Ranking every Pet by Tier order (Pack 1 Guide)

Ranking every Pet by Tier order (Pack 1 Guide)

Tier 1 Pets

Ranking every Pet by Tier order (Pack 1 Guide) image 1

Ant - a solid unit, with 2 damage it can kill almost every other t1 pet other than fish and the buffed duck. its effect to give an ally +2+1 on death makes this unit basically a 4/2. the downside, its pure RNG based which of your pets gets the buff. overall a strong starter!

Beaver - a 2 2 unit seems good, but it doesnt really matter. 6 out of 8 T1 pets are able to 1shot beaver. its effect to give friends +1 health WHEN SOLD is really bad. why would you want to sell a pet? only when you want to replace it with something better. and this shouldnt be the case all the time. so rarely do you even have 1 beaver. and then selling it later on for that buff? meh. when i have 3 gold left and literally nothing else to buy, i usually buy them and then sell them as soon as i need that 1 extra gold.

Cricket - a 1 2 unit that spawns a 1 1 unit on death, making it essentially a 2 3. its terrible level up skill (only buffing the zombie cricket by +1 +1 per level up) speaks for itself. this unit is only good when you get 2-3 of them combined with 2-3 horses. but both units, cricket and horse, are bad so i'd avoid this unit.

Duck - buffed from a 1/2 to a 1/3 it is able to survive a hit from every T1 pet expect pig. still, its effect is basically the beaver, but even worse. thats all i have to say. its a worse beaver. the fact this is one of the 5 units i do not have the ribbon with yet should say enough. and btw i have almost every pack 1 ribbon possible, even all the summons

Fish - personally my favorite unit from tier 1 to 3. with 2/3 it holds the best individual stats in tier 1, being able to 1shot almost everything while being able to survive a hit itself. its level up ability, if you manage to get it to level 3 with a full team is essentially a +4+4 and +8+8 buff for your entire team. giving 4 allies +12 +12 in stats should highlight how great this unit is. and while yes it falls off later, most of my wins and screenshots include a fish because i really love this unit and its scaling power is great.

Horse - "until end of battle" effects are generally really bad because as the name says, they dont carry over. the horse is only good with crickets, but due to its 1hp, if it ever get sniped by a mosquito your entire team might fall apart. summoning comps are currently really bad and only work if you get the perfect setup (and horse is not part of this setup) so this unit currently has no reason to ever be bought, not even as filler.

Mosquito - a tricky unit. while its deal 1 damage to a random enemy might be handy the first 2-3 rounds, it quickly drops off afterwards and becomes pretty much useless. however if you manage to scale this unit into the lategame, its ability to hit 3 random enemies can win you the fight. super-late lategame usually revolves around having 2-3 units with 50/50 (max stats possible) and melon armor (blocks the first hit taken, up to 20 dmg). with the mosquito being able to effectively remove 2 melon armors, this unit can carry super lategame fights. i say it has a value if you really plan on going for the long game.

Otter - just like the fish this unit is able to give permanent stats. while not impressive, its my 2nd favorite T1 unit. always buffing along the way. a maxed otter gives your team a total of +9+9 spread. not as OP as the fishes ability to give a total of +48+48, but 9/9 is still a nice boost. i often end up with lv 2 or 3 otter in my team, usually selling them in the lategame for something better. but the buffs stay.

Pig - personally i dont like this unit. yes with 3 power it can 1shot every T1 unit and even most T2 units, but with 1 hp this unit is basically a suicide bomber which is totally useless if the enemy survives. selling it gives you 2 gold instead of 1, so this unit is a good filler if youre sitting at 3 gold with nothing else to buy. throw a pig in there and sell it as soon as you need the 2 extra gold. its an okay unit

Sloth - okay many of you reading this guide might not even know what the sloth is. every time you roll your shop and a T1 unit appears, there is an extremely tiny chance it becomes a sloth. i have over 300 hours in this game and got a sloth myself 4 times and faced it in enemy teams about 10 times. the sloth is a 1/1 unit and the only unit in the game with no ability. its flavor text just says its lame but its really believing in you. winning with a lv 3 sloth is basically just to show off. its stats and the fact it has no ability makes it the worst unit in the game, but a rare fun challenge if you get it. just realize you have 1 slot of dead weight on your team with a sloth.

