You may've loaded the game up and realized the default keybinds aren't up to modern standards, and worse, there's no in-game option to rebind them.
With this quick and painless mod you'll be able to have a far more convenient set of keybinds while still having the ability to input text properly at the press of a single button.
EZ Walkthrough
Download the mod TES Arena Remapped[]
Extract the contents of TES Arena REmapped-1-1-5
Find your local arena install folder and navigate to the dosbox folder
Copy and paste 'mapper' and '' into said dosbox folder
Just remember: hold L ALT to seamlessly swap to text input when necessary
Example folder location
How it oughta look when you're done
If all went well you should now have a much easier time enjoying the game.
Additional Info / Alternative Method
I haven't had a chance to try it myself but it might be worth checking out Arena Setup[] as an alternative if you don't want to use Nexus or would prefer an automated installer. A full step-by-step installation and advanced config guide is available at the link above for those interested.
Credit to:
ArtInPinkerton (aka Pinkertonius)[] for TES:Arena Remapped and Ancestral Ghost and the Arena modding community for Arena Setup
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