Items and everything you need to know [WIP]

Items and everything you need to know [WIP]

● Introduction

     This guide will contain everything that concerns items, their location, weapons, and armors, their stats, passive/active skills, etc.

Guide updated to v2.03 and now includes:

Quest Items Section, which helps to find those items.

Daily Quest Section, helps players to complete these quests as fast as possible, and in it will be described methods of doing so.

Visualize Attire Section, include info about weapons/armors for visualizing attires, which are locked behind some requirements and help to obtain them.

Incarnation Section includes general information about all obtainable incarnations in-game, their location, and stats.

Ex Skills and Sacred Arts Section, provides the location to hidden EX Skills and Sacred Arts and their perks as well.

Persona and Anima Section includes info about all available Arts Codes and their perks.

Food Recipes Section, about obtaining food recipes and possible buffs from them.

Fishing Section, provides general info about fishing, as well as spots, loot, and treasures.

Passive and Active Skills Sections, provide a list of skills that can be founded on items.

Bronze, Silver Bosses, Divine Beasts, and Raids Sections, includes loot, stats, mats, etc.

Free DLC Sections, include all info about free additional content available at the moment.

Blooming of Forget-me-not DLC Section provides all corresponding info about this DLC.

Google spreadsheet with XT items from Blooming of Forget-me-not DLC available via the link below, it includes XT items from Common Enemies, Silver Bosses, Mutated Beast Quests, Ancient Apostles, and Ancient Beasts.

Credits and special thanks to:

AlexC1994 and his guide for Dungeon Raid Maps.

     Hope you find this guide useful. If you have any questions or want to add something, please let me know in the comments.

     As of v.1.09 till now of this guide, I didn't give anyone permission to reproduce this guide on any website, so if you stumble on something similar to this, you know what it is.

     If you want to use info from this guide as a reference for creating your own guide or place this on any website, please message me first or at least post a link to the original work. Cheers.

● Quest Items


      Quest item      Location                           Additional Anti-Drowning Charm Warmia Greenbelt Player marker, all way down in the middle of a waterfall[] Dogmi Flower Sustnel Mountains Player marker location[] Rugged Ore Uetra Valley Two markers[] Black Pearl Bracelet Rivalier Forest Player marker location[] White Chrysanthemum Rivalier Forest Player marker location[] Stone Tablets Lockiss Rocks Player marker location, examine the tablet[]


  Quest item      Location                            Additional Stone Statues Warmia Greenbelt Player marker locations[] Treasure Statue Creyst Cove Markers locations, run around, the quest will be completed[] Decrepit Well Deusoldort Desert Player marker location, examine the well[]


   Quest item     Location                        Additional Lunar Drop Snild Snow Fields Player marker location, near silver boss[] Swiftlet Nest Raubal Greenbelt Player marker location, under the bridge[] Golden Crab Meat Raubal Greenbelt Randomly dropped from Crabs in this area[] Timeless Flower Raubal Greenbelt Player marker location[] Cave Tree Fruit Villind Plateaus Player marker location (In a cave, near the tree)[] Charcoal Charm Villind Plateaus In the marked area[]


       Quest item     Location                   Additional Stolen Trinkets Sivilia Mountains Player marker location[] Tears of Twilight Sarole Mountains Player marker location, night-time only[] Fancy Bamboo Sarole Mountains Player marker location[] White Valley Flower Sarole Mountains Player marker location[] Parsl, Minta, Basily leaves Treitis Pass Markers location[]

Other Quest Items:

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Name  Chapter ⠀Quest Location ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Obtainable from Narrow Silver Necklace Chapter 2 Centoria Centoria, craft ftom Abyssena (Craftsman) Stonework Necklace Chapter 3 Sustnel Mountains Centoria, buy from Veleno (Armor Dealer) Tearstone Necklace Chapter 3 Sustnel Mountains SE, Reind Lakeshore, craft from Treyca (Craftsman) Steelheart Ring Chapter 3 Rivalier Forest NE, Lodend Mountains, craft from Zareik (Blacksmith) Amethyst Insect Charm Chapter 4 Sustnel Mountains Centoria, craft from Abyssena (Craftsman) Alloy Sword Chapter 5 Sarole Mountains Centoria, buy from Chavez (Weapon Dealer)

● Daily Quests

Accept daily quests regularly, after reset non-accepted DQ will be replaced by another one.

You can accept up to 3 daily quests at the same time.

After the 1.09 update, from 1 daily quest, you will obtain 2 Cube Tickets.

After the 2.10 update, completion requirements for some DQ were reduced.

⠀ Category ⠀⠀⠀ Requirements ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Additional info     Ally Skills ⠀ Execute an Ally Skill Use Galvanize to fully charge Arts Gauge in exchange

for all your SP, after that press "Triangle" (PS) or "G" (Keyboard)

to perform Ally Skill. To get skill count, animation of Ally Skill

must be viewed till the end and the enemy should be alive too.   Arts Gauge ⠀⠀Fill the Arts Gauge This method will be used a few times.

Be near save pillar in open-world locations, equip and use

"Galvanize" skill, in pair with "Morale Boost" skill, activate it,

use save pillar, return to the title, back to the game, repeat.       Break ⠀⠀  Break an enemy Preferably to do this on bosses (AA for example), use passive

Unfreezing Spirit, fill hazard gauge and do a break -> fatal -> down.    Chain Bursts ⠀ Perform Chain Burst Use Arts Code "Never miss a chain opportunity" for

all your AI partners, do chain bursts in raids or find some

high-level enemy.     Criticals ⠀⠀  Land critical hits Equip "Fiery" persona for +50% crit rate, if it's not enough,

add passive skill "Pierce Weakness" for +10 critical rate.

Crits from passive "Blade Dance" count toward the quest too.     Damage ⠀⠀    Deal damage Nothing special about this one, just farm anything.       Down ⠀⠀  Down an enemy Preferably to do this on bosses (AA for example), use passive

Unfreezing Spirit, fill hazard gauge and do a break -> fatal -> down.      Enemy

   Formation ⠀⠀   Interrupt an EF There are 5 different formations, to break a specific formation

you need to use certain skills. The easiest way to do this, find turtles,

they use defense formation (shield), break it with the next skills:

Moment Bite, Vorpal Strike, Sonic Leap, etc.        EXP ⠀⠀⠀   Obtain EXP Kill Relic bosses (quest exp counts too), complete Raids, etc.   Finish Arts ⠀⠀ Land a Finish Art Go to any save pillar where a few enemies are close by,

use "Galvanize" skill, then Finish art, then "Morale Boost",

go back to save pillar, return to the title, back to the game, repeat.      Fishing ⠀⠀    Obtain fishes Use Reind Fishpot which gives +1 fish upon catching.

For the spot, I prefer NE Cordea Plains with 3 fishing spots. ⠀ Gathering ⠀⠀  Gather an item Sadly Ring of the Earth God from CUBE, which gives a

+50% chance for harvesting more items, didn't count for this daily.

Visit harvesting points across the Empires and collect items. ⠀  Guarding ⠀⠀   Guard against

⠀⠀ an enemy attack Preferably to do against turtles since you can easily read

their movements and do a perfect guard. ⠀⠀⠀ Hits ⠀⠀⠀  Land attacks Prioritize skills with a lot of hits, for example, 1hs or duals skills.

Use Passive Skill - Blade Dance as it counts toward the quest too. ⠀   Hunting ⠀⠀⠀⠀ Go hunting Any monster will do, preferably to do this in raids.   Relic Quests ⠀ Hunt a fierce enemy Simply go hunting for the silver or bronze bosses.   Sacred Arts Land a SA on an enemy Find a high-level enemy, use 2 level arts like Javel Lance (Crystal)

or Blazing Glow (Fire), as they have a lot of hits.  Skill Connect Execute a Skill Connect Find a high-level monster, equip Wooden Sword

and use Horizontal Square and Nova Ascension skills.

Skill Connect EX counts toward this daily too. ⠀⠀⠀ Stun ⠀⠀⠀Stun an enemy To stun an enemy (preferably low level one) use either the

"Heavy Blow" skill from Scout Tree (3 min CD) or use

Crystal Sacred Art - Crystal Bind.    Super Arts ⠀⠀  Use a Super Art Be near save pillar in open-world locations,

use "Galvanize" and do a Super Art, activate "Morale Boost",

use save pillar, return to the title, back to the game, and repeat.   Sword Skills ⠀⠀ Land Sword Skills Any skills count toward the quest (sword, bow, etc.), use skills with

long combos. Find high-level enemies if you kill them too fast.     Throwing ⠀⠀⠀Land a hit with

⠀⠀ a thrown weapon Find high-level monsters, lock on them, press triangle if playing with

a PS controller (or R on keyboard) when your weapon is sheathed,

you'll throw a knife, hide your weapon, and repeat. ⠀  Treasure

⠀⠀ Chests  Open a Treasure Chest Any chests in open-world locations will do, so do raids too.

Beastsnare Grotto has a few chests close to one another. Additional info about dailies which requires to fill art gauge or use arts.

Equipping and using "Galvanize" will give you a fully charged Arts Gauge in exchange for all your SP, so you'll be able to use Super Arts, etc.

"Morale Boost" skill will be used for SP recovery, because if you returned back to the menu without using it, you will have to wait for SP recovery, and using it before returning to the menu allows you to immediately use "Galvanize" again when in-game.

● Visualize Attire Items

Items and everything you need to know [WIP] image 79
Items and everything you need to know [WIP] image 80

⠀⠀This section will include some items you can get for completing quests or any other ways (default and Cube items will not be listed below).


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ Item & Preview ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Additional Information Icethorn / Goldflower Warrior Garb[] Rewarded for completing Chapter 1 questline The Empress's Clothes[] Rewarded for finishing all quests in Norangarth, Lockiss Rocks Grand Chamberlain's Clothes[] Rewarded for finishing all quests in Norangarth, Lockiss Rocks Wayfarer Armor[] Required renown in all locations of Wesdarath Empire >5% Prime Senator's Outfit[] Rewarded for completing Chapter 6 questline Grieveheart Armor (Sinon only)[] Rewarded for completing AA: The Reaper of the Woods DLC Astrape Armor (Tiese only)[] Rewarded for completing AA: The Knight of Contradictions DLC Devotion Habit (Selka only)[] Rewarded for completing AA: The Bruised King DLC Azurewing Light Armor (Silica)[] Rewarded for completing AA: The Blue-Eyed Demon DLC The Pontifex's Dress[] Coins exchange in Memory Arena Bygone Garb: Mito[] Automatically added to VA after updating the game to v.2.01 ToA Collab: Alphen Garb[] Automatically added to VA after updating the game to v.2.01 ToA Collab: Shionne Garb[] Automatically added to VA after updating the game to v.2.01 SAO UB Collab: Abyss Knight Garb[] Automatically added to VA after updating the game to v.2.10


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ Item & Preview ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Additional Information Gavel of Gluttony (Mace)[] Required renown in all locations of Sothercrois Empire >5% Dark Knight Claymore (2Hs)[] Required renown in all locations of Eastavarieth Empire >5% Mirage Blade of Inferno (1Hs)[] Rewarded for completing Chapter 6 questline Loveblight Bow (Sinon only)[] Rewarded for completing AA: The Reaper of the Woods DLC Bronte Blade (1Hs, Tiese only)[] Rewarded for completing AA: The Knight of Contradictions DLC Bluecrest Sword (1Hs, Alice only)[] Rewarded for completing AA: The Bruised King DLC Cobalt Dagger (Silica only)[] Rewarded for completing AA: The Blue-Eyed Demon DLC Ugachi's Greatsword (2Hs)[] Coins exchange in Memory Arena Senator's Staff (Mace)[] Coins exchange in Memory Arena Sword Golem Blade (1Hs)[] Coins exchange in Memory Arena Millennial Blade (Katana)[] Coins exchange in Memory Arena Forget-me-not (1Hs)[] Rewarded for completing Blooming of Forget-me-not DLC SAO UB Collab: Dark Slash Sword[] Automatically added to VA after updating the game to v.2.10

Special DLC Outfit:⠀⠀Right now you can obtain Warmaid Outfit. This outfit will be available from 10 July 2020 to 10 July 2022. How to obtain it:

Visit Bandai Namco site [] .

Go through the registration process if needed.

Press the Redeem button and complete the next steps.

After it's registered to your account, go to - My Account -> My Orders -> in purchase history find your DLC, and smash that "Download".

You will be redirected to another window with Download and Activation of your products, click to "Unlock the key", copy that key, go to Steam -> add game -> activate in Steam -> paste your code and DLC will be added to your Steam account.

Relaunch the game if needed, after that, your outfit will be waiting for you in Visualize Attire.󠀡󠀡⠀

Prize Outfits:⠀⠀To unlock prize outfits you need to raise specific character affinity to 100%. If you can't find other character names in the table, that means that currently there are no prize outfits for them in the game.

Character ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀   Outfit & Preview Alice Available[] Asuna Available[] Eugeo Available[] Kirito Available: Male[] & Female[] Leafa Available[] Lisbeth Available[] Medina Available[] Silica Available[] Sinon Available[]

● Incarnations

Items and everything you need to know [WIP] image 96
Items and everything you need to know [WIP] image 97

Incarnations can be received from sealed chests.

Incarnations can be received as a reward for killing Clusters.

Incarnations can be received in exchange for ascension points.⠀⠀About ascension points and counters.

⠀⠀After patch v2.10 release Incarnations no longer can break, break counters were removed and ascension points cannot be earned.

⠀⠀If you have a lot of ascension points, you can still visit NPC Silqoon (Enigma Broker) in Centoria. She will give you a random +1 incarnation in exchange for 3 ascension points. There is no longer any difference between normal incarnation and +1, both provide the same buffs.


⠀⠀Be aware that changing equipped incarnation with another one destroys previously used Incarnation. So yes, you still can lose your incarnations.

⠀⠀Below will be displayed tables with the location of each incarnation, including incarnations from Sothercrois, Norlangarth, Wesdarath, Eastavarieth, and raids.

Sothercrois Incarnations:

⠀ ⠀    Incarnation ⠀⠀ ⠀ Location   From ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats Titan Warmia Greenbelt  Chest Max HP +15%, Healing Skill SP Cost -25% Mythic of Lurking Warmia Greenbelt Cluster On Perfect Guard: Attack Level +2, Attack -25% Yin-Yang Vizeah Valley  Chest Delay Time -20% Mythic of Usurpation Vizeah Valley Cluster Special Accuracy +30, Accuracy -25 Thorn Deusoldort Desert  Chest Attack +10%, Critical Power +25% Mythic of Ascension Deusoldort Desert Cluster Easing Skill Connect EX Req.,

Skill Connect EX Count +1, DEF -25% Discernment Creyst Cove  Chest Experience +20% Mythic of Rebirth Creyst Cove Cluster Healing (Received) +100%, Max HP +20%,

HP Regen +1%, Skill Power -30% Solid Reind Lakeshore  Chest DEF +10%, Critical Resist +90% Mythic of Astrals Reind Lakeshore Cluster SP Consumption -50%,

Skill Power +15%, DEF Level -1 Rakshasa Southern Corridor  Chest Downed: +80%

Norlangarth Incarnations:

⠀⠀      Incarnation ⠀⠀ ⠀  Location   From ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Stats Azure Cordea Plains  Chest Skill Speed +15% Mythic of the Fallen Cordea Plains Cluster Force Guard Break, Skill Speed -20% Governance Sustnel Mountains  Chest Soul Resist +90%,

Physical Resist +90%, Move Speed Resist +90% Mythic of Miasma Sustnel Mountains Cluster Chain Ready Time +100%,

Chain Burst Damage +30%, Hazard Gauge -50% Lightning Uetra Valley  Chest Sacred Arts Charge Time -30% Mythic of Reclusion Uetra Valley Cluster Attack Aggro -99%, Critical Rate +25%,

Critical Power +30%, DEF -75% Eyewall Rivalier Forest  Chest Nullify Projectiles,

HP Full: Damage Cut +3%, Max HP -30% Mythic of Carnage Rivalier Forest Cluster On Step-Dodge: SP+100 & Attack Level +1,

Normal Attack SP -50%, SP Slip -10 Predator Lodend Mountains  Chest Items Dropped +1 Mythic of Athanasia Lodend Mountains Cluster Damage Absorption +50%,

Healing (Received) -100%, Max HP -75% Rain Incarnation Lockiss Rocks  Chest On Deflect: Evade Rate +10% Mythic of Vehemence Lockiss Rocks Cluster Convert DEF to ATK +50%, DEF Level -1 Garment Norlangarth Castle  Chest Basic Attack: ATK +60%

Wesdarath Incarnations:

⠀⠀⠀     Incarnation ⠀⠀   Location   From ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats Seclusion Mildea Plains  Chest Shrink Enemy Scan Area +50% Mythic of Resplendence Mildea Plains Cluster HP Regen +5%, Max HP -50% Holy Limit Raubal Greenbelt  Chest Heal Area of Effect +50% Sage’s Stigmata Raubal Greenbelt Cluster Healing Skill SP Cost -100%,

Cooldown Time +50% Soul Snild Snow Fields  Chest SP Low: ATK +50% Ultimate Stigmata Snild Snow Fields Cluster Deflect Time +30,

Arts Gauge +50%, SP Slip -18 Armament Minelda Rocks  Chest Low HP: DEF +100%, Skill Speed -20% Bloodblossom Stigmata Minelda Rocks Cluster HP Absorption +1%, Max HP +25%,

HP Full: Power +50%, HP Slip -10% Beauty Villind Plateaus  Chest Chain Burst Level 4 Unlocked,

Chain Burst Damage +50% Fiend’s Stigmata Villind Plateaus Cluster Arts Gauge Regen +100%, Max SP -90% Gale Western Ravine  Chest On Step: Invulnerability

⠀– Incarnations 2

Eastavarieth Incarnations:

⠀   Incarnation ⠀⠀ ⠀ Location   From ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats Blade Incarnation Sivilia Mountains  Chest Damage Reflect +100%,

Low HP: Power +50%, Low HP: DEF -50% Lotus’s Stigmata Sivilia Mountains Cluster Hazard Break Time +50%, Delay Time +20% Subtlety Sarole Mountains  Chest Counter Proc Rate +50% Violet Flash Sarole Mountains Cluster Hazard Gauge +3,

On Critical: Hazard Gauge +50, Arts Gauge -75% Purgatorial Great Mound Road  Chest Sacred Art Power +20%, Healing (Received) +25% Comet’s Stigmata Great Mound Road Cluster Skill Speed +50%, Attack -25%, DEF -25% Helix Treitis Pass  Chest SP Regen +6 Phoenix Treitis Pass Cluster SP Consumption -50%, Area of Effect +50%,

Cooldown Time -20%, SP Slip -18

Others & Raids Incarnations:

  ⠀⠀    Incarnation ⠀⠀ ⠀ Location  From ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats Life Central Cathedral Chest Healing (Given) +25% Guardian’s Stigmata The Lost Paradise Chest HP Full: Damage Cut +5%, DEF Level -3 Red Budding Stigmata Beastsnare Grotto Chest DEF Level +7, Attack +15%, Attack Level -7 Maiden’s Stigmata The Spire of

Eternity Research Chest Healing (Given / Received) +100% / -75%,

Area of Effect +100% Wind Stigmata Silent Icegaol Chest On Successful Deflect: ATK Up +100%,

On Successful Step: ATK Up +100%,

Damage Reduction -50%

● Ex Skills & Sacred Arts

You start the game with 3 default Ex Skills.

Other Ex Skills need to be received from Statues.