Tier 2 Pets

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Crab - a 3/3 unit who copies the health of the ally with the most health. combining this with the fact i like to spam otter and fish, i usually have a fish with 7-12 hp on turn 3. turning the crab into a 3/9 unit on estimate. combine it with meat and its basically a 8/9 unit in turn 3.

with a combination like this, the crab becomes the strongest T2 unit. it usually falls of later, even if you get a 50/50 unit, the crab essentially stays at 3/50 making it useless. (and yes if you buy a crab on another crab, it will re-trigger its affect once again copying the highest health in your game. and no the crab cant copy units with lower health) in the right setup one of the best early to early-mid game carries. people like to combine the crab with cupcakes (gives a friend +3+3 but only for this round) to further boost the hp it will copy, but this is not worth the 3-6 gold in my opinion.

Dodo - tough to rate. in the current meta which most of the time revolves around scaling, the dodo can be a strong unit. scaling a dodo in the super lategame and getting it to 50/50 means you can put it behind one of your weak scalers and turn them into a 50/X unit. personally im not a huge fan of this unit but i know its strength. if you can scale it, a great unit!

Elephant - ahh, the first of the meme units. this unit damages 1-2-3 friends behind it for 1 damage every time it attacks. this synergizes with camels and blowfish which trigger their effect when they took damage and survived (hurt effect) however i think both of these units are bad and the lv 2/3 elephant + double/triple spikefish is a pure meme composition. fun and if you get their level ups early strong, but its pretty much impossible to win a game this way. it could be very strong vs summoners, but as i mentioned earlier, summoners are not in meta and have a hard time. the 3/5 stats make it a beefy early unit, putting it last in your team as filler negates its ability to hurt your own team and it can be useful for some rounds.

Flamingo - like the pig a 3/1 nuke unit, gives 2 friends behind +1+1 when it dies. personally i say stick to the ant. their effect is almost the same and this is why the ant wins. because you can have it earlier and thus on a higher level. better stats and a better faint ability.

Hedgehog - another blowfish meme unit. deals 2 damage to EVERYTHING ALL units on death. usually i say the earlier tier unit wins to its similar part because you can get it earlier, but this isnt the case here, the honeybadger is everything this unit wants to be. as i said, put it in blowfish meme teams for fun, but dont expect a win with it.

Peacock - this unit wasnt good to begin with but really suffered from the changes. now depending on its level it can activate its effect only 1-3 time "per turn". a turn is qualified as a fight. so you fight, battle is over, that means the turn is over. this means a lv 1 peacock is a 2/5 unit that gets 50% bonus damage after surviving damage once. making it into a 3/X unit (usually 3/4 because its behind elephant). this is terrible.

i can imagine its scaling being good on lv 2 and 3 because it gets 50%. so a peacock with 20/2X stats and an elephant can quickly become a 40/2X unit and then a 50/2X unit. this is the one units changes i dont remember on the test server so i cant judge it. but im not a huge fan of "hurt your own team" units. i can see people using a Pill on a hedgehog to damage the peacock in the shop. buffs that happen during the shopphase are permanent (unless stated otherwise by the game). but this is a risky strategy because you spent 4 gold on permanentely hurting your entire team. another potencial meme team?

Rat - Argueable the most hated unit on the discord servers. with 4/5 the rat has really great stats for a T2 unit but its ability is just terrible. it spawns 1-3 1/1 rats FOR YOUR ENEMY when it dies. the change that these units now spawn in the front make it a bit better to use but again this unit spawns your enemies more units. why would you want that

Shrimp - all jokes aside, this in my eyes is the worst unit in the game (ignoring sloth). it gives a random ally +1 hp when you SELL a friend. having the effect of beaver activate when you sell beaver itself can be alright, but why would you want a T2 unit that does only HALF the effect of a T1 unit AND you have to sell other units for it. this means you essentially pay 3 gold (and get 1 back) for a +1 to health. this has to be the worst trade in the game.

Spider - with its ability to spawn a level 3 pet when it dies, it has its fair uses. its very rng heavy and theres only 2 spawns out of it you want early. sheep and turtle. when you spawn a sheep this way, the sheep spawns 2 rams. turning it into basically a 8/8 unit. and the turtle giving an ally behind melon armor (so making sure you take no damage from the next hit this early on in the game) can be very handy. however the fact there are 11 T3 units and you only want 2 of them heavily speaks against this unit. im sorry spider, i like your idea but its not good. if only you spawned T4 units.

