Get The Road Builder Asap
This is the best QOL improvement whenever I discovered it.
Get it as soon as possible, but that also means (especially when exploring the DLC's) whenever it is applicable.
Printing Money
There are several ways in Stacklands that'll provide you with a steady income to invest in MORE STACKS!
One that I like to share is the omelette-farm.
A chicken takes 90 sec to produce 1 egg.
The stove takes 27 sec to cook 2 eggs into an omelette.
The market sells any card for double its value in 60 sec.
The following configuration uses 2 animal pens maxed out with chickens, 2 stoves and 6 markets for a steady throughput without a buildup of cards.
Explanation to make sure no cards will be having a free will:
Each animal pen outputs to its distinct stove.
The created omelettes will be collected by its magnet.
The crane collects any card from the magnet and outputs it the first crossroad.
This crossroad outputs to 2 other crossroads, each of which will redirect the card to 1 of the 3 markets in the column.
The 2 markets in the same row will output the coins to the coin chest in the same row.
Basic Automation
When you're able to redirect any output into another place, that'll open a whole lot of possibilities.
The most helpfull, I think, are these basic structures:
Stone Quarry:
Lumber Camp:
Any mine (Iron/Gold) attached to it:
Road structure:
These images are taken when playing one of the Cursed Worlds, so not all features are present. Coins or any other catch other than already filtered will be left at one of the crossroads or put (in this case) on the smelter.
Food (greenhouse)
With the recources taken care of, the villagers need to eat.
In general in the game, crops (of any kind) are a lot easier to take care of than animal based food to provide to your villagers.
As a bonus, the crops don't provide any sideproducts to take care of (eggs, milk, wool, poop).
If you've got your hands on the greenhouse, replanting any crops is done automatically for you.
To streamline the output, you could opt for a hotpot as shown in this example.
Every row of 3 greenhouses empty its output in the crossroad in the same row.
2 of those crossroads redirect the cards into a distinct hotpot.
When expirementing with the ratios, I came to the conclusion it is a lot easier to match your needs to the provides supply, than the other way around.
For example:
A greenhouse (GH) takes 90 sec to produce (in this case) a carrot with a food value (FV) of 2.
6 of those GH's means 12 FV every 90 sec. On average this is (12 / 90 * 120) 16 FV every moon (moon = 120 sec).
In this case I have got 3 of those configurations, leading to a production of 48 FV / moon.
It was easier to gather 24 villagers, with a total consumption of 48 FV / moon, than to match the production to any value other than that.
Food (no Greenhouse)
No greenhouse = no replanting crops = .... no problem
With roadbuilding enabled it is no problem to replant your crops without the perks of the greenhouse.
Just exploit the power of the crossroads!
In this situation I used it for some now consumable growable goods (like herbs or potatoes) but it works just as well with carrots and mushrooms as shown below.
Make sure the crossroad both outputs onto the garden/farm and into the hotpot.
First Attempt Complete Production
With alle the proper structures and ideas unlocked.., in what way can the productionline be streamlined where there is a constant buffer of "raw materials" (wood, sand and ores) and the demand for finished products (glass, iron and gold) can be regulated.
In this attempt, I tried using the cranes.
But, with the constant throughput of 1 card every 10 seconds, it usually depletes every source of "buffer"-material and provide materials to the productionline in a way it cannot keep up with what it is fed.
Road structure:
The crane will only stack the cards on the output when it is similar to the input.
For example, if the top card in the smelter is an ore, it'll happily put more of the same ore from the input in on the same stack. But, if there is a wood stacked on in a way it is the top card, the crane won't stack the ore on the smelter stack, and the card will gather free will.
Regulating the supplychain with the crane requires a lil' more clicking, as the crane enthusiastically displaces every card from its input to the output. When placing them on the playfield out of the chain, you will need to alter their orientation to not be left with some unwanted results.
So, I discarded the use of the cranes for this use case.
Second (third, Fourth?) Attempt Complete Production
Well, a lot of moons went by, but the basic structure was already set.
The cranes were left to haul something else.
Instead I went to more of a "push" configuration, where the villagers would be mounted on their post whenever needed.
This gave rise to an easier way of managing the supply chain.
Road structure:
I know that the roads aren't always that clear after applying. Therefore I recreated the same structure in yEd.
Yellow rectangles = Mines
Red rhombuses = Storage containers
Green ovals = Processing units
Grey octagonals (CR) = Regular crossroads
White octagonals = Filtered crossroads with the describtion of what they filter
Dashed arrow = Direction of the filtered resource
Normal arrow = Direction of the non-filtered resource
The structure as shown ingame (with some displacements for readability):
Yes, I know the sticks don't belong there, but for keeping the resources nice and tidy, it achieved it's own spot.
All the mentioned information is mainly focused on the main game and Cursed Worlds DLC.
The industrial revolution has, in a way, more interesting automation processes to discover.
However, I lost the city before I could take any screenshots, in search of the "Slums" to 100% my discovered cards.
I thought it had something to do with the unhappiness of the villagers...
So if anyone knows, feel free to help me out, as I'm starting the industrial revolution again. I wouild like to know how to get the Slums.
Thank you for reading.
I would really like to read in which way I could improve the process of autiomation and what clever ways you came up with to ease the playtrough!
Feel free to comment and share your thoughts.
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