path to avoid disrupting the connection. Head through the final energy gate to reach the Sigil.

BinaryHINT: The beam blocker will stop the unwanted beam from being transmitted to the final energy gate.

Use the two connectors and blue/red transmitters and receivers to open the hallway with the beam blocker. When the beam blocker is free, run in and retriever the jammer. Use the jammer to disable the energy gate between the two transmitters. Pick up a connector and head to the end of this hallway. Target both receivers at the end of this hallway and place at the corner. Take another connector, target the previous connector, and place at the other hallway corner to gain LoS into the main puzzle area. Use the two remaining connectors to target the red and blue transmitters and the previously placed connector. These connectors should be placed such that the beam blocker will cross their path. Head to the end of the hallway and hop through the energy gates as the beam blocker crosses beam paths to unlock the Sigil.

Ray ManiaHINT: Think outside the limits of the four chambers.

This puzzle is similar to Ray Trivia in Zone 3, but much trickier. First use the jammer to free all four connectors. Once that is done, jam the energy gate protected only by a blue receiver (a red transmitter is behind the gate). Pick up a connector, target both red transmitters (one through a locked gate) and the two double-lock gate red receivers and place in the middle of the courtyard. Use two more connectors to direct a red beam BEHIND the double-lock red transmitter room and to the red receiver protecting the single-lock blue transmitter. Use the final connector to target both blue transmitters and the two double-lock blue receivers, placing it also in the middle of the courtyard. At this point, the two middle connectors should be completely self sufficient. At this point, use the two remaining connectors to direct a red and blue beam to the sides of the puzzle and to the red and blue receivers protecting the sigil. Use the jammer to disable the final energy gate and grab the Sigil.

Temporal SolutionHINT: Use symmetry and a blocking beam to reach the end.

Grab one connector and head to the right window. Target the red transmitter and receiver and place in front of the window. Repeat on the other side with the blue transmitter and receiver to create a symmetrical pattern. The beams will conflict, but we will fix that. Grab the third connector and walk to the energy gates. Target the blue transmitter and place the connector directly in front of the energy gate. This will cause the blue beams to cancel out and the first energy gate will open. Pick up the connector and head through the energy gate. Repeat the process, this time with the red transmitter, to open the final energy gate and gain access to the Sigil.

Double TroubleHINT: A jammer maintains its target even if an obstacle obscures its view.

Bring both jammers to the puzzle entrance. Use one to jam the blue beam energy gate (closest to you) and another to jam the red beam energy gate (furthest from you). IMPORTANT: Now pick up the jammer that is disabling the closest energy gate and walk past the turrets. Once you’ve passed the turrets, turn around and jam this same energy gate from the other side. Both energy gates should be disabled and you will be safe from the turrets. Allowing you to retrieve the final Sigil.

Tetris Puzzle Solutions

[DLC] Road to Gehenna Puzzle Solutions (text only, no stars) image 76
[DLC] Road to Gehenna Puzzle Solutions (text only, no stars) image 77

I am sure there are many folks that are happy that the amount of tetris puzzles in the DLC is far fewer than the full game. However, there are still two puzzles that will require your time and effort. But if you don't want to go through all that trouble, just keep scrolling for the solutions!

Secret Zone Entrance Puzzle

Final Prisoner Lock Puzzle

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=487374123					

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