Swan - with the (deserved) nerf to its stats making it a 1/3 this unit has no combat power at all anymore. its effect of giving you 1 2 or 3 extra gold is extremely useful so i still expect to see this unit stick around a lot but be sold in the lategame. still, i will always grab a swan when i see it. even +1 extra gold allows me to reroll 2 times and then still buy 3 things total. amazing unit.

Tier 3 Pets

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Badger - ah finally a unit i underestimated so long with its 5/4 stats its the best unit out of all T1 T2 and T3 units, even able to rival some T4 units. what makes the badger so fun is the fact that when it dies, it damages the next enemy unit and your next ally unit for 100% 200% or 300% its attack damage. essentially turning this into a 10/4 unit. put a honey on the badger and place it last to make sure it cant hurt your own teammate. the badger will deliver its full damage to the enemy and then spawn you a bee thanks to honey which will not be hurt by the badger. this means you can turn lost or even drawn games into a win because you got a bee left. while i dont like the badger for the super lategame, its power cant be praised enough and the smile it gives me every time i win a round thanks to its death + bee combo is always a huge + for me.

Blowfish - here we finally have the core unit of the meme team. whenever this unit survives damage, it damages a random enemy for 2-4-6 damage. with garlic and hedgehogs, this unit is able to clear entire teams in the early midgame without more than 1 attack happening. yes in the right setup this team is unbeatable in the (early) midgame. however its damage is not enough to carry the lategame. if this unit gets to the super lategame, it turns completely useless even as a 50/50 its effect is worse than a 50/50 mosquito.

Camel - another "hurt" unit. as you know i dont like them. 2/5 are very mediocre stats, with garlic yes it can tank some and buff a friend a fair amount, but this falls of very fast. youre better off getting a honey-badger instead. again, sorry if this upsets "hurt mains" but i just dont like these units.

Dog - a weird unit. every time an ally is bought/spawns this unit gets either 1 damage or 1 health. friends bought in the shop make this buff permanent, while friends summoned in battle only keep the buff in the battle. the handful of dog runs i tried, the dog turned out to be a decent unit, but its hard to keep selling and buying units. very situational but i have decent experience with it

Giraffe - our first "real scaler". i refer to real scaling by units that give a permanent buff every turn. while its +1+1 isnt that great, if you can get it early (a lucky turn 3 giraffe for example) its a great unit that can add a great deal of stats to your team. if you plan on keeping it longer, give it meat. turning this into a 7/5 unit means it usually takes out 2 units. overall a strong unit, if gotten early enough.

Kangaroo - with 1/2 its stats are pathetic. however it gains +2 +2 (for the current fight) whenever the ally ahead attacks. with a really beefy unit like a fish with 12 health and garlic, this unit can easily turn into a 9/10 for the battle. however, this is temporarely so im not a huge fan of it. yes i agree that the unit is fairly strong for the (early) midgame, but if your friend ahead gets 1shot, the kangaroo is useless.

Ox - a 1/4 unit that gets +2 damage and melon armor when the friend ahead dies. unless you have a summoning unit, this means the ox becomes a 3/4 that will survive the first blow, making it a 6/(20 - shield)/4 unit im honestly still not sure how i feel about the ox. its a decent unit.

Rabbit - the first "food" unit. this units effect activates when food is bought. and i have to say i hate food units. while yes i think food is great and should never be underestimated, PERSONALLY i absolutely cant stand food units with the exception of cat.

the rabbit is able to make itself worth early on, turning a salad which gives 2 teammates +1+1 into a +1+2. this is decent. if you happen to get a quick lv 2 rabbit, it becomes a good unit, turning salad into a +2+6. great stat boosts. but the lv 1 rabbit isnt worth it for me.

the major problem i have with food units is, the shop holds 5 pets and only 2 food items. and a lot of the food (like honey, apple and can) is useless even with rabbit. gold is usually better spent on actual units.

