An Introduction To Energy
Energy - It's the 'currency' that you use to upgrade or recharge your artifacts.
In my opinion, energy is the most valuable currency in the game. It's expensive to acquire, you'll need a ton of it, and it can really improve your stats (especially in end game).
You can get energy from two 'big' sources: Unstable Anomalous Batteries
Or, fission of artifacts.
Unstables can be acquired from packs, crates, stashes, events and season passes. They're decently hard to come by. As of writing, you can buy 50 each season in the season pass store with the season pass currency.
Some other sources are:
Anomalous Dust - Gathered from doing proto anomalies, stations, rifts, and stashes. Can be good for energy, though it's also a valuable crafting material and worth a decent amount early at the barter.
100 dust = 5,000 energy. Keep that in mind for battery prices!
Protoartifacts - Gathered from the same sources, rarer drops. Common from quests, dailies, packs, crates, etc.
Can be quite efficient energy wise, especially whites. Almost no reason to never fission protos.
10 White Protos = 5,000 energy. Again, compare that to battery prices.
Note: Protos are used to restore the max energy limit of an artifact. Always keep blues or higher for most arti needs.
Blues on pink artis restore 5% cap, so 4 protos from 80% -> 100% (always overcharge between those two.)
Pink, Red and White protos are quite rare and worth more than their energy in my opinion.
Energy Fission: The Mechanics
First, some stats to know:
Freshness - This determines how recently an artifact was harvested.
I Freshness = Less than 2 hours
II Freshness = 2-12 hours
III Freshness = More than 12 hours
Freshness is key: It determines barter prices and energy yields.
Freshness I, II, III
Barter: 130%, 110%, 100% of listed value
Energy: 100%, 60%, 20% of energy potential
So in our case, freshness is critical to maximize potential energy gains.
What about rarity?
Rarity is determined by a 40% increase in energy value per rarity.
White = 100%
Green = 140%
Blue = 180%
With this, we'll get to the research I've conducted to try and calculate the value of fresh 1 artis compared to value.
Energy - The Nerd Math
NOTE: Work in Progress!
Here's the table I've made so far. Anything missing, I haven't gotten to yet. But you should get an idea. The energy white column is the base energy value, so a White Swamp Rot will give you 2000 energy at freshness I.
Doing a regression, I was able to get the following formula. It'll generally work, but energy rounds to the nearest 100.
x = ruble value
y = energy
Ex: A berry is worth 1,400 rubles.
1,400^0.504307 = 38.602407527763965625086206879236
* 21.24697 = 820.18419467017514471723788497692
Round to nearest 100, = 800.
Energy - Going Forward
Your goal: Try and get 5000 energy for less than the market rate of Unstable Anomalous Batteries.
If you have any questions or ideas, comment down below! I hope this helps you figure out some of the math behind the game.
If you want to give back, feel free to send Gadwall in game some mail :))
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