The S-Tank

The S-Tank


Known issues:

- vehicle bouncing while stationary/mobile seems to be a bug with the beta, hopefully and probably gets ironed out before official release.

Dangerous Door Stopper

The S-Tank image 4
The S-Tank image 5
The S-Tank image 6
The S-Tank image 7
The S-Tank image 8
The S-Tank image 9
The S-Tank image 10
The S-Tank image 11

Stridsvagn 103C (S-Tank):

By the late 1950's, Sweden was on edge over their benevolent neighbors in the USSR, and wanted to be prepared for a full on invasion of their homeland. However Sweden is very dense in vegetation from forests and hills and therefore creates a challenge both for the attacker and defender, thus requiring a vehicle that can utilize them instead of being inhibited by them. The Swedish government had contracted for a tank to replace their aging Centurions and multiple different designers and companies sent in their submissions, but most were deemed to expensive and were turned down. However in 1956, a representative of the Swedish Arms Administration Sven Berg, proposed the Alternativ S (Later in design named the S series or S-Tanks). The vehicle was designed to be as low as possible, specifically to give it an edge over vehicles that it may encounter such as the T-62, this resulted in the design forgoing a turret all together, thus, resulting in the first non-turreted vehicle to be designed and produced after WWII, and had a very unique functionality. The gun is fixed the the hull, no swaying left to right or adjusting up and down, the gunner had to aim the hull of the vehicle in order to aim the gun, this was due to the design of the hydroneumatic suspension that the vehicle operated with, effectively turning the hull into a giant turret for the gunner when in position. The vehicle had to operate on two separate engines, a a 240 horsepower (180 kW) Rolls-Royce K60 opposed-piston diesel for maneuvering the tank during aiming and slow cruising speeds, and a 300 horsepower (220 kW) Boeing 502 turbine engine for high speeds, and rapid maneuvering during travel, the Boeing turbine engine was the first of its kind used in an armored vehicle, and would set a precedent for further designs of other nations later on such as the M1 Abrams, Leopard 2, And T80 MBT's. Another unique feature of the vehicle was that it was also fully amphibious, capable of opening flotation devices around the hull in roughly 20 minutes, and the tracks propelled the tank at just about 6km/h (3.7mph). The tank was highly flexible for use in most of Sweden's dense hills and forest, and is sometimes dubbed the "Best tank in the World", at least If you ask someone from Sweden who has had the pleasure of operating on of these glorious cheese wedges. The tank's first production vehicle rolled off the lines in 1967, and served for 30 years until 1997, when the vehicle was officially replaced by the Leopard 2A5 (Redesignated the Stridsvagn 122). Although some S-tanks like the Strv 103B and 103C can be seen in training grounds, storage housings, containment yards ready to re-enter service if needed and keep troops up to-date on how the vehicle operates.

The weapon is free from the hull in this version to allow for independent aiming, however if you would like it to be fixed simply turn down all the gear settings for the weapons elevation and azimuth to 0. A version with the weapon holster up will be available.



- 47.94 tonnes


Front Hull: Upper Plate-70mm; Mid Plate-150mm; Front Plate-300mm; Lower Plate-60mm

Side Hull: Upper Plate-45mm; Lower Plate-38mm

Rear Hull: Upper Plate-31mm; Mid Plate-21mm; Rear Plate-21mm; Lower Plate-16mm

Roof/Belly: Roof-27mm; Belly-24mm

Mantlet: 30mm

Spaced armor thickness varies greatly, effective armor even more so:

Spaced Armor Upper: 11mm - 31mm

Spaced Armor Mid: 14mm - 169mm

Space Armor Side: 14mm- 70mm with Fuel Cell ERA (still provides 10mm-48mm protection)

Spaced Armor Lower: 46mm - 93mm (with no spaced armor in very tight areas L/R lower)

Spaced Armor Roof: 4mm - 15mm

Spaced Armor Rear: 6mm - 14mm

(Turret is fixed to the hull to extend interior space and help with the aesthetic of the exterior, thus stats are identical to the hull)


Realistically the vehicle only had 3 crew members, however this version carries 4 with the extra being a designated loader.


Bofors L74 10.5 cm L/62 rifled gun w/ Autoloader

218 mm penetration, 260.1 m/s shell velocity, 21.1 mm Accuracy/100 m, 12.41 second reload, 5387.9 dmg 4 frags, 2.55 deg/s elevation rate, 6.14 deg azimuth L/R, -8.24 weapon depression


2.50 Displacement, 2970 N-m torque, 16 Cylinder. (Mimicking Boeing 502 turbine engine)

Max Rpm 3400, Min Rpm 1370, set @Power to 3400 for maximum engine performance

1416 hp output, 29.5 hp/tonne

6 forward gear shift, 6 reverse gear shift

35.45mph (57.05km/h) max speed forward

35.45mph (57.05km/h) max speed reverse

Download Link

This vehicle functions effectively in all scenarios OTHER than No Man's Land with no edits needed.

Model is not 100% accurate, there are inconsistent areas such as the rear upper plate, and the weapon moves freely from the hull due to the lack of actual hydroneumatic suspension, but this allows the player AND AI to use the tank effectively until another solution is found to at least mimic the suspension based aiming system of the vehicle. Please do enjoy this long barreled cheese wedge.

This was a fun little test to see what the thickness of a certain plate did for protection and weight, if you want the raw stats deactivating the applique armor in settings under [General] will allow you to see raw vehicle stats and cease any functionality of the applique armor in scenarios for more of a challenge or at least a more realistic feel of the vehicle itself.

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