Welcome to the Forest Cathedral! A 3D/2D puzzle game about DDT developed by Brian Wilson. Today I will attempt to guide you through the game to help during those tricky sections. Good luck!
Ladybug Walk/DDT Spraying
The first section on the game you spawn in as a lady bug. Simply walk diagonally up and to the right until this portion ends.
Once you regain control of your character, you will be tasked with spraying 5 swamps. Each of them can be found throughout a dock area in front of you, and each has a little yellow flag. Some swamps may not immediately count though so spray all around until it adds to the counter. These swamps are each pictured below.
Once you have finished spraying all 5 Swamps the section ends and a cut-scene plays.
Scanner Tutorial
Upon finishing the cut-scene following the tutorial section, you will now be in a tutorial area which teaches you how your scanner works. To start pick up the scanner.
As the game explains, this is a device for scanning the environment and learning new things. At many points in the game it is easy to get lost, but many of them have pipes under the floor which will roughly lead you were you need to go.
After obtaining the scanner and listening the dialogue, follow the path under the floor forwards and through the left door at the end of the room, and continue through fairly linear rooms and past a black and yellow barred threshold which will slide open for you to pass.
Eventually you will come to a dead end room with a human shaped target in it. To proceed, open your scanner and scan the target.
A door will open and you may proceed, and you will come across another, this time behind a yellow and black barred threshold, which again you must scan to open the way.
Again proceed and you will come across another which is moving quickly past a hole in the wall. Aim your scanner at the hole and scan as soon as it passes by.
Continue and you will shortly come across a final target to scan.
Shortly after you will come across this computer/terminal device which you may approach and activate to begin a "Little Man Section." I will describe this first little man section as well as tips and tricks in the following section of this guide, so skip there if assistance is needed with this section.
Upon completion of the Little Man tutorial you will be able to go through the door in front of you and continue to the First Scan.
Little Man Tutorial (Tips And Tricks)
The Little Man Sections are 2D platforming challenges that are required to progress through the story. They are of varying difficulty, but are generally a bit harder than the 3D sections. There is a decent tutorial that explains the basic but does not fully go in depth.
Once entering the Little Man tutorial you may use WASD or the equivalent of your controller to move. To the left of the spawn in the the picture below is a checkpoint. Always step in them when you see them as if you die you will return to them instead of the beginning of the Little man section.
Throughout the Little Man sections you will find many spike pits and other hazards. These can be circumvented by jumping with Space or your equivalent, Dashing with RMB or your equivalent, or a combination of the two.
Jump Example:
Dash Jump Example:
In fact, a Dash Jump is required to clear a spike trap in this very tutorial, so make sure to get the grips with them early on.
Wall Jumping can be done on virtually any wall as a way to gain extra height, but it pushes you away from the wall as well, so usually only a single wall jump can be done at once unless 2 walls are positioned closely together, bu if they are, walls can be jumped off of over and over to gain height.
Ladder are found around the place as well, and they can be ascended by pressing your "up" equivalent while near them. They can also be grabbed midair if need be.
Enemies, bugs, and other entities will appear in Little man puzzles and can be attacked with your sword by pressing LMB or your equivalent. The attack range is small so you may get hit occasionally, but it can also be used while in the air.
Wall Sliding is a mechanic that can be used to lower yourself to enter precise holes as seen in the image, to position yourself for a jump, and in general just traverse the map, It is important to make jumps easier or mayhaps landable in general, so it is worth understanding asap.
Here is where Dashes become more complex. Dashes cannot only be done forwards, they can essentially be done in any horizontal, vertical, or diagonal direction if need be. If a direction is not being held when the dash button is pressed, your character will dash horizontally in the direction they are facing. though it is not necessary for the most part, there is one jump later that absolutely requires a vertical dash. Also keep in mind though, dashes have a cooldown. They cannot be spammed.
Finally Pushing, the last notable mechanic. Walking into boxes and other items will push them elsewhere, oftentimes you need to push boxes into white dotted squares, such as here to complete this tutorial.
