How To Control RNG Population Using MCCC And Other Settings

How To Control RNG Population Using MCCC And Other Settings


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1. Check to be sure mods and scripts are enabled in game settings by clicking on Options then Other

2. Both boxes should be ticked. Apply changes if needed. You may be prompted to restart your game.

3. Follow path Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods and place all modules into your Mods folder. You may create a single New Folder titled MCCC (or as preferred) within the Mods folder and place the mod's files into that folder for cleaner organisation, but do not create any more folders. This mod won't function if modules are placed any deeper than one folder within The Sims 4 main Mods folder.

4. If you haven't previously used mods, be sure you have a file called resource.cfg within The Sims 4 main Mods folder. If you don't, the game should generate this file on startup. If it doesn't, you may search the web for Sims 4 resource.cfg file. The Sims Resource site has a downloadable copy or instructions on how to create your own if you prefer.

5. Once MCCC is installed, it's best to follow path Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 and delete a file called localthumbcache.package (It will not harm your game.)


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1. Create a new game (optionally as a clean template. An existing save may also be used). Create or choose any sim household to enter. You'll need to buy your sim(s) a computer, any one will do. From any sim computer, click on MCCC > MC Population > Import Tray Settings

2. You'll have a list of options...

Import Tray Percent - This should be set to 100 (maximum). The mod will then only pull generated sims from your Library. If you don't create enough of your own sims to satisfy default positions, you can download whichever you like off gallery. Be sure you have enough sims in your Library for all packs you own. This is important. The game may continue to generate sims for some necessary roles if there are not enough within your Library to support your packs.

Import Tray Type - The default is Any Saved. You can also choose Only Mine (sims you create) or Only Others (sims you've downloaded to your Library off gallery or elsewhere). Any Saved is the best option if you both create sims as well as download them.

There are also other settings you can adjust:

Include Gender Options - Enable/Disable changes to sims' genders. Enable if you do not want changes to sims frames or genders [feminine/masculine/non-binary] or orientations [asexual/heterosexual/homosexual/bisexual] as you initially set them. Additionally, you may use CAS Cutom Gender Settings > Match CAS Settings To Frame


Include Clothing - Enable/Disable changes to clothing. Sims will spawn in clothing (all categories) as created/downloaded if Enabled. Enable if you do not want randomised clothing applied to imported sims.

Import Sim Name - You may choose as you like but Skip If Sim Exists may be the best option as the mod won't generate sims (by name) from your Library which are already in your worlds.

Import Bypass Appearance - Enable/Disable any changes to sims' physiques, hairs, details, skin-tones, ages, etc. The mod will generate them as is if Enabled. Enable if you do not want these randomisations applied to imported sim(s). Example, a YA will not spawn as an Elder if enabled. If disabled, this may occur. Additionally, you may use CAS Flags directly on sims in game to sustain their appearances (more on MC Flags to come).

You may also use the Limit Import by Tags option (specifically if other settings aren't filtering as well as you'd like). You'd need to tag the sims/families somewhere within the description with #mccc_include (or if you don't want a particular sims generated from your Library, tag with #mccc_bypass). Similarly to how the game auto tags pet breeds, you'd add these mod tags for inclusion into/bypass from your game. As it's yet another time consuming process and may slow down game load times, using MC tags is only recommended if you're still seeing RNG townies using all previous settings to import your general population. However, townies may (or may not) still generate to fill necessary roles (more on this later).

*As an aside, I'm not certain which of the mods I use strikes my uploads as 'modded', but I no longer use any aesthetic custom content. These Goths are the exact Maxis Goths, no edits, no MC flags. If you upload to gallery to find MCCC strikes your uploads, you may need to temporarily remove the mod in order that uploads aren't detecting off-game customisation. Again, this may be due to a different mod I use.

Note: MCCC does all but import sims' Traits. These will be randomised. Generally, it may not be an issue for the randomly generated populations, as townie sims' traits are always randomised. Later on, you can still go into Manage Worlds > Manage Households and change them if you'd like.

3. [optional] It's strongly advised you disable the game's integral Neighbourhood Stories, else NPCs will end up moving into empty houses or joining unplayed households, often resulting in marriages and pregnancies. If all NPCs are set to be imported from your Library, you may be fine with the result. However, it will also include any pre-made NPCs you choose to retain or those which are still generated for roles (even Father Winter isn't safe so you may want to MC Flag the jolly ol' gent at Winterfest).

