CSS Special Ships
Ship design tradition traits are exclusive each other, cannot be added or removed after the game starts, but you can choose them in species customization regardless to portrait phenotypes.
Carrier // H5 / L2 A2
Professional carriers that can carry many strikecrafts and has a large bonus to engagement range. They can initiate battles out of range of enemy guns, but can be dangerous in close combat due to its low armor compared to standard battleships. Bombers, which can be equipped as dedicated to Carriers, cannot intercept enemy strikecraft, but have greater anti-ship combat capability. If you are using ESC NEXT, you will be able to use the bombers on other ships.
Arsenal Ship // M3 S8 / M8 A2
Arsenal Ships receive a large bonus to their weapon range, allowing them to rain missiles from very long distances. It is best to equip a Artillery Combat Computer to maximize the benefits of the long range. All weapons other than explosives (missiles) should not be equipped as they take a heavy penalty to combat power.
Defender // P7 / M10 A3
All weapon slots are P-slots, but these are cruisers with huge bonuses to range and tracking. It is the strongest against battles with carrier-based aircraft and missiles.
Brawler // M1S2 / S5 A1
These are high-end Corvettes with enhanced speed, attack power, and defense in all aspects. It has a base tracking rate bonus, making it more powerful against other corvettes. Instead, the price is higher.
Monitor Ship // X2 / L6
Slow ships with two X-slot weapons mounted in turrets that are not affected by firing angle. You get a bonus to your rate of fire in friendly systems, but a penalty in hostile systems. It has a range bonus compared to other battleships, so it is strong in all-out battles between battleships, but weak against approaching small ships and torpedoes. Given the proximity of enemy small ships, it is most appropriate to equipped with Artillery Combat Computers.
Escort Carrier // H3 / M2A1
These are cruiser-sized ships capable of carrying large numbers of strikecrafts cheaply. However, there are no other bonuses and the defense of the ships is penalized and very weak. Bombers, which can be equipped as dedicated to Escort Carriers, cannot intercept enemy strikecraft, but have greater anti-ship combat capability. If you are using ESC NEXT, you will be able to use the bombers on other ships.
Interdictor // H3 / L4 A2
Battleships with auras that slow down enemy ships within the system at sublight speed, make it difficult to escape mid-battle, and make it difficult for them to flee to other systems. As for its own armament, it is suitable to be positioned at the rear of the fleet as it is equipped with carrier-based strikecrafts.
War Lotus
It's a huge mobile fortress. Unlike normal ships, it must be produced through the construction of large scaffolds by the construction ships, and only one per empire can be owned. It has high defense and is very powerful in combat, but it cannot move through Hyperlane and can only be moved through Jump Drive.
Guardian // S2 P2 / L6 A2
A cruiser-class ship with the highest durability. It has a L size defense slot for battleships and even has its own defense bonus. However, you should be careful that the weapon slots are very scarce.
Rejuvenator // H6 P4 / L12 A2
A Titan-class Carrier equipped with a very powerful healing aura. Its combat power is not very high on its own, but it increases the regeneration of the entire fleet. You can have 1 by default, and you can have 1 additional for every 400 fleet capacity.
Schiffjaeger // X1 / S4
A destroyer with an X slot fixed on the bow. It suffers a heavy penalty in firing rate, but has a bonus in range, and can equip the most X slots with few resources and low ship capacity. If you're using BSB, it makes sense to equip a Sniper Combat Computer to fight from a distance with the maximum range bonus.
Bomb Ketch // G3 / S6 A1
A destroyer optimized for melee attacks from explosive torpedoes. You can use the most G-slots relative to your ship capacity, but you can only use short-range torpedoes, making close combat essential. Cloaking parts allow you to fight more powerfully. Energy torpedoes should not be equipped as they have a heavy penalty to combat power.
Drone Ship // H1 / M4 A2
A cruiser-class ship that uses a dedicated strikecraft named Artillery Drone. Although the Artillery Drones are few in number compared to standard strikecrafts, they have the same range as a battleship's main guns, avoiding enemy ships and attacking them from a distance. They can be difficult to counter with standard short-ranged point defense weapons, but they are vulnerable to enemy strikecrafts. Artillery Drones cannot intercept enemy strikecrafts or missiles.
Dreadnought // T1 X2 H6 M6 S7 P3 / L22 A5
Only the Annihilator can build this giant battleship and can build only one. Dedicated kinetic T-slot weapons have a shorter range than other T-slot guns, but are much more destructive. It also has a bonus to defense, so you can use the Line Combat Computer to fight in the vanguard, or if you're using BSB, you can equip a Sniper Combat Computer to provide artillery support from the rear.
Swarmling // S1 / S1
A swarm of high-speed close combat drones that take up only 0.5 fleet capacity. Only non-powered melee weapons can be used. A swarmling's weapons are enhanced as ship armor technology is researched. Developing a Jump Drive further increases the Swarmling's speed and durability, and also empowers it to jump drive.
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2971131461
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