Stop the annoying bell jingle sound


Using QuickBMS and from inject an empty/silent MK-LOOP.WAV into "GAME.DAT" under the path "SW/AUDIO/_SOUNDFX/PICKUP/MK-LOOP.WAV"

Step By Step

Close the game

Download QuickBMS and the from

Make a temporary folder on your desktop called "SW"

Inside that folder make a folder called "AUDIO"

Inside AUDIO make a folder called "_SOUNDFX"

Inside _SOUNDFX make a folder called "PICKUP"

Inside PICKUP make a blank text file and rename it "MK-LOOP.WAV". Make sure it doesn't have the ".txt" at the end. The file's full path will be "SW/AUDIO/_SOUNDFX/PICKUP/MK-LOOP.WAV"

Run "reimport.bat" from QuickBMS

In the popup, first step choose ""

Second step choose "GAME.DAT" from your Lego Star Wars folder (steamapps\common\Lego Star Wars Saga\GAME.DAT)

Third step enter the "SW" folder (so you can see "AUDIO") and click 'save'

At the prompt answer "y" and hit enter.

Wait while the script replaces the jingle with silence.

When complete, run the game.

You can delete the 'SW' folder from your desktop when finished.

Undo & Blue Minikits

Warning: You'll lose this change if Steam redownloads or verifies the game files. Make a copy of GAME.DAT when you are done patching it so you can reapply it without having to do these steps again.

How to re-enable the jingle: Verify the Local Game Files for this game in Steam. You should do this when hunting for the Blue Minikits.

What Jingle?

This jingle. It plays all the time in areas even with the minikit detector turned off. Collecting the normal minikits don't stop it. It gets annoying after 30 hours.


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