Of course, you don't need to turn off NS. Many players enjoy this feature. Ultimately, it's your decision as to how much control you'd like to have over your worlds. If you feel like, 'Hey, I don't want my Sage of Practical Magic abandoning the Realm to marry Candy Behr..or I don't want Grand Master Vladislaus Straud giving up that mansion to shack up with Zoe and The Roomies in Oasis Springs..or Michael Bell is the Henford Creature Keeper, not Mila Munch's husband', you may want to disable NS. Also be aware that MCCC will play a role in generating marriages and pregnancies, so its settings must be adjusted.

As an added preventative measure, you may wish to use MC Flags. You'd use them directly on the sim itself via MCCC > Sim Flags. The easiest way is to have direct access to a sim in order to apply flags. You may use any mailbox to summon sims (by menu or name) to your household, then click on the sim and use MCCC > Sim Flags to apply flags such as 'No romance move ins', 'Never Marry', 'No Offspring', etc. if you want to keep certain NPCs in their roles. You may also find appearance related flags under CAS options. The website explains another means to flag sims by name which you may read. Flags are player optional and may be explored and applied as desired. You may not see certain NPCs you want to flag to start, such as holiday related NPCs, but it's possible to download them, place them into a world, then evict them so they are added to your total sims within Manage Households (you may also do your editing at this time).

There's also the option of turning off ageing for played and/or unplayed households.

If you use MCCC, pregnancies should be restricted to Adult sims by default. Newborns will generate only from Adult stage sims but will never age up outside of your played household(s) with ageing off.

Right, so..perhaps unsettling..but deletion is also an option. On the mailbox, if you use MCCC > Deletion Cheats > Delete By Age > Babies, all babies from all worlds will be instantly deleted (caution if your played household has one). If you have ageing turned off for all or for all but played households, the poor things are forever helpless, anyway.

To reduce MCCC marriages, you may restrict Marriage partner selection to Elders. If you import very few from your Library using MC Population, you shouldn't have an issue with too many MC rolled marriages.


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The Sims 4 'requires' a certain amount of homeless sims, or rather what it calls sims 'currently not in world'. These must be both individual sims and families. How many you need is dependent upon how many DLCs you own. These are typically designated to fill roles such as Vendors, Mixologists, Postmen/women, etc. as well as Teen and Child sims for Scout roles. They can be imported from your Library via MC Pop. Import 100% should auto-generate them but you can make them, as well.

How you go about creating them, yourself, is to move individual and sim families from your Library into a house or flat (anywhere) on their own (not with another family). Briefly enter to check that Teens to Elders are unemployed. If not, have them quit jobs. Exit the household by Manage Worlds (you needn't save), then click on the household and use the option to evict them. You'll hear an awful tone letting you know you're an awful person for having done this. Well..they're required, aren't they? They'll be added to Other Households as 'currently not in world' and now that they're unemployed, they should be available to fill these roles. Note: if you've done any editing, households will appear within the My Households category. Untick the heart to move them over to Other Households.


Ah, the forums...Welp. Personally, as a q individual, I'd like to keep this guide open to ideas for EVERYONE to play The Sims 4 the way they want to play it. After all, The Sims 4 is a game. It isn't the real world. Hence, this guide isn't about real world issues. It's about The Sims 4 game and its players. My aim is to offer possible options, not to ignite contention.

Certainly, countless players can enjoy a variety of additions to the game which they may now feel better represent themselves and their lives. We needn't all agree on what that looks like for each individual player in the fantasy worlds of a simulation game. No single Sims 4 player can have everything we want included, or not, in the game. Leaving the not so great divide behind, it's none of my business to dictate a player's gameplay. If players welcome all types of sims, the matter is of no consequence. The following are merely suggestions for players whom aren't finding some sims in their Sim 4 games representative of themselves and their lives:

The Sims 4 comes with pre-made sims which have set genders, orientations and/or alt pronouns. Whilst genders and orientations may be set as players like, existing alt pronouns can't be removed.

UPDATE: There now exists a mod to remove existing alt pronouns on pre-made sims. I will link it below only for players whom are interested.

To be clear, no new pronouns will be generated on sims.

Players whom do not feel represented by having certain sims in their games may still have some options if they prefer not to use the linked mod.


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1. Firstly, the obvious - *Delete these existing sims if you don't want them in your game. Search the web for a list of pre-made LGBTQ+ sims in The Sims 4. (Cassie's shown only as example, because I'm fond of the Teen.) Go into Manage Worlds > Manage Households, Edit Family and delete the sim(s) you don't want, or delete entire families by clicking the x at the top right. You may also transfer any Child or younger sims via Manage Worlds > Manage Households into existing households or, if evicted, to Other Households, where they'll become adoptable to played sims. If a player is eager to adopt, be mindful that MCCC will function swiftly to place them into existing households unless its default Adoption setting is prior disabled.

