The guide is for other users to easily find seeds that they have been dreaming or searching hours for. Or those who didn't know that existed and want some challenge or entertainment.
Guide To Seeds
Repeat Seeds
Repeat seeds are little errors in the randomizing code for the terrain and objects such as structures rocks and shipwrecks. Sometimes things get buggy or messed up but very rare to come across naturally by the seed randomizer when you start a game.
- Cactus > 380485511 / 497526267
- Mr beast > 380482511 / 106813428
- Rock mayhem > [Really challenging and chaos. The larger rock -150455473] / 597671860 / 37723965 / 1281335925
- Ship ahoy > 997006668 / 975763563 / 497526267
These seeds can get laggy or unplayable if you have a underpowered computer when generating these repeating seeds as it can get pretty... intense *especially the rock one*.
Luckily there are limits so you can't get thousands of structures in a small little area *Atleast we know for now*.
Normal Seeds
Want good gameplay? Seeds that are fun and/or challenging with normal or great generation without any errors or anything annoying.
- Normal > 1024860785 / 49573047 / 420696912 / -1174820301
- Fun (Usually has structure spawns as close as possible) > 8976126 / 1912821
Fun Seeds
Seeds that consist of something unique or to do experiments:
- Broken/Error seeds > 540987140 / 47893021 / 99999999 / 920
- Steep Hills (thanks to runden) > -1908366339 / -926364752 / 1698530028 / -1038299817 / 823624822
- Flatnlvl > -1958123679 / 2182113 / 23457890 / 748931 / 2189321 / 111991119 1698530028 /
Other Seeds
- For when you don't want a billion shipwrecks but want a ship near spawn > -2108625799 / 617627894
- Want a challenge kid? good luck > -1291240289 / -505633115
- Gas station right next to spawn > 1521234786
- Want a cactus next to your car? > 123123123
For the last time! Seeds do not effect spawn of items or vehicles! It also does not effect spawns of mobs/animals!
Source: https://gameplay.tips/guides/8329-the-long-drive.html