Normal Achievements | 流程成就
There are 7 achievements in this part, and except for the last one, which is slightly troublesome, the rest of them are very simple. All the achievements are listed in walkthrough order, except for the last one. 该部分总共有7个成就,除了最后一个略微有点麻烦外,其余的都很简单。除最后一个成就外,其余成就按照流程顺序列出。
World's best dad 史上最棒的爸爸
Clean up after your kid. 收拾孩子留下的烂摊子。
Chapter 2-1
Close both drawers and the window. 关上两个抽屉和窗户。
Weary traveller 旅途劳顿
Take a short rest. 小歇一会。
Chapter 4-6
Sit on the bench for a while until you get the achievement. 在长凳上坐一会,直到你拿到这个成就。
"Here boy..." “这里,孩子…”
He’s taking the long way round. 他绕了一大圈…
Chapter 5-1
Walk through the street with big red letters, and you will drop down into a new area. 穿过能看到大大红色字母的那条街,跳下去能到达一个新地方。
Then, you will find your dog can't get down. Just wading through the water and head back to where you dropped down. 然后,你会发现你的狗下不来。往前走趟过水,然后折回来往刚落下的地方走。
Now you will find your dog, who was initially sitting and waiting for you will now be gone. And the achievement is yours. 你会发现之前坐在那里等你的狗已经不见了。此时,成就获取。
Stuck on the John 卡在马桶上
Find somewhere quiet to hide. 找个安静的地方藏起来。
Chapter 5-3
When the car alarm go off, you need to hide in the portable toilet. Stay a little longer until you get the achievement. 当汽车的警报响起时,你需要藏在一个移动厕所里。多呆一会,你就能拿到这个成就。
Kind of Blue 悲伤时来点蓝调
Jazzed up the stage lighting. 让舞台灯光爵士起来。
Chapter 5-5
When you firstly see the stage, you need to turn on the electrical box below by pulling the lever at the top of the ladder. Then hold the lever down and press the left trigger to light up the stage in the distance. 当你第一次看到舞台的时候,你需要拉下拉杆启动梯子上方的发电机。然后保持拉杆向下的同时按下蓝色灯光键来点亮远处的舞台。
Resignation 认命
Accepted fate on the first offer. 第一次就直接接受命运。
Chapter 13-3
Sit on the sofa with your fake family until you get the achievement. 和你虚假的家人们坐在沙发上时,不要动,一直等到成就弹出。
First Contact 初次见面,请多关照
Made some new friends. 认识新朋友。
There are 10 places you could find hidden alien balls in the game. Find all of them and you will get the achievement. You don't need to find all of them in one walkthrough. You could do this after you finish the game. 游戏中总共有10处地点可以找到隐藏的外星球体,全找到就可以拿成就。不过,你不需要一次流程中就全拿到,通关游戏后补上就行。
Chapter 3-3
Move the straw roll in front of the aircraft. 移动飞行器前面的稻草卷。
Chapter 4-4
Get inside when you see this. You will find an alien ball is making a speech to the others. 当你看到下图场景的时候走进去,你会看到有个外星球正在给其它球体演讲。
Chapter 5-2
Head back when you loaded this section, it's in the trunk of the car. 读取后往回走,在车子的后备箱里。
Chapter 5-4
Remove the boards which is blocking the fence. 挪开挡住围栏的木板。
Chapter 5-6
After you slide down the slope, open the portable toilet. 从斜坡滑下后,打开移动厕所。
Chapter 6-4
In this narrow passage, you will find a hole. Get inside and head left. 在这条狭窄的通道中你会看到一个洞,进去再往左走。
Chapter 6-7
You must remember this puddle. 你肯定记得这个水坑。
Before you go left, use the red light to make the water surface solid. Go right until you find the alien balls. 往左走之前,用红光把水面硬化。一直往右走你就会看见外星球体。
Chapter 6-8
when you lift the door with a minecart, go ahead and you will find a ladder. 当你用矿车把门升起来以后,往前走,就会发现有个梯子。
Go right before you climb up the ladder. 爬梯子之前往右走。
Chapter 9-1
Before you find your wife and son, go left and you will find a door blocked by a trolley. 在重新找到妻子和儿子之前往左走,你会看到有扇门被挡住了。
Move the trolley, get inside and you will find a a moving cardboard box. Turn the box over. 移开手推车,进去就能发现有个会动的纸箱子,把它翻过来。
Chapter 10-1
When you see this police car, go right. Use blue light to remove the alien material. 当你见到这辆警车的时候,往右走,用蓝光移除外星物质。
Open the door, and the alien ball is inside. 打开玻璃门,外星球体就在里面。
Ending Achievements | 结局成就
There are 4 achievements in this part, corresponding to four endings. In the end, you need to "communicate" with three aliens. Different musical notes/colors correspond to different endings. 这部分共有4个成就,对应4种结局。在结尾部分你需要和三个外星生命体进行“交流”。不同的音符/颜色对应不同的结局。
War of the worlds 世界大战
Chose the path of violence. 选择暴力之路。
Just keep pressing Purple (Blue+red), and you will unlock this ending. 一直按住紫色(蓝色+红色),就会开启此结局。
Resignation Reprise 终究认命
Accepted fate on the second offer. 第二次,终究接受命运。
Play "Blue Red Blue" just like the aliens, then "Purple Purple Purple", and you will see a house rise up. Walk in and you will see the second ending. 跟随外星人演奏“蓝红蓝”,然后"紫紫紫",你会看到有所房子升起来,走进去就会看到第二种结局。
Family First 家人第一
Chose family above all else. 选择一切以家人为重。
In the first time, play "Blue Red Blue". Then play "Blue Blue Blue", and you will see a sphere rise up. Interact with that to unlocked this achievement. 第一次演奏“蓝红蓝”,第二次演奏“蓝蓝蓝”,就会看到有球体升起,过去互动即可解锁。
Understanding 理解
Chose diplomacy. 选择灵活应对。
In the first time, play "Blue Red Blue". Then "Blue Blue Blue Purple Purple Purple", and then "Blue Blue Blue Red Purple Purple". In the end, play "Purple Purple Purple Blue Purple Purple Red Red Red". 第一次演奏“蓝红蓝”,第二次演奏“蓝蓝蓝紫紫紫”,第三次演奏“蓝蓝蓝红紫紫”,第四次演奏“紫紫紫蓝紫紫红红红”,即可解开此结局。