Other Notable Info:
Death: Upon hitting a hazard (e.g. spikes) you will be sent back to the beginning of the little man section, or the most recent checkpoint you hit.
Keys: Many Little Man Sections have keys in them that must be collected to open doors. Some doors require collecting multiple keys. Dying while having collected only some keys will reset the keys, but if you have all the keys usually the opened door does not reset upon death.
Required Enemy Kills: Some sections require you to kill all or many enemies in a given area to progress. I would recommend simply killing everything you see to not risk having to backtrack.
Bounce Pads: There are "bounce pads/springs" you can just upon in many of the Little Man sections that launch you high up into the air. bounce upon them for lots of height.
"Sticky Walls": If you are standing close to a wall and you jump, you are sometimes unable to move or dash resulting in you being stuck until you land. To remedy this, try to have a bit of distance between walls if you can, though some sections require you to jump close to walls which can be finicky.
Ledge Grabs: If you jump and hit the edge of a block or platform, your character may grab on and you can press space to pull yourself up. Be wary though, as if there are spikes on the platform your character may climb straight into them.
There are other mechanics that sometimes come into play, but they are more section specific so I will not mention them here. Anyways, now that you have finished the tutorials you may continue on to the main game. Feel free to share other useful tips and tricks for others in the comments though!
Your First Scan And Worms
Now that you know the ways of the scanner and the little man, it's time to put your know how to the test for your first scan! start by activating the terminal in front of you.
Here you see your first key. Platform up to collect it and witness the door opening.
Continue on to find another key on a pillar. use your parkour know how to jump up, and collect it.
Continue on to see a box. Simply push it all the way right, and you have finished this Little Man section.
Now that you have completed that, you must scan the fish in the water. Simply aim your scanner at the river in front of you and look for 3 fish. Should look something like this:
Once the scan is finished you will be treated to a cut-scene after which you will get to feed birds worms; simply press the prompted buttons.
After this you will watch some more cut-scenes
Monday Morning Water Scan
When you regain the ability to play, you will now have a journal you can access which often has useful info on what you need to do.
To check the water levels, head straight ahead and then to the back right corner of the docks where you will find a terminal. You can also use the scanner to follow piper to it underground if you are having trouble finding it normally.
You will now play another Little Man section. Besides dialogue and some minor visual changes, this is pretty much identical to the first last Little Man section you played, so just repeat what you did the first time
Once you complete the Little Man section, all you need to do is open your scanner and look around a bit to complete this section. I have personally noticed the trigger is a little bugged, and I sometimes have to open and close the scanner 2-3 times before the necessary dialogue plays, just a heads up if nothing happens.
Anyways, once you scan the environment, a cut-scene plays and the next section follows it
Fish Friday, Mr. Valve, And Heading Upstream
It is Friday morning. After you finish chatting with your furniture, it is time it meet the doctor in the garage.
The garage can be found by immediately turning right as you exit the front door of the house, and turning right again to look behind the house.
Once you have located it, enter the garage, and activate the terminals in the back to play a cut-scene.
After the cut-scene, pull out your scanner to check on the mosquitoes.
It is time to find Mr.Valve, and a handy map has been given to locate him.
If you are not good at understanding maps, another way to find Mr. Valve is to head toward the colorful gate visible from the garage doors, turn right and head straight for a while. You can also use your scanner to see the pipes underground, but be wary, as during this level they point towards some other objectives as well.
After successfully finding Mr. Valve, you can now attempt use him.
but alas, Mr. Valve isn't working correctly
Look forwards and to the right across the river and you should be able to see a terminal. Head there and activate it.
Upon spawning in the Little Man section, head straight right. you will have to jump dash a few spike holes and climb a ladder.
Head to where I am am pictured below and a bug will be there, make sure to kill it as I think it is required though I am not certain. Then head left and kill the bug featured in the second picture, obtaining the checkpoint as you go.
After you defeat the bugs, you need to jump on the bounce pad, into the hole, and then push the box through. If you overshoot the hole though you are free to wall slide into it.