After learning Ex Skills you need to complete certain conditions to unlock them.

You also need to find the additional secret skills and learn them from the Statues.

  Ex Skill ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Location ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Buff Attacker Default Attack +10% Defender Default DEF +10% Buffer Default Area of Effect +100% Berserker SE, Reind Lakeshore Statue Attack +20%, DEF -10% Scout NE, Cordia Plains Statue SP Regen +3 SP Buffer SE, Creyst Cove Statue Buff Skill SP Cost -25% Debuffer NE, Rivalier Forest Statue Special Accuracy +10% Tank SE, Warmia Greenbelt Statue DEF +20%, Attack -10% Healer NE, Lodend Mountains Statue Healing (Given) +50%

  Ex Skill ⠀⠀⠀Secret Skill ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀Location Berserker Billion Blossom EE, Sarole Mountains Statue Scout Flash Bind WE, Mildea Plains Statue SP Buffer Domain of the Gods WE, Villind Plateaus Statue Debuffer Curse of the Weak EE, Sivilia Mountains Statue Tank Infernal Eye EE, Great Mound Road Statue Healer Hands of the Gods WE, Minelda Rock Statue

By progressing the story you will learn all level 1 Sacred Arts.

Levels 2 and 3 can be learned only from the Statues in each region.

 Affinity LvL ⠀⠀⠀ Skill ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Location Light   1


  3 Luminous

Divine Light

Merciful Shine Default

SE, Deusoldort Desert

WE, Villind Plateau Wind   1


  3 Tailwind

Magic Mirror

Accelerator Default

NE, Uetra Valley

EE, Great Mound Road Heat   1


  3 Arrow Shape

Blazing Glow

Flame Tornado Default

NE, Rivalier Forest

EE, Sivilia Mountains Steel   1


  3 Create Metal

Strong Body

Force Barrier Default

SE, Warmia Greenbelt

WE, Raubal Greenbelt Darkness   1


  3 Blinding Field

Dark Impact

Dazzling Aura Default

SE, Creyst Cove

WE, Minelda Rocks Crystal   1


  3 Create Mirror

Jewel Lance

Crystal Bind Default

SE, Vizeah Valley

WE, Mildea Plains Ice   1


  3 Arctic Thorn


Glacial Vine Default

NE, Lodend Mountains

EE, Sarole Mountains Water   1


  3 Water Cutter

Splash Bomb

Bubble Wall Default

NE, Lockiss Rocks

EE, Treitis Pass

● Persona & Anima

When you reach 100% at persona & anima with characters, you will unlock their Arts Codes.

After learning Art Codes, they can be equipped for any other characters.

Also when Art Codes reach 100%, they will give more powerful bonuses.

Patch 2.03 or 2.10 fixed the issue of losing Art Code progress while swapping codes.

Below will be displayed tables with Personas and Animas with maxed bonuses:

   Character    Persona                    Perk Alice Benevolent Heal area of Effect +25% Asuna Bellicose Arts Gauge Regen +25% Bercouli Born Leader Expands Buff Area of Effect Cardinal Meticulous Thinking Time +30 Eldrie Prodigy Attack Speed +20% Eugeo / Leafa Diligent Expirience +20% Fanatio Levelheaded On Hit: ATK Up Fizel Nimble Accuracy +10% Kirito Inquisitive Buff Skill SP Cost -20% Linel Berserker Attack +100%, Untargetable, DEF -25% Lisbeth Fiery Critical Rate +50% Medina Stalwart Max HP +30% Philia Meticulous SP Recovery +15%, Attack Speed +15% Rain Dancer Chain Risk Value +5%, EXP & Sacred Arts EXP +15% Renly / ReoNa Empathetic Sacred Art Accuracy +25% Ronie Sprightly SP Recovery +25% Selka Apostle Sacred Arts Charge Time +50% Seven Truthseeker Buff Skill SP Cost -15%, Buff Area of Effect +30% Sheyta Swordmaster Chain Risk Value +10% Silica Angelic Healing (Given) +20% Sinon / Deusolbert Tactical Max SP +100 Sortiliena Wise Buff Area of Effect +50% Strea Innocent Max HP +20%, Arts Gauge Regen +20% Tiese Considerate Party HP Regen Modifier +100%

  Character    Persona                    Perk⠀ Alice / Ronie Motherly After Battle: SP Regen +6 Asuna Luckster Drop Rate +20%, Rare Material Drop Boost Bercouli / Sinon Cautious Shrink Enemy Scan Area Cardinal Aesthete Drop Rate +10% Deusolbert Vigilant After Battle: DEF +50% Eldrie Sexy On Date: Smile / Blush Points +5 Eugeo / ReoNa Studious Rare Material Drop Boost Fanatio Tsundere Affinity Earned -25% Fizel Extroverted After Battle: Party HP Max +20% Kirito / Silica Affectionate On Date: Blush Points +10 Leafa Lecherous Affinity Earned +2 Linel Heartbreaker Affinity Earned +50% Lisbeth Inconspicuous Distance Aggro -50% Medina Compassionate After Battle: HP Regen +2% Philia Discerning Occasionally Boosts Experience, Drop Rate +10% Rain Bashful Shrink Enemy Scan Area, Distance Aggro -50% Renly Devout On Date: Smile Points +10 Selka Gifted Random Effect After Battle Seven Celebrity Affinity Earned +50%, On Date: Smile Points +10 Sheyta Uptight Attack +30% Sortiliena Stern Occasionally Boosts Experience Strea Spontaneous After Battle: HP Regen +1%, SP Regen +4 Tiese Adroit Occasionally Boosts Skill Points

Bed Scenes There are a few bed scenes for each character (IK's don't have them at all).

To see another scene, you need to raise mood from level 1 to level 5 again.

After completing scene 5, you will start a new lap, but for some reason from scene 2.

After completing the game, you can re-watch all scenes from the main menu in the gallery.

There are no scenes for ReoNa, Bercouli, Renly, Deusolbert, and Eldrie.

No scenes for Strea, Philia, Seven and Rain either.

Character No. of scenes  Character No. of scenes Alice ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 5 Asuna ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀5 Cardinal ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 5 Eugeo ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 5 Fanatio ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 5 Fizel & Linel ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀5 Leafa ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 5 Lisbeth ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀5 Medina ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 5 Ronie ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀5 Selka ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀5 Sheyta ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 5 Silica ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀5 Sinon ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀5 Sortiliena ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 5 Tiese ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀5

● Food Recipes

All recipes will be sorted alphabetically in both tables.

Each food provides buffs at the length of 30 minutes.

You can't use other food while previous buffs are still in use.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀  Recipe ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Location ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀NPC Apple Cheese Pie NE, Lodend Mountains Malone (Food Vendor) Apple and Oren Pancake Central Capital Centoria Neroa (Cook) Aromatic Friend Fish Central Capital Centoria Alero (Cook) Centorian Stew Central Capital Centoria Nooma (Cook) Chierian Rice and Herbs EE, Sarole Mountains Traveh (Blacksmith) Citrus-Fried Fish Bread WE, Minelda Rocks Anileur (Craftsman) Cliffian Shrimp Pasta WE, Raubal Greenbelt Gayden (Cook) Desert-Scorched Sirloin SE, Deusoldort Desert Lutess (Blacksmith) Fluffy Wrapped Eggs Central Capital Centoria Alero (Cook) Fruit and Berry Pie Central Capital Centoria Neroa (Cook) Honey and Grape Bread NE, Cordea Plains Matilde (Cook) Meat and Cheese Hoagie Central Capital Centoria Alero (Cook) Mildean Fish Stew WE, Mildea Plains Kisera (Houswife) Pyhr and Oren Crepe Central Capital Centoria Neroa (Cook) Reind Fishpot SE, Reind Lakeshore Treyca (Craftsman) Rice and Herbs Fish Soup EE, Treitis Pass Ladoire (Cook) Rulid Stew NE, Proologue Default Sivilian Cream Stew EE, Sivilia Mountains Ajuna (Craftsman) Swirling Veggie Soup NE, Lockiss Rocks Nadelia (Cook) Tender Aged Beef Stew Central Capital Centoria Alero (Cook) The Jumping Deer’s honey pie Central Capital Centoria Mafena (Cook) Tropical Fruit Wate SE, Creyst Cove Lameta (Assistant) Villindish Fish Pasta WE, Villind Plateaus Eutila (Blacksmith) Willirian Twin Treasures SE, Warnia Greenbelt Naye (Craftsman) Zakkarian Aged Beef Pie NE, Sustnel Mountains Deatrise (Baker)

            Food                       Buffs Apple Cheese Pie Max HP +10%, Affinity with Women +30% Apple and Oren Pancake Items Dropped +1, VIT +10%, SP Regen +1% Aromatic Friend Fish DEF Level +1, Accuracy -10 Centorian Stew Attack +10%, Invisible, Shrink Enemy Scan Area 30% Chierian Rice and Herbs Move Speed +10%, Critical Resist +50%, DEF +10% Citrus-Fried Fish Bread Items Droppped +1, Expirience +10% Cliffian Shrimp Pasta Hazard Gauge +15% Desert-Scorched Sirloin Drop Rate +25% Fluffy Wrapped Eggs Drop Rate +25%, Jump +25% Fruit and Berry Pie HP Regen +100, SP Regen +1 Honey and Grape Bread Items Dropped +1, Attack +10% Meat and Cheese Hoagie Items Dropped +1, STR +10%, Soul Resist +20 Mildean Fish Stew Attack +10%, Area of Effect +30% Pyhr and Oren Crepe Max HP +10%, Affinity with Men/Women +20% Reind Fishpot Fishing Items Drop +1, Move Speed +10% Rice and Herbs Fish Soup Move Speed +15%, Critical Resist +40%, DEF +10% Roasted Meat and Herbs Expirience +15% Rulid Stew Attack +10%, Fall Damage -50% Sivilian Cream Stew Attack +10%, Move Speed +20% Swirling Veggie Soup Damage Absorbtion +50 Tender Aged Beef Stew Attack +15%, Fall Speed -30% The Jumping Deer’s honey pie Skill Connect EX Count +1 Tropical Fruit Wate Swim Speed +10%, Move Speed +10% Villindish Fish Pasta Hazard Gauge +15%, Swim Speed +20% Willirian Twin Treasures Attack +15%, Move Speed +10%, DEF -10% Zakkarian Aged Beef Pie Max HP +10%, Affinity with Men +30%

● Fishing

The max level of fishing is 20 (1000 proficiency).

Seems like your fishing level affects a chance to get a better item from treasure and a chance to successfully catch a fish.

There are 5 fishing rods, to collect all fish it is recommended to obtain them all.

Craft and use Reind Fishpot food (from Sothercrois Empire, Reind Lakeshore), you will gain more proficiency and +1 fish upon catching.

Reind Fishpot food not working on treasures.

⠀⠀⠀  Name  Chapter ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Location ⠀⠀ Quest Giver Sturdy Branch Rod Prologue Default rod Default Softstone Rod Chapter 2 Sothercrois Empire, Reind Lakeshore Cheyde sidequest Surreptitious Rod Chapter 3 Norlangarth Empire, Uetra Valley Nifos sidequest Infrangible Rod Chapter 4 Wesdarath Empire, Ruabal Greembelt Cumeh sidequest Phantasurge Rod Chapter 5 Eastavarieth Empire, Sarole Mountains Nwenne sidequest

Sothercrois Empire Fishing Locations:      Location        Fishing Spot LvL                      Possible Loot Warmia Greenbelt Underground Lake

Williria Town  12

  8 Inktopus, Bramblefish, Lizardfish, Treasure

Dartfish, Arowafish, Silver Murkfish, Burrowfish, Lizardfish Vizeah Valley Vizeah Waterfall

Rackel Azure Wharfs   6

  5 Dartfish, Rosefish, Skitfish, Bramblefish, Burrowfish

Skitfish, Burrowfish, Silver Murkfish, Treasure, Redshrimp Deusoldort Desert Lake Deifeze

Sustira Village   0 Raycarp, Inktopus, Treasure

Raycarp, Burrowfish Creyst Cove Creyst Lake  10 Amberfish, Rosefish, Dartfish, Arowafish, Inktopus Reind Lakeshore Fishers’ Settlement

Near the Southern Corridor  10 Inktopus, Amberfish, Dartfish, Redshrimp, Rosefish

Amberfish, Rosefish, Inktopus, Dartfish, Redshrimp

Norlangarth Empire Fishing Locations:      Location        Fishing Spot LvL                      Possible Loot Cordea Plains Lake Norkia Shores

Lake Norkia Bridge

Hidden Mountain Village   1


  0 Silver Murkfish, Raycarp, Arowafish, Ninjafish, Burrowfish

Silver Murkfish, Amberfish, Gravelfish, Arowafish, Skitfish

Raycarp, Ninjafish, Burrowfish, Arowafish Sustnel Mountains Noble Estate Backyard

Zakkaria   5

  3 Gravelfish, Arowafish, Skitfish, Amberfish, Rosefish

Ninjafish, Amberfish, Arowafish, Gravelfish, Raycarp Uetra Valley Uetra Waterfall Basin

Uetra River  12

 14 Lizardfish, Arowafish, Skitfish, Treasure, Inktopus

Skittfish, Lizardfish, Arowafish, Sugarfish, Rosefish Rivalier Forest Hintarle Junction

Lake Hintarle Shores

Hintarle Geyser   2


 12 Raycarp, Ninjafish, Arowafish, Burrowfish, Amberfish

Amberfish, Skittfish, Arowafish, Ninjafish, Redshrimp

Inktopus, Arowafish, Amberfish, Lizardfish, Sugarfish Lodend Mountains Rulid Village

Orchard Warfs

Upstream Ruhr River   0


  8 Raycarp, Ninjafish, Arowafish, Silver Murkfish

Raycarp, Burrowfish, Arowafish, Skitfish, Ninjafish

Amberfish, Arowafish, Gravelfish, Lizardfish, Treasure Lockiss Rocks Flaggidd Village

Outside the Imperial Palace   1

  8 Raycarp, Ninjafish, Arowafish, Skitfish, Silver Murkfish

Amberfish, Gravelfish, Arowafish, Sugarfish, Treasure

Wesdarath Empire Fishing Locations:     Location        Fishing Spot LvL                     Possible Loot Mildea Plains Galfan River

Near the Breeding Grounds

Mildea Lighthouse   9


  7 Prismfish, Rosefish, Arowafish, Burrowfish, Lizardfish

Prismfish, Rosefish, Arowafish, Burrowfish

Dartfish, Amberfish, Bramblefish, Redshrimp, Rosefish Raubal Greenbelt North Grove Lakeshore

South Grove Lakeshore   9

  7 Prismfish, Redshrimp, Dartfish, Skitfish

Prismfish, Redshrimp, Bramblefish, Treasure, Burrowfish Minelda Rocks Crescent Moon Lake   9 Lizardfish, Silver Murkfish, Redshrimp, Prismfish, Treasure Villind Plateaus Mountain Stream Shore

Shore by Tiered Waterfall   9

  7 Prismfish, Bramblefish, Skitfish, Dartfish

Amberfish, Prismfish, Redshrimp, Burrowfish, Treasure

Eastavarieth Empire Fishing Locations:      Location      Fishing Spot LvL                  Possible Loot Sivilia Mountains Cystair River Wharfs

Cystair River Tributary   5

  7 Ninjafish, Lizardfish, Sugarfish, Gravelfish, Skitfish

Lizardfish, Ninjafish, Skitfish, Redshrimp, Sugarfish Great Mound Road Qeian Hinterlands  12 Arowafish, Redshrimp, Sugarfish, Treasure, Inktopus Treitis Pass Cliffside Fishing Spot  19 Sugarfish, Lizardfish, Treasure, Arowafish

⠀– Treasures

Now let's talk about the treasures that can be obtained from fishing. Below will be all treasure locations and chances to catch them.

Reind Fishpot food not working on treasures.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Location ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Fishing Spot LvL Chance SE, Warmia Greenbelt Underground Lake  12      8% SE, Vizeah Valley Rackel Azure Wharfs   5     16% SE, Deusoldort Desert Lake Deifeze   0     11% NE, Uetra Valley Uetra Waterfall Basin  12     16% NE, Lodend Mountains Upstream Ruhr River   8     16% NE, Lockiss Rocks Outside the Old Imperial Palace   8     16% WE, Raubal Greenbelt South Grove Lakeshore   7     14% WE, Minelda Rocks Crescent Moon Lake   9     10% WE, Villind Plateaus Shore by Tiered Waterfall   7     10% EE, Great Mound Road Qeian Hinterlands  12     12% EE, Treitis Pass Cliffside Fishing Spot  19     21%

So, what can we obtain from treasures? That's an easy answer - sellable items, accessories, and weapons. Bellow will be a list of obtainable items from treasures.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Item ⠀  Type  Cost ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀Location Rusted Bucket Sellable     5 Available everywhere Antique Currency Sellable  500 Available everywhere Prismatic Marble Sellable 1000 Available everywhere Gold Nugget Sellable 3000 Available everywhere Steelfang (Katana) Weapon 1060 SE, Warmia Greenbelt Narwal Bludgeon (Mace) Weapon 1010 SE, Vizeah Valley Starlight Charm Accessory  650 SE, Deusoldort Desert Dusklight Whip Weapon 1110 NE, Uetra Valley Elegant Waistcloth Accessory  650 NE, Lodend Mountains Lightshard Dagger Weapon 1010 NE, Lockiss Rocks Purifying Rain (Bow) Weapon 1110 WE, Raubal Greenbelt Beastfish Gauntlets Accessory  650 WE, Minelda Rocks Floodscream (2Hs) Weapon 1060 WE, Villind Plateaus Ghostfont (1Hs) Weapon 1010 EE, Great Mound Road Nectar Rapier Weapon 1010 EE, Treitis Pass

Also here is the table for items stats (combined from a few items):

⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Item ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats Steelfang DMG 98, ATK 30, STR 45, Critical 18, SAD 60,

Assassin, Killing Blow Narwal Bludgeon DMG 103, ATK 32, SA ACC 23, Critical 2, SAD 75, SA ATK 12,

Sage's Wisdom, Two Contenders Starlight Charm DEF 15, VIT 41, Poison/Paralysis/Slow Resistance 20, Max HP 9200,

Mental Resonance, Tranquil Guard Dusklight Whip DMG 105, ATK 31, STR 36, DEX 37, SAD 60,

Cackling Devastator, Soul Extraction Elegant Waistcloth DEF 15, VIT 44, AGL 39, SA EVD 17,

Iron Will, Faith Armor Lightshard Dagger DMG 62, ATK 29, VIT 45, AGL 45, SAD 60,

Combo Pro, Spiritual Cage Purifying Rain DMG 150, ATK 32, DEX 44, Critical 14, SAD 60,

Unfreezing Spirit, An Eye for Weakness Beastfish Gauntlets ATK 28, DEF 15, STR 44, Critical 11,

Thirst for Blood, Pierce Weakness Floodscream DMG 128, ATK 29, STR 39, VIT 42, SAD 60,

Iron Will, Abyssal Reflection Ghostfont DMG 75, ATK 31, VIT 42, Max HP 9200, SAD 60,

Hands of the Gods, Breath of Life Nectar Rapier DMG 79, ATK 27, STR 44, DEX 45, Critical 4, SAD 60,

Rising Spirit, Divine Blade

These weapons can't be used in Visualize Attire. But they have the same model/color as:

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Item ⠀⠀ Same Model Steelfang Wyvernslayer Narwal Bludgeon Whirlpool Hammer Dusklight Whip Prison Whip Lightshard Dagger Abyssal Blight Purifying Rain Silverbone Bow Floodscream Tidebreaker Ghostfont Bonesplitter Nectar Rapier Petacloud

