Finding Servers with Captain Gordon Freeman

Finding Servers with Captain Gordon Freeman

Finding Servers

Finding Servers with Captain Gordon Freeman image 1

Finding Servers with Captain Gordon Freeman image 2
Finding Servers with Captain Gordon Freeman image 3
Finding Servers with Captain Gordon Freeman image 4
Finding Servers with Captain Gordon Freeman image 5


You must have the games closed for this to work!

If you can't find any servers verify the game's cache and/or restart steam!

To find servers simply go to view(image below)

And go to Servers(picture below)

Now that the servers list appearead choose the ship

Now find a server

(i recomend a vac secure server,since you won't find hackers in thoose servers)

When you found aserver click on it and press conect and the ship will open and conect to the server

Tips For New Players(coming Soon)

You have a killer and someone to kill,after you kill your target you may still be chassed

I Hope This Guide Helped You :D

Finding Servers with Captain Gordon Freeman image 18

Thanks for reading :D

I really hope this guide helped

If you liked this guide like and share to friends!And also check other guides from Gordon freeman

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Now have a full picture of captain freeman :D


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