Sheep - another summoning unit. as i mentioned, summon teams really struggle against the scaling meta. the sheep is basically a 6/6 unit, the problem is its split across 3 units with 2/2 meaning the units get 1shot by everything and garlic completely counters them. while an actual 6/6 would do 4 damage vs garlic, the sheeps 2 damage turns into a 1, making this a 3/6 unit. not that great

Snail - the nerfs hurt this unit. you usually freeze a snail in the shop until you had 3, then when you lose stack them to give your team a nice buff. but its buff got nerfed, now a triple snail gives your entire team +4+4. still a decent 16+16 across your 4 allies. the downside is that 1. first you need to find 3 snails and 2. you might need to freeze them for several turns, heavily limiting your other shop options. also 3. if you already got 5 units you want to keep (rare but happens) you cant buy the snail. another downside, snail is a "buy" unit, its effect does not activate when you give it chocolate (just like the otter)

Turtle - this unit on itself isnt all that great. however when you give it a pill, you invested 4 gold into a melon armor that you have 4 turns earlier than possible. if you dont pill it... idk. its a 1/2 that gives your carry unit a shield when it dies. id rather kill it with pill and open up the slot again.

Tier 4 Pets

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Ah T4 units, this is where the fun begins. T4 has the most influencal units in the game to this point. T4 makes or breaks a run in my opinion. Bison - kicking off the list, we have my favorite unit in the game. with 6/6 stats, up to T5 units, this is stats wise the 2nd best unit in the game. what really makes it shine is its ability.

when your team has a unit thats already level 3 (which isnt that unlikely) the bison gets +2+2 / +4+4 / +6+6. getting this unit on turn 5 with a lucky level up and a lv 3 unit present is a run winner. this unit can easily reach 35/35 or higher stats all by itself. all it requires is that your team has another leveld unit present and which team doesnt profit from leveling their units? this makes the bison, in my opinion, the best unit in the game and i take this beast any time of the day in any composition.

Deer - with its 1/1 stats its nothing special, with a meat this unit turns into a 6/1 unit. however when it dies it spawns a 5/5 - 10/10 - 15/15 bus with the chili effect. the chili effect causes the pet behind the attacked pet to also suffer 5 damage. this turns a meat deer into a 16/6 unit. if you get this on turn 5 from a level up then your next 2-3 rounds should be a free win as the bus will most likely kill 3-4 units all by itself.

its scaling is rather poor, but for the midgame its a very solid pick. just dont keep it too long.

Dolphin - while on paper the ability to deal 5 10 15 damage to the lowest health enemy sounds great, most low health units are scalers. a turtle, a deer, a snail, a penguin, monkey, cat. these units arent really a big loss due to their already poor stats. they arent made for combat but to help your team scale. this makes the dolphin rather useless in my opinion. yes in the midgame it can be decent, but i never keep this unit for more than 2 turns. if even that.

Hippo - the nightmare of every summon team. this unit easily destroys a summon team all by itself. that said once again i have to stress that summon teams are currently bad and rare. this makes it hard for the hippo to be relevant. gaining +2+2 on killing an enemy allows it to sustain some health during the fight, but considering most teams have their 2 scale units up front and the 3 units behind usually being scalers, this means the hippo doesnt profit much from its buff. huge potencial for when the meta shifts, right now mediocre.

Parrot - it copies the ability of the friend ahead until the end of battle. this means it can only use abilities that activate in battle. this allows it for some hilarious synergies for example with turkey or skunk (which are up next). while the tiger, its "stronger version" has a better effect, its a T6 unit meaning it comes in the (super) lategame and often is too late. the parrot requires synergie, otherwise is useless. but with synergie it can be a really strong unit.

Penguin - ah my favorite scaler in the game and another really strong unit. its ability that gives every ally whos lv 2 or higher permanent stats up to +12+12 EVERY TURN makes it the best scaling unit in the game. while on level 1 being able to give a max of +4+4 per turn is decent, its nothing outstanding. however a lv 2 pingu giving +8+8 per turn is amazing. this unit is the reason for the majority of my lategame wins. a lv 2 pingu and a lv 2 bison easily raise a 50/50 bison in no time. if you get a pengu and a bison on turn 5, your run is won. this is the god rng.

