The Currently Best Way To Play The Game For A F2P Player.
(5min a day guide for older players jump down to step 4.)
Completly new player guide: text version.
Step 1,
Play the game until one unlocks the Warriors guild.
this is covered in a Quick start series of guides 1 & 2.
Step 2.
Continue play until one unlocks the guild loyalty multiplier (this takes some time)
...................................................................................................................................The scroll below.
While using the "Warriors guild" <-- (important as this increases your "base" DPS with atleast x10)
I repeat
Step 3.
Continue play the game until one reaches a x10 on this guild loyalty multiplier.
(This bit takes a few days (resets) when playing F2P; as one gets more then x10 the first few times)
Now you can begin to "relax" after having reached the x10 "GLM" (Guild Loyalty Multiplier)
Step 4:
Begin to use the guild loyalty multiplier, and thus work hard for about 5 minutes a day six days a week. On the seventh day do not do any wor...
No wait, hold on, thats a diffrent guide.
The 5 Minutes A Day Strategy (to Save 100´s And Even 1000´s Of Hours)
Step 4;
Work hard for about 5 minutes a day six days a week completing the three 8hour "daily" quests and as the 24hour cooldown, cools down.... enjoy a x10 increase in your total DPS output.
Every single day.
= on the third or seventh day you have gotten yourself a whooping x1000 or x10.000.000 DPS bonus just by using the guild multiplier and either 3x5min or 6x5min.
On the third or seventh day one play the game "normally" and push forward as far you can reach in the game. Doing this will then result in new upgraded cards,
(Like in my case; I just used this above technique "waited for a week", played the game; and unlocked/upgrades to 2 new gold cards in each of the green and the blue decks (in total 4 new gold cards in one single day, using somewhere around 2hours of "nonconstant" gameplay playing other games at the same time.
(instead of 16 hours a day.)
Once in awhile; do the guild loyalty reset but within the Merchant guild just to increse the gold gain some; Not to often, like once every 10th day is ok to keep an "even" paze.
I personally have found it easiest to remember if I do the merchant guild loyalty resets on the days I end "full" runs. (aka as the 24 hours are up on the day I did the "full" runs, = i end the day with reseting the guild loyalty when using the merchant guild opposed to the warrior guild on the days I only play for 5min a day)
Rince repeat step 4 for as long it is viable.
I am still missing the exact F=X value for each new card upgrade per deck;
F= 3 "Brown" Deck. = If you want a new Brown chest card upgrade play about each 3 day.
F=X on BLUE Deck = If you want a new Blue chest card upgrade play each X day. (about each 7th day)
F=X on GREEN Deck = If you want a new Green chest card upgrade play each X day.
So if you that read this could help out with this, to narrow it down more precise; would be very helpful; down in the chat.
How long this above is viable is not known at this stage but as the guild multiplier seems to increase in later guilds (unconfirmed by me personally; but it seems there might be a x50 guild loyalty multiplier when reaching the magic guild)
and thats is about everything so far that is confirmed so far.
There comes a time when one can reach the mage guild (reaching "section 3") without choosing a guild prior to this that may be advantagious to for a time deviate from the sit back and wait tactic for awhile as it will give you a x50 daily guild loyalty bonus instead.
But that is so individual that one cant really do a guide about it exactly how and when to go for the mage guild,
Use your gut/instinct to feel when its time to press for that not using a guild before "section 3".
I will update this guide when I know how many x10´s and gold cards in the green/blue decks I needed to do this without choosing guild before "section 3" .
The question to what to spend your Gems on is still up in the air as far as I am concerned.
But gaining 20% Hero Experience for 500 Gems atleast 2 times seems to be the best option to start with. (As this will always be a very useful "thing" due to how the game work at this time)
Personally I found the VIP deck having some great cards in it to boost my way during step one to three, as there are some real nice cards there to unlock for 50 gems "a pop";
There are a randomness factor to this thou, but that boost in DPS, gold and hero experience sure fastened my moving forward.
Avoid spend gems on the artifacts and DPS increasing items in the shop.
as one gets a silly high boost in DPS anyway each day;
None of the currently available artifacts seems to be useful at later guilds.
Other then maybe the 1000 insta kill one that will save time in each run regardless of stage one is in.
But even this I think will be useless in a not to distant future as your gold cards and better will make you just Swoosh right past them. (But there is a time saving factor here that might prove very useful even in the long run) this might justify putting in some gems when that time comes.
Rest of the guide is the "old guide" that still contains useful information so I wont delete that at this time atleast.
FORMER: OUT OF DATE But Still Potentially Usefull Info About The Game.
The following could seem to be a backwards way to play this game, but it will save you ALOT of time.
NEWS!!! (in a way)
There seems to be so that "Guild Loyalty bonus" one gets each day (on an 24h timer) is a much needed multiplier that seems to need to be unlocked before applying the tactics mentioned down below in this guide.
