The Pirate's Fate - Guide to Romances and Transformations

The Pirate's Fate - Guide to Romances and Transformations

The Pirate's Fate - Guide to Romances and Transformations image 0

This Guide will show you how to get almost all of the romances and transformations in the game.

Path, Transformation And Romance

The list currently has 40 romances and 26 transformations and 4 - 7 transformations that are unclear as to wether or not they count.

To be 100% correct, i've managed to find 43 romances but i haven't able to unlock those 3 remaining romances because to option pick 'em was greyed out, and i was also competly burned out at this point to continue any further.

And if you want to romance someone you have to pick I'm Interested In you. Some romances will not give you that option, instead they'll ask you if consider them to be a friend or more than a friend, but those only happen in Path 3: Silver. Very easy to spot.

At almost the beggining of the game when you're trying to save Darious, you are given 3 options. Feign cooperation, then attack is Red, Stay put and follow orders is Green and Offer ship's tresaure is Silver. We'll start with the first one. Feign cooperation, then attack Red.

Remember. When i say 'Save Here' save your game befor picking any of the given options as you'll have to go back and pick a different option later if you want almost everything.

Path 1: Red


Remember, this game does not clearly tell what each transformation is called in name. So what i've named hese transformations may be different to you.

While playing through this path these are the transformation you'll find;

Strong Mila - First transfomation you'll get. Can't be missed.

Bear Darious - Seconds transformation you'll get. Can't be missed.

Chubby Tam-Tam & Female Leeko - When you're at the temple and given option between as to who should try and get the coin. Save here as you'll need Female Leeko to unlock Fat Female Leeko later.

Later you'll be given 2 choices. Use Shape What You Were and Force Darious To Walk The Plank. Save here as you'll have to pick the other option if you want the rest. And We'll go with option 2 Walk the Plank.

Buffed Mila - Happens when Darious Walks The Plank.

Then you're given 2 choices. (Grab Coin) and (Don't Grab The Coin). Save Here. We'll go with Don't Grab.

Guardian Sphynx - If you don't grab the coin Mila will transform into a Guardian Sphynx and you'll also get an ending.

Dragon Tam-Tam & Female Darious - This time grab the coin and when you're at the Romance Store you're given 2 choices. Tam-Tam Is Right and Darious Is Right. Save here. After this you'll get to the ending.

Angel Mail - For this one you'll have to go back and pick Use Shape What You Were and then pick either Far Enough To Save Morgana or All The Way Back To The Beggining. You'll get Angel Mila regardless of what you pick, and we'll pick Far Enough To Save Morgana. Save here.

Succubus/Demon Mila - After having "saved" Morgana you'll be thrown into Hell and be given 2 choices. Accept The Deal and Reject The Deal. If you reject you'll get an ending. If you pick accept you'll get Succubus/Demon Mila. Save Here.

Fat Leeko & Fat Female Leeko - This one is pretty clear. If you want Fat Leeko, Tam-Tam must get the coin at the temple. If you want Fat Female Leeko, Leeko must get the coin at the temple. You'll get an ending here. You'll also get 2 transformation that i'm not sure if counts, which are Chubby Morgana and Chubby Succubus/Demon Mila. Remember to pick Don't Leave when morgana is about to leave if you want to romance her

Male Tam-Tam & Guardian Angel Mila - To get these you must pick All The Way Back To The Beggining. You'll get 'em both. You'll also get Young Darious. Unsure if he counts as transformation.

Now then. What about Romances? Well. If you follow what i've said above you should get all of the romance i've found. If not, do tell.

  • Buffed Mila X Female Darious
  • Buffed Mila X Tam-Tam
  • Buffed Mila X Female Leeko
  • Buffed Mila X Dragon Tam-Tam
  • Buffed Mila X Bear Darious
  • Buffed Mila X Chubby Tam-Tam
  • Buffed Mila X Leeko
  • Succubus/Demon Mila X Fat Female Leeko
  • Succubus/Demon Mila X Morgana 
  • Succubus/Demon Mila X Fat Leeko
  • Chubby Succubus/Demon Mila X Chubby Morgana
  • Guardian Angel Mila X Female Leeko
  • Guardian Angel Mila X Male Tam-Tam
  • Guardian Angel Mila X Young Darious (Quite the pair you have, Mila)
  • Guardian Angel Mila X Leeko

Path 2: Green

That's Path 1 done and now over to Path 2. For this you must pick Stay put and follow orders.


Chubby Mila - First transformation. Can't be missed

Werewolf Leeko - Seconds transformation. Can't be missed

Chubby Tam-Tam - Third transformation. Can't be missed

You are now given 2 choices Pursue Rourkie and We Can't let here die. We'll pick Pursue Rourkie. Save here.

Buffed Mila - You'll get this transformation if you pick Pursue Rourkie.

Chubby Goat Morgana - You'll get this transformation later if you pick Pursue Rourkie. Can't be missed. After this you get an ending.

