Guide to Combat Mechanics
Hand To Hand- Lvl 1: Allows to aim at body parts.
- Crippled enemies easily tumble if their legs are targeted.
- Tumbled enemies will be stunlocked if attacked repeatedly.
- Lvl 0: Easy to miss targets, will attract attention.
- Lvl 1: Able to aim at legs.
- Lvl 2: Able to aim at heads.
- Snipers lose against bows due to firing speed and similiar range.
- Lvl 0: Able to do sneak attacks.
- Lvl 0: Able to sprint while sneaking.
- Lvl 5: Able to sprint while sneaking without getting detected.
- Unarmed sneak attacks lead into choking holds, huge exhaustion.
- Armed sneak attacks with the hunting knifes lead into stabs, possible to perform on fitness Lvl 0.
- Blocks bullets, arrows and sharp weapons.
- Useless against blunt weapons, molotovs, pipebombs and zombie bites.
- Can break over time.
- Dealing with one Zombie.
- Zombies cannot deal normal damage, they solely rely on grabbing and biting.
- Zombies will leap occasionally, if they miss they will tumble and be on the ground for 1-3 seconds.
- Zombie can easily be crippled if you aim at their legs, even with the hunting knife. (Needs Lvl1)
- Zombies can be stunlocked when they're on the ground. Making them easy to handle one on one.
- It is possible to deal with white strain zombies at fitness Lvl 0 and hand to hand Lvl 1.
- Zombies can be dispatched quickly with a hunting knife while sneaking up behind them.
- At sneaking Lvl 0 sprinting while sneaking will alert them.
- At sneaking Lvl 5 sprinting while sneaking will not alert them.
- Approaching zombies from behind with wind direction aimed forward will alert them per smell.
- Approaching zombies from behind with wind direction aimed backwards will not alert them.
- Lvl 0 fitness will easily exhaust you in combat.
- You can recover during combat if it's only one zombie, side step and be patient.
- Assassinating without a weapon will exhaust you too much, causing it to fail early.
- Dealing with multiple zombies.
- Determine their colour and cripple the weakest ones first. Green -> Blue -> Red -> White
- Do not kite groups of zombies into open areas, it will easily alert other zombies and exhaust you.
- Rely on forests to make them lose sight of you and change directions.
- Take advantage of settlements on the map and make them deal with the zombies.
- Crippled hordes can be dispatched one by one, stun one by targeting their legs and repeat.
- You can lure zombies to your directions by sight or smell, forests are the best place for 1 vs 1.
- Hide inside cars or buildings in emergencies. Sneak and leave from a different direction.
- Lvl 0: Useless, will attract attention.
- Lvl 1: Allows to aim at legs.
- Lvl 2: Allows to aim at heads.
- Useless against armour and helmets.
- Lvl 0: Useless, wont hit anything.
- Very effective against snipers by stunlocking them.
- Effective for bleeding out humans.
- Can take out humans in one hit before they start burning.
- Can take out green zombies in one hit before they start burning.
- White zombies have too much health, making molotovs near useless unless used in bulk.
- Can take out wooden barricades.
- Ignores armour.
- Can one shot white zombies.
- Can demolish iron fences.
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