● Passive Skills

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Skill ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Buffs Abandonment Deflect Time +15 Abyssal Reflection Convert DEF to ATK +15% Agile Flurry Normal Attack Power +800%, STR +5% Air Dance On Step-Dodge: ACC Up +30 An Eye for Weakness Hazard Break Time +25% Assassin On Step-Dodge: Crit Rate +35 Basic Expert Normal Hit: Arts Gauge +3 Battle Instinct Attack +5 Binary Star Sword God Chain Burst Risk Correction +10% Blade Dance Follow-Up Attacks +1, Max HP -10% Blade Synchronization Skill Connect EX Opening Time +5 Blessing of the War God Attack Aggro -20% Bloody Petals of Carnage Attack +5, HP Slip -30 Body of the Devourer Downed: +10%, Broken & Fatal State: ATK +20% Body of the Slaughterer Hazarded: ATK +20% Breath of Life Healing (Given) +20% Cackling Devastator AOE Attacks, Attack +10%, Area of Effect +10% Clear Flash Super Arts Duration +25%, Arts Gauge Regen -1 Clear Mind Chain Ready Time +30% Combo Pro Normal Attack SP +1 Dangerous Obsession Damage Absorption +10% Detect Weakness Critical Rate +5% Divine Blade Arts Gauge Regen +25% Domain of the Experts Skill Connect EX Count +1 Efficient Movement SP Regen +1 Enlightenment Effect Time +10% to Combat Skills Essence of the Blade Skill Connect EX Opening Time +50% Evil God Bloodline STR +10% Faith Armor DEF +10% Fighting Spirit Attack +15%, DEF -15% Hands of Prayer HP Regen +100 Hands of the Gods Heal Area of Effect +100% Hawkeye Accuracy +10% Hazy Light On Successful Step-Dodge: SP Recovery +25 High-Precision Machine Accuracy +15 Hyper Awareness Experience +10% Indomitable Spirit Souls/Paralysis Resist +20 Instantaneous Stance Skill Speed +10% Iron Will DEF +10% Iron Will DEF +30 Killing Blow Critical Power +30% Leadership Aggro Gauge Decrease -25% Lithe Body AGL +10% Man on the Watchtower Delay Time -20% March of the Recluse Step Cancel Time -30% Meditation Skill Power +20%, Delay Time +10% Mental Focus DEX +10% Mental Resonance Special Accuracy +20%, Speed Change Resist +20, Physical Resist +20 Natural Infiltrator Aggro -50% Nimble Feet Evasion +15% Nimble Body Evasion +15% Noble Will Aggro Gauge Decrease -30% Offensive Defense Counter Proc Rate +5% One with the Sword Move Speed +15% Pierce Weakness Critical Rate +10 Prayer Breath Healing (Received) +50%, HP Regen +1% Pure Will Healing Skill SP Cost -50%, Attack -10% Rising Spirit STR, VIT, DEX, AGL +5% Rule by the Strong Riisk Points +100%

⠀– Passive Skills 2

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Skill ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Buffs Sage's Wisdom Sacred Art Power +30%, DEF -10% Sense Danger Critical Resist +30%, Cooldown Time -5% Shadow Hands Special Accuracy +15% Shadow Warrior Attack +20%, DEF -20% Single-Minded Will Super Arts: Normal ATK +1000%, Attack +5% Skill of the Resurrector HP Regen +2% Soul Extraction SP Consumption -10% Soul of the Martyr Healing (Received) +50% Spirit of Determination VIT +10% Spiritual Cage Cooldown Time -10% Stance of the Guardian Out of Battle: DEF +25% Stench of Death Low Aggro: ATK +30% Sturdy Body Max HP +20% Sword Focus Attack +10% Sword of the Servant Skill Speed +10% The Soul's End Max Sp +100, Max HP -50% Thirst for Blood Critical Rate Proportional to Remaining SP +50%, DEF -10% Thorn Artist Arts Gauge Regen +3 Tranquil Guard Damage Reduction +10% Transformation Max HP +10% Two Contenders Skill Power +15%, Sacred Art Power +15% Unbreakable Body DEF Level +1, Damage Reduction -20% Unfreezing Spirit On Critical: Hazard Gauge +50% Veil of Obscurity Evasion +10% Verdant Paradigm Area of Effect +100% War God Contract Occasionally: SP Cost -50% Weapons of Darkness HP Absorption +100, Damage Reduction -20% Will to Live HP Regen +2% Wings of Preservation Paralysis/Poison/Speed Change Resist +10

● Active Skills

ET = Effect Time;

CD = Cooldown;

SA = Special Accuracy;

RP = Risk Points.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Skill  SP   ET/CD ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Buffs Altar of Life 100   10/60 HP Recovery, HP Damage 50% Astral Training   0  60/240 Area of Effect +40% At Wit’s End 100  90/180 Risk Points +100%, Risk Points +1 Beast's Bellow 300 180/180 On Successful Deflect: ATK Up +10% Billion Blossom 300 180/180 Easing Skill Connect EX Requirement Black Chains of Discord   0  90/180 Slowed: Speed Down -10%, Special Accuracy +15% Blade Counter 100    5/60 Counters foe's next attack with a stun strike on successful Guard Bloody Waltz   0  60/180 Attack +10%, HP Absorption +100, DEF -15% Body of the Sage   0  60/180 Add Area of Effect to Skill Brand of the Flowerblade 300 180/180 Chain Burts Level 4 Unlocked Breathing Exercises   0  60/420 SP Consumption - 60 Bulwark of the Goddesses 100  90/180 STR, VIT, DEX, AGL +10% Burning Blade 100 120/240 Hazarded/Downed: ATK +20%, Broken & Fatal State: ATK +20% Chains of Binding  50 60/180 Pulls certain enemies close with invisible chains Child of Chaos  50  15/180 Slowed: Speed Down -50% Combat Ready   0 180/360 HP/SP Recovery +100%, Arts Gauge +1000, Cooldown Time +50% Craven Bystander   0  90/180 Aggro -10, HP Recovery +10%, DEF -5% Cry of Determination   0   60/60 Aggro Gauge Decrease -30%, Attack Aggro +30% Curse of the Weak  50  30/180 Attack Level -7, DEF Level -1 (Used to an enemy) Dance of Life   0 120/180 HP Regen +1% Demonic Archer   0  60/180 Paralyzed: Reduced Movement +30%, SA +15%, Attack -10% Demonic Archer  50  60/180 Paralyzed: Reduced Movement +30% Devil Dragoon 100 120/180 DEF Level +7, Attack +5%, DEF -15% Domain of the Gods  50 120/420 Place Buff on Combat Skill Use, SP Regen +1 Dragon's Eye Ring  50  15/180 Slowed: Speed Down -50% Echo of Life 100 120/240 HP Regen +4% Echoes of Madness  50 120/180 ATK up based on remaining HP, HP Damage 30% Emergency Dodge  25   60/15 Attack +5% Emergency Evade 100  90/180 HP Regen +1, Low HP: Power +50% Falcon Fist 100  90/180 Risk Points +20, Hazard Break Time +75%, Hazard Gauge +1 Fate Reversal  50   5/180 Damage Absorption +10% Firebolt   0  60/180 Skill Speed +25%, Attack +10%, Move Speed +5% Firespark  50  60/180 Allow Solo Chain Burst Firespark+ 150  90/240 Allow Solo Chain Burst, Effect Time +30, Required SP +100 Flash Bind 200  30/120 Chain Burst Damage +10% Flash Bind 200  30/120 Chain Burst Damage +10%, Skill Speed -5% Flood Formation 100  20/300 Hazard Gauge +3 Fortification of the Gods   0 120/240 Sacred Art Power +60%, Skill Power -10% Galvanize 200  60/180 Arts Gauge +1000 Godrobe Warrior  50 120/180 Physical Double +3, Skill Power +5% Golden Apple   0  60/180 Experience +40% Hands of the Abyss   0  60/180 Special Accuracy +20% Hands of the Abyss+  75  75/240 SA +30%, Effect Time +45, Attack -5%, Required SP +75 Heavenly Aegis  50  10/180 Nullify Projectiles & Physical, HP Recovery +10% Heavenly Fixation 150  90/180 Normal Attack SP +2 Heavy Blow 150    5/60 Deal a heavy blow that stuns the enemy Howling of the Soldier  50 120/180 Attack +30%, Evasion -5

⠀– Active Skills 2

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Skill  SP   ET/CD ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Buffs Infernal Eye  50  60/180 Lock Target Infernal Eye+ 100   15/60 Lock Target, Attack +15% Inferno Prayer  50  60/180 HP Regen +1.5%, HP Recovery +10% Inferno Prayer 100  60/180 HP Regen +1.5%, HP Recovery +10%, Required SP +50 Ironclad Lawbook  50 120/180 DEF +10% Judgment Hammer 100  45/240 Broke & Fatal State: ATK +40%, Downed: +40% Knight's Shield 100   15/60 Grant DEF +10% to yourself and allies Liberation 100  90/180 HP Recovery +100%, Max HP +50% Light of Purification 100   30/60 Remove Status Effects +1 Light of the Gods+  50  60/180 HP Recovery +25% Lion Sprint   0 120/180 Attack +20%, DEF -15% Mind's Eye+   0   15/60 Hazard State EVD +1, Counter Proc Rate +15% Mindbreak 300  10/180 Hazards the target Mindbreak 300  10/390 Hazards the target, DEF -10%, Skill Speed -10%, CD +90 Morale Boost   0 105/360 SP Recovery +100%, Max SP +100, Effect Time +45, CD + 120 Morale Boost+   0  60/180 SP Recovery +100%, SP Regen +10 Nimble Dance 100  90/180 Evasion +50% Pandemic of Madness  50  15/180 Attack Level +7, DEF Level +7, Arts Gauge -1000 Rapid Recite   0  90/240 SA Charge Time -50%, SA Power +10% Reaper's Wrath 100 120/240 Critical Rate +35, Chain Burst Damage +10% Shoulders of Security 100  90/240 Low HP: DEF +100% Silent Flash  50  15/120 Accuracy -90, Attack -15%, Speciial Accuracy -15% (To an enemy) Soul Resonance  50 120/240 SP Regen +10, SP Recovery +3 Spectral Armor 100   60/60 HP Full: Damage Cut +5%, DEF +10% Steel Will  50 120/180 DEF +30%, Attack -10% Surprise Attack   0   30/60 Rear Critical Rate +50%, DEF -15% Swift Stance   0    0/90 Canceling actions you were doing before Sword Dance  50 120/240 Accuracy +20, Evasion -8 Sword of the Goddesses  50 120/180 Attack +10%, Skill Speed +10% Tempering of the Soul   0  60/420 SP Consumption - 60 The Faeries' Rondo 100   5/240 HP Recovery +75% Thorn Armor   0  15/180 Damage Refleect +10% Thorn Armor+ 100    5/60 Damage Refleect +10% Thorn of the Protector+ 300 120/180 Convert DEF to ATK +30% Tiger's Resolve 100  90/180 Critical Rate +50%, Critical Power +50% Transcendental Tutoring 100  90/180 Delay Time -50% Unbreakable Wall  50  30/180 Damage Reduction +50% Unexpected Comeback 100  90/180 Attack -30% (for an enemy), Attack +30% Venomous Curse   0 120/180 Hazard Gauge +50%, Poisoned: HP Sap -60, Attack -15% Venomous Curse   0 120/180 Hazard Gauge +50%, Poisoned: HP Sap -60, Attack -15% Virulent Madness  50  15/180 Attack Level +7, DEF Level +7, Arts Gauge -1000 Warrior Bloodline+  50 120/180 Skill Power +15%, Accuracy +5, Max HP +20% Warrior of the Gods 100 120/240 ATK up based on remaining HP, HP Damage 50% Way of the Guardian   0 180/180 DEF +15%, Attack -10%, Damage Reduction -5% Wisdom of the Prosaic   0   30/60 Remove Status Effects +1

● Bronze Bosses

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Boss ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Location ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Quest reward Mossy Fiend SE, Warmia Greenbelt Supple Scale, Chunk of Snowsilver (x5) Verdant Tortoise SE, Warmia Greenbelt Purplestone, Beast Fang (x5) Water Spider SE, Vizeah Valley Sturdy Thread, Purplestone (x5) Stone Crab SE, Creyst Cove Meldslate, Pelt (x5) Desert Lynx SE, Deusoldort Desert Chunk of Snowsilver & Scorchiron (x5) Red-Striped Lizard SE, Deusoldort Desert Angular Ore, Quartz Shard (x5) Cataclysm Starfish SE, Reind Lakeshore Water-Resistant Hide, Beast Fang (x5) Gluttonous Snail SE, Southern Corridor Redstone, Chunk of Scorchiron (x5) Honey Ant NE, Cordea Plains Redstone, Beast Fang (x5) Creeping Crab NE, Sustnel Mountains Beast Claw, Aptislate (x5) Swordstinger Bee NE, Sustnel Mountains Redstone, Honey (x5) Creeping Crab NE, Uetra Valley Carapace Shard, Supple Scale (x5) Sneaking Shroom NE, Rivalier Forest Forest Dewstone, Salubrishroom (x5) Slimy Salamander NE, Rivalier Forest Redstone, Flashrift Core (x5) Great Horn NE, Lodend Mountains Beast Claw, Rugged Ore (x5) Many-Horned Fiend NE, Lodend Mountains Chunk of Snowsilver, Aptislate (x5) Darkness Spider NE, Lockiss Rocks Aptislate, Beast Fang (x5) Norland Bird NE, Lockiss Rocks Quartz Shard, Rugged Ore (x5) Darkness Spider NE, Lockiss Rocks ST Chunk Meat, Water-Resistant Hide (x5) Horned Cave Cricket WE, Mildea Plains Aptislate, Onyxslate (x5) Giant-Horned Fiend WE, Raubal Greenbelt Beast Fang, Beast Claw (x5) Moonlight Fowl WE, Raubal Greenbelt Vitalishroom, Yellowstone (x5) Prickly Armored Shrew WE, Raubal Greenbelt Marbled Meat, Bluestone (x5) Icicle Armored Shrew WE, Snild Snow Fields Sharp Beast Fang, Terrastone (x5) Snowskin Lynx WE, Snild Snow Fields Sharp Beast Claw, Solstone (x5) Terrafrog WE, Minelda Rocks Sturdy Shellscale, Orichalcum (x5) Great Horned Hopper WE, Villind Plateaus Greenstone, Orichalcum (x5) Chomping Dragion WE, Villind Plateaus Solstone, Onyxslate (x5) Sleet Ant WE, Western Ravine Redstone (x1) Grass-Shell Crab EE, Sivilia Mountains Smooth Fiber, Sturdy Water-Resistant Hide (x5) Wailing Weed EE, Sivilia Mountains Sturdy Shellscale, Reinforced Ore (x5) Scorpion General EE, Sarole Mountains Smooth Pelt, Toad Drop (x5) Biting Bat EE, Great Mound Road Greenstone, Rainbowgem (x5) Nightrobe Lynx EE, Treitis Pass Diaslate, Glimmerstone (x5)

● Silver Bosses

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Boss ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Location ⠀⠀⠀⠀ Drop ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Quest reward Nectarlip the Tempter SE, Warmia Greenbelt Bulbstone

Forest Dewstone Anchorhead Whip,

DMG 83, VIT 23, Black Chains of Discord Stormking the Evil SE, Vizeah Valley Soulstone Beasthowl (Rapier),

DMG 70, VIT 25, Critical 4,

Light of Purification Aegisky the Whisperer SE, Vizeah Valley Soulstone

Hardslate Scorching Blade (1Hs),

DMG 65, DEX 21, SAD 15,

Way of the Guardian Ghastlight the Ruinous SE, Creyst Cove Soulstone

Carapace Shard Double-Edged Blade (2Hs),

DMG 121, Critical 10, Lion Sprint Onyxeye the Emperor SE, Creyst Cove Mysticstone

Meldslate Heavy Chainmail,

DEF 51, Max HP 5200,

Bloody Petals of Carnage, Spectral Armor Skycrawl the Monstrous SE, Creyst Cove Heavenscale

Supple Scale Whirlpool Hammer (Mace),

DMG 88, VIT 23, Critical 2, Knight's Shield Firetongue the Duke SE, Deusoldort Desert Spulstone

Flashrift core Cinder Bow,

DMG 162, VIT 32, SAD 48, Golden Apple Thornarm the Monarch SE, Deusoldort Desert Soulstone

Forest Dewstone Ripple Dagger,

DMG 51, Max HP 5100, Firebolt Gemcleave the Cerulean SE, Reind Lakeshore Soulstone

Quartz Shard Moondrop Ripple (Katana),

DMG 82, DEX 21, Critical 5, Heavy Blow Boltshade the Unseen NE, Cordea Plains Lightning Horn Savage Tailwhip,

DMG 98, Critical 10, Craven Bystander Devilhorn the Thruster NE, Sustnel Mountains Antler Piece Deathbringer (Bow),

DMG 138, Critical 8,

Tempering of the Soul Woodsoul the Fallen NE, Uetra Valley Soulstone

Forest Dewstone Iron Fortress Sword (1Hs),

DMG 70, VIT 29, Spectral Armor Forestfin the Ravenous NE, Uetra Valley Heavenscale

Supple Scale Forest Fabric Armor,

DEF 69, SA 16, Sturdy Body,

Warrior of the Gods Crabos. the Penetrator NE, Rivalier Forest Soulstone

Forest Dewstone

Carapace Shard Deforester (Mace),

DMG 96, VIT 28, Critical 2,

Cry of Determination Rockdrake the Tremorer NE, Lodend Mountains Nucleagem

Flashrift core Dragoncrest (Dagger),

DMG 58, AGL 26, SAD 25,

Warrior Bloodline Silverfrost theTyrant NE, Lodend Mountains Soulstone

Marbied Meat

Beast Fang Heavy Claymore (2Hs),

DMG 129, VIT 29, Beast Bellow Duskvine the Spectral NE, Lockiss Rocks Soulstone

Forest Dewstone Whirlwind Blade (Katana),

DMG 90, AGL 22, Critical 5, SAD 26,

Reaper's Wrath Earthplod the Watcher NE, Lockiss Rocks Mysticstone

Aptislate Forest Tempest (Rapier),

DMG 76, DEX 29, Critical 4, Dance of Life Blacksl. the Armored WE, Mildea Plains Soulstone

Carapace Shard Mountain Flattener (Mace),

DMG 107, Critical 12, Blade Counter Blackbolt the Crimson WE, Mildea Plains Lightning Horn Beastwail (Rapier),

DMG 86, VIT 29, Critical 4, Altar of Life Icethorn the Bloodshot WE, Mildea Plains Soulstone,

S. Beast Claw,

Sturdy Shelscale Frostpeak (2Hs),

DMG 128, Max HP 6200, SAD 36,

Bloody Waltz Nightgr. the Barbarous WE, Mildea Plains Shattered Jaw

Chunk Meat Ravager’s Warbow

DMG 152, STR 30, Body of the Sage Frosttail the Chomper WE, Snild Snow Fields Soulstone

Bone-in Meat Snowsunder (Katana),

DMG 100, VIT 29, Critical 5, SAD 37,

Firespark Madhop the Melodious WE, Minelda Rocks Vibracore,

Sturdy Water-

Resistant Hide Ferocious Gale (1Hs),

DMG 77, AGL 31, Wisdom of the Prosaic Hellstone the Homicidal WE, Minelda Rocks Thundereye

Insect Eye Bladerender Armor,

DEF 66, VIT 34,

Weapons of Darkness, Bloody Waltz Grayfang the Sharp WE, Villind Plateaus Soulstone,

S. Beast Claw,

Sturdy Shelscale Gatorskin Whip,

DMG 105, VIT 28, Silent Flash Rubyleaf the Enchanting WE, Villind Plateaus Bulbstone

Forest Dewstone Flower Cyclone (Dagger),

DMG 66, VIT 32, SAD 45,

Emergency Dodge Terraquake the Invader EE, Sivilia Mountains Mysticstone

Onyxslate Solaris Sword (Rapier),

DMG 99, VIT 36, Critical 4, SAD 45,

Echo of Life Cometleg the Avaricious EE, Sivilia Mountains Thunder Eye

Insect Eye White Mist Armor,

DEF 72, STR 39,

Unfreezing Spirit, Reaper’s Wrath Soulst. the Demolisher EE, Sarole Mountains Crimson Barb

Insect Eye Barbtail Whip,

DMG 132, Critical 12, Demonic Archer Gloomrage the Ripper EE, Sarole Mountains C. Soulstone,

S. Beast Claw Twilight Fang (Dagger),

DMG 68, AGL 32, Morale Boost Razorhead the Cruel EE, Great Mound Road Crimson Barb

Insect Eye Soulpiercer (Bow),

DMG 164, Critical 11, Echoes of Madness Crystalblaze the King EE, Great Mound Road C. Soulstone,


S. Beast Fang Stardust Claymore (2Hs),

DMG 143, STR 32, Devil Dragoon Steelwing the Skybound EE, Treitis Pass Heavenscale

Sturdy Shellscale Rising Tides (Katana),

DMG 121, AGL 35, Critical 5, Flash Bind Ironchain the Enforcer EE, Treitis Pass Antler Piece Kitsunebi (1Hs),

DMG 91, STR 36, SAD 40, Inferno Prayer Ironcrag the Mogul EE, Treitis Pass Nucleagem

Flashrift Core Dragonbone Hammer (Mace),

DMG 125, VIT 33, Critical 2,

Ironclad Lawbook

● Divine Beasts

Items and everything you need to know [WIP] image 405

Kill specified Silver and Bronze bosses across the empire to spawn specific DB.

