[Video] Collectibles Locations


> 5 types of collectibles in the game: Documents, Letters, Workbenches, Hidden Items & Dead-eye Targets.

> Every mission can be replayed as many times as needed, don't worry if you missed something.

> In a few missions some collectibles have more then one location,but in timestamps only shown one location.

Mission 1 - The Atlantic Wall


00:07 - Classified Document 1/4 - Resistance Captured

00:24 - Workbench 1/3 - Rifle workbench + Starting Location 1/3 - Block

01:00 - Stone Eagle 1/3

01:29 - Personal Letter 1/6 - Picked Some Violets

01:55 - Classified Document 2/4 - Lacking Air Support

02:55 - Classified Document 3/4 - Atlantikwall Report

03:40 - Personal Letter 2/6 - Violets are wilting

04:19 - Starting Location 2/3 - French Countryside

04:43 - Classified Document 4/4 - Beach Defenses

06:00 - Workbench 2/3 - Pistol workbench

06:17 - Hidden Item 1/3 - FFI Flag

06:39 - Hidden Item 2/3 - Radio Tin

07:01 - Personal Letter 3/6 - Upcoming Delivery

07:32 - Stone Eagle 2/3

07:56 - Personal Letter 4/6 - Violets Don’t Wilt

08:58 - Hidden Item 3/3 - Resistance Photo

09:32 - Stone Eagle 3/3

10:04 - Workbench 3/3 - SMG workbench

10:41 - Personal Letter 5/6 - Boches at the door

11:02 - Personal Letter 6/6 - Pests in the garden

11:58 - Starting Location 3/3 - Town Promenade

Mission 2 - Occupied Residence


00:07 - Classified Document 1/6 - Orders of the Day

00:25 - Workbench 1/3 - Pistol Workbench

01:30 - Classified Document 2/6 - New Orders, Effective Immediately

02:02 - Classified Document 3/6 - Immediate Request for Attic Repairs

02:15 - Starting Location 1/2 - Chateau Stables

02:39 - Stone Eagle 1/3

03:09 - Personal Letter 1/4 - Good Plan, Let’s Do It

03:44 - Hidden Item 1/3 - Soldier Statuette

04:27 - Workbench 2/3 - SMG Workbench

05:32 - Stone Eagle 2/3

06:00 - Stone Eagle 3/3

06:28 - Starting Location 2/2 - Munitions Farmhouse

07:30 - Personal Letter 2/4 - Do not fail me, Nephew

08:15 - Classified Document 4/6 - Renovations Completed

09:08 - Classified Document 5/6 - Operation Kraken

09:44 - Classified Document 6/6 - Grateful Thanks

09:56 - Personal Letter 3/4 - Need a Scapegoat

10:25 - Hidden Item 2/3 - Old Man Statuette

11:25 - Personal Letter 4/4 - Brother, I Have a Plan

12:19 - Hidden Item 3/3 - Group Statuette

12:49 - Workbench 3/3 - Rifle Workbench

Mission 3 - Spy Academy


00:07 - Stone Eagle 1/3

00:25 - Personal Letter 1/5 - Fragile, Do Not Break

00:44 - Classified Document 1/5 - Armoury Exposed

01:17 - Classified Document 2/5 - Won’t be Attending

01:29 - Starting Location 1/2 - Town Wall

02:01 - Workbench 1/3 - SMG Workbench

02:36 - Personal Letter 1/5 - Just Attend One!

03:08 - Classified Document 3/5 - Resource Request

03:49 - Personal Letter 3/5 - It’s Easy Money

04:45 - Personal Letter 4/5 - Parking Problems

05:03 - Hidden Item 1/3 - Kriegsmarine Playing Cards

05:23 - Starting Location 2/2 - Smugglers Landing

05:59 - Classified Document 4/5 - Priority Package!

