Super Auto Pet: A Guide to Building a Winning Team

Basic Tips

Don't sweat defeats. It's almost impossible to win 10 out of 10 battles. Even a 10-win run will have 2 or 3 defeats. Also don't sweat game overs. This is a competitive game, but you are only battling snapshots of other players, not actual live players in real-time.

Take your time. There is no time limit in the shop. Consider the whole list of purchases before making any move.

Your primary goal in the early game is to not lose any battles. The first few turns are usually a straight stat contest. If you take 2 or 3 losses early on, it gives you less leeway to build a killer combo that will carry you to 10.

Your team should synergize with each other. Outside of the first two or three battles, it is increasingly difficult to win on stats alone.

It may be better to keep multiple copies of animals on your team rather than combining or leveling them right away. Three Crickets and two Horses are much better than a Level 2 cricket and a half-leveled Horse.

Whenever you level up an animal, a new animal of (your tier + 1) is offered in the shop. This can allow you to pick up a powerful animal one or two turns before you would ordinarily be offered it. If you're very lucky, the animal could match with the strategy you were building anyway, and give you a big boost.

Make use of the shop. Except for the animals that give permanent buffs each turn (Monkey, Giraffe), the shop is the only way to make your team stronger. Buy animals and food that will last a long time.

Give food only to animals you intend to keep long-term. Let's take the Ant for example. Ants are pretty strong in the early game, but their ability is meaningless on Turn 10. Should you give an Ant an apple or honey? Usually not, because you'll want to sell the Ant to make room for something else.

Some animals are front-loaded in power (like Tiger) and some need to be leveled up once or twice to reach full potential (like Dodo). Some animals have a great level 2 upgrade, but their level 3 upgrade comes too late to mean anything (like Horse). Try to consider this when building your team.

Chocolate is almost always a buy, unless literally none of your animals will benefit from leveling up.

Keep an eye on your remaining wins and losses. If you have 1 or 2 battles remaining, don't start making long-term investments like buying Monkeys or partial level ups. This is the time to give out last-second buffs or food (steak, melons) to animals who don't have them yet.

Early Game

There are two priorities in the early game :

Don't Lose

Set up your Tier 2 purchases.All of the Tier 1 animals lend themselves toward one or the other. If you must choose between the two, pick the ones that make you Not Lose.

Since there are only a handful of Tier 1 animals, it's worth going over them individually.

Ant – One of the strongest Don't Lose choices as it offers essentially 4/2 in stats. You're usually quite safe buying it.

Beaver – Somewhere between the two priorities, as its 2/2 stats are average, and it gives a delayed health boost on sell.

Cricket – Try to combine with Horse (e.g. Horse – Horse – Cricket – Cricket – Cricket is excellent). It's okay on its own.

Duck – Entirely a setup for Tier 2, which makes it very risky. They are defeated by virtually every other Tier 1 animal except Horse (which you will rarely see without Cricket friends).

Fish – A great choice as its 2/3 stats are good, and if you do get 3 then it can buff your Tier 2 choices as well.

Horse – A very poor buy unless you can combine with Crickets. Only buy a Horse as a setup for Tier 2 if you are extremely confident that you can win without it.

Monkey – A very powerful Don't Lose choice. It's best to buy Monkeys early so you get more turns of their ability.

Remember, the early game is all about not losing. You can always come back and make a killer combo later. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Late Game

In the late game, it's all about maximizing the effectiveness of your team's abilities. You should use formations that allow your animals to use their abilities as soon as possible, and try to protect your front-row animals with animals that have defensive abilities.

Formations The all-out attack formation: This is a high-risk, high-reward formation that puts all of your animals with strong attack abilities in the front row. The goal is to use these abilities as soon as possible to do as much damage as possible. This formation is good against teams with low defense, but it can be risky if your opponent has a lot of defensive abilities or can heal their animals.

The balanced formation: This formation puts some of your animals with strong attack abilities in the front row and some of your animals with defensive abilities in the back row. The goal is to use your attack abilities to do as much damage as possible while also protecting your front-row animals with your defensive abilities. This formation is good against teams with a mix of strong and weak animals, as it allows you to adapt to whatever your opponent throws at you.

The defensive formation: This formation puts all of your animals with defensive abilities in the front row and your animals with strong attack abilities in the back row. The goal is to protect your animals and stall for time until you can use your attack abilities. This formation is good against teams with strong attack abilities that you need to survive until you can use your own.