Rooster - the rooster spawns 1-3 chickens with 1 health and half his attack points when it dies. this means the standard chicken spawns as 2/1 unit. an unbuffed rooster is absolutely terrible and is often outclassed by tier 3 units. however scaling can get this to be a beast. a lv 2 rooster with 50 dmg spawns 2 chickens with 25 damage each, basically turning this into a unit with a combined strength of 100 damage. however, if you cant scale it ASAP this unit becomes dead weight.

Skunk - the parrots best friend. as with many units, its lv 1 ability is not worth much, reducing the enemys health with the highest health by 33% 66% or 99% (putting it at 1hp). a lv 2 skunk is great, a lv 3 skunk is a potencial run winner. in the super lategame, when 2 units both with 50/50 and melon armor collide, the skunk can turn this into your 50/50 vs a 50/1. since melon armor only blocks 20 damage, even the lv 2 skunk is enough to allow your best unit to kill AND SURVIVE the best unit of the enemy. a lv 2 skunk with a lv 2 parrot behind basically turns 2 enemy units into a "1 hit wonder". this combo can save you if the rest of your team didnt evolve the way you wanted it to.

Squirrel - another food unit, however this one is really bad in my opinion. it reduces the cost of food at the start of shop phase by 1 gold. this means if you dont like the food and reroll it, the next food will cost 3 gold again. so basically you need to get very lucky or freeze food in advance. and when you have to play "hopefully i survive THIS round" then you are already in trouble. you want a unit that makes itself put in the work THIS round, not next round.

Whale - going from a 2/6 unit to a 3/8 is a decent buff. with meat this unit becomes an 8/8. the issue is its battle ability. it kills the ally ahead and then releases it when it dies as a lv 1/2/3. a whale behind a deer means you'll spawn 2 buses. the issue is the bus isnt that strong in he lategame. and if you buff the deer itself, the whale releases it as 1/1 again, making it pointles to buff the deer. when i went for my whale ribbon, i had my whale as first unit and scaled it, never using its ability. that should tell you how situational and poor its ability is.

Worm - the main carry of a food team. whenever this unit eats food, it boosts itself by +1+1 +2+2 or +3+3. a lv 2 worm in combination with a rabbit can quickly scale out of controll. facing an overpowered worm isnt that uncommon. however, once again this relies on getting a lv 2 worm fast and then getting a lot of peers, or lucky salad/sushi rng. too luck dependent in my opinion.

Tier 5 Pets

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Cow - upon buying this unit or giving it exp (not with chocolate) the 2 shop items get replaced by 2 milk that cost 0 gold and give +1 +2 in stats. the cow itself comes kinda late and its buffs arent that big, a small amount but nothing major. if i really lack a 5th unit i want in my team, i buy a cow and pray i get some more so the milk pays off. this is really a "my run went bad and i git no other option" unit.

Crocodile - like the dolphin, this unit attacks the LAST enemy (not lowest health enemy) for 8 damage. my last unit is pretty much always a penguin, a monkey, a cat, something that scales. it really doesnt hurt me much when this unit gets sniped as it has no combat stats anyways. this is why the crocodile and dolphin are both fairly useless in my opinion. WHEN a summoner meta breaks out, a croc 1shotting a turkey will win you the fight. right now that is very unlikely tho so this unit never gets into my team.

Monkey - the 2nd best scaler in the game. receiving nerfs, it now gives +2 +3 to your first ally (can buff itself if its first). it used to be +3+3 so it lost some of its power. however a quick lv 2 monkey giving +4+6 each turn is still a great unit. i like having 2 scalers (unless i get a super quick lv 3 pengu) so a pengu + monkey is what you'll see pretty much all the time in my backline.

Rhino - like the hippo, another summoner destroyer. when it kills something, it does 4 8 12 dmg to the next enemy. this can result in it killing an entire summoner team with only attacking once. but by now youve read it enough times, summon comps are currently rare and bad

Scorpion - "no ability" is not the right wording for it. the scorpion is the only unit that has the "peanut" food buff. there is no way to get this buff any other way. the peanut buff kills everything it damages in 1 hit. this has the result that many newcomers are confused why the scropion didnt 1shot the enemies 50/50 carry with melon armor. and heres the catch. it has to DEAL DAMAGE to poison. unlike garlic, which can not negate damage (you will always get 1 damage from it) melon blocks the first hit (up to 20 damage) completely. however, there is a trick around this. if you put a mushroom/1up on your scorpion, it will respawn as 1/1 unit (which are its default stats anyways) AND WITH THE PEANUT BUFF. this means, the mushroom scorpion hits the melon armor and uses the effect up, dies and then respawns with peanut, allowing it to 1shot the 50/50 unit.

while this all sounds great... why not have your own 50/50 with melon armor at this point? scorpion is another "ah damn i got nothing good" unit. however this late into the game you just pray that the scorpion can make a difference. id say skip it.