All DB can drop Colossal Soulstone, it will be not mentioned in the table.

Star 1-10 refers to the location of bosses in the table.

R1-10 refers to silver/bronze bosses required for spawning specific DB.

№ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Requirements ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Material ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Drop  1 Sunhorn the Vanished:

NE, Cordea Plains

WE, Mildea Plains Impervious Antler Piece Starfall (Bow):

(DMG 210, AGL 32, Critical 12,

Instantaneous Stance, Pandemic of Madness)  2 Greeneye the Absent:

NE, Rivalier Forest

NE, Sustnel Mountains

NE, Old Norlangarth Castle Brilliant Mysticstone Phantasmagoria (Dagger):

(DMG 87, VIT 37, AGL 37, SAD 55,

Killing Blow, Surprise Attack)  3 Flashfang the Ancient:

NE, Lodend Mountains

NE, Uetra Valley Brilliant Thundereye Savage Squall (1Hs):

(DMG 106, ATK 27, AGL 36, SAD 35,

Offensive Defense, Mind's Eye)  4 Eartfang the Lost:

SE, Deusooldort Desert

SE, Vizeah Valley Impervious Nucleagem Guardian Dragon Armor:

(DEF 87, VIT 48, Max HP 9200,

Abyssal Reflection, Thorn of the Protector)  5 Skycrawl the Monstrous:

WE, Raubal Greenbelt

WE, Snild Snow Fields

WE, Western Ravine Brilliant Heavenscale Midnight Rain (Rapier):

(DMG 110, AGL 37, Critical 14, SAD 40,

Stench of Death, Warrior of the Gods)  6 Lightseeker the Divine:

WE, Minelda Rocks

SE, Creyst Cove Impervious Shattered Jaw Void Eater (1Hs):

(DMG 105, VIT 37, Critical 12,

Rule by the Strong, Thorn of the Protector)  7 Waredge the Virtuous:

EE, Sivilia Mountains

SE, Warmia Greenbelt Impervious Crimson Barb Midnight Sun (Katana):

(DMG 137, VIT 36, DEX 36, Critical 5,

SAD 46, Divine Blade, Galvanize)  8 Bloomcrown the Temptress:

EE, Sarole Mountains

NE, Lockiss Rocks Brilliant Bulbstone Cactus Bludgeon (Mace):

(DMG 144, STR 36, DEX 36, Critical 2,

Tranquil Guard, Heavenly Aegis)  9 Thundertail the Vicious:

EE, Great Mound Road

WE, Villind Plateaus Impervious Lightning Horn Dragontail Whip:

(DMG 147, DEX 35, Critical 11,

Shadow Hands, Curse of the Weak) 10 Godhorn the Abominable:

EE, Treitis Pass

SE, Reind Lakeshore

SE, Southern Corridor Brilliant Vibracore Demonblade Crimson Stream (2Hs):

(DMG 179, DEX 31, Critical 12, SAD 41,

Domain of the Experts, Billion Blossom)

● World Mini-Bosses

Aka items from regular monsters:

Preferably use a party of 4 characters equipped with: Asuna's Luckster anima (+20% drop rate), Philia's Discerning anima (+10% drop rate), Cardinals Aesthete anima (+10% drop rate), Buffer EX Skill + Golden Apple (+5% drop rate) on those characters and use Fluffy Wrapped Eggs (+25% drop rate) as chances of dropping those items pretty low. Also having rings and buffs items from CUBE helps too.

To respawn enemies, simply re-enter the current location in a preferable way (either teleporting or leave manually into the next area).

As for the reason why you even need items listed below, because EX Raids with some of them will be much easier to complete.

Also, I should mention that stats on these items are not and probably never be at max values because they're a pain to grind they are not so good to use normally and skills on them are more important than stats.

Seeing as monsters in other Empires drops only mats, I'll probably stop checking this.

     Norlangarth               Name ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Item Cordea Plans Norlan Bird Iron Chain Earring: DEF 8, SA 9,

Body of the Devourer, Flash Bind Cordea Plans Great Horned Hopper Lightsand Bracelet: DEF 10, STR 28,

Hands of Prayer, Sword of the Servant Cordea Plans Whitetail Lynx Catseye Necklace: DEF 12, DEX 30,

Soul Extraction, Tempering of the Soul Cordea Plans Mossy Fiend Patterned Waistcloth: DEF 13, VIT 36,

Air Dance, Emergency Dodge Cordea Plans Stone Tortoise Steelstone Ring: DEF 12, SAD 45,

An Eye for Weakness, Mind Break Cordea Plans Gobbletoad Glowing Leather Boots: DEF 9, AGL 25,

Abandonment, Beast's Bellow Rivalier Forest Slimy Salamander Dawn Bangle: DEF 15, STR 38,

Stench of Death, Craven Bystander Rivalier Forest Sneaking Mushroom Leaf Earing: DEF 9, SA 10 Rivalier Forest Gluttonous Snail Heavy Leather Boots: DEF 12, AGL 35,

Essence of the Blade, Domain of the Experts Rivalier Forest Stone Crab Lifewater Cloak: DEF 7, Max HP 3700,

Prayer Breath, Inferno Prayer Lodend Mountains Queen Ant Twilight Belt: DEF 15, VIT 34,

Hawkeye, Sword Dance Lodend Mountains Queen Bee Reletionship Charm: DEF 6, Poison/Paralysis/Slow

Res. 9, Combo Pro, Soul Resonance Lodend Mountains Norlan Bird Nocturnal Ring: DEF 9, SAD 30,

Sage's Wisdom, Fortification of the Gods Lodend Mountains Stag Beetle Faith Bangle: DEF 13, STR 38,

Two Contenders, Billion Blossom Lodend Mountains Thornbug Wood-Ornamented Belt: DEF 13, VIT 37,

Instantaneous Stance, Firebolt

● Raids

There are no maps or mini-maps in each raid, but thanks to AlexC1994 now you can navigate through dungeons freely as he has done detailed maps for each dungeon.

If you're a new player or just want to find something, check out his guide here:

The Lost Paradise:

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Item  Type ⠀⠀⠀⠀Obtainable from ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats Light Jade Boots   Acc. Lifesnap the Ripper DEF 28, STR 50, AGL 50, One with the Sword Jade-Adorned Belt   Acc. Plaguetongue the Ulcerous DEF 26, STR 50, VIT 50, March of the Recluse Forgotten Earrings   Acc. Madleaf the Fallen DEF 22, STR 46, SA 19, Tempering of the Soul Forgotten Clothes Armor Dreamleaf the Phantasm DEF 68, AGL 50, SA 15, SAD 60, Rapid Recite Woodwyrm Armor Armor Dreamleaf the Phantasm DEF 87, STR 50, VIT 50,

Offensive Defense, Shoulders of Security Reapers Torrent  Whip Evergreen the Woodwyrm DMG 147, VIT 40, DEX 40, AGL 40, SAD 60,

Stench of Death Skyrend   1Hs Evergreen the Woodwyrm DMG 105, STR 40, DEX 40, AGL 40, SAD 60,

Essence of the Blade Glitzwood Bow   Bow Evergreen the Woodwyrm DMG 230, STR 50, AGL 50, SAD 30,

Lithe Body, Nimble Dance Lifestream Greatsword   2Hs Evergreen the Woodwyrm DMG 196, STR 50, VIT 50, SAD 30,

Body of the Devourer, Swift Stance Forgotten Ring   Acc. Evergreen the Woodwyrm DEF 20, VIT 68, AGL 68, SA 26, SAD 52,

Breathing Exercises Forgotten Talisman   Acc. Quest Reward DEF 25, DEX 45, SA 16, Poison, Paralysis,

Slow Resistance 40, Spiritual Cage

Beastsnare Grotto:

⠀⠀⠀⠀  Item   Type ⠀⠀⠀Obtainable from ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats Lilac Waistcloth    Acc. Shimmertail the Lustrous DEF 26, VIT 50, AGL 50, Spirit of Determination Liliac Greaves    Acc. Rotstone the Distorted DEF 32, AGL 50, Critical 17, Indomitable Spirit Abyssal Gauntlets    Acc. Bombslug the Ensnaring DEF 22, STR 50, AGL 50, Rising Spirit Abyssal Clothes  Armor Madprism the Shrieking DEF 68, STR 50, SA 15, SAD 60, Demonic Archer Arachna Armor  Armor Madprism the Shrieking DEF 87, STR 50, DEX 50, Rule by the Strong,

Falcon Fist Superior Blade    2Hs Flashfang the Arachna DMG 179, STR 40, VIT 40, AGL 40, SAD 60,

Body of the Slaughterer Dragonstar Katana Flashfang the Arachna DMG 150, STR 50, AGL 50, Critical 5, SAD 30,

War God Contract, Transcendental Tutoring Sacred Inferno   Whip Flashfang the Arachna DMG 161, VIT 50, AGL 50, SAD 30,

Shadow Hands, Judgment Hammer Heaven Striker    Bow Flashfang the Arachna DMG 210, STR 40, AGL 40, DEX 40, SAD 60,

Hawkeye Abyssal Ring    Acc. Flashfang the Arachna DEF 15, STR 68, DEX 68, SAD 10, Critical 14,

At Wit’s End Abyssal Charm    Acc. Quest Reward DEF 26, VIT 48, SA EVD 19, Poison, Paralysis,

Slow Resistance 40, An Eye for Weakness

󠀡󠀡⠀– Raids 2

The Spire of Eternity Research:

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀   Item   Type ⠀⠀   Obtainable from ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats Cerulean Necklace    Acc. Blueclaw the Burrower DEF 26, VIT 40, DEX 40, Bloody Waltz Cerulean Cloak    Acc. Fleshheap the Decaying DEF 26, VIT 43, Max HP 9000, Fate Reversal Gloves of Inquisition    Acc. Soulfang the Phosph-ent DEF 22, STR 46, VIT 46, Weapons of Darkness Clothes of Inquisition  Armor Lifeblaze the Eternal DEF 68, VIT 43, SA 15, SAD 60, The Fairy's Rondo Azurite Armor  Armor Lifeblaze the Eternal DEF 87, VIT 42, AGL 42, Blade Dance, Liberation The Silencer   Mace Azurite the Endless Flame MG 144, STR 50, VIT 50, SA ACC 20, Critical 2,

SAD 75, Breath of Life Earthshaker    1Hs Azurite the Endless Flame DMG 115, STR 50, AGL 50, SAD 30,

Veil of Obscurity, Emergency Evade Dagger of White Night Dagger Azurite the Endless Flame DMG 87, DEX 50, AGL 50, SA 20, SAD 60,

Sword of the Servant Slumbering Dragon  Rapier Azurite the Endless Flame DMG 121, STR 50, AGL 50, SAD 30, Critical 4,

Meditation, Heavenly Fixation Ring of Inquisition    Acc. Azurite the Endless Flame DEF 28, HP 9200, SAD 70, SA ATK 18,

Combat Ready Charm of Inquisition    Acc. Quest Reward DEF 26, AGL 48, SA EVD 19, Poison, Paralysis,

Slow Resistance 40, Dangerous Obsession

Silent Icegaol:

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Item   Type ⠀⠀  Obtainable from ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats Black Ice Cloak    Acc. Stormhorn the Glacial DEF 26, DEX 40, Max HP 8900, Infernal Eye Black Ice Collar    Acc. Darkstrife the Rancorous DEF 26, DEX 46, Critical 17, Chains of Binding Earrings of Silence    Acc. Bolttail the Calamitous DEF 22, DEX 38, SA 15, Venomous Curse Clothes of Tranquility  Armor Bloodsever the Sanguine DEF 68, DEX 44, SA 10, SAD 60, Steel Will Abberant Armor  Armor Bloodsever the Sanguine DEF 87, AGL 40, DEX 40,

Sword Focus, Unexpected Comeback Blackstar   Mace Ebonblood the Aberrant DMG 158, STR 49, DEX 49, SAD 35, Critical 2,

Tranquil Guard, Flood Formation Carapace Blossom Katana Ebonblood the Aberrant DMG 137, STR 40, VIT 40, AGL 40, SAD 60,

Critical 5, Killing Blow Veinshredder Dagger Ebonblood the Aberrant DMG 95, AGL 50, DEX 50, SAD 30,

Clear Mind, Tiger's Resolve Timestream  Rapier Ebonblood the Aberrant DMG 110, STR 40, VIT 40, DEX 40, SAD 60,

Critical 4, Pierce Weakness Ring of Tranquility    Acc. Ebonblood the Aberrant DEF 10, STR 50, VIT 50, AGL 50, DEX 50,

SAD 28, Bulwark of the Goddess Talisman of Tranquility    Acc. Quest Reward DEF 23, AGL 46, SA 16, Poison, Paralysis,

Slow Resistance 40, Evil God Bloodline

All Raids:

⠀⠀⠀⠀Item  Type  Obtainable from ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats Venomous Fang Spear Last Boss Reward DMG 168, ATK 18, ACC 18, DEX 29, Crit 10, Agile Flurry

⠀– Extreme Raids (W)

EX Raids can drop 4 different versions of the same weapon.

The weapon version is determined with secondary stats. STR stat is always present.

For example weapon with: STR, VIT or STR, DEX or STR, AGL or all 4 stats.

Secondary stat also determines which set of passives weapon come with.

Some stats are at max values and some of them not.

Blade of the Lightwolf (1Hs):    Ver. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats    VIT DMG 117, ATK 30, ACC 20, STR 45, VIT 45, Max HP 9900, SAD 70, Stance of the Guardian,

Unbreakable Body   DEX DMG 117, ATK 30, ACC 20, STR 45, DEX 25, Max HP 9900, SAD 70, Combo Pro, Soul Extraction   AGL DMG 117, ATK 30, ACC 20, STR 45, AGL 40, Max HP 9900, SAD 70, Man on the Watchtower,

Offensive Defense 4Stats DMG 117, ATK 30, ACC 20, STR 45, VIT 20, DEX 20, AGL 20,Max HP 9900, SAD 70, Assasin, Air Dance

Graceful Needle (Rappier):    Ver. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats    VIT DMG 123, ATK 25, ACC 50, STR 50, VIT 25, Critical 4, Max HP 12800, SAD 70, Stance of the Guardian, Unbreakable Body   DEX DMG 123, ATK 25, ACC 50, STR 50, DEX 38, Critical 4, Max HP 12800, SAD 70, Combo Pro, Soul Extraction   AGL DMG 123, ATK 25, ACC 50, STR 50, AGL 35, Critical 4, Max HP 12800, SAD 70, Man on the Watchtower, Offensive Defense 4Stats DMG 123, ATK 25, ACC 50, STR 50, VIT 20, DEX 20, AGL 20, Critical 4, Max HP 12800, Mental Focus, Stench of Death

Whitespark (Dagger):    Ver. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats    VIT DMG 97, ATK 20, ACC 52, STR 50, VIT 25, Max HP 9900, SAD 70, Stance of the Guardian, Unbreakable Body   DEX DMG 97, ATK 20, ACC 52, STR 50, DEX 45, Max HP 9900, SAD 70, Combo Pro, Soul Extraction   AGL DMG 97, ATK 20, ACC 52, STR 50, AGL 40, Max HP 9900, SAD 70, Man on the Watchtower, Offensive Defense 4Stats DMG 97, ATK 20, ACC 52, STR 50, VIT 20, DEX 20, AGL 20, Max HP 9900, SAD 70, Mental Focus, Stench of Death

Demonslayer (Mace):    Ver. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats    VIT DMG 161, ATK 40, ACC 38, STR 50, VIT 40, Critical 2, Max HP 12700, SAD 85, Stance of the Guardian, Unbreakable Body   DEX DMG 161, ATK 40, ACC 38, STR 50, DEX 25, Critical 2, Max HP 12700, SAD 85, Combo Pro, Soul Extraction   AGL DMG 161, ATK 40, ACC 38, STR 50, AGL 35, Critical 2, Max HP 12700, SAD 85, Man on the Watchtower, Offensive Defense 4Stats DMG 161, ATK 40, ACC 38, STR 50, VIT 20, DEX 20, AGL 20, Critical 2, Max HP 12700, SAD 85, Assasin, Air Dance

Maelstrom Whip (Whip):    Ver. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats    VIT DMG 164, ATK 30, ACC 48, STR 50, VIT 32, Max HP 12900, SAD 70, Stance of the Guardian, Unbreakable Body   DEX DMG 164, ATK 30, ACC 48, STR 50, DEX 25, Max HP 12900, SAD 70, Combo Pro, Soul Extraction   AGL DMG 164, ATK 30, ACC 48, STR 50, AGL 33, Max HP 12900, SAD 70, Man on the Watchtower, Offensive Defense 4Stats DMG 164, ATK 30, ACC 48, STR 50, VIT 18, DEX 23, AGL 18, Max HP 12900, SAD 70, Cackling Devastator, Rising Spirit

Forbidden Twillight (Katana):    Ver. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats    VIT DMG 152, ATK 35, ACC 43, STR 50, VIT 30, Critical 10, Max HP 12600, SAD 70, Stance of the Guardian, Unbreakable Body   DEX DMG 152, ATK 35, ACC 43, STR 50, DEX 30, Critical 10, Max HP 12600, SAD 70, Combo Pro, Soul Extraction   AGL DMG 152, ATK 35, ACC 43, STR 50, AGL 44, Critical 10, Max HP 12600, SAD 70, Man on the Watchtower, Offensive Defense 4Stats DMG 152, ATK 35, ACC 43, STR 50, VIT 18, DEX 20, AGL 15, Critical 10, Max HP 12600, SAD 70, Cackling Devastator, Rising Spirit

