Stay Out - Chat Commands

Stay Out - Chat Commands

Stay Out - Chat Commands image 0

More Stay Out Guides:

  • Labeled Maps.
  • Lubech Station Fast Walkthrough (Tutorial Map).
  • How to Buy High Level Items (Without Money or Rep Points).
  • Mosin Free and Shotgun Quests Guide.

System Commands

  • /help - current help for console commands
  • /iwannadie - lose consciousness and call for help (possible loss of things)
  • /log - show the current time, client version and character location (server, location, coordinates)
  • /ping - show ping
  • /resetGUIpos - resets saved window positions
  • /smsReset - reset confirmation code
  • /trade - on / off incoming exchange offers
  • /time - current time
  • /isPremium - show premium performance (True - on; None - off)

Grouping Management

  • /clandestroy - (owner only) dissolve the grouping
  • /claninvite [name] - invite to group
  • /clanid - show group ID
  • /clankick [name] - exclude from grouping
  • /clanleave - leave group
  • /clanwar [group_name] - declare war
  • /basewar - declare war on a group that controls the current territory in which the character is currently located
  • /clanwarlist - list of groups for which war is declared
  • /clanpeace [group_name] - suggest the world

Squad Management

To create a group you need to invite any stalker:

  • /groupdestroy - (owner only) disband
  • /groupleader [name] - (owner only) transfer leadership to the squad
  • /groupkick [name] - (owner only) expel from unit
  • /invite [name] - (owner only) invite to the squad
  • /inviter [name] - recommend to the leader to invite to the squad
  • /grouplist - list of members of your squad
  • /groupleave - leave the squad

Text Messages

  • @ [name] [text] - send a private message to the stalker [name]
  • /ignore [name] - add the stalker [name] to the black list. View the list of ignored stalkers: press F11.
  • /add_friend [name] - add stalker [name] to your friends list. View friends list: press F11.
  • /unignore [name] - remove the stalker [name] from the black list
  • /chatabuse [on, off] - enable or disable message censorship

Other Teams

  • /ichangedmymind - reset character skills for redistribution (available once every 24 hours of real time)
  • /firstperson - on / off first-person view
  • /reputation - reputation among factions

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