After that, jump the gap and continue left. In the next room you will find several bugs as well as infinitely respawning mosquitoes. I am not certain if you have to kill the bugs, but the way does not open until you kill at least one mosquito. I went ahead and killed all the bugs, but you are welcome to test otherwise and confirm.
Upon killing the mosquito, the left side of the room will open, and you will now be capable of pushing the box into the end of the little man section.
After having completed the Little Man section, Mr. Valve is now working properly! Cross back over the river and use Mr. Valve.
After using Mr. Valve and watching the cutscene, you need to return to the garage and activate the terminals to watch a cut-scene.
After the cut-scene, our journal helpfully tells us we need to head upstream, so we do.
Head back towards Mr. Valve, and then go past him, and continue upriver. Use the scanner as needed to make your way, eventually to a terminal which you then need to activate.
This is where I am ending this guide session the next guide section will begin with the little man section.
Fish Ladder
Where the last guide section ended off we just arrived at the Little Man Section. Notably, a portion of this Little Man Section is spent underwater in which you jump higher and fall a bit slower, try your best to quickly adapt to this as it will make the section easier when you realize how to make use of it.
Start this section immediately by wall jumping your way up to the top and then pushing the box.
Continue up and to the left, eventually you'll get to these little spike pits, but they can each be passed with a single dash.
Once you get to this room: ...
You need to dash onto the bounce pad, and once your dash is replenished you must dash to the left, wall jump several times grabbing the key in the process, and dash back to the right, an illustration of this is shown below.
After that, go down the hallway that unlocks, and at the end push the box down and into its place. It will unlock the right passageway and you can now go that way.
The first room on the right side requires you to bounce on a bounce pad, dash right, land on another, and dash again. Luckily it isn't too difficult if you can aim at the second pad okay.
The next area requires you to wall jump a bunch of times back and forth and avoid touching spikes. It isn't too difficult except for the fact I would often times accidentally grab the ledge under the spikes and pull myself up into them. If you can avoid doing that though you should be golden. You can also choose to wall slide down the right wall then quickly dash through the door if you are struggling with jumping from the middle over at all.
Climb up a bit to the right, and then you will come to an area where you need to wall slide back and forth down each side then dash across at the end to not touch spikes. Eventually when you get to the bottom you will be at water level again.
Once you get to the bottom, quickly dash through a little tunnel with spikes to get to the next significant challenge.
This next section Isn't necessarily hard, but it is somewhat awkward, you have to wall jump off the closest wall to you and dash to the right onto the upper portion of the second set of platforms then either float down or time a dash. I died a few times while getting used the water platforming, but maybe you will have better luck.
After claiming the checkpoint, you need to grab the key on the block to the right, then key to the left in that order without dying. If you die they will reset, but if you get both they will not reset even if you die.
Once you have gotten both keys, backtrack a bit, and above a square platform you recently passed will be a new door passageway you can begin climbing up through.
Climb through these passageways and the sticky walls I mentioned in the little man tutorial come into play, basically you pass these obstacles with spikes, and you need to circumnavigate them, but the issue is, for whatever reason, if you jump while too close to the wall you cannot move until you land. It is a little annoying and may take a minute to position yourself, but it is doable if a bit finicky.
Anyways, once you get to the top there a several bugs to kill as you go, and 2 obstacles to the left. one is a platform with spikes on the bottom you have to jump over, and the other is 2 spike pits you need to dash over. This stretch is fairly easy luckily.
Anyways you are pretty much done with the right side path. go a bit further left and you make it to a box you can now push into place.
Finally time for the fish ladder part! go where the arrows point, and you will have to wall jump up. As long as you stay within the radius of the fish it will continue rising, and you will also see it rising on the side of the screen as well. Once you get to the top, push the box and you are done.
Now that the fish is up, we simply need to pick up the fish, Little Lady, as our journal helpfully informs us.
And that concludes this section.
Gates And Fog
As our trusty journal has told us, the eagle took the fish further upstream, so I suppose that is where we need to go. Head towards the stream, then simply follow the pipes you can see with your scanner and they will lead you to a gate.
The large thing going through the gate is one of the terminals you can activate to begin a little man section.