Blazewyrm Greatsword (2Hs):    Ver. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats    VIT DMG 199, ATK 50, ACC 30, STR 50, VIT 37, Max HP 12900, SAD 70, Stance of the Guardian, Unbreakable Body   DEX DMG 199, ATK 50, ACC 30, STR 50, DEX 26, Max HP 12900, SAD 70, Combo Pro, Soul Extraction   AGL DMG 199, ATK 50, ACC 30, STR 50, AGL 33, Max HP 12900, SAD 70, Man on the Watchtower, Offensive Defense 4Stats DMG 199, ATK 50, ACC 30, STR 50, VIT 18, DEX 20, AGL 20, Max HP 12900, SAD 70, Assasin, Air Dance

Arctic Pillar (Spear):    Ver. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats    VIT DMG 180, ATK 39, ACC 48, STR 54, VIT 37, Crit 6, Max HP 6000, SAD 50, Meditation,

Blade Synchronization   DEX DMG 180, ATK 39, ACC 48, STR 54, DEX 30, Crit 6, Max HP 6000, SAD 50, Combo Pro, Clear Flash   AGL DMG 180, ATK 39, ACC 48, STR 54, AGL 40, Crit 6, Max HP 6000, SAD 50, Divine Blade, Nimble Feet 4Stats DMG 180, ATK 39, ACC 48, STR 54, VIT 21, DEX 21, AGL 22, Crit 6, Max HP 6000, SAD 50, Detect Weakness, Killing Blow

Starshatter (Bow):    Ver. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats    VIT DMG 234, ATK 50, ACC 20, STR 50, VIT 30, Max HP 9400, SAD 70, Stance of the Guardian, Unbreakable Body   DEX DMG 234, ATK 50, ACC 20, STR 50, DEX 30, Max HP 9400, SAD 70, Combo Pro, Soul Extraction   AGL DMG 234, ATK 50, ACC 20, STR 50, AGL 41, Max HP 9400, SAD 70, Man of the Watchtower, Offensive Defense 4Stats DMG 234, ATK 50, ACC 20, STR 50, VIT 18, DEX 20, AGL 19, Max HP 9400, SAD 70, Efficient Movement, War God Contract

⠀– Extreme Raids (Acc)

Accessories:                Item      Type                                                         Stats Illusory Cloak (Acc. NE) DEF 60, ATK 45, Damage Cut 15, Slash/Pierce/Strike Res. 15,

Max HP 23400, Tranquil Guard, Abyssal Reflection Stone Lotus Necklace (Acc. SE) DEF 30, ATK 60, ACC 45, War God Contract, Soul Extraction Void Gauntlets (Acc. EE) ATK 192, DEF 30, Max HP -6100, Fighting Spirit Body of the Devourer Landscape Earrings (Acc. WE) DEF 40, SA ATK 50, SA 20, Shadow Hands, Mental Resonance

● DLC: The Reaper Of The Woods:

21.12.20: Ancient Apostles: The Reaper of the Woods

Available after finishing the main game storyline.

New zone in Wesdarath Empire - Forest of the Dead.

Armor and weapon (with EA) only for Sinon as a reward for completing the quest.

New raid battle against DLC boss.

Mutated Beast Quests and rewards for upgrading weapons and armors to +30.

Chest loot and quest rewards:

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Item    Type ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats Chest Purgatorial Greatsword  ⠀ 2Hs DMG 87, SAD 14, Unbreakable Body Chest Savage Sandstorm  ⠀Katana DMG 66, 5 Crit, One with the Sword Chest Illustrious Sword  ⠀ 1Hs DMG 51, Rising Spirit Chest Thorn Incarnation Incarnation Attack +10%, Critical Power +25% Quest Loveblight Bow  ⠀ Bow DMG 230, STR 15, DEX 15, SAD 57, Enhance Armament Quest Grieveheart Armor  ⠀Armor DEF 66, DEX 15, SA 5, SAD 60

The Fatal Scythe Boss Battle: Reaper Reborn Quest is available after finishing the DLC story.

In patch v1.50 respawn timer was removed for all DLC Bosses.

After each boss kill, his level will be increased for 1 level, max level = 400.

After reaching a specific threshold level, the boss starts to drop better/new items.

Table below consists of only RNG items from level 300 to 400.

A full drop-list for the boss starting from level 1 to level 400 is available at the beginning of the guide via the link to Google Spreadsheet.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Item Type ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats   Loveblight Bow  Bow DMG 320, ATK 50, ACC 67, STR 69, DEX 86, SA 28, Crit 30, SAD 100,

Enhance Armament, Unfreezing Spirit   Loveblight Bow  Bow DMG 320, ATK 50, ACC 67, STR 69, DEX 86, SA 28, Crit 30, SAD 100,

Thirst for Blood, Tiger's Resolve   Loveblight Bow  Bow DMG 320, ATK 50, ACC 67, STR 69, DEX 86, SA 28, Crit 30, SAD 100,

Instantaneous Stance, Sword of the Servant XT Wing Necklace  Acc. DEF 50, VIT 43, DEX 59, Shadow Warrior XT Wing Necklace  Acc. DEF 69, VIT 56, DEX 73, Pierce Weakness, Assassin

⠀– Mutated Beast Quests

Available after finishing The Reaper of the Woods DLC story.

Level 200 Quests will be available after finishing The Blue-Eyed Demon DLC.

After patch v2.01, all Mutated Beast Quests can be done at any time.

There are 6 quests in each Empire with different levels (50/75/100/150/200/300).

Enemies in level 300 quest, can drop x10-11 (M) or x1-2 (L) shards, XT items mixed from CE, SB, and AA, and some RNG items (table will be listed below).

As quests reward you will receive Incarnation Shard (S), (M), or (L) depending on the chosen quest. Shards are required for upgrading weapons and armors from level +5 to +30.

Accordingly, each Empire quest gives different shards (black/white/blue/red).

Black shards used for 1Hs/2Hs/Katanas, White shards for Armor,

Blue shards for Spears/Whips/Bows, Red shards for Rapiers/Daggers/Maces.The required amount of shards to upgrade items: For enhancing weapons from +5 to level +25, you need = 1005 (S), 18 (M) shards.

For enhancing weapons from +25 to level +30, you need = 200 (S), 11 (M), 4 (L) shards.

For enhancing weapons from +30 to level +50, you need = 270 (S), 342 (M), 54 (L) shards.

For enhancing armor from +5 to level +25, you need = 1200 (S), 18 (M) shards.

For enhancing armor from +25 to level +30, you need = 150 (S), 11 (M), 4 (L) shards.

For enhancing armor from +30 to level +50, you need = 270 (S), 342 (M), 54 (L) shards.

The required amount of shards for upgrading one item from +5 to +50:

⠀⠀Weapon = 1475 (S) / 371 (M) / 58 (L) shards.

⠀⠀Armor = 1620 (S) / 371 (M) / 58 (L) shards.

Below will be displayed a drop table for each quest.

 LvL ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Quest Reward ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Chest  N  50





300 Black Incarnation Shard (S) x1

Black Incarnation Shard (S) x2

Black Incarnation Shard (S) x4

Black Incarnation Shard (S) x8

Black Incarnation Shard (S) x10, (M) x3

Black Incarnation Shard (L) x1, (M) x5 Diaslate, Rainbowgem, Sharp Beast Fang, Wildrose

Antique Currency, Black Incarnation Shard (S) x1-2

Gold Nugget, Black Incarnation Shard (S) x2-3

Black Incarnation Shard (M) x1 or (S) x2-4-6

Black Incarnation Shard (M) x2-5 or (S) x16-28

Black Incarnation Shard (M) x1-3-5 or (L) x1  S  50





300 Red Incarnation Shard (S) x1

Red Incarnation Shard (S) x2

Red Incarnation Shard (S) x4

Red Incarnation Shard (S) x8

Red Incarnation Shard (S) x30, (M) x3

Red Incarnation Shard (L) x1, (M) x5 Blackstar Chunk, Diaslate, Rainbowgem, Wildrose

Antique Currency, Red Incarnation Shard (S) x1-2

Gold Nugget, Red Incarnation Shard (S) x2-3

Red Incarnation Shard (M) x1 or (S) x2-4-6

Red Incarnation Shard (M) x2-5 or (S) x16-28

Red Incarnation Shard (M) x1-3-5 or (L) x1 W  50





300 White Incarnation Shard (S) x1

White Incarnation Shard (S) x2

White Incarnation Shard (S) x4

White Incarnation Shard (S) x8

White Incarnation Shard (S) x40, (M) x3

White Incarnation Shard (L) x1, (M) x5 Diaslate, Rainbowgem, Sharp Beast Fang, Wildrose

Antique Currency, White Incarnation Shard (S) x1-2

Gold Nugget, White Incarnation Shard (S) x2-3

White Incarnation Shard (M) x1 or (S) x2-4-6

White Incarnation Shard (M) x2-5 or (S) x16-28

White Incarnation Shard (M) x1-3-5 or (L) x1  E  50





300 Blue Incarnation Shard (S) x1

Blue Incarnation Shard (S) x2

Blue Incarnation Shard (S) x4

Blue Incarnation Shard (S) x8

Blue Incarnation Shard (S) x20, (M) x3

Blue Incarnation Shard (L) x1, (M) x5 Blackstar Chunk, Diaslate, Rainbowgem, Wildrose

Antique Currency, Blue Incarnation Shard (S) x1-2

Gold Nugget, Blue Incarnation Shard (S) x2-3

Blue Incarnation Shard (M) x1 or (S) x2-4-6

Blue Incarnation Shard (M) x2-5 or (S) x16-28

Blue Incarnation Shard (M) x1-3-5 or (L) x1

MBQ level 300 RNG XT Items: Enemies in the level 300 quest can drop XT items both with fixed stats and RNG.

XT items with fixed stats dropped from them are the same as from SB-200, so I won't create another drop-table for them as there is little to no point for it.

XT items with RNG stats also can drop from them but can be tricky to obtain because of the wide range of possible dropped items.

   Quest Type ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Item N (Black)  Acc. XT Calamity-Warding Cloak:

DEF 44, DEX 65, SA EVD 38, Max HP 10100, SA ATK 37, Stench of Death,

Domain of the Experts S (Red)  Acc. XT Threaded Cord:

DEF 36, ACC 39, VIT 50, Mental Focus, One with the Sword W (White)  Acc. XT Dragonroot Boots:

DEF 45, ACC 34, AGL 56, Mental Focus, Fortification of the Gods E (Blue)  Acc. XT Snowfall Ring:

DEF 42, EVD 29, SAD 77, SA ATK 46, Blade Synchronization, Hands of the Gods

● DLC: The Knight Of Contradictions

19.02.21: Ancient Apostles: The Knight of Contradictions

Quest is available after finishing the previous DLC.

New zone in Wesdarath Empire - Forbidden Valley.

Armor and weapon (with EA) only for Tiese as a reward for completing the quest.

New raid battle against DLC boss.

Chest loot and quest rewards:

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Item ⠀⠀⠀Type ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats Chest Mythic of Ascention  Incarnation Easing Skill Connect EX Req., Skill Connect Count +1, DEF -25% Chest Mythic of Vehemence  Incarnation Convert DEF to ATK +100%, DEF Level -1 Chest Wildrose ⠀  Material Used for crafting Chest Gold Nugget Sellable item Cost 3000 shia Quest Bronte Blade ⠀⠀⠀1Hs DMG 115, STR 15, AGL 15, Enhance Armament Quest Astrape Armor ⠀⠀ Armor DEF 66, AGL 15, Critical 6, Max HP 6000

The Hollow Guardian Boss Battle: Knight Reborn Quest is available after finishing the DLC story.

In patch v1.50 respawn timer was removed for all DLC Bosses.

After each boss kill, his level will be increased for 1 level, max level = 400.

After reaching a specific threshold level, the boss starts to drop better/new items.

Table below consists of only RNG items from level 300 to 400.

A full drop-list for the boss starting from level 1 to level 400 is available at the beginning of the guide via the link to Google Spreadsheet.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Item Type ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats ⠀⠀ Bronte Blade  1Hs DMG 160, ATK 54, ACC 81, STR 67, AGL 72, SA 72, Critical 26, SAD 91,

Enhance Armament, Spiritual Cage ⠀⠀ Bronte Blade  1Hs DMG 160, ATK 54, ACC 81, STR 67, AGL 72, SA 72, Critical 26, SAD 91,

Bulwark of the Goddesses, Soul Extraction ⠀⠀ Bronte Blade  1Hs DMG 160, ATK 54, ACC 81, STR 67, AGL 72, SA 72, Critical 26, SAD 91,

Indomitable Spirit, Wings of Preservation XT Light Oak Boots  Acc. DEF 49, ACC 37, STR 65, AGL 64, Veil of Obscurity XT Light Oak Boots  Acc. DEF 60, ACC 39, STR 71, AGL 77, Essence of the Blade, Domain of the Experts

● DLC: The Bruised King:

07.04.21: Ancient Apostles: The Bruised King

Quest is available after finishing the previous DLCs.

New zone in Norlangarth Empire - Windcutter Ridge.

New visualize items exclusive for Selka and Alice.

New raid battle against DLC boss.

New challenge - Memory Arena (available after finishing this DLC story mission).

Chest loot and quest rewards:

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Item ⠀⠀ Type ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats Chest Wildrose ⠀ Material Used for crafting Chest Red Budding Stigmata  Incarnation DEF Level +7, Attack +15%, Attack Level -7 Quest Bluecrest Sword ⠀⠀  1Hs DMG 115, STR 15, VIT 15, SAD 30, EA, Alice only. Quest Devotion Habit ⠀⠀Armor DEF 60, VIT 10, SA 5, SAD 90, Selka only.

The Bruised King Boss Battle: King Reborn Quest is available after finishing the DLC story.

In patch v1.50 respawn timer was removed for all DLC Bosses.

After each boss kill, his level will be increased for 1 level, max level = 400.

After reaching a specific threshold level, the boss starts to drop better/new items.

Table below consists of only RNG items from level 300 to 400.

A full drop-list for the boss starting from level 1 to level 400 is available at the beginning of the guide via the link to Google Spreadsheet.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Item Type ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats ⠀⠀⠀Bluecrest Sword  1Hs DMG 160, ATK 48, ACC 63, STR 78, VIT 69, Crit 26, Max HP 22500, SAD 103,

Enhance Armament, Fortification of the Gods ⠀⠀⠀Bluecrest Sword  1Hs DMG 160, ATK 48, ACC 63, STR 78, VIT 69, Crit 26, Max HP 22500, SAD 103,

Godrobe Warrior, Sturdy Body ⠀⠀⠀Bluecrest Sword  1Hs DMG 160, ATK 48, ACC 63, STR 78, VIT 69, Crit 26, Max HP 22500, SAD 103,

Hands of the Gods, Prayer Breath XT Claw-Repelling Cloak  Acc. DEF 73, VIT 58, Max HP 20000, Prayer Breath, Inferno Prayer

⠀– Memory Arena

Available after finishing this DLC story mission.

After patch v2.01, Memory Arena can be visited at any time.

New currency - Memory Coins, obtainable from completing battles in Memory Arena,

can be exchanged for a variety of items, and for Gear Synthesis function.

In battles you can fight only with the main character, each battle has its own time limit.

Available Battles:

Level           Quest          Reward  100 Kayode EX Memory Coin x1  150 Cdr. Gunther EX Memory Coin x3  200 Ziczi EX Memory Coin x5  250 Ugachi EX Memory Coin x8  300 Infernal Genie EX Memory Coin x10  350 Sword Golem EX Memory Coin x15  400 Hersyrian EX Memory Coin x20  500 Administrator EX ???

Shop Exchange:

           Type                    Name     Cost Hairstyles The Empress's Crown 18 coins Hairstyles Dark Knight's Helmet 27 coins Hairstyles Tyrant's Mask 45 coins Hairstyles Chudelkin's Hat 90 coins Hairstyles Sword Golem Mask 270 coins Hairstyles The Pontifex's Crown 899 coins Outfits The Pontifex's Dress 899 coins Weapon (Katana) Millennial Blade 699 coins Weapon Skins Ugachi's Greatsword (2Hs) 72 coins Weapon Skins Senator's Staff (Mace) 180 coins Weapon Skins Sword Golem Blade (1Hs) 270 coins

Gear Synthesis: First of all, to be able to transfer Enhance level of one equipment to another, the target item needs to be Enhanced to +5 lvl, otherwise, it won't work.

In the "Use Memory Coins" menu pick "Create Gear", pick the item from which you want transfer levels (item must be unequipped), and pick the item which receives those levels. The item which is used for enhancing the other one will be consumed and can't be restored.

Using this function requires x100 of Memory Coins.

TL;DR: You need to enhance the item to +5 to be able to use GS. The item from which you transfer levels will be destroyed. Using GS function requires x100 Memory Coins, so farm them in advance.

● DLC: The Blue-Eyed Demon:

25.06.21: Ancient Apostles: The Blue-Eyed Demon

Quest is available after finishing the previous DLCs.

New zone in Sothercrois Empire - Blood Corridor.

New raid battle against DLC boss.

New visualize items exclusive for Silica.

Quests for recruiting Strea and Philia.

Chest loot and quest rewards:

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Item ⠀⠀ Type ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats Chest Wildrose ⠀ Material Used for crafting Chest Mythic of Astrals  Incarnation Incarnation - SP Consumption -50%, Skill Power +15%, DEF Level -1 Chest Subtlety Incarnation  Incarnation Counter Proc Rate +50% Quest Cobalt Dagger ⠀  Dagger DMG 95, VIT 15, AGL 15, EA + Silica only. Quest Azurewing L.A. ⠀⠀Armor DEF 66, AGL 15, SA 5, SAD 60, Silica only.

The Gleam Eyes Boss Battle: Demon Reborn Quest is available after finishing the DLC story.

In patch v1.50 respawn timer was removed for all DLC Bosses.

After each boss kill, his level will be increased for 1 level, max level = 400.

After reaching a specific threshold level, the boss starts to drop better/new items.

Table below consists of only RNG items from level 300 to 400.

A full drop-list for the boss starting from level 1 to level 400 is available at the beginning of the guide via the link to Google Spreadsheet.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Item ⠀Type ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats ⠀⠀  Cobalt Dagger Dagger DMG 132, ATK 26, ACC 64, VIT 74, AGL 71, SA 44, Max HP 18000, SAD 145,

Enhance Armament, Mental Focus ⠀⠀  Cobalt Dagger Dagger DMG 132, ATK 26, ACC 64, VIT 74, AGL 71, SA 44, Max HP 18000, SAD 145,

At Wit's End, Shadow Hands ⠀⠀  Cobalt Dagger Dagger DMG 132, ATK 26, ACC 64, VIT 74, AGL 71, SA 44, Max HP 18000, SAD 145,

Mental Resonance, High-Precision Machine XT Protective Gloves ⠀Acc. DEF 33, STR 72, Crit 21, Battle Instinct XT Protective Gloves ⠀Acc. DEF 78, STR 73, Crit 32, Hands of Prayer, Sword of the Servant

⠀– Weapons: Spear

In patch v1.50 was added a new weapon type - Spear, and a whole new skill tree for it.

The table below will contain all available spears in-game, including ones from CUBE Shop.