Seal - the other potencial food carry. due to it beign T5 you get it later than worm. just like worm, its lv 1 ability is pretty useless. giving +1+1 to 2 teammates just doesnt cut it. especially in the lategame where you should prepare to face scaling teams having 1-2 units reaching 30-50 stats.

a lv 2 seal can be fed to to get itself buff and its team aswell. however as i said, i dont like food units and it comes in kinda late.

Shark - this has to be the most overrated unit. i see this unit so many times especially in summon comps. when an ally dies, it gets +2+1. this unit is sh*t even on level 3. even if you have 4 sheeps in front of it, allowing for 12 units in total, the shark ends up as a 50/40 unit FOR THIS FIGHT ALONE. ignoring the fact that 4 sheeps itself is completely trash, why would you want a unit that CAN scale to these stats for this fight ONLY when you can just have a unit with these stats ALL THE TIME by scaling it? Shark is overrated and terrible.

Turkey - okay so despite everything you REALLY wanna play a summon team? then this is the unit to go. if you manage to get a lv 2 turkey asap, your summon comp has a chance to win. giving every newly spanned unit +6+6 on lv 2 is really good. if we estimate that the average summon comp has 4 units which can spawn a total of 5 units together, that means you get +30+30 across the stats you already have. make this 8 with fly and you get +48+48 across the summoned animals stats and the summoner stats. if you get that quick turkey, a summon comp can be super fun to play. i honestly hope summoners get back in meta, they can be hilarious.

Tier 6 Pets

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Tier 6 pets, the (super) lategame units.

due to the scaling meta, these often have no spot in (my) teams. you get them so late into the game and most of them require a specific setup, its often just not worth it. however there are some special rules so lets get into it.

Boar - kicking off with my personal hate unit, the boar. this is one of FOUR units i havent gotten a ribbon with yet and the only T6 unit that i dont have the ribbon with. the other 3 are all T1 or T2 units. this should already tell you a lot about it.

the boar is a better hippo, getting buffs BEFORE it attacks rather than after it kills something. however, you get it so late, its pathetic +2+2 before an attack wont do much good vs the enemies 50/50 unit. just like hippo, this beast might shine in a summon meta. but for now is worthless.

Cat - the only food unit i like. depending on its level, it multiplies the effect of food by x2 x3 or x4.

getting a t6 unit to level 3 is extremely rare and the one time i had lv 3 cat, i won the next round so i couldnt use its x4 for more than 1 food. however, saying this is the one food unit i like says a lot. even on lv 1, its a decent addition to the team. turning sushi from a +3+3 to a +6+6 or a pizza from a +4+4 to a +8+8. on level 2 (which is reachable) this becomes +9+9 for sushi and +12 +12 for pizza these are 2 big buffs, even this late in the stage. a lucky cat can save you from a dire position. dont underestimate the cat

Dragon - oh boy, this boy got nerfed into the abyss. so when you buy a t1 unit, all other pets get +1+1. the dragon used to buff ITSELF aswell, but not anymore.

here are the main flaws with dragon. 1. its t6, so it comes late. 2. it requires t1 units, their chance to spawn this late is 8.3%. the dragon gives 3 units a weak buff. the dragon itself doesnt get buffed so its now a scaler that comes WAY TOO LATE has a WAY TOO BAD buff on lv 1 requires a specific condition instead of just buffing every turn AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF requires you to always have 1 slot open to put the pet in. the dragon basically turns your team from 5 potencial units, to 4. this nerf in my opinion makes dragon one of the worst T6 units. people might disagree but i doubt we will see many dragons.

Fly - the other unit you really want in a summon comp. whenever a unit dies, it spawns a 5/5 10/10 or 15/15 fly in its place (up to 3 times per fight). be careful tho, you can only have 5 units. if your first unit is a sheep, its death would spawn 2 rams and 1 fly. however because its first, theres only 1 slot. so the strongest unit will spawn (most likely the fly) and the other units will be lost. still a fly is a decent unit.

