This guide lists Vel's Solasta campaigns + maps and a summary of each.
Scroll farther down and there are lots of other creators (DMs) content to check out too.
If you're just getting started playing Solasta's DM content, please have a look at How to play user campaigns (player created custom maps)
Vel's Solasta Campaigns And Maps
Vel Explorer
Difficulty: normal
Feature: non-linear “open world” exploration, level 1-12
Loot: modest
Focus: exploration
Playtime: 15 to 35 hours
Vel Leverage Remastered
Difficulty: moderate to very hard
Feature: epic story, levels 1-12
Loot: very rewarding
Focus: combat, exploration
Playtime: 15 to 30 hours
Vel Escape from Solasta
Difficulty: moderate to very hard
Feature: roguelite rogue like, fast levels 1-12 in a handful of hours
Loot: moderate
Focus: speed, combat
Playtime: 2 to 15 hours
Vel King of the Hill
Difficulty: moderate
Feature: level 12 only, new DM features
Loot: modest
Focus: comedy
Playtime: 1 to 5 hours
Vel Bring Em Back
Difficulty: very hard
Feature: lots of content on a large map
Loot: very rewarding
Focus: tactical combat
Playtime: 3 to 10 hours
CODM - Vel
Difficulty: hard
Feature: lots of content in a small map
Loot: moderately rewarding
Focus: tactical combat
Playtime: 2 to 5 hours
All of Vel’s workshop content.
Other Creators
You can find a list of the most popular collections and map items on Steam.
Solasta Fandom wiki has a list of player modules and campaigns[] .
Silverquick is prolific and has created many full campaigns faithful to D&D campaign roots. Start with Ruins of Ilthismar if you're new to the workshop.
Gwydion’s Folley by lninefingers is another crowd favorite, it’s heavy on the story.
Experienced players will enjoy Vincto's Ironman Bootcamp.
Innil's Tomb of Heroes is another popular dungeon crawl.
Cervando has some authentic D&D experiences with great ambience.
SirmadnessTV has created several good campaigns including the popular open world Holden Berg Chronicles in both English and French.
You can also check the ratings and most popular workshop items and collections in Steam. Asking people for their current favorites in the Solasta Discord #general-discussion is another way to find good content.
More SOLASTA Crown of the Magister guilds
- All Guilds
- (Un)finished Business Mod and Campaign(s)
- ( - )
- Vel Ode to Yendor Map [Spoilers]
- Crafting Guide (Video)
- WORLD OF ALAS - History of the Realm of Rongwen
- Thief is Over Powered
- Solasta 2023 Run Campaign
- In Depth Dive for achievements
- Vel's Getting Unstuck Guide - Cheating with the DM
- Solasta Palace of Ice Walkthrough Guide