06:20 - Stone Eagle 2/3

06:41 - Workbench 2/3 - Pistol Workbench

07:38 - Hidden Item 2/3 - Covert OPS Field Manual

08:26 - Classified Document 5/5 - Training Scenarios

08:56 - Hidden Item 3/3 - Ornate Compass

09:41 - Stone Eagle 3/3

10:08 - Workbench 3/3 - Rifle Workbench

10:56 - Personal Letter 5/5 - Rifle Workbench

Mission 4 - War Factory


00:07 - Personal Letter 1/6 - Klaus! You Idiot!

00:27 - Personal Letter 2/6 - The Suspense

00:59 - Hidden Item 1/3 - Gold Pocket Watch

01:22 - Classified Document 1/4 - No More Games

01:46 - Starting Location 1/2 - Scrapyard Overlook

02:12 - Classified Document 2/4 - Increase Security!

03:07 - Workbench 1/3 - Pistol Workbench

04:22 - Personal Letter 3/6 - Your Order Awaits

04:44 - Workbench 2/3 - Rifle Workbench

05:28 - Personal Letter 4/6 - Losing The Time

05:55 - Stone Eagle 1/3

06:20 - Stone Eagle 2/3

06:41 - Classified Document 3/4 - Bureaucratic Oaf!

07:10 - Workbench 3/3 - SMG Workbench

08:03 - Personal Letter 5/6 - Ehrlich’s Done For + Starting Location 2/2 - Office

08:57 - Hidden Item 2/3 - Stealth Plating

09:21 - Classified Document 4/4 - Shipping Orders

10:18 - Hidden Item 3/3 - P.1000 Ratte Plans

10:59 - Personal Letter 6/6 - Sheers’ Notebook

11:52 - Stone Eagle 3/3

Mission 5 - Festung Guernsey


00:07 - Classified Document 1/5 - Grin And Bear It!

01:12 - Personal Letter 1/5 - Escaping Islanders

01:41 - Stone Eagle 1/3

02:10 - Stone Eagle 2/3

02:35 - Workbench 1/3 - Rifle Workbench

03:05 - Personal Letter 2/5 - No Need to Worry

03:37 - Personal Letter 3/5 - Getting Off The Island

04:13 - Hidden Item 1/3 - Crystal Radio

04:33 - Hidden Item 2/3 - Comfort Bag

05:01 - Classified Document 2/5 - Drastic Measures

05:20 - Classified Document 3/5 - Cut Costs Cost Lives

06:23 - Workbench 2/3 - Pistol Workbench

06:52 - Stone Eagle 3/3

07:12 - Classified Document 4/5 - Transport Troubles

07:43 - Classified Document 5/5 - Oafish Officers

08:36 - Personal Letter 4/5 - Harass The Huns!

09:13 - Workbench 3/3 - SMG Workbench

09:37 - Starting Location 1/2 - Roadside House

10:12 - Personal Letter 5/5 - Confiscated Goods

10:50 - Hidden Item 3/3 - Todt Uniform Badge

11:14 - Starting Location 2/2 - Countryside House

Mission 6 - Liberation


00:07 - Stone Eagle 1/3

00:30 - Classified Document 1/5 - Unfit For Duty

00:56 - Personal Letter 1/5 - They’re Out Here

01:44 - Classified Document 2/5 - A Surplus Bridge

02:04 - Workbench 1/3 - Pistol Workbench

02:38 - Classified Document 3/5 - Hold The Line

03:01 - Hidden Item 1/3 - Lucky Rabbit’s Foot

03:53 - Personal Letter 2/5 - Watch Your Back

04:31 - Starting Location 1/2 - Riverside House

04:51 - Personal Letter 3/5 - Vengeance is Nigh!

05:48 - Personal Letter 4/5 - Give Me Strength

06:08 - Hidden Item 2/3 - Stolen Medals

06:43 - Workbench 2/3 - SMG Workbench

07:06 - Classified Document 4/5 - Resistance Fanatic Located

07:41 - Stone Eagle 2/3

08:05 - Personal Letter 5/5 - Barely Escaped!

