Unmissable Achievements (required To Complete The Game)
These are achievements you cannot miss. You will get them if you complete the game at least once, so don't worry about trying to remember them.
Handle your first customer
Identify 10 plants
Master Brewer
Create an elixir
Complete the game
Easy Achievements (will Get Them Passively By Following This Walkthrough)
You also don't need to worry about remembering these achievements, you should get them passively without any issue. Nothing specific needs to be done.
Visit 20 locations on the map
On the Map
Solve your first clue card
Open the secret drawer
hint 1: you will be given 4 small papers by Amos Duncan later in the game. the fifth paper is in the plant area, on one of the shelves.
hint 2: to figure out the order, look at the edges of the papers.
answer: the edges of the papers fit together where they were ripped to form the pattern.
A Mystery Solved
Find a Bryer's Disc location
hint 1: you need to use the metal disc with the square hole in it. it's in your items
hint 2: see if you have any papers that could relate to the symbols on the disc
answer: use the papers/hint cards that have a location, followed by an item as directions. put the disc on the map over the location given, then click the square pointed to by the corresponding symbol.
Hidden Texts
Activate the viewing device
hint 1: one of Simone's notes says a man is looking for you, and she couldn't get his name. Find him to get the device.
hint 2: look at the note he left along with the device. The device requires a specific plant to be used.
answer: it's Red Abony. The sheet in the plant dictionary gives a description. It is not red, it is a large purple/blue flower.
Out-of-the-Way Achievements
These achievements are a little out of the way. You have to do something specific to get them, so they aren't guaranteed unless you do these steps.
Cat Lover
Pet the cat 13 times
Just pet the cat after you ring the bell each time until you get this achievement.
Back from the Brink
Recover from the Rising Dread
Do this by filling the Rising Dread meter by giving the incorrect plant to a customer three times, then complete the puzzle afterwards.
Experienced Horticulturist
Identify all the plants
After Day 16 and one of the endings is completed, there will be an Epilogue, then "Earlier..."
During that section, Simone will come by and allow you to identify the plants not completed during the main game.
Complete a full playthrough without using the hint button
Choice-driven Achievements
These achievements are gotten by making specific choices to give one item or another to important characters, or use in an event.
Extreme Consequences
Murder Burbidge
hint 1: nobody likes Burbidge, you included. He deserves a bit of suffering.
hint 2: why does he still trust the plants you give him? kinda his fault.
answer: give Burbidge Meakdew on Day 2, and on Day 5, give him Storian.
Guardian of the Forest
Save the Sisterhood
hint 1: Bethany Colemany asked you to make an offering to Arduinna, to protect the Sisterhood. Safety is priority.
answer: use Embersoul as an offering instead of Cauldery on Day 10.
Perform the ritual
hint: the beast must be stopped.
answer: on Saturday, Day 16, go to the ritual site just underneath the Great Tree with Verona Green. Use Devil's Nightcap, Swiftsnare, Widow's Woe, Long Verecund, and Elderphinium on the slots in any order.
Special endings----------------------------------------
For both of these achievements, there is one specific choice you must make (separate from the ones required to unlock the endings) in order to get the correct ending version. Otherwise, you will get the other version of the ending, and will not get the achievements.
hint: the choice is on on Day 15.
answer: give the lady in the jade mask, Unknown, the Widow's Woe instead of the Dead Man's Fingers to weaken her.
Praise the Dendrew
Bring about the Redemption
hint 1: be a devout member of the Cult of Redemption
hint 2: give the Draer, Forest Vair, the Lesser Merrydock on Day 12 to stay in the cult.
answer: on Saturday, Day 16, go to Swinside Stone circle and use the Dendrew Elixir.
I am the Dendrew
Take control of the Servant
hint 1: on Day 2 give Faye Swift the Candlewood to help with her visions.
hint 2: on Day 13 give Simone Green the Lisle of Neptune to get the truth.
answer: after doing the previous steps, on Saturday, Day 16, go to the Daughter Circle. Use the Swiftsnare to tie up Faye Swift (ironic). Drink the Elixir of Control yourself.
The day-by-day Walkthrough to get all achievements in one go.NOTE: This is set up so you can get all achievements, not listing all plants to give to customers. If you want the full walkthrough of what to do for each customer, answers for puzzles, and exact location coordinates, use this day-by-day walkthrough guide:
Day 1
Back from the Brink------------------
Ring the bell. Each time you ring it, pet the cat.
On the first customer, give them the wrong plant three times to fill up the Rising Dread meter. Solve the puzzle.
You should visit three locations this day. Continue serving customers until the day ends (I recommend labeling your plants as you find out what they are).
Day 2
On the Map------------------
Each time you ring the bell, pet the cat.