Gorilla - while i dont like this unit, i think its an overlooked underdog. the gorilla just like the scropion has a unique buff. when hurt it gets the coconut shield 1/2/3 times per fight. unlike the melon armor which only blocks 20 dmg, the coconut shield blocks ALL damage of the next attack. if you somehow manage to scale the gorilla up quickly, this guy is able to take out 2 50/50 units by itself. the main thing that holds it back is its a T6 sadly.

Leopard - a 10/4 unit that deals 50% of its attack damage to 1 2 or 3 random enemies. IF you manage to scale it up quick, this big cat can absolutely destroy an enemies team before the round even started. my record was a lv 3 38 damage leopard. meaning he did 19 damage to 3 random units. breaking melon shields or even killing mid-scaled units that dont have melon armor. as with all T6 units, it comes late but has potencial.

Mammoth - ignoring its weak on death effect this late into the game, WHY would you want a unit thats meant to die? you can argue that a 1up mammoth on lv 2 can be used to give your entire team +8+8 (so +32+32) and break the enemies melon armor and in that case i say yes, thats pretty good. but idk, i dont feel too good about the mammoth. not once have i faced a mammoth and said "oh damn, this is bad for me"

Snake - in my opinion the mvp of the T6 units. when i have 2 units on 50/50 (or 1 but i know i wont last long enough to scale another up) i throw this bad boy into the place of one of my scalers. every time the ally ahead attacks, this unit does 5 10 or 15 damage to a random enemy. getting it to lv 2 is when the fun begins. its not so unlikely to face a team that doesnt have a 50/50 unit but rather has 3-4 units with around 35/35 stats. this means a lv 2 snake can get 3-4 shots in, dealing 30-40 damage to the enemy, removing one of their units before they ever get a chance to do anything. in rare cases (like summoners or a scorpion as 2nd pet) the snake can absolutely ruin the enemies gameplan. even on lv 1 i say this is the one T6 unit that always is welcome in my team.

Tiger Cub - the "stronger" version of the parrot. unlike the parrot which copies an in combat ability, the tiger cub allows the user ahead to REPEAT their ability. "well whats the difference?" you might ask. heres an example. a parrot mammoth combo requires both the mammoth and parrot to die to get the buff twice. the tiger however makes it that the mammoth dying uses its ability twice. now how useful is this? it depends. a lv 3 parrot and a lv 3 turkey is the strongest summon comp you can get and id say one of the strongest teams ever. but how likely is that? well its even less likely for the tiger cub which fills a niche. potencial? yes. good by itself? not at all.

Food (all Tiers)

because theres much less food than pets, i will put them all into 1 part. Tier 1

Apple - gives a pet +1+1. if i have 3 gold left and nothing else to buy, this is the thing i go for. its a permanent buff so its okay. but considering every other unit is stronger just by itself means the apple has very limited uses.

Honey - mediocre. many ppl argue it can turn a draw into a victory, but in my opinion if you manage to draw you arent doing bad for yourself. you dont need that bee. however because of its potencial with the badger (which many ppl call HONEY badger for a reason) i say the honey has ONE pet where it can become very useful.

Tier 2

Cupcake - as i mentioned earlier some people use this to boost the hp their crab is able to copy paste. this being a 1 fight buff only tho makes it really bad. you can argue "but it might help me get 1 more win" which is correct BUT the next round will be harder. if this +3+3 barely allowed you to squeeze out the win, how will you do without it in the next harder round? the answer is you will most likely lose, this is a food item i get when there is LITERALLY nothing else to get. id rather get a peer for its permanent +2+2 than this. im serious, i would only get this if im sitting at 9 wins, lethal health (meaning i lose im out) and theres an apple and a cupcake in the shop. then id buy this.

Meat Bone - in my opinion this should be swapped with garlic. its a food that makes your pet deal 5 more damage with every hit (it doesnt increase the attack value directly, so a roosters chicks dont benefit from this) +5 extra damage against (at max) T3 units early on? nothing survives a hit from this. the best defense is a strong offense.