XT Spears from Blooming of Forget-me-not DLC have the same models as the ones from before.

⠀⠀⠀ ⠀   ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Location ⠀⠀⠀⠀   ⠀⠀Item ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats Centoria - Chavez (WD) Iron Straight Spear

Scissor Spear

Ironleaf Trident

Saint's Thrust

Hero's Straight Spear

Abyssal Spear DMG 53, ATK 5, DEX 5

DMG 60, STR 10

DMG 87, ATK 10

DMG 96, ATK 10, SAD 40

DMG 107, ATK 12, AGL 10

DMG 122, ATK 12 Centoria - Lahde (BS) Spear of the Sun God DMG 177, ACC 35, STR 55, SA ACC 20, SA 20,

SAD 70, Natural Infiltrator, Basic Expert Centoria - Thoven (BS) Thunderstorm

Flaming Locus DMG 107, STR 30, AGL 16, Crit 10, SAD 15,

Body of the Slaughterer

DMG 146, ATK 15, ACC 10, DEX 26 NE, Northern Farmlands - Jitt (WD) Arbor Spear

Blight Spear DMG 147, AGL 28, SA 15, SA ATK 13

DMG 92, ATK 12, DEX 10, Max HP 1500 NE, Lodend Mountains - Zareik (BS) Vampire Spear DMG 59, VIT 15, Sword Focus SE, Warmia Greenbelt - Nmis (BS) Crystal Spear DMG 71, STR 10, AGL 10, SAD 10 SE, Deusoldort Desert - Karuela (WD) Ritual Spear DMG 78, STR 10, DEX 10, Basic Expert WE, Raubal Greenbelt - Shurante (BS) Assassin's Spear

Glacial Bore DMG 134, ATK 12, Crit 5

DMG 114, VIT 30, Max HP 2000, SAD 20 WE, Villind Plateaus - Xunali (BS) Heretic's Staff DMG 131, ACC 10, DEX 22, Stench of Death EE, Sarole Mountains - Kavin (WD) Goldenwood Greatspear

Paragon's Spear DMG 132, AGL 20, SAD 35, Battle Instinct

DMG 144, ATK 10, STR 25, VIT 13, Will to Live EE, Sarole Mountains - Traveh (BS) Guardian Dragon Spear DMG 158, AGL 45, Max HP 5000, SAD 40 Raids Venomous Fang (N)

Arctic Pillar (EX) DMG 168, ATK 18, ACC 18, DEX 29, Crit 10,

Agile Flurry

For stats see EX Raids table DLC: Blooming of Forget-me-not

AB Quest Reward from

Forgotten King Hielzig Ironwood Blossom For stats see AB (RNG) table CUBE Shop Dark Winglance

Gold Thorn Spear

Holy Night Spear

Mechanical Spear For Visualizing

● DLC: Blooming Of Forget-me-not:

02.11.21: Blooming of Forget-me-not

Blooming of Forget-me-not DLC will be accessible after the completion of the main story.

New zones were added in this DLC: Sothercrois Empire - Lodell Desert, Eastavarieth Empire - Tannleni Gorge, Wesdarath Empire - Mirada Glacier, Norlangarth - Tullausa Basin.

Each DLC zone has a new divine beast and 3 silver bosses, so 4 DB and 12 SB total.

Respawn timer between SB kills quite fast, close to 5-7 min.

A lot of new items with random and fixed stats from bosses and mobs alike.

Chest loot and quest rewards:

⠀⠀ Type ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ Item Lodell Desert Chest 1  Incarnation Lotus's Stigma Lodell Desert Chest 2  Incarnation Ultimate Stigmata Lodell Desert Chest 3 ⠀ Material Onyxslate x1 Lodell Desert Chest 4,6 ⠀ Material Aptislate x2 Lodell Desert Chest 5,7 ⠀ Material Yellowstone x5 Lodell Desert Chest 8 ⠀ Material Orichalcum x2 Quest     Spear Ironwood Blossom Tannleni Gorge Chest 1  Incarnation Governance Incarnation Tannleni Gorge Chest 2 ⠀ Material Hardslate x2 Tannleni Gorge Chest 3 ⠀ Material Meldslate x5 Trine Ruins Chest 1 ⠀ Material Chunk of Scorchiron x1 Trine Ruins Chest 2 ⠀ Material Beast Fang x5 Trine Ruins Chest 3  Incarnation Red Budding Stigmata Trine Ruins Chest 4 ⠀ Material Quartz Shard x10 Trine Ruins Chest 5   Sell. Item Prismatic Marble x20 Trine Ruins Chest 6   Sell. Item Gold Nugget x20 Trine Ruins Chest 7 ⠀ Material Yellowstone x10 Trine Ruins Chest 8 ⠀ Material Bluestone x10 Trine Ruins Chest 9  Incarnation Gale Incarnation Trine Ruins Chest 10 ⠀ Material Diaslate x5, Asuna Chest Trine Ruins Chest 11 ⠀ Material Purplestone x10, Silica Chest Trine Ruins Chest 12 ⠀ Material Onyxslate x5, Lisbeth Chest Trine Ruins Chest 13 ⠀ Material Greenstone x10, Leafa Chest Quest    Mace Glowworm Cudgel Mirada Glacier Chest 1 ⠀ Material Willdrose x1 Mirada Glacier Chest 2  Incarnation Solid Incarnation Nightmare Castle Chest 1  Incarnation Azure Incarnation Nightmare Castle Chest 2 ⠀ Material Sturdy Shellscale x1 Nightmare Castle Chest 3 ⠀ Material Reinforced Ore x2 Quest     Bow Hiddenmind Bow Tullausa Basin Chest 1 ⠀ Material Insect Eye x1 Tullausa Basin Chest 2  Incarnation Holy Limit Incarnation Tullausa Basin Chest 3 ⠀ Material Greenstone x3 Quest    Whip Serein Whip Epilogue Quest     1Hs Forget-Me-Not

⠀– Common Enemies (W/A/Acc)

Items listed below have a random chance of dropping from normal mobs and can be obtained in all new DLC locations.

Almost every item has 3 versions: one with 1 skill, second with additional skill and higher stats, and third with RNG stats and different skills.

Some items which can be dropped from SB/DB also can drop from normal mobs with a very low chance (using buffs advised).

Only "rare" and RNG items will be mentioned in the tables.

Numbers in the table mean in which location this item was obtained, so:

1 - Lodell Desert, 2 - Tannleni Gorge, 3 - Mirada Glacier, 4 - Tullausa Basin.

Weapons & Armors:

 Type                                       Item 1,2   1Hs XT Alloy Sword:

DMG 130, ATK 34, ACC 30, STR 30, AGL 35, Max HP 6000, SAD 47, Rising Spirit  1  Rapier XT Petacloud:

DMG 137, ATK 37, ACC 20, EVD 20, Crit 12, Rule by the Strong  1 Dagger XT Golden Steel Dagger:

DMG 107, ATK 22, ACC 30, DEF 55, EVD 26, Detect Weakness  3 Katana XT Whitecrash:

DMG 169, ATK 38, ACC 35, DEF 35, AGL 25, Crit 17, Sword Focus 1,4   2Hs XT Phantom Peak:

DMG 196, ATK 62, DEF 57, VIT 39, Max HP 15000, Wisdom of the Prosaic, Thirst for Blood 2,4   2Hs XT Alloy Claymore:

DMG 221, ATK 69, ACC 35, DEF 30, VIT 30, DEX 20, Max HP 13000, Fighting Spirit 1,3   Spear XT Goldenwood Greatspear:

DMG 173, ATK 37, ACC 44, EVD 10, STR 39, AGL 46, Max HP 8000, SAD 55,

Surprise Attack, Single-Minded Will  1   Spear XT Abyssal Spear:

DMG 195, ATK 43, ACC 46, STR 40, VIT 40, SA ATK 12, Agile Flurry 1,3   Bow XT Steel Bow:

DMG 260, ATK 20, STR 48, Crit 20, The Soul's End    4   Armor XT Blacklight Clothes:

DEF 88, ACC 38, STR 45, DEX 36, SAD 60, Rising Spirit, Sword Dance


                          Item 1,3,4 XT Iron Chain Earring:

DEF 25, ACC 38, EVD 20, SA 15, Evil God Bloodline, Rising Spirit  1,3 XT Prayer Stone Earrings:

DEF 26, ACC 38, SA 18, Crit 18, Fighting Spirit, Infernal Eye   2 XT Heartbeat Earrings:

DEF 32, SA 23, SAD 62, Sword of the Goddesses 1,3,4 XT Glowing Leather Boots:

DEF 37, STR 53, AGL 46, Veil of Obscurity, Abyssal Reflection   1 XT Lightning Boots:

DEF 40, STR 52, AGL 49, Echoes of Madness 1,2,4 XT Scale-Topped Cloak:

DEF 30, DEX 46, Max HP 7000, Air Dance, Fortification of the Gods  1,2 XT Heavenly Cloak:

DEF 38, VIT 48, AGL 40, Max HP 9800, Unbreakable Body 1,2,4 XT Catseye Necklace:

DEF 31, DEX 52, Basic Expert, Morale Boost   4 XT Spirit Artisan Collar:

DEF 39, DEX 58, Crit 20, Assassin  1,3 XT Full Moon Necklace:

DEF 55, DEX 60, SA ACC 25, SA 25, Bloody Petals of Carnage  2,3 XT Glowstone Ring:

DEF 17, DEX 46, Crit 15, SAD 49, Veil of Obscurity, Demonic Archer  1-4 XT Diamond Ring:

DEF 36, STR 72, Crit 15, SAD 65, Air Dance, Stench of Death 2,3,4 XT Leather Belt with Bag:

DEF 38, ACC 27, VIT 50, Rule by the Strong, Bloody Petals of Carnage  2,4 XT Aurora Belt:

DEF 41, VIT 51, DEX 51, Weapons of Darkness   4 XT Threaded Cord:

DEF 41, ACC 28, VIT 51, One with the Sword 1,2,4 XT Lightsand Bracelet:

DEF 35, STR 43, SA ACC 43, Basic Expert, Transformation   4 XT Bangle of Premotion:

DEF 50, STR 53, VIT 43, SA ATK 27, Basic Expert, Warrior Bloodline 1,2,3 XT Rainbow Insect Charm:

DEF 40, ATK 23, STR 20, Crit 12, P/P/S Resistance 50, Mind's Eye

⠀– Common Enemies (RNG)

 Type                                       Item  1,3   1Hs XT Dragonfang Blade:

DMG 120, ATK 41, ACC 26, STR 56, AGL 44, Max HP 15000, SAD 47, Hawkeye,

Mental Resonance  1,3   Mace Earthshatter:

DMG 165, ACC 38, STR 46, DEX 63, Critical 18, SAD 55, Sword Focus, Spirit of Determination  1,3   2Hs XT Phantom Peak:

DMG 204, ATK 80, DEF 66, VIT 44, Max HP 24800, Breath of Life, Thirst for Blood 1,3,4  Spear XT Goldenwood Greatspear:

DMG 180, ATK 50, ACC 49, EVD 14, STR 44, AGL 59, Max HP 12000, SAD 55,

Body of the Devourer, Single-Minded Will  1,3  Armor XT Graceful Clothes:

DEF 56, ACC 30, EVD 14, Critical 10, SAD 56, Nimble Body, Reaper's Wrath  1,4  Armor XT Forest Fabric Armor:

DEF 93, STR 48, SA 25, SA ATK 45, Mental Resonance, Wisdom of the Prosaic   2 Rappier XT Redwood Rapier:

DMG 126, ATK 43, ACC 58, EVD 27, Crit 15, Blade Dance, Instantaneous Stance   2  Whip XT Fairy Spark:

DMG 168, ACC 48, STR 49, SAD 70, Blade Dance, Will to Live  2,4   Acc. XT Dark Leopard Cloak:

DEF 39, ACC 28, STR 59, Max HP 10900, Rising Spirit, Breath of Life  2,4   Acc. XT Diamond Necklace:

DEF 45, DEX 60, The Soul's End, Soul Extrraction   2   Acc. XT Diamond Ring:

DEF 43, STR 72, Crit 18, SAD 65, Instantaneous Stance, Stench of Death   2   Acc. XT Leather Belt with Bag:

DEF 42, ACC 35, VIT 57, Spirit of Determination, Bloody Petals of Carnage   2   Acc. XT Charm Bangle:

DEF 41, STR 46, SA ACC 45, Abandonment, Inferon Prayer   2   Acc. XT Spring Dawn Jewel:

DEF 36, ATK 34, STR 28, P/P/S Res. 25, Instantaneous Stance, Soul Resonance  3,4   Acc. XT Prayer Stone Earrings:

DEF 33, ACC 38, SA 22, Crit 23, Hands of the Gods, Infernal Eye  3,4   Acc. XT Iron Leggings:

DEF 41, ACC 34, AGL 54, Pierce Weakness, Abandonment   4  Armor XT Heavy Chainmail:

DEF 91, ACC 34, DEX 40, Max HP 9600, Cackling Devastator, Silent Flash

⠀– Silver Bosses (250)

Each SB has a fixed item drop-list:

 – Level 200 SB can drop mostly items that can be obtained from common enemies and that's why this table won't be mentioned here (although it's mentioned in GT).

 – Level 250 and 300 SB are almost similar in terms of dropped items.

 – Basically, SB can drop all the same items as from AA from 200 to 300 levels.

Quest reward items for killing SB can drop as additional loot from the same or other bosses in that same location (ex. XT Phantasmagoria can drop from any SB in Lodell Desert, etc.).

An item with * in the name means that both 1-st and 2-nd versions can be obtained.

The tables listed below are not finished fully, I still believe that some items didn't drop. Anyway, the point was to show what items can be farmed from SB, so I guess it's fine.

250 level:

  Type                                             Item ⠀ 1Hs *XT Alloy Sword:

DMG 140, ATK 39, ACC 35, STR 35, AGL 45, Max HP 11000, SAD 57, SotG, Rising Spirit Rappier XT Petacloud:

DMG 147, ATK 40, ACC 25, EVD 22, Crit 13, Craven Bystander, Rule by the Strong  Dagger XT Undying Sakura:

DMG 95, DEF 55, ACC 50, DEX 36, SAD 68, Galvanize, March of Recluse  Dagger *XT Golden Steel Dagger:

DMG 116, ATK 24, ACC 38, DEF 60, EVD 28, Burning Blade, Detect Weakness  Dagger XT Earthshatter:

DMG 158, ACC 30, STR 26, DEX 49, Crit 15, SAD 55, Heavy Blow, Spirit of Determination ⠀Mace *XT Alloy Hammer:

DMG 193, ATK 50, STR 32, Firespark, Leadership ⠀Whip XT Fairy Spark:

DMG 161, ACC 35, STR 39, SAD 65, Golden Apple, Will to Live ⠀Whip *XT Diamond Whip:

DMG 196, ATK 40, ACC 37, STR 39, Virulent Madness, Tranquil Guard  Katana XT Mists of the Morningstar:

DMG 150, ACC 32, DEF 35, VIT 30, Crit 15, SAD 55, Mindbreak, One with the Sword  Katana *XT Whitecrash:

DMG 182, ATK 38, ACC 35, DEF 40, AGL 30, Crit 19, Morale Boost, Sword Focus ⠀ 2Hs XT Phantom Peak:

DMG 196, ATK 62, DEF 57, VIT 39, Wisdom of the Prosaic, Thirst for Blood ⠀ 2Hs *XT Alloy Claymore:

DMG 238, ATK 80, ACC 35, DEF 35, VIT 37, DEX 20, Max HP 14000, Spectral Armor, Fighting Spirit  Spear *XT Abyssal Spear:

DMG 210, ATK 46, ACC 49, STR 45, VIT 47, SA ATK 16, Venomous Curse, Agile Flurry ⠀Bow XT Lightdragon Bow:

DMG 230, STR 37, SA 30, Crit 22, Blade Counter, Air Dance ⠀Bow XT Steel Bow:

DMG 280, ATK 25, STR 48, Crit 22, Hands of the Gods, The Soul's End  Armor *XT Steel Chain Chestplate:

DEF 101, VIT 45, AGL 38, Max HP 3200, SA ATK 27, Essence of the Blade, Brand of the Flowerblade  Armor XT Steel Chestplate:

DEF 84, ACC 28, VIT 45, Max HP 8800, Thorn of the Protector  Armor *XT Blacklight Clothes:

DEF 88, ACC 38, STR 45, DEX 36, SAD 60, Rising Spirit, Sword Dance ⠀ Acc. XT Prayer Stone Earrings:

DEF 26, ACC 38, SA 18, Crit 18, Fighting Spirit, Infernal Eye ⠀ Acc. *XT Heartbeat Earrings:

DEF 34, SA 24, SAD 62, Body of the Devourer, Sword of the Goddesses ⠀ Acc. *XT Reflected Moon Earrings:

DEF 42, DEX 40, SA 21, Max HP 9300, Veil of Obscurity, Altar of Life ⠀ Acc. XT Earrings of Silence:

DEF 44, DEX 61, SA 29, Steel Will ⠀ Acc. XT Iron Leggings:

DEF 37, ACC 29, AGL 46, Evli God Bloodline, Abandonment ⠀ Acc. XT Lightning Boots:

DEF 42, STR 54, AGL 52, Man on the Watchtower, Echoes of Madness ⠀ Acc. *XT Dragonroot Boots:

DEF 42, ACC 33, AGL 52, Fighting Spirit, Fortification of the Gods ⠀ Acc. XT Light Jade Boots:

DEF 50, STR 57, AGL 54, Tempering of the Soul ⠀ Acc. XT Dark Leopard Cloak:

DEF 35, ACC 23, STR 51, Max Hp 8500, Fighting Spirit, Breath of Life ⠀ Acc. XT Heavenly Cloak:

DEF 40, VIT 56, AGL 45, Max HP 11000, Evil God Bloodline, Unbreakable Body ⠀ Acc. *XT Calamity-Warding Cloak:

DEF 40, DEX 56, SA EVD 30, Max HP 9600, SA ATK 30, Rising Spirit, Domain of the Experts ⠀ Acc. XT Diamond Necklace:

DEF 35, DEX 57, Veil of Obscurity, Soul Extraction ⠀ Acc. XT Spirit Artisan Collar:

DEF 43, DEX 62, Crit 24, Shadow Warrior, Assassin ⠀ Acc. *XT Full Moon Necklace:

DEF 60, DEX 62, SA ACC 26, SA 27, Rule by the Strong, Bloody Petals of Carnage ⠀ Acc. XT Diamond Ring:

DEF 36, STR 72, Crit 15, SAD 65, Air Dance, Stench of Death ⠀ Acc. *XT Snowfall Ring:

DEF 35, EVD 24, SAD 77, SA ATK 35, Bloody Petals of Carnage, Hands of the Gods ⠀ Acc. XT Leather Belt with Bag:

DEF 38, ACC 27, VIT 50, Rule by the Strong, Bloody Petals of Carnage ⠀ Acc. *XT Aurora Belt:

DEF 43, VIT 55, DEX 55, Air Dance, Weapons of Darkness ⠀ Acc. *XT Threaded Cord:

DEF 43, ACC 31, VIT 55, Abyssal Reflection, One with the Sword ⠀ Acc. XT Jade-Adorned Belt:

DEF 51, VIT 60, DEX 60, Evil God Bloodline ⠀ Acc. XT Charm Bangle:

DEF 37, STR 45, SA ACC 43, Shadow Warrior, Inferno Prayer ⠀ Acc. XT Bangle of Premonition:

DEF 50, STR 53, VIT 43, SA ATK 27, Basic Expert, Warrior Bloodline ⠀ Acc. *XT Halo Bangle:

