How to use Gyro Controls

Disable In-Game Gyro

It's rubbish

Use Steam Configuration - Set Gyro Behavior To Left Trigger

Game doesn't let you unbind anything without having it replace other binds so you don't have much choice in what gyro modifiers you can set it as.

By using Steams Gyro (mouse emulation) the Gyro controls will no longer have that strange ramp up and ramp down when you aim down sights making it not disable instantly when you let go of the trigger

Change Joystick To Joystick Mouse

It replaces the Joystick with mouse emulation and removes the horrible smoothness as well as makes the dead zone much lower for smoother camera motion

Adjust Sensitivity

Make sure in-game aim sensitivity is low and instead adjust Steam Configuration sensitivity because if you do it the other way around the aim will be stifled and give you a "stair" effect making the aim not accurate


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