Sleeping Pill - "why would i kill my own pet? thats stupid" is what many new players (myself included) thought. this food only costs 1 and as it states kills an ally. so what is this good for? well i mentioned earlier, what happens in the shop is always permanent unless stated otherwise. so getting a turtle and pilling it means the unit behind it gets the effect of a T6 food (melon armor) forever. pilling ANY unit before an Ox permanently gives it +2 damage and melon armor. when i have a level 2 or 3 ant left from early game and i want to replace it, i pill it. yes i dont get the gold back, but a unit in my team gets a decent buff forever.

Tier 3

Garlic - as i said, this should be T2 and meat T3. each damage you receive is reduced by 2, always minimum 1 damage received meaning this does NOT save you from a scropion. so... what would you rather have? 5 damage or 2 armor? 5>>>2. simple answer. this is only good on hurt units so they can survive longer, but i think i talked enough about hurt units to tell you this isnt a good deal.

Salad Bowl. gives 2 random pets +1+1. this is alright. the randomnes makes it bad, if it goes on a scaler or a pet you only have temporarely, its wasted. but +2+2 is decent. when i have 5 gold left i usually freeze this, reroll 2 times and when i still get no pet i want/need, i buy this. as i said with a lv 2 rabbit (or early on 2 level 1 rabbits) this food becomes strong!

Tier 4

Canned Food - 3 gold left, literally nothing else to buy and you know you'll replace one pet sooner or later? get it. it gives all current and future shop pets +2+1. it may not sound like much, but a 4/2 penguin is still better than a 2/1 penguin.

Pear - gives a pet +2+2. a solid item and its not random. you can give it to whatever pet you want. if you have 3 gold left and you have to decide between giving a pet another exp or this, go for the pet IF it gets a level up. if not freeze the pet and get this first.

Tier 5

Chili - never used it. it comes too late to have any real impact. many people argue they like to put it on their scaler and put them front so they can hit both enemies melon armor. yeah doable but i prefer steak over it.

Chocolate - hands down the best food item in the game. this gives your pet +1 experience allowing you to level pets up without having to find the pet. just keep in mind this does not activate on otter and cow (units that activate their effect when "buy") other than that, this item has no downsides. it also gives pets +1+1 (just like a regular pet buy would) so there is absolutely no downside to this. this item will become your best friend when you start to get bored of always playing scaling comps and winning and instead start to go for fun comps and ribbons.

Sushi - +1+1 to 3 random pets. like salad, the rng aspect is bad, but other than that you get +3+3 for 3 gold. not bad

Tier 6

Melon - always known for what it gives rather than what it is. "melon armor" is what everyone calls it. the melon armor absorbs the first damage received, however damage across 20 carries over. so if you have 30 damage and attack a melon pet, the pet receives 10 damage. this is what you want on your 50/50 unit, basically turning it into 50/70. the downsite is theres a handful of units like leopard, mosquito or even skunk that can turn melon armor useless. unlike stake. however for once i say i prefer the defence over the raw damage.

Mushroom - a pet comes back as 1/1 unit. as mention above this is only really useful for the mammoth or ant (if you still have one lol). its impact isnt big. if you play summon comp, you want your turkey to stay alive at all costs, if you dont get melon armor on it, give it a mushroom so it wont get sniped down. thats all it is. not a good item, has its situational moments. rarely.

Pizza - 2 random pets get +2+2. good stats for the price, however as with all T6 stuff a bit late. still decent.

Steak - the counterpart to the melon armor. for ONE hit only this adds 20 damage on top. as i said i usually prefer the melon armor HOWEVER my 2/1 pengu in the back wouldnt mind packing an extra punch. when possible, i always put this on my scalers/weak units. if it really comes down to the last 1 or 2 units, this 20/40 extra damage can often turn a lose into a draw or a draw into a win.

Final Word

hey, this was fun but took way longer than i thought.

i gave my opinion on every unit and food in the game from the perspective of a player with over 300 hours, many nowadays on mobile. i have almost every ribbon for pack 1 (i dont use pack 2), and i played many different comps.

keep in mind this guide might be outdated in a month.

i hope this helps you understand the game a bit better and maybe see why you lose games, what is better etc,

as i said, this took a while so i would really appreciate if you gave me a like for it.

and with that, i wish you good rng and have fun!

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2749017186					

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