The beginning of the section is pretty straightforward, just jump up the jump pads. there are red birds that flow through the stage and as far as I can tell you can ignore then or kill them if they get in your way. I typically just kill them because I find it annoying when they interrupt me.
The first ladder section that quickly comes up I find it is easier to ignore the ladder and just jump off the wall, but I am sure value just be obtained from the ladder. after you pass that continue up until you get to the key area.
When you get to the key section, what you need to do is push the slidable bounce pad up top down, then once it it is position you bounce on it, and at the peak of your jump perform an upwards dash to grab the key, you will then fall straight into the second one.
From there, simply climb up the labber up above and push down the box.]
The next section simply consists of bouncing up some bounce pads with the main twist being that some are obscured by branches. You can still see them, just not entirely. I circled this in the first 2 pictures to show where they are. Once you get to the top though, just push the box into place and you are finished.
Now that the gates are open, you can continue, but it suddenly gets foggy and you need to use the scanner to find your way. once you pass under a felled tree you are almost there. you complete the fog section ultimately by interacting with a terminal by a tree.
after a cut-scene, your journal tells you to go through a nearby gate, and after going through it, you can follow pipes using your radar to a building where you activate terminals and another cut-scene plays.
Right here is where I am ending this particular segment of the guide
Continuing from where we left off, right after the last cut-scene, we start by pressing the interact button several times as the protagonists overcome reluctance.
After you finish that, we are now in a little man section. The first room consists of a bunch of animals. Jump into the Eagle and no others, second from the right.
In the next section simply push a box into place, kill some bugs that appear, and grab the key. Not much else to it.
In the next section keys will spawn around the room while it rains eagle eggs, avoid getting hit while you collect the keys.
climb the incredibly long ladder and make sure you set your spawn so you don't risk having to climb it again. The birds are invincible and have a key, so you want to bounce precisely through the gap where the key is then land on the other side. try to bounce when they're about where they are in my 4th picture give or take a little bit
The next room changes each time you dash. the first 2 you can do casually as it will line up by default, then it doesn't really matter. I would recommend doing an extra dash to make the final jump slightly more forgiving though. The wall jump to the floating block is the hardest jump in the entire game for me personally though. Never had issues with it after that jump though.
After that, you run through a corridor and the final section consists of grabbing falling eggs while avoiding eagles. It is nowhere as hard as it sounds. Don't think I died here at all.
After you succeed at this a cut-scene plays and you wake up elsewhere. This concludes Eggs section.
Final Section
After a cutscene you regain the ability to play but everythings blurry. what you need to do it make your way out of the room and follow the path until there is a fork. Take the left path and then immediately turn right a few seconds later and everything will shortly clear up and you will be at a terminal.
Once you begin the Little Man Section, Immediately push the box next to you into place and then keep heading right.
Once you get to the next room, bounce up onto the block in the top left using the bounce pad and then dash onto the block on the right. It is a special type of block that disappears after you stand on it for a few seconds. Once it's gone continue by pushing the box across.
In the next room you have to avoid fish, but it is incredibly easy, and the water doesn't even hurt you when they are not in it. After that though there is a melting block eith a hazard under. you must melt it then quickly dash, You can't wall slide instead as it is too slow and it will reform on you.
there are a series of the melting block jumps, but most of them are unnoteworthy for a while.
Eventually there is a room where you must either let the block melt then dash in time, or latch on the wall and wall jump at will, whichever you would prefer. Anyways, after that you got a bit further, bouncepad over a spike, and push a block into place.
The remaining section is mostly just basic traversal, occasioanlly boxes, and a few enemies at the end, but some is displayed below nonetheless..
With that, the final Little Man segment is complete. All that remains is walking up the mountain at the end of the game to finish it off.
And with that, the game is complete. Congrats on beating the Forest Cathedral.
Thanks for reading or even just looking at my guide. I spent about the last 8 or so hours writing it, and I really hope it helps someone. To anyone who took the time to open this guide, I hope you have a great day. If there are any mistakes or something vague or poorly written just let know and I will fix it.