DEF 56, STR 51, SA 26, SA ATK 33, Abyssal Reflection, Mindbreak ⠀ Acc. XT Gloves of Inquisition:

DEF 59, STR 71, VIT 70, Heavy Blow ⠀ Acc. XT Spring Dawn Jewel:

DEF 34, ATK 39, STR 24, P/P/S Res. 25, Evil God Bloodline, Soul Resonance ⠀ Acc. XT Rainbow Insect Charm:

DEF 42, ATK 25, STR 22, Crit 13, P/P/S Res. 50, Basic Expert, Mind's Eye ⠀ Acc. *XT Charm of Mystics:

DEF 42, ATK 25, STR 22, DEX 25, P/P/S Res. 28, Rising Spirit, Beast's Bellow ⠀ Acc. XT Charm of Inquisition:

DEF 48, ATK 28, AGL 34, SA EVD 25, P/P/S Res. 40, Wisdom of the Prosaic

⠀– Silver Bosses (300)

  Type                                             Item ⠀ 1Hs *XT Alloy Sword:

DMG 140, ATK 39, ACC 35, STR 35, AGL 45, Max HP 11000, SAD 57, SotG, Rising Spirit Rappier *XT Petacloud:

DMG 147, ATK 40, ACC 25, EVD 22, Crit 13, Craven Bystander, Rule by the Strong  Dagger *XT Golden Steel Dagger:

DMG 116, ATK 24, ACC 38, DEF 60, EVD 28, Burning Blade, Detect Weakness  Dagger XT Thousand-Fold Knife:

DMG 136m ATK 30, ACC 29, STR 53, DEX 49, Crit 10, High-Precision Machine, Man on the Watchtower ⠀Mace *XT Alloy Hammer:

DMG 193, ATK 50, STR 32, Firespark, Leadership ⠀Whip *XT Diamond Whip:

DMG 196, ATK 40, ACC 37, STR 39, Virulent Madness, Tranquil Guard ⠀Whip XT Luxurious Leather Whip:

DMG 231, ATK 50, ACC 55, STR 10, DEX 44, SAD 50, Divine Blade, Hazy Light  Katana *XT Whitecrash:

DMG 182, ATK 38, ACC 35, DEF 40, AGL 30, Crit 19, Morale Boost, Sword Focus ⠀ 2Hs *XT Alloy Claymore:

DMG 238, ATK 80, ACC 35, DEF 35, VIT 37, DEX 20, Max HP 14000, Spectral Armor, Fighting Spirit  Spear *XT Abyssal Spear:

DMG 210, ATK 46, ACC 49, STR 45, VIT 47, SA ATK 16, Venomous Curse, Agile Flurry ⠀Bow *XT Steel Bow:

DMG 280, ATK 25, STR 48, Crit 22, Hands of the Gods, The Soul's End ⠀Bow XT Steelpiercer:

DMG 330, ATK 30, STR 22, SA 35, Crit 24, Shadow Warrior, Rule by the Strong  Armor *XT Steel Chain Chestplate:

DEF 101, VIT 45, AGL 38, Max HP 3200, SA ATK 27, Essence of the Blade, Brand of the Flowerblade  Armor *XT Steel Chestplate:

DEF 94, ACC 33, VIT 50, Max HP 9400, Faith Armor, Thorn of the Protector  Armor XT Guardian Dragon Armor:

DEF 114, VIT 68, SA EVD 10, Max HP 12000, Godrobe Warrior  Armor *XT Blacklight Clothes:

DEF 88, ACC 38, STR 45, DEX 36, SAD 60, Rising Spirit, Sword Dance  Armor *XT Clothes of Inquisition:

DEF 98, VIT 67, AGL 55, SA 26, SAD 70, Blade Dance, Sword of the Goddesses ⠀ Acc. *XT Heartbeat Earrings:

DEF 34, SA 24, SAD 62, Body of the Devourer, Sword of the Goddesses ⠀ Acc. XT Reflected Moon Earrings:

DEF 42, DEX 40, SA 21, Max HP 9300, Veil of Obscurity, Altar of Life ⠀ Acc. XT Forgotten Earrings:

DEF 44, STR 61, SA 29, Light of the Gods ⠀ Acc. *XT Earrings of Silence:

DEF 46, DEX 66, SA 30 Man on the Watchtower, Steel Will ⠀ Acc. *XT Lightning Boots:

DEF 42, STR 54, AGL 52, Man on the Watchtower, Echoes of Madness ⠀ Acc. XT Dragonroot Boots:

DEF 42, ACC 33, AGL 52, Fighting Spirit, Fortification of the Gods ⠀ Acc. *XT Light Jade Boots:

DEF 52, STR 60, AGL 60, Bloody Petals of Carnage, Tempering of the Soul ⠀ Acc. *XT Heavenly Cloak:

DEF 40, VIT 56, AGL 45, Max HP 11000, Evil God Bloodline, Unbreakable Body ⠀ Acc. XT Calamity-Warding Cloak:

DEF 40, DEX 56, SA EVD 30, Max HP 9600, SA ATK 30, Rising Spirit, Domain of the Experts ⠀ Acc. XT Cerulean Cloak:

DEF 48, VIT 58, SA ACC 27, Max HP 13300, SA ATK 27, Blade Dance ⠀ Acc. *XT Spirit Artisan Collar:

DEF 43, DEX 62, Crit 24, Shadow Warrior, Assassin ⠀ Acc. XT Full Moon Necklace:

DEF 60, DEX 62, SA ACC 26, SA 27, Rule by the Strong, Bloody Petals of Carnage ⠀ Acc. XT Cerulean Necklace:

DEF 65, VIT 57, DEX 66, Killing Blow ⠀ Acc. XT Black Ice Collar:

DEF 70, DEX 66, Crit 26, Billion Blossom ⠀ Acc. XT Snowfall Ring:

DEF 35, EVD 24, SAD 77, SA ATK 35, Bloody Petals of Carnage, Hands of the Gods ⠀ Acc. *XT Ring of Inquisition:

DEF 48, VIT 62, AGL 62, Max Hp 15000, SAD 88, SA ATK 35, Blade Dance, Wings of Preservation ⠀ Acc. XT Ring of Tranquility:

DEF 10, STR 55, VIT 55, DEX 55, AGL 55, SAD 43, Bulwark of the Goddesses ⠀ Acc. *XT Aurora Belt:

DEF 43, VIT 55, DEX 55, Air Dance, Weapons of Darkness ⠀ Acc. XT Threaded Cord:

DEF 43, ACC 31, VIT 55, Abyssal Reflection, One with the Sword ⠀ Acc. *XT Jade-Adorned Belt:

DEF 53, VIT 64, DEX 64, Soul Extraction, Evil God Bloodline ⠀ Acc. *XT Bangle of Premonition:

DEF 50, STR 53, VIT 43, SA ATK 27, Basic Expert, Warrior Bloodline ⠀ Acc. XT Halo Bangle:

DEF 56, STR 51, SA 26, SA ATK 33, Abyssal Reflection, Mindbreak ⠀ Acc. XT Gloves of Inquisition:

DEF 59, STR 71, VIT 70, Heavy Blow ⠀ Acc. XT Abyssal Gauntlets:

DEF 70, STR 71, AGL 67, SA ACC 35, Firespark ⠀ Acc. *XT Rainbow Insect Charm:

DEF 42, ATK 25, STR 22, Crit 13, P/P/S Res. 50, Basic Expert, Mind's Eye ⠀ Acc. XT Charm of Mystics:

DEF 42, ATK 25, STR 22, DEX 25, P/P/S Res. 28, Rising Spirit, Beast's Bellow ⠀ Acc. XT Charm of Inquisition:

DEF 48, ATK 28, AGL 34, SA EVD 25, P/P/S Res. 40, Wisdom of the Prosaic ⠀ Acc. XT Talisman of Tranquility:

DEF 48, ATK 20, STR 25, SA 20, P/P/S Res. 40, Knight's Shield

⠀– Ancient Apostles (300-499, W/A)

Items listed below have a random chance of dropping from every AA.

The table below consists of only possible items from level 300 to 499.

Special items (ex. Bronte Blade, Loveblight Bow, etc.) will be located in the same place as before (each boss DLC section) or in SB/AA (RNG) section below.

A full drop-list for each boss starting from level 1 to level 400 is available at the beginning of the guide via the link to Google Spreadsheet.

Weapons & Armors:

 Type                                             Item   1Hs XT Alloy Sword:

DMG 140, ATK 39, ACC 35, STR 35, AGL 45, Max HP 11000, SAD 57, Sword of the Goddesses,

Rising Spirit   1Hs XT Almighty Steel Edge:

DMG 165, ATK 50, DEF 50, STR 46, DEX 56, Crit 5, SAD 57, Clear Mind, Two Contenders   1Hs XT Almighty Steel Edge:

DMG 175, ATK 55, DEF 50, STR 50, DEX 67, Crit 15, SAD 69, Essence of the Blade, Combat-Ready  Rapier XT Petacloud:

DMG 147, ATK 40, ACC 25, EVD 22, Crit 13, Craven Bystander, Rule by the Strong  Rapier XT Mistblade:

DMG 173, ATK 60, ACC 48, EVD 22, DEX 50, Crit 17, Mental Focus, High-Precision Machine  Rapier XT Mistblade:

DMG 184, ATK 70, ACC 46, EVD 22, DEX 72, Crit 21, Detect Weakness, Sword Dance Dagger XT Golden Steel Dagger:

DMG 116, ATK 24, ACC 38, DEF 60, EVD 28, Burning Blade, Detect Weakness Dagger XT Thousand-Fold Knife:

DMG 136, ATK 30, ACC 29, STR 53, DEX 49, Crit 10, High-Precision Machine, Man on the Watchtower Dagger XT Thousand-Fold Knife:

DMG 144, ATK 32, ACC 37, STR 58, DEX 52, Crit 15, Hawkeye, Reaper's Wrath   Mace XT Alloy Hammer:

DMG 193, ATK 50, STR 32, Firespark, Leadership   Mace XT Millennial Hammer:

DMG 227, ATK 60, ACC 55, DEX 30, Nimble Body, Tranfsormation   Mace XT Millennial Hammer:

DMG 241, ATK 66, ACC 62, DEX 34, Killing Blow, Liberation   Whip XT Diamond Whip:

DMG 196, ATK 40, ACC 37, STR 39, Virulent Madness, Tranquil Guard   Whip XT Luxurious Leather Whip:

DMG 231, ATK 50, ACC 55, STR 10, DEX 44, SAD 50, Divine Blade, Hazy Light   Whip XT Luxurious Leather Whip:

DMG 245, ATK 54, ACC 61, STR 15, DEX 50, SAD 60, Sword of the Servant, Unexpected Comeback Katana XT Whitecrash:

DMG 182, ATK 38, ACC 35, DEF 40, AGL 30, Crit 19, Morrale Boost, Sword Focus Katana XT Holy Crest Katana:

DMG 215, ATK 40, ACC 44, DEF 40, STR 25, DEX 35, Crit 24, Mental Focus, Evil God Bloodline Katana XT Holy Crest Katana:

DMG 228, ATK 40, ACC 50, DEF 45, STR 31, DEX 40, Critical 30, Hawkeye, Tiger's Resolve   2Hs XT Alloy Claymore:

DMG 238, ATK 80, ACC 35, DEF 35, VIT 37, DEX 20, Max HP 14000, Spectral Armor, Fighting Spirit   2Hs XT Almighty Steel Claymore:

DMG 281, ATK 100, ACC 40, DEF 48, STR 30, VIT 22, DEX 30, Max HP 20000, Spirit of Determination, Offensive Defense   2Hs XT Almighty Steel Claymore:

DMG 298, ATK 112, ACC 40, DEF 54, STR 43, VIT 24, DEX 30, Max HP 23000, Dangerous Obsession, Sword of the Goddesses  Spear XT Abyssal Spear:

DMG 210, ATK 46, ACC 49, STR 45, VIT 47, SA ATK 16, Venomous Cruse, Agile Flurry  Spear XT Assassin's Spear:

DMG 248, ATK 57, ACC 63, VIT 23, DEX 26, Crit 17, Pierce Weakness, Hawkeye  Spear XT Assassin's Spear:

DMG 263, ATK 63, ACC 70, VIT 36, DEX 30, Crit 20, Essence of the Blade, Bulwark of the Goddesses   Bow XT Steel Bow:

DMG 280, ATK 25, STR 48, Crit 22, Hands of the Gods, The Soul's End   Bow XT Steelpiercer:

DMG 330, ATK 30, STR 22, SA 35, Crit 24, Shadow Warrior, Rule by the Strong   Bow XT Steelpiercer:

DMG 350, ATK 35, STR 33, SA 39, Crit 28, Light of Purification, Shoulders of Security  Armor XT Steel Chestplate:

DEF 94, ACC 33, VIT 50, Max HP 9400, Faith Armor, Thorn of the Protector  Armor XT Guardian Dragon Armor:

DEF 114, VIT 68, SA EVD 10, Max HP 12000, Godrobe Warrior  Armor XT Guardian Dragon Armor:

DEF 124, VIT 75, SA EVD 14, Max HP 14000, Spiritual Cage, Godrobe Warrior  Armor XT Steel Riding Armor:

DEF 120, ACC 19, STR 70, DEX 30, AGL 70, Instantaneous Stance  Armor XT Steel Riding Armor:

DEF 130, ACC 29, STR 74, DEX 36, AGL 74, Binary Starr Sword God, Instantaneous Stance  Armor XT Clothes of Inquisition:

DEF 94, VIT 60, AGL 50, SA 24, SAD 70, Sword of the Goddesses  Armor XT Clothes of Inquisition:

DEF 98, VIT 67, AGL 55, SA 26, SAD 70, Blade Dance, Sword of the Goddesses

⠀– Ancient Apostles (300-499, Acc)

  Type                                             Item  Earrings XT Forgotten Earrings:

DEF 44, STR 61, SA 29, Light of the Gods  Earrings XT Forgotten Earrings:

DEF 46, STR 66, SA 30, Sword Focus, Light of the Gods  Earrings XT Earrings of Silence:

DEF 44, DEX 61, SA 29, Steel Will  Earrings XT Earrings of Silence:

DEF 46, DEX 66, SA 30, Man on the Watchtower, Steel Will  Earrings XT Landscape Earrings:

DEF 61, VIT 45, SA 33, SAD 30, SA ATK 45, Falcon Fist  Earrings XT Landscape Earrings:

DEF 68, ACC 10, SA 37, SAD 35, SA ATK 52, Shadow Hands, Falcon Fist    Boots XT Light Jade Boots:

DEF 50, STR 57, AGL 54, Tempering of the Soul    Boots XT Light Jade Boots:

DEF 52, STR 60, AGL 60, Bloody Petals of Carnage, Tempering of the Soul    Boots XT Azure Sky Boots:

DEF 60, ACC 36, DEX 48, AGL 65, Godrobe Warrior    Boots XT Azure Sky Boots:

DEF 66, ACC 46, DEX 58, AGL 68, Instantaneous Stance, Godrobe Warrior    Cloak XT Cerulean Cloak:

DEF 48, VIT 58, SA ACC 27, Max HP 13300, SA ATK 27, Blade Dance    Cloak XT Cerulean Cloak:

DEF 50, VIT 66, SA ACC 30, Max HP 14100, SA ATK 30, Rule by the Strong, Blade Dance    Cloak XT Illusory Cloak:

DEF 64, ATK 70, DEX 58, Damage Cut 24, S/P/S Res. 24, Max HP 32000, Weapons of Darkness    Cloak XT Illusory Cloak:

DEF 66, ATK 73, DEX 66, Damage Cut 24, S/P/S Res. 24, Max HP 34000, Will to Live, Weapons of Darkness Necklace XT Cerulean Necklace:

DEF 65, VIT 57, DEX 66, Killing Blow Necklace XT Cerulean Necklace:

DEF 69, VIT 60, DEX 66, Trransforrmation, Killing Blow Necklace XT Black Ice Collar:

DEF 70, DEX 66, Crit 26, Billion Blossom Necklace XT Black Ice Collar:

DEF 74, DEX 70, Crit 30, Rising Spirit, Billion Blossom Necklace XT Stone Lotus Necklace:

DEF 80, ATK 70, ACC 42, DEX 50, Divine Blade Necklace XT Stone Lotus Necklace:

DEF 85, ATK 70, ACC 51, DEX 60, Fighting Spirit, Divine Blade   Ring XT Ring of Inquisition:

DEF 45, VIT 57, AGL 57, Max HP 10000, SAD 88, SA ATK 35, Wings of Preservation   Ring XT Ring of Inquisition:

DEF 48, VIT 62, AGL 62, Max HP 15000, SAD 88, SA ATK 35, Blade Dance, Wings of Preservation   Ring XT Ring of Tranquility:

DEF 10, STR 55, VIT 55, DEX 55, AGL 55, SAD 43, Bulwark of the Goddesses   Ring XT Ring of Tranquility:

DEF 10, STR 60, VIT 60, DEX 60, AGL 60, SAD 43, Unfreezing Spirit, Bulwark of the Goddesses   Ring XT Abyssal Ring:

DEF 13, ACC 32, STR 65, DEX 68, Crit 16, SAD 48, Clear Mind   Ring XT Abyssal Ring:

DEF 13, ACC 42, STR 74, DEX 78, Crit 20, SAD 48, Air Dance, At Wit's End    Belt XT Jade-Adorned Belt:

DEF 51, VIT 60, DEX 60, Evil God Bloodline    Belt XT Jade-Adorned Belt:

DEF 53, VIT 64, DEX 64, Soul Extraction, Evil God Bloodline    Belt XT Slaughter Belt:

DEF 61, ACC 33, EVD 22, VIT 52, DEX 52, Max HP 8600, Sword Focus    Belt XT Slaughter Belt:

DEF 66, ACC 43, EVD 32, VIT 58, DEX 58, Max HP 9900, Rule by the Strong, Sword Focus  Bracelet XT Gloves of Inquisition:

DEF 59, STR 71, VIT 70, Heavy Blow  Bracelet XT Gloves of Inquisition:

DEF 64, STR 75, VIT 75, Blade Dance, Heavy Blow  Bracelet XT Abyssal Gauntlets:

DEF 70, STR 71, AGL 67, SA ACC 35, Firespark  Bracelet XT Abyssal Gauntlets:

DEF 75, STR 75, AGL 70, SA ACC 41, Sword Focus, Firespark  Bracelet XT Void Gauntlets:

DEF 40, ATK 250, Max HP -30000, Firespark  Bracelet XT Void Gauntlets:

DEF 43, ATK 300, Max HP -50000, Instantaneous Stance, Firespark Talisman XT Charm of Inquisition:

DEF 48, ATK 28, AGL 34, SA EVD 25, P/P/S Res. 40, Wisdom of the Prosaic Talisman XT Charm of Inquisition:

DEF 52, ATK 30, AGL 44, SA EVD 25, P/P/S Res. 40, Bloody Petals of Carnage, Wisdom of the Prosaic Talisman XT Talisman of Tranquility:

DEF 48, ATK 20, STR 25, SA 20, P/P/S Res. 40, Knight's Shield Talisman XT Talisman of Tranquility:

DEF 52, ATK 20, STR 30, SA 22, P/P/S Res. 40, Rising Spirit, Knight's Shield Talisman XT Abyssal Charm:

DEF 55, ATK 20, VIT 34, SA EVD 27, Crit 10, P/S/P Res. 40, Cry of Determination

⠀– SB/AA (RNG)

The tables listed below will contain items with RNG stats from Silver Bosses (200-300) and Ancient Apostles (300-499). Some stats are at max values and some of them probably not.