2. Most of the game's sims will have default gender/orientation settings. Initial changes may require effort for starting Teens, and sometimes through to Elders..but most of the work need only be done once. (We'll get to that later.) Alternately, players may just DELETE ALL THE SIMS and fill houses with individual or families of sims from their own Libraries (or wait for MC Import to do this, which requires more time). Deletions are best done from Manage Households. There you'll find pre-mades from in-world households as well as sims 'not currently in world'.

My personal preference is to play with non-human sims, so I've also done this in my own saves. I may turn pre-mades if I'm fond enough, but they all end up with magic or fangs..and some with claws, flippers, and intergalactic eyes to flesh things out. (Still hoping for Fae any day.)

3. Gender and orientation are separate categories. Both may be set however players like. Gender includes feminine/masculine frames and clothing options, pregnancy/lactations options and toilet use options. Orientation includes both romantic and whoohoo attraction options, as well as a yes/no option for romantic searching. For romantic and whoohoo orientations, players may tick preference for one, the other or for both. Romantic and whoohoo options can be chosen separately.

Although chance deviations to defaults may occur on random sims, the general Orientation default on Teen and NPC sims is none romantic - both whoohoo - yes searching unless otherwise pre-set. YA to Elder sims in houses could also have these defaults. Check in on them and change them as preferred if you wish to retain them. If using MC Population > Include Gender Options > Enabled, these will generate as you set and save them to your Library. You can make every sim straight as easily as you can make every sim queer, as is your choice. Most Child sims which age up to Teens would require edits to Orientation defaults if a specific one is desired. This may be done via Manage Households and will require routine maintenance each time a Child sim ages up to Teen. Of course you can also leave Teens be. They typically respond to romantic interactions as long as searching is ticked as yes.

4. Again, chance deviations to defaults may occur on random sims. For Child to Teen age ups and unmanaged RNG, the general Gender default is Cisgender, meaning male Teens will match all Masculine Gender Features and female Teens will match all Feminine Gender Features.

*The words 'Delete' and 'Kill' may be interchanged to suit individual play styles.


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1. The obvious - *Delete these existing sims if you don't want them in your game. Players may search the web for a list of sims with added alt pronouns. As mentioned, the game will not auto-generate any further sims with these pronouns. If using MC Population to control RNG, check any downloads to your Library before retaining them for use in game. If you've already deleted LGBTQ+ sims, chances are you've also deleted sims with alt pronouns.

2. If you'd like to keep sims of a specific role which have been given alt pronouns. One suggestion would be to use custom pronouns. You can enter anything. A stroke or slash '/' will appear between what you enter, so an odd suggestion would be to simply enter that same '/' character.

Example here is the Sage of Untamed Magic. If you enter '/' as Morgyn Ember's alt pronouns, these appear as (///) after the sage's name..perhaps Morgyn third??... in italics? ..and parentheses?

Sure. It's absurd. It's just a suggested option if you'd like to retain a sim with alt pronouns for some intended purpose, such as teaching your magical sims the Ultimate Untamed spell.

You may also choose to delete the most magnificent Morgyn Ember. ...Mercy, but alas..if you must..the game should generate a lesser..I mean, another Sage of Untamed Magic.

(Do as you will, but I'll shamelessly try to save this sage. I'm very fond.)

Lastly, if you have an old save file, you could try to insert Morgyn back into the game in the same manner you would use to create homeless sims, that is..'not currently in world'. If you have one, enter an older saved game previous to September 2023 and upload Morgyn Ember (before alt pronouns) to your Library from Manage Households.

If you don't have an old save, you could search the gallery for an upload. Perhaps even Maxis could have an old upload of the RoM sages..?? Place Morgyn from your Library into any house (alone), then use the evict option.

Sages are programmed into their roles for as long as they remain in them. Morgyn Ember is coded to be the Sage of Untamed unless moved into a played household and subsequently saved as a played sim. If no Untamed has yet been generated for replacement, you may find the older copy of Morgyn returned to the Magic Realm HQ. (Timing may be crucial so delete the new, immediately bring in the old.) I'm not 100% certain it'll work, to be clear, particularly for user gallery downloads (unknown if they've been played). I'd tested something similar on Simeon Silversweater and it'd worked like a charm. If this works the same way, it may be another possible option.

*And it may work for any other role sim which may have been updated as such.

You can still use deletion if you'd rather be quickly done. The MC Population settings may generate a new sage from your Library, but it's a good idea to download a few magical sages or other role sims off gallery as you're able to find them.

