Not added locations in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Not added locations in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Not Added Locations In S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Here are some new locations that were planned for "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl" but were never included in the game:

1. Dead City

- Features: A large abandoned city with numerous high-rise buildings. The location was designed to include hidden underground bunkers, old shops, and industrial complexes.

- Quests: Planned missions involved exploring the urban ruins, battles between factions, and searching for rare artifacts in hard-to-reach places.

2. Red Forest

- Features: A forest with trees of a red hue, named due to the effects of radiation. The location was intended to be filled with dangerous anomalies, mutants, and radioactive zones.

- Quests: Main tasks included investigating the disappearances of stalkers, collecting artifacts, and fighting mutants that threatened stalker bases.

3. City Hospital

- Features: A massive abandoned hospital building with numerous wards, basements, and operating rooms. The location was conceived as a place for intense combat and exploration.

- Quests: Major quests involved finding medical documents, battling mutants that had settled in the hospital, and investigating experiments conducted on humans.

4. Laboratory X-7

- Features: A large underground complex with laboratories where experiments on humans and mutants were conducted. The security system and anomalies created a constant threat.

- Quests: Tasks included searching for secret information about the experiments, eliminating escaped mutants, and activating the complex's self-destruct system.

5. Dumps

- Features: A hilly area consisting of large artificial dumps and quarries. It was meant to be challenging to navigate due to steep slopes and anomalies.

- Quests: Main objectives involved finding artifacts on the tops of dumps, fighting mutants that had settled in the mines, and investigating the activities of illegal factions.

6. Drilling Rig

- Features: A large drilling installation used for deep drilling and exploring underground resources. The location was designed with high radiation zones and anomalies caused by the Zone's effects.

- Quests: Players would explore abandoned mines, find rare artifacts in underground labyrinths, and fight mutants that had settled in the depths of the rig.

7. Flooded Village

- Features: A village partially submerged after the nuclear disaster, with ruined buildings jutting out of the water. The location was intended for both above-water and underwater exploration, with a focus on finding artifacts and resources submerged under the water.

- Quests: Tasks included exploring underwater parts of the village for rare artifacts, investigating the cause of the flooding, and battling mutants that live in the water.

8. Abandoned Farm

- Features: An overgrown agricultural farm with fields where nothing grows anymore. The location was envisioned as an area with a high concentration of anomalies and mutants using old barns and stables for shelter.

- Quests: Major quests involved clearing the farm of dangerous mutants, finding old records, and studying the anomalies that formed in the fields.

Laboratory Under The Border

Laboratory X-20

- Description: Laboratory X-20 was planned as an underground complex located beneath military border territories controlling the area around Chernobyl. The complex was designed as a powerful scientific facility for conducting experiments related to anomalies and mutants.

- Features: Laboratory X-20 was intended to be a large and complex underground structure, including numerous rooms, laboratories, technical zones, and storage areas. The location was planned to have high levels of radiation and anomalies, adding extra danger for the player. It would also feature a security system with automated turrets and protective mechanisms.

- Quests:

- Research: The player would be tasked with investigating secret scientific experiments conducted in the laboratory, including gathering data and documents.

- Mutant Combat: The laboratory would be inhabited by various types of mutants that escaped from experimental zones. Tasks included clearing the laboratory of these threats.

- Information Destruction: The player would need to destroy or remove critical information about dangerous experiments to prevent their further use.

Laboratory X-20 was designed to add new levels of difficulty and tension to the game, but it did not make it into the final release. Ideas and elements from this location might have been partially used in other games in the series or modifications.

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