Example Formations Tiger – Gorilla – Giraffe – Elephant – Elephant: This is an all-out attack formation that focuses on using Tiger's and Gorilla's strong attack abilities as soon as possible. The Giraffe and Elephant provide some defense, but the main goal is to do as much damage as possible.

Ant – Ant – Fish – Fish – Fish: This is a balanced formation that focuses on using Ant's and Fish's abilities to do damage while also protecting your front-row animals with Ant's defense.

Elephant – Elephant – Elephant – Gorilla – Gorilla: This is a defensive formation that focuses on using Elephant's strong defense to protect your team while you wait for your Gorillas' attack abilities to charge up.

Remember to always keep an eye on your opponent's team and adjust your formation accordingly. A formation that works well against one opponent might not work as well against another.

The Shop

The shop is an important part of Super Auto Pet, and it's where you can purchase animals and items that will help you build a strong team.


Apple: Increases an animal's attack by 1.

Honey: Increases an animal's health by 2.

Steak: Increases an animal's attack and health by 1.

Melon: Increases an animal's defense by 1.

Chocolate: Levels up an animal, increasing its stats and sometimes unlocking a new ability.


There are several types of animals available in the shop, each with its own unique stats and abilities:

Ant: 4 attack, 2 defense. Gives a 1 attack and 1 defense buff to all other ants on the team.

Beaver: 2 attack, 2 defense. Gives a 3 health buff to all other beavers on the team when sold.

Cricket: 1 attack, 3 defense. Gives a 2 attack buff to the first horse on the team.

Duck: 1 attack, 1 defense. Gives a 1 attack and 1 defense buff to all other ducks on the team.

Fish: 2 attack, 3 defense. Gives a 1 attack and 1 defense buff to all other fish on the team.

Horse: 2 attack, 1 defense. Gives a 2 attack buff to the first cricket on the team.

Monkey: 3 attack, 1 defense. Gives a 1 attack and 1 defense buff to all other animals on the team each turn.

Giraffe: 2 attack, 2 defense. Givesa 1 attack and 1 defense buff to all other giraffes on the team each turn.

Elephant: 3 attack, 3 defense. Gives a 1 attack and 1 defense buff to all other elephants on the team.

Gorilla: 4 attack, 2 defense. Gives a 1 attack and 1 defense buff to all other gorillas on the team.

Tiger: 5 attack, 1 defense. Gives a 1 attack and 1 defense buff to all other tigers on the team.

Dodo: 1 attack, 1 defense. Gives a 1 attack and 1 defense buff to all other dodos on the team.

When leveled up, unlocks the ability to copy the stats and abilities of the last animal on the opposing team.

Remember to consider each animal's stats and abilities when purchasing them, and try to build a team that synergizes well together. Also, keep an eye on your budget and try to make purchases that will benefit you in the long run.

General Strategies

Don't be afraid to restart: If you're not happy with the animals you have or the direction your team is heading, don't be afraid to restart the game and try again. The more you play, the more you'll learn about the strengths and weaknesses of each animal, and the better you'll get at building a strong team.

Consider your audience: Keep in mind that you are only battling snapshots of other players' teams, not actual live players. This means that you might come across teams that are very different from what you're used to seeing. Be flexible and adaptable, and try to build a team that can handle a wide variety of opponents.

Build for the meta: The "meta" refers to the most effective strategies and compositions that are currently popular in the game. While it's always good to try out new things and experiment with different team compositions, it's also important to be aware of the meta and try to build a team that can compete with it. Keep an eye on forums and social media to see what strategies and compositions are currently performing well, and consider incorporating them into your own team.

Don't underestimate lower tier animals: While it's true that higher tier animals are generally stronger and more versatile, don't underestimate the power of lower tier animals. Some lower tier animals have abilities that can turn the tide of battle, and they can be very useful in the early game when you're trying to build up your resources.

Make use of food: Food can give your animals a big boost in stats, so don't be afraid to use it wisely. Consider giving food to your front-row animals, as they are usually the ones that will be taking the most damage. Also, be sure to use chocolate wisely, as it can be expensive but can also give your animals a big boost in stats and unlock new abilities.

Don't be too greedy: While it's important to try to win as many battles as possible, don't be too greedy. If you're running low on resources or your team is struggling, it might be better to sell some of your animals and start over rather than trying to push through and risking a game over. Remember, it's better to win a few battles and preserve your resources than to lose everything trying to win them al


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