If restricted to your Library, keep in mind MCCC may or may not generate another sim to fill certain roles if none meet the criteria required for them. In this instance, some necessary roles could be left empty until appropriate sims are added. If this happens, check your Library or momentarily toggle MC Pop settings until necessary roles become filled. Maxis's gallery page has The Original Sages available for download if players fancy, as example given here. Be aware, one of the three isn't an actual spellcaster. ?? You can use MC Occult commands to instantly fix that error by turning the sage back into a mage.

3. Pronouns are separate to gender/orientation settings. As previously shown on Cassandra Goth, any sim's gender/orientation is easily changeable..and as on Morgyn (formal wear example), other CAS options such as clothes, hair, makeup, etc. can also be changed if you wish.


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If players have Newborn through Child sims in game, they'll likely need edits upon ageing up to Teens. Again, this will be a routine maintenance for each sim reaching its Teen life stage. I'll hazard a guess most of us edit our Teen sims after age up. (...Is that just me, then?)

Players may use MCCC > MC Dresser directly on sims to change, randomise, or remove certain CAS clothing and accessories they don't want appearing on them upon age ups (such as the eyeball ring, unless you love the eyeball ring). This feature may also be used on any sim or random NPC. Click on any sim, go to MCCC > MC Dresser and choose your options including exclude/include, randomise or remove. If you use a lot of aesthetic custom content, you may also wish to use the option to remove all accessories and makeup, because..yeah, you've seen what happens. Note: This section has been updated as a blacklisting feature no longer exists in MC Dresser.

Running MC Dresser from MC Population may control further CAS option such as scars and tattoos. It's recommended you read about this module on the MCCC website if its functions aren't entirely clear. It may not be something you'll want to use on all sims.

Apart from aesthetics, you may look to MC CAS to Blacklist certain Traits generating on sims and MC Tuning to, likewise, prevent a list of sims' Behaviours. These are accessible via a sim computer as options to exclude. As mentioned, MCCC doesn't currently import sims' Traits. However, it's listed on MCCC FAQs as a 'TO DO', or a possible coming addition to the mod.

CREATE A BASE SAVE (Great For All Of Us Quite Particular Players):

YES. Edits will require effort, and the more DLCs you own, the bigger the job. But you don't have to do this EVERY TIME you start a new game. (Now we're to it.)

It's advised you turn off ageing and Neighbourhood Stories immediately as you edit sims and configure MCCC settings. Only make the changes you'd like to make but do not continue playing this game. Spend as little time as possible in live mode so worlds remain as fresh as possible. Once you've completed all desired changes.. whether your entire population is male, female, queer, straight.. is/is not romantically searching.. does/does not have alt pronouns.. is blue, green, black, brown, white, mixed, custom.. is not even human, you can use the SAVE AS option to save your game as BASE (or preferred title).

Each time you wish to play a new game, you may use this BASE as a starter, rather than using 'New Game' from main menu options. DO NOT overwrite your BASE. It will serve as a 'new game'. As you begin to play each new game from that BASE, use the Save As option once again to rename it by another title (again, as preferred..just something different, of course). You may then play that new title as a new game with all your efforts already completed.

Recommended: Copy/Paste a backup of your BASE elsewhere on your computer, a flash, external or extended drive. In the event you may accidentally overwrite to it, you can retrieve the original at any time. You may also use the 'Recover Save' option from your Saved Games menu. However, it's always good to have a backup located elsewhere.

IMPORTANT - If there are game updates or you acquire new DLC, it's likely necessary to update MCCC asap following a significant update as well as to make any desired adjustments to your BASE for additional sims included in new DLCs. Only after adjustments are complete should you overwrite your BASE. (And remember to copy/paste the updated backup elsewhere.)


This guide is intended for PC users (and probably Mac--unknown). Sorry to the Console players unable to mod. You can still use the in-game edit features, Manage Worlds/Households, and may place households as you like from your Library. Maybe a bit of this can yet be of help without MCCC. It's definitely a tremendous amount of work, but you can always edit RNG and still create a BASE. I've done it, myself, because I'd also wished to choose all sims' Traits.

I realise this takes effort and players may not want to go through all the processes. Accepted. I'd put in a great deal of work because I have a very particular play style. It's something players can put work into over time, as well, saving the BASE as progress is made. In the end, I find it's well worth that effort in order to sustain my most ideal Sims 4 BASE.

As I'm able, I'll try to answer any further questions presented about MCCC and other options. No matter your play style, I hope this guide can be of some assistance to determined players. ~SD


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