You will have a choice, which plant to serve Isadore Burbridge. Give him Meakdew, not Butterdale.
Continue serving customers until the day ends.
You should visit three locations this day. Some locations require specific plants to continue.
Mine shaft/cave (use a plant to pick locks) answer: Clavilium
Sisterhood (use plant to discover poison) answer: Ren
Day 3
Cat Lover
Apprentice (will get sometime between Days 2-4)------------------
Each time you ring the bell, pet the cat. Once you get the achievement, no need to pet the cat anymore.
You should visit three locations this day.
Great Gable (use plant to keep warm) answer: Brimlock
Day 4
You will have a choice, which plant to give Faye Swift. Give her Candlewood, not Aguria.
You should visit three locations this day.
Sisterhood (use invisibility plant) answer: Mellow-glow
Day 5
Extreme Consequences------------------
You will have a choice, which plant to give Burbidge. Give him Storian, not Henchuck or Butterdale (hidden option).
You should visit three locations this day.
Day 6
You will have a choice, join Seeds of Redemption or not. Do it. Go to Sadgill church and use St John's Poppy.
You should visit three locations this day.
Swamp (use plant to ward against insects) answer: Winterbore
Day 7
Hidden Texts------------------
Save the Kentmere Eye clue for next day.
After visiting first location, you can now activate the looking-glass you got from the crazy old man (use plant mentioned in letter to activate) answer: Red Abony
You should visit three locations this day.
Using looking glass on map, visit Hunter's Grave.
Using looking glass on map, visit where Elderphinium is planted.
Day 8
A Mystery Solved------------------
Amos Duncan will give you four papers with flower symbols on them.
Place them all out, get the fifth one from on top of one of the shelves with your plants.
Enter the correct sequence onto the corner of your desk. hint: look at the tears in the papers' edges. Save the Long Meg clue for later.
You should visit three locations this day.
You can now solve the Kentmere Eye clue. hint: look at the note you got from the secret drawer
Day 9
You should visit three locations this day.
Day 10
You will learn what Long Meg means. Find the location afterwards.
You will have a choice, to give an offering to Arduinna. Offer Embersoul, not Cauldery.
You should visit four locations this day.
Church (use plant to signify friendship) answer: Foxbutton
Day 11
Master Brewer------------------
Customer wanting Norwood. hint: use looking glass on your plants to find Norwood
You will make Baylock's Elixir answer: Palliance, Eyebright, and Prittle
You should visit two locations this day.
Day 12
Guardian of the Forest------------------
Someone will come by thanking you for saving the sisterhood.
Open the locked disc. hint: lockpick plant
You will have a choice, which plant to give Forest Vair. Give him Lesser Merrydock, not Embersoul.
You should visit four locations this day.
Day 13
You will have a choice, which plant to give Simone Green. Give her Lisle of Neptune, not Palliance.
You should visit three locations this day. hint: you can chain Bryer's Disk instructions
Day 14
Customer hint: look at the paper with cures for poisonous mushrooms. hint 2: Farmer's Worry
You should visit two locations this day.
Day 15
Create Elixir of the Damned for a customer. answer: Caballia, Dranthium, and Henchuck
You will have a choice, which plant to give to the woman in the jade mask, Unknown. Give her the Widow's Woe, not Dead Man's Fingers.
You should visit two locations this day.
At the end of the day, you should brew two Elixirs if you haven't already.
Elixir of Control - Solomon's Sceptre, Witch Phygg, Farmer's Worry
Dendrew's Elixir - Witch Phygg, Pennybell, Bishop's Parasol
Day 16
I am the Dendrew
Praise the Dendrew
You should visit one location at the start of this day. Make sure to do this each time you restart the day, as the plant you get there is required for multiple endings.
Now, there are three endings. After doing one, return to the menu, then load save. Pick the start of Day 16. Complete the other two, then finish the Epilogue and Earlier sections.
ENDING 1 - Banished
Go with Verona Green to just underneath the Great Tree. hint: use looking glass on map
Put the correct plants in the circle.
answer: Devil's Nightcap, Swiftsnare, Widow's Woe, Long Verecund, Elderphinium
ENDING 2 - I am the Dendrew
Go with Faye Swift to the Daughter's stone circle.
You will have a choice. Use Swiftsnare on Faye, then after that, use the Elixir of Control on yourself.
ENDING 3 - Praise the Dendrew
Go with the Seeds of Redemption to Swinside Stone Circle.
Use Dendrew's Elixir.
After the Main game is overEpilogue
Doesn't matter what you do here.
Experienced Horticulturist------------------
You should visit three locations this day.
Brew the Elixir before looking for the monastery. answer: Storian, Thum, Twilight Lepiota
After visiting all locations, Simone will arrive. She will help identify all plants you didn't identify during the game.
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3025236404
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