So the new STEP ONE is as it is (under) investigation;
One have to play the game until the Guild loyalty multiplier have been unlocked and raised to become x10 each day.
Hypothesis for why is found last in this guide down below and in the comment section.
Step one.
Basicly ignore the "gameplay" for the game for atleast the first YEAR.
(yes you read that right; not a typo.)
Step two.
Focus 100% on doing the Daily Quest; (the 3, where one unlocks one new quest each 8 hours)
Upgrade the "left crystal ball" ONCE,
(you can do more but know you do not really need it for the first year.
Save them sweet purples to upgrade the VIP DECK until the VIP DECK is "completed"
(All cards silver)
Step three.
Make sure to log in to get the daily reward once a day. (should be done while step 2)
Build up all the DAILY BONUS CARDS to "max"
Rince repeat the above for one year.
After you have built up a really good BASE stats with the above steps (1-3)
Step four.
Now you can Brezze thru the game ALOT faster, and I really mean ALOT faster.
and althou you have logged in so many times you still will have saved ALOT of time playing this game by truly IDLING it by playing something else then this game.
Numbers: TABLE
# TItle Symbol E/e notation
1 Million M E6
2 Billion B E9
3 Trillion T E12
4 Quadrillion Qa E15
5 Quintillion Qi E18
6 Sextillion Sx E21
7 Septillion Sp E24
8 Octillion Oc E27
9 Nonillion N E30
10 Decillion Dc E33
11 Undecillion UDc E36
12 Duodecillion DDc E39
13 Tredecillion TDc E42
14 Quattuordecillion QaDc E45
15 Quinquadecillion QiDc E48
16 Sedecillion SxDc E51
17 Septendecillion SpDc E54
18 Octodeillion OcDc E57
19 Novemdecillion NDc E60
20 Vigintillion Vi E63
21 Unvigintillion UVi E66
22 Duovigintillion DVi E69
23 Tresvigintillion TVi E72
24 Quattuorvigintillion QaVi E75
25 Quinquavigintillion QiVi E78
26 Sesvigintillion SxVi E81
27 Septemvigintillion SpVi E84
28 Octovigintillion OVi E87
29 Novemvigintillion NVi E90
30 Trigintillion Tg E93
add the same prefix as above from 11-19; 21-29
31 = UTg
32 = DTg
etc etc
X1.................. U
X2.................. D
X3.................. T
X4.................. Qa
X5.................. Qi
X6.................. Sx
X7.................. Sp
X8 ................. Oc
X9.................. N
40 Quadragintillion...... Qd........... E123
50 Quinquagintillion.....Qq............ E153
60 Sexagintillion............Sg............ E183
70 Septuagintillion........St............ E213
80 Octogintillion...........Og............ E243
90 Nonagintillion..........Ng............ E273
100 Centillion.................Ct............. E303
110 Decicentillion..........Dct............ E333
Class needed XP to reach certain LVLs
Hero Exp gain
Useful formula to calculate how much time it will take to reach
X= your hero exp gain per sec
Time to reach Lv25 (110.000.000xp) =
110.000.000/X = A
A/60/60 = hours to reach lv25.
1: 1000
2: 2000
3: 3500
4: 5750
5: 9130 ......................... 21.3k
6: 14190
7: 21780
8: 33170
9: 50260
10: 75890...................... 217k
11: 114330
12: 172000
13: 258490
14: 388240
15: 582860....................1.87M
16: 874790
17: 1.31M
18: 1.97M
19: 2.95M
20 :4.43M....................15.0M..................(rough number)
21: 6.65M
22: 9.99M
23: 14.95M
24: 22.41M
25: 33.60M.................110M.....................(rough number)
30...............................1.05B....................super rough number
35...............................1T..........................super rough number
40...............................996T......................super rough number
45...............................990Qa...................super rough number
Formula being around.....
A = X (previous 5th level) x 9.6 (not an exact formula)
The Case For Why GEMs Are Not Worth Much. (almost Nothing Infact).
Ok this picture above shows the most important multiplier in the game that means 99.9% of all DPS increase is comming from this single multiplier.
The Guild Loyalty multiplier.
This includes all the Gem purchased ones.
as a x10 increase in DPS just by waiting 24 hours each day is INSANE as it STACKS.
2 days = x100
3 days = x1000
7days = x10.000.000 increase in your DPS
and this continues.....
= it alone dwarfs anything else present in the game.
= DPS is all one need to go for in this game.
and then just sit back and let time play the game for you while playing other games.
= less then 5min a day is needed. to get a x10 dps increase...each day...
More DPS IDLE guilds
- All Guilds
- DPS IDLE Guide 7
- Ultimate Guide (Spoilers)
- 2nd Quick start guide for new players: Warrior guild.
- Tips and tricks
- Quick start guide for newcomers. Merchant guild
- Numbers Table: and some useful formulas.