Now let us go back and now pick We Can't let here die.

You are now given 2 choices We Can Bring Darious Back and Let's Talk This Out. We'll pick Let's Talk This Out. Save Here.

Fat Mila - You'll get this transformation after you've picked Let's Talk This Out.

Feline/Fox Morgana - Second "transformation" you'll get after Let's Talk This Out.

You are now given 2 choices. Morgana Is Right and Leeko Is Right. Save here

Fat Feline/Fat Fox Morgana - You'll get this transformation if you pick Morgana Is Right. Later you'll get an ending

Fat Werewolf Leeko - You'll get this transformation if you pick Leeko Is Right. Later you'll get an ending

Now we need to go back and this time we pick We Can Bring Darious Back.

Succubus/Demon Mila - You'll get this transformation if you pick We Can Bring Darious Back.

Female Lost Memory Darious/Dara - you'll get this transformation later if you've picked We Can Bring Darious Back. Then you'll get an ending

  • Buffed Mila X Morgana
  • Buffed Mila X Werewolf Leeko
  • Buffed Mila X Chubby Goat Morgana
  • Buffed Mila X Chubby Tam-Tam (If you followed Path 1: Red, you already have this)
  • Succubus/Demon Mila X Darious
  • Succubus/Demon Mila X Chubby Tam-Tam
  • Succubus/Demon Mila X Werewolf Leeko
  • Succubus/Demon Mila X Lost Memory Female Darious/Dara
  • Fat Mila X Fat Werewolf Leeko
  • Fat Mila X Feline/Fox Morgana
  • Fat Mila X Fat Feline/Fat Fox Morgana
  • Fat Mila X Werewolf Leeko

Path 3: Silver

And now for the last one. Here we must go back and this time pick Offer ship's tresaure


Pure Mila - First transformation you get. Can't be missed.

You are now given 2 choices. No and I Want Them To End. We'll pick I Want Them To End. Save here

Monkey Mila - You'll get tihs If you pick I Want Them To End. Then an ending.

Now we'll pick No.

You are now given 2 choices Morgana's Plan and Darious' Plan. We'll pick Darious' Plan. Save here.

You are now given 3 Choices. Darious' Plan, Tam-Tam's Plan and Morgana Should Be Punished. Save Here.

Regardless of choice you pick above, Morgana will be put on trial and you have to pick the correct answer if you want her to go free. If you fail she'll transform.

For Darious' Plan you must pick option 1 then 2. For Tam-Tam's Plan you must pick option 1. For Morgana Should Be Punished you must pick option 2 then 2.

Buffed Shark Morgana - If you fail the trial.

You are now given 2 choices. Forgive Brock and Condem Brock. We'll pick Forgive Brock. Save here.

Fat Mila - After you pick Forgive Brock.

You are now given 2 choices. Morgana Is Right and Tam-Tam Is Right. Save Here

Dargon Morgana - You'll get this transformation if you pick Morgana Is Right. Then you get an ending

Dragon Tam-Tam - You'll get this transformation if you pick Tam-Tam Is Right. Then you get an ending.

Now we must go back and this time we'll pick Conden Brock.

Angel Mila - You'll get this right picking Condemn Brock.

You are now given 2 choice. Grab Crown and Sure. Save here. If you grab the crown you'll get an ending. We'll pick Sure.

Fat Queen Nakhta - Right after Sure.

You are now given 2 choices. Feline/Fox Morgana Is Right and Darious Is Right. Save Here. Picking option 1 will unlock Morgana's Romance. Picking option 2 will unlock Bear Darious' Romance. Both will give you an ending.

Now we need to go back to almost when we get Pure Mila.

We are now back to these 2 choices. Darious' Plan And Morgana's Plan.

Fat Morgana - You'll get this if you pick Morgana's Plan

Later we're at the trial again. Pick the same options befor if you want her, or not if you want her to transform.

Fat Shark Morgana - You'll get this Transformation if you fail the trial and Morgana is fat. Make sure not to pick Morgana Is Right or you won't get the romance option with Fat Shark Morgana.

Now for romances. (They say love is tough. My arms hurt after all this typing)

  • Fat Mila X Buffed Shark Morgana
  • Angel Mila X Bugged Shark Morgana
  • Angel Mila X Feline/Fox Morgana
  • Angel Mila X Bear Dariouis
  • Angel Mila X Morgana
  • Fat Mila X Morgana
  • Angel Mila X Fat Shark Morgana
  • Angel Mila X Tam-Tam
  • Angel Mila X Darious
  • Fat Mila X Dragon Morgana
  • Fat Mila X Darious
  • Fat Mila X Tam-Tam
  • Fat Mila X Brock
  • Fat Mila X Dragon Tam-Tam

There 3 more romances here. Fat Mila X Fat Shark Morgana, Fat Mila X Fat Morgana and Angel Mila X Fat Morgana. But like i said befor, i wasn't able to unlock them and i was too burned out as this point to continue. Maybe you'll have better luck than me.


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