The table will be updated regularly.

● Silver Bosses RNG items: – Lodell Desert: ⠀⠀⠀ Boss   Type ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Item Danacchia Bird ⠀ Acc. XT Gemstar Ring:

DEF 27, ACC 36, STR 50, DEX 40, SAD 89, Lithe Body Honey Ant   Bow XT Starfall:

DMG 280, AGL 52, SA 42, Crit 20, SAD 100, SA ATK 48,

Thirst for Blood, Shadow Warrior Blazing Shrew  Dagger XT Phantasmagoria:

DMG 124, ACC 67, VIT 67, DEX 20, AGL 60, SA 31, SAD 90,

Hawkeye, High-Precision Machine

 – Tannleni Gorge: ⠀⠀⠀⠀  Boss  Type ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Item Knoll Spider ⠀ Acc. XT Adept Gem Necklace:

DEF 47, DEX 66, AGL 58, March of the Recluse Tannleni Turtle   Spear XT Spear of the Sun God:

DMG 210, ACC 66, STR 60, SA ACC 21, SA 25, SAD 100, Agile Flurry, Basic Expert Tannl. Grasshopper  Katana XT Midnight Sun:

DMG 195, ACC 36, STR 45, VIT 67, DEX 52, Crit 30, SAD 120, Clear Mind,


 – Mirada Glacier: ⠀⠀⠀  Boss   Type ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Item Frost Dragon  Armor XT Meteorite Chestplate:

DEF 92, VIT 56, DEX 56, AGL 35, Max HP 8000, Iron Will Signet Toad   Mace XT Cactus Bludgeon:

DMG 193, DEF 94, STR 74, DEX 74, Crit 24, Leadership, Will to Live Snowy Scorpion     2Hs XT Demonblade Crimson Stream:

DMG 255, ATK 50, DEF 130, STR 75, DEX 75, Crit 29, Max HP 52000,

Sword Dance, Weapons of Darkness

 – Tullausa Basin: ⠀⠀⠀⠀ Boss    Type ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀  Item Azure Salamander  Armor XT Heavenly Light Clothes:

DEF 78, ACC 28, STR 49, Crit 16, Nimble Body Tullausa Crab    Whip XT Dragontail Whip:

DMG 196, STR 74, DEX 84, Crit 20, Offensive Defense, Basic Expert Tullausa Beast  Katana XT Midnight Rain:

DMG 158, ACC 50, STR 90, DEX 54, Crit 20, SAD 60,

Instantaneous Stance, Evil God Bloodline ⠀

● Ancient Apostles RNG items: – The Fatal Scythe: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Item Type ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats   Loveblight Bow  Bow DMG 320, ATK 50, ACC 67, STR 69, DEX 86, SA 28, Crit 30, SAD 100,

Enhance Armament, Unfreezing Spirit   Loveblight Bow  Bow DMG 320, ATK 50, ACC 67, STR 69, DEX 86, SA 28, Crit 30, SAD 100,

Thirst for Blood, Tiger's Resolve   Loveblight Bow  Bow DMG 320, ATK 50, ACC 67, STR 69, DEX 86, SA 28, Crit 30, SAD 100,

Instantaneous Stance, Sword of the Servant XT Wing Necklace  Acc. DEF 50, VIT 43, DEX 59, Shadow Warrior XT Wing Necklace  Acc. DEF 69, VIT 56, DEX 73, Pierce Weakness, Assassin

 – The Hollow Guardian: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Item Type ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats ⠀⠀ Bronte Blade  1Hs DMG 160, ATK 54, ACC 81, STR 67, AGL 72, SA 72, Critical 26, SAD 91,

Enhance Armament, Spiritual Cage ⠀⠀ Bronte Blade  1Hs DMG 160, ATK 54, ACC 81, STR 67, AGL 72, SA 72, Critical 26, SAD 91,

Bulwark of the Goddesses, Soul Extraction ⠀⠀ Bronte Blade  1Hs DMG 160, ATK 54, ACC 81, STR 67, AGL 72, SA 72, Critical 26, SAD 91,

Indomitable Spirit, Wings of Preservation XT Light Oak Boots  Acc. DEF 49, ACC 37, STR 65, AGL 64, Veil of Obscurity XT Light Oak Boots  Acc. DEF 60, ACC 39, STR 71, AGL 77, Essence of the Blade, Domain of the Experts

 – The Bruised King: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Item Type ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats ⠀⠀⠀Bluecrest Sword  1Hs DMG 160, ATK 48, ACC 63, STR 78, VIT 69, Crit 26, Max HP 22500, SAD 103,

Enhance Armament, Fortification of the Gods ⠀⠀⠀Bluecrest Sword  1Hs DMG 160, ATK 48, ACC 63, STR 78, VIT 69, Crit 26, Max HP 22500, SAD 103,

Godrobe Warrior, Sturdy Body ⠀⠀⠀Bluecrest Sword  1Hs DMG 160, ATK 48, ACC 63, STR 78, VIT 69, Crit 26, Max HP 22500, SAD 103,

Hands of the Gods, Prayer Breath XT Claw-Repelling Cloak  Acc. DEF 73, VIT 58, Max HP 20000, Prayer Breath, Inferno Prayer

 – The Gleam Eyes: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Item ⠀Type ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Stats ⠀⠀  Cobalt Dagger Dagger DMG 132, ATK 26, ACC 64, VIT 74, AGL 71, SA 44, Max HP 18000, SAD 145,

Enhance Armament, Mental Focus ⠀⠀  Cobalt Dagger Dagger DMG 132, ATK 26, ACC 64, VIT 74, AGL 71, SA 44, Max HP 18000, SAD 145,

At Wit's End, Shadow Hands ⠀⠀  Cobalt Dagger Dagger DMG 132, ATK 26, ACC 64, VIT 74, AGL 71, SA 44, Max HP 18000, SAD 145,

Mental Resonance, High-Precision Machine XT Protective Gloves ⠀Acc. DEF 33, STR 72, Crit 21, Battle Instinct XT Protective Gloves ⠀Acc. DEF 78, STR 73, Crit 32, Hands of Prayer, Sword of the Servant

⠀– AB (RNG)

The tables listed below will contain items with RNG stats from Ancient Beasts (400). Some stats are at max values and some of them probably not.

Apart from RNG items, AB can drop the same XT Items as AA 300-400 level.

The tables will be updated regularly.

Forgotten King Hielzig:

  Type ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Item  Spear Ironwood Blossom:

DMG 255, ATK 66, ACC 86, STR 74, VIT 57, DEX 50, Critical 30, SAD 160, Sword Dance,

Enhance Armament  Spear Ironwood Blossom:

DMG 255, ATK 66, ACC 86, STR 74, VIT 57, DEX 50, Critical 30, SAD 160, Sword Dance,

Clear Flash  Spear Ironwood Blossom:

DMG 255, ATK 66, ACC 86, STR 74, VIT 57, DEX 50, Critical 30, SAD 160, Sword Dance,

Basic Expert    Acc. XT Aqua Earrings:

DEF 59, STR 48, DEX 55, SA 33, SA ATK 70, Sturdy Body, Godrobe Warrior    Acc. XT Ring of Curses:

DEF 52, STR 53, DEX 61, SA 29, SAD 80, Killing Blow, Godrobe Warrior

Void Spear: Moon's Ruin:

  Type ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Item  Mace Glowworm Cudgel:

DMG 234, ACC 50, DEF 190, STR 85, VIT 62, DEX 50, Critical 20, Max HP 38700, SAD 116,

Burning Blade, Enhance Armament  Mace Glowworm Cudgel:

DMG 234, ACC 50, DEF 190, STR 85, VIT 62, DEX 50, Critical 20, Max HP 38700, SAD 116,

Burning Blade, Soul of the Martyr  Mace Glowworm Cudgel:

DMG 234, ACC 50, DEF 190, STR 85, VIT 62, DEX 50, Critical 20, Max HP 38700, SAD 116,

Burning Blade, Mental Focus    Acc. XT Sakura Earrings:

DEF 21, STR 83, DEX 51, SA 31, SAD 65, Faith Armor, Lion Spirit    Acc. XT White Silk Waistcloth:

DEF 65, ACC 39, STR 31, VIT 70, DEX 41, Sword of the Servant, Inferno Prayer

Horror Shade: Vice Tapir:

  Type ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Item    Bow Hiddenmind Bow:

DMG 340, ATK 71, ACC 80, VIT 79, DEX 50, Critical 38, Max HP 27200, SAD 80, SA ATK 76,

Billion Blossom, Enhance Armament    Bow Hiddenmind Bow:

DMG 340, ATK 71, ACC 80, VIT 79, DEX 50, Critical 38, Max HP 27200, SAD 80, SA ATK 76,

Billion Blossom, Unfreezing Spirit    Bow Hiddenmind Bow:

DMG 340, ATK 71, ACC 80, VIT 79, DEX 50, Critical 38, Max HP 27200, SAD 80, SA ATK 76,

Billion Blossom, The Soul's End  Armor XT Abyssal Clothes:

DEF 108, ACC 39, STR 80, DEX 65, SA 31, SAD 80, Mental Resonance, Demonic Archer    Acc. XT Exaltation Bangle:

DEF 65, STR 63, SA ACC 39, SA ATK 47, Cackling Devastator, Hands of the Abyss

Tormented Blood Princess:

  Type ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Item   Whip Serein Whip:

DMG 217, ATK 88, ACC 98, STR 60, VIT 39, DEX 66, SA 74, Critical 20, SAD 97, Firebolt,

Enhance Armament   Whip Serein Whip:

DMG 217, ATK 88, ACC 98, STR 60, VIT 39, DEX 66, SA 74, Critical 20, SAD 97, Firebolt,

Pierce Weakness   Whip Serein Whip:

DMG 217, ATK 88, ACC 98, STR 60, VIT 39, DEX 66, SA 74, Critical 20, SAD 97, Firebolt,

One with the Sword  Armor XT Forgotten Outfit:

DEF 108, ACC 34, DEX 65, AGL 70, SA 29, SAD 80, Two Contenders, Rapid Recite    Acc. XT Moonlight Ring:

DEF 24, ACC 57, STR 49, Crit 29, Max HP 26700, SAD 90, Body of the Devourer, Morale Boost

● Gearing Up:

⠀⠀With patch v2.01 and Blooming of Forget-me-not DLC introduction were available new XT versions of the previous items. In terms of gearing up, nothing changed much since the introduction of EX Raids though.

⠀⠀The only thing worth mentioning now is that basically most non-XT items are lagging behind in stats/skills and can be considered being useless.

⠀⠀Nevertheless, items like Abyssal Ring, Rainbow Insect Charm, Arachna Armor, White Mist Armor, Blade of the Lightwolf, Veinshredder, Vise Gloves, Wood-Ornamented Belt, Forgotten Talisman and Traveler's Cloak still can and must be used.

⠀⠀For now, it's pretty simple to gear up, if you have Blooming of Forget-me-not DLC go farming for XT items and create builds around those items. If you don't have it, stick to farming SB/DB, Raids/EX Raids as most items come from them, and farm MBQ for upgrading your gear.

⠀⠀For endgame content, you should be using dagger/dual-wield/spear builds if you want to be able to clear it. To be clear, I don't say that other weapons don't have a chance but it's become quite obvious in end-game that mentioned types have a big advantage in terms of DPS and stats. So the main point is to try to play with mentioned types and pick which you like the most to go onward.

⠀⠀Also answering the question of why it's exactly those types of weapons which should be used - it's ACC. All end-game so far was quite obvious, use glass-cannon builds and kill the boss as fast as possible. Bosses won't provide much of a challenge but ACC mechanics do. This mechanic the only thing that creates an illusion of progressing forward to beat end-game content. For example, to be able to successfully land a hit without even one miss on new AB bosses (400 level) you require more than 830 ACC. Mentioned weapon types + XT items can achieve this much, normal gear on the other hand probably can't (for now). That's why in most cases it's preferable to use those types of weapons.

⠀⠀When it comes to gear up there are two options:

⠀⠀1) Try to join any active SAO:AL discord server or ask on the steam forum for help to carry you through some bosses. Most of those have enough active players, so they can help you out. Should mention that it's a solution for the PC community only. I played on PS too and let's just say you can meet some players who either outright will ignore you or even worse. But it can happen to all of us, so it's up to you.

⠀⠀2) If the first one is not for you, do everything solo, not the fastest way but manageable if you are up to it. And can be more productive in the long run, since you can learn how to be better at this game.

⠀⠀Below will be my example on gearing up using a dual-wield build with available Blooming of Forget-Me-Not DLC:

Starting up:

⠀First thing first, try to complete the DLC story chapters as far as you possibly can with available gear. If you started at level 70, by the end of the DLC story you will be at 100lvl+ and probably have some XT items from common enemies, which can be helpful with grind ahead.

⠀So first of all, leveling up is your top priority. If in some chapter you can't progress due to the poor gear, stop doing story quest and try to farm common enemies for missing gear (CE in each chapter can drop different gear).

In terms of gear:

⠀You should use any 1Hs you can atm and try to farm for XT Alloy Sword (+5% to all stats) x2 from common enemies or SB 200-250, try to get XT Blacklight Clothes (+5% to all stats), and any good accessories with ACC.

⠀When you are geared enough you can start to complete Mutaded Beast Quests, obtain shards, level your gear as far as possible (and now you can transfer evolved level if you find better gear).

Build optimizations:

⠀– For EX Skill: Berserker (ATK +20%, DEF -10%), DEF stat can be neglected, and a little ATK boost is always good.

⠀– For Persona - Nimble (ACC +10%), the most required stat, shouldn't be neglected.

⠀– For Anima - Uptight (ATK +30%), another ATK boost.

⠀– For Sword Skills: Final Revolution + Nightmare Rain (for staggering enemies), Shine Circular (for downing enemies), Star Burst Steam (as main DPS skill).

⠀– For Passive Skills: Hawkeye (+10% ACC), Killing Blow (+30% Crit Power), Blade Dance (for additional dmg), Rising Spirit (+5% to all stats).

⠀– For active skills: Galvanize (to fully fill Arts Gauge), Billion Blossom (for easier Skill Connect), any buffs if you feel like you have low stats on something. For skill customization, I would prefer to use anything that can boost ACC.

⠀– Food Buff: Meat and Chees Hoagie, try to keep 100% uptime always.

⠀– For Incarnation: anything you can obtain for now, later something like Rakshasa/Thorn/Eyewall Incarnations.

Party Setup: tank (debatable if it'll be useful) or 2 buffers (any equip you can get on them) and 1 debuffer (although it is hard to gear up him\her for 400 level bosses, require items with Special Accuracy).

⠀– For both buffers:

⠀⠀a) EX Skill - SP Buffer (less SP cost for buffs), Persona - Born Leader (AOE Buffs), Anima - Cautious (less aggro).

⠀⠀b) Active skills: 2 Tigers Resolve (+50% to CR and CP), 2 Reaper's Wrath (+35 to CR), Burning Blade (for Break/Fatalize/Down), another Galvanize for emergencies, two buffs which you required the most (later change for Bulwark of the Goddesses for +10% to all stats).

⠀⠀c) For passive: The Soul's End (Max SP +100), Verdant Paradigm (AOE +100%), Spiritual Cage (CD -10%), Sense Danger (CD -5%).

⠀– For debuffer:

⠀⠀a) EX Skill - Debuffer, Persona/Anima - same as buffers.

⠀⠀b) Active skills: Sword of the Goddesses (for skill speed), any 2 buffs you currently lacking, At Wit's End (for Risk, need gear with SA, work up to 300+ lvl enemies).

⠀⠀c) For passives: Shadow Hands (SA +15%), Mental Resonance (+20% SA), Spiritual Cage (CD -10%), Sense Danger (CD -5%).

⠀– About the tank, unkillable Liz was a thing long ago, but any tank will do as long as he can stand even if all other party members are down. Although it's hard for me to recommend this as some bosses can throw 900k+ damage in your face, even a tank when controlled by AI can be killed easily.

⠀– For Incarnation: both buffers and debuffer - Beauty Incarnation (for level 4 chain burst).

Sword Skills Rotation:

⠀Basically, your rotation would be next: quickly change between partners and use all buffs/debuffs (don't overdo with the number of buffs as there is a cap) -> use Galvanize, your main character buffs should go the last.

⠀Then use sword skills rotation: Final Revolution - Nightmare Ruin (Hazarded) - Shine Circular (Break) -> Step Dodge -> Final Revolution (Fatal) - Nightmare Ruin (Down) -> Star Burst Stream -> Step Dodge -> Star Burst Stream etc.

Progressing onward:

⠀Start to farm either 250-300 level SB or start working on Ancient Apostoles, it's up to you to decide what you want to do, AA can be pretty boring but at 200-300 levels drops a good gear (XT Ring of Tranquility for +10% to all stats among other things).

⠀Then cycle repeats, as you obtain more Ring of Tranquility other buffs can be unequipped. Get better gear -> optimize skill customization -> transfer evolved levels or farm MBQ -> progress farther with AA etc.

⠀⠀A wall of text became even bigger, but at least it's starting to look better. Can't say if it'll be valuable to new players, but I hope it helps. Still didn't go into every little detail such as skill customization, incarnation farm, etc., but I'll leave it be, for now.

● Q&A

Q: The best way to farm money?

A: Fishing, go for treasures, or just farm silver/bronze bosses, divine beasts, and raids. Sell looted items that you don't need. Another method, while farming materials for enhancing items from Mutated Beast Quests, sell gold nuggets from the chests (level 100 quests).

After the introduction of XT items in v2.01, another good way to farm shia is basically to farm SB/DB/AA, you'll get so many items to sell at a high price.

Q: What is the fastest way to obtain skill points?

A: Depends on what you want to do, if you need incarnations – just kill clamps and clusters, it gives 3-4 points per clamp and 4-5 points for the cluster on hard difficulty. Or if you want to farm some gear, just hit the raids, kill silver bosses and divine beasts.

Another good method, after finishing the game, you can repeat the last section of the story and kill clamps, there are 15+ in a total of them, which provides a good quantity of skill points.

Q: Is there a way to re-watch bed scenes again?

A: Yes, there is, after completing the game you can watch them again in the gallery. You can see again all events you've completed.

Q: Can't see and connect to my friend's room in the co-op, what should I do?

A: Your region must be the same as your friend's. An easy solution for this is to change your own Download Region to the closest one to your friend.

To do this go into Steam -> Settings -> Downloads -> Download Region and change it according to your need. Tested this myself, wasn't able to see rooms created by players from Italy and the UK, after changing DR all is good now.

● Acknowledgments

I'd like to thank the following steam users for their contributions to this guide.


[ΞΧΔ] Ekxsza




Everyone else, who helped with updating this guide.

● Changes

Previous changes to the guide:

1.09[] , 1.30[] , 1.50[] , 2.03[] .Guide structure changes/etc.: Updated Daily Quests section with missing quests and new info.

Updated Visualize Attire Items section, added items from Memory Arena, from collabs. Added other not mentioned items. Added preview for every item and for Prize outfits too.

Updated Incarnation sections, according to the 2.10 update.

Updated Persona & Anima section with Arcane Arsenal (Seven & Rain quests) information.

Updated MBQ section with the required amount of shards for upgrading to +50.

Updated a few items stats in the Common enemies (RNG) section.

Fixed typos and wrong values/skills in old (1.09-1.30) items.GS changes: Double-checked values for previous XT items, fixed mistakes.


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