08:38 - Classified Document 5/5 - Incoming Armour

09:00 - Starting Location 2/2 - Bridge Charlie

09:29 - Workbench 3/3 - Rifle Workbench

09:58 - Hidden Item 3/3 - Engraved Lighter

10:27 - Stone Eagle 3/3

Mission 7 - Secret Weapons


00:07 - Classified Document 1/5 - Intruder Sighted

00:45 - Workbench 1/3 - Pistol Workbench

01:55 - Stone Eagle 1/3

02:22 - Classified Document 2/5 - Pressurisation Report

03:04 - Starting Point 1/2 - Lake Overlook

04:15 - Classified Document 3/5 - Dr. Jungers’ Schedule

04:35 - Hidden Item 1/3 - Profstand XII Plans

05:38 - Classified Document 4/5 - Inbound Deliveries

06:45 - Personal Letter 1/5 - We Had a Deal!

07:11 - Starting Point 2/2 - Abandoned House

08:00 - Personal Letter 2/5 - I’m Done

08:18 - Stone Eagle 2/3

09:49 - Classified Document 5/5 - A-4B Logistical Issues

10:25 - Personal Letter 3/5 - Thinking Outside The Box

10:57 - Workbench 2/3 - SMG Workbench

11:43 - Hidden Item 2/3 - Peenemende Lab ID

12:13 - Personal Letter 4/5 - The V2’s Are Obsolete!

13:15 - Personal Letter 5/5 - I Can’t Work Like This

13:38 - Workbench 3/3 - Rifle Workbench

14:31 - Hidden Item 3/3 - Luftwaffe Playing Cards

14:50 - Stone Eagle 3/3

Mission 8 - Rubble And Ruin


00:07 - Classified Document 1/5 - Secure Radio Lines

00:24 - Classified Document 2/5 - Broken Resistance

00:48 - Personal Letter 1/5 - Your Man Talked!

01:36 - Classified Document 3/5 - Resistance Report

02:28 - Starting Location 1/2 - Resistance Cafe

03:00 - Classified Document 4/5 - Priority Pick Up

03:37 - Workbench 1/3 - SMG Workbench

04:10 - Stone Eagle 1/3

04:41 - Hidden Item 1/3 - An “Original” Adolf

05:27 - Workbench 2/3 - Pistol Workbench

06:07 - Personal Letter 2/5 - He’s Not The Sharpest

06:50 - Personal Letter 3/5 - Moller is Moving

07:18 - Starting Location 2/2 - Sea View Offices

07:46 - Stone Eagle 2/3

08:20 - Personal Letter 4/5 - It’s Not Over Yet!

08:51 - Classified Document 5/5 - Flagship Fuel Risks

09:44 - Stone Eagle 3/3

10:08 - Personal Letter 5/5 - Clean Out the Sewer

10:39 - Hidden Item 2/3 - Stolen Tanto

11:34 - Rifle Workbench 3/3 - Rifle Workbench

12:30 - Hidden Item 3/3 - I-400 V2 Hangar

Mission 10 - Wolf Mountains (DLC)


00:07 - Classified Document 1/5 - Communication Operations

00:30 - Workbench 1/3 - Rifle Workbench

01:41 - Classified Document 2/5 - Additional Flak Positions

02:01 - Personal Letter 1/5 - Perimeter Problems

02:28 - Workbench 2/3 - SMG Workbench

02:49 - Classified Document 3/5 - Missing Inventory

03:08 - Classified Document 4/5 - Routine Reminder

03:50 - Stone Eagle 1/3

04:15 - Stone Eagle 2/3

04:42 - Personal Letter 2/5 - Construction Halted

05:01 - Hidden Item 1/3 - Possible Hitler Disguises

05:34 - Personal Letter 3/5 - Vermin Infestation

06:04 - Personal Letter 4/5 - Fuhrers Plan

06:36 - Hidden Item 2/3 - Fuhrermuseum Concept Model

07:06 - Personal Letter 5/5 - Fuhrer’s Personal Space

07:49 - Classified Document 5/5 - Guest of The Fuhrer

08:37 - Hidden Item 3/3 - Practice Pose Photography

10:04 - Workbench 3/3 - Pistol Workbench

10:47 - Stone Eagle 3/3

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2813373455					

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