UU Future is played incredibly similarly to regular Future, in most aspects. Main differences are as such:
All civilizations have a Modern Era relevant unique unit that can be used to trigger their Golden Age.
Many units added, and have diversified resource requirements.
Turn limit is decreased to 80
All civilizations are Seafaring, to help balance spawn bias and some internal system optimizations. Sea units are balanced around this fact.
Railroads are available with the first tech of the game, which you get after 10 turns (Scientific start with it). Railroads no longer need any resources to be built. The railroad tech cannot be traded.
Resource icons will look slightly different, as the assets in this mod are based off Play the World rather than Conquests, but have been tweaked to approximately match land distributions in standard Future.
Governments, worker speed, city improvements, and general settings of the scenario are identical to Future.
The scenario can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ygE6UTfK900pJJsuTHT416h6bXWjfq59/view?usp=sharing
The most recently uploaded version is 0.11.
Note that you'll want to change the name of the file to one of the multiplayer conquests scenarios, such as "9 MP WWII in the Pacific.biq" if you want to host a multiplayer game. The game is designed to be hosted using standard Future settings (70% water with desired/random landmass type).
Rubber is used to build FAST LAND UNITS i.e. anything that can move 2 spaces or more per turn.
Oil is used to build LIGHT TANKS, ADVANCED NAVAL UNITS, and BOMBERS. It's also used for the "Pyrotechnic" infantry unit.
Uranium is used for HEAVY TANKS, AIRCRAFT CARRIERS, STEALTH AIR UNITS, NUCLEAR SUBMARINES/CRUISERS, TACTICAL MISSILES (that can be launched from ships/subs), and nuclear plants.
A re-use of the "saltpeter" resource, Nitrates are used in all units that have the CRATER LAND ability as a part of their bombardment.
Coal isn't used for any units in UU Future, but does grant access to the cheapest power plant in the game - the coal plant.
Unit Overview
The most up to date unit costs, stats, upgrade paths, etc. can all be viewed in the following flowchart: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MADCkVqOx3OLKAQTu-jx3P4bVhLEP2Rb/view?usp=sharing
You'll have to view the flowchart in "Flow.io" to be able to see the full diagram.
Basics of each class of unit are described below.
Land Units
Infantry are multipurpose offensive and defensive foot units. Many are draftable and are solid cost-effective options for any kind of strategy. Infantry (the unit) and Marines are always available to build, resource free.
The upgrades to the artillery tree require nitrates to gain the ability to crater enemy land, and become more powerful in general. You have access to the generic cannon (which can still destroy worker improvements, but not crater) with no resources.
Light Tanks
Light tanks are more expensive than infantry units, but are much faster and durable. Excellent for any offensive strategy.
Heavy Tanks
Heavy tanks are the overweight big brother to the Light Tank line of units. They're a bit slower and more expensive, but incredibly powerful on both offense and defense. Note that Heavy Tanks are considered "Wheeled" units, and require a road to pass through mountains, jungle, or marsh terrain.
Sea Units
Galleons are always available as a generic unit transport across water. With oil, transports become available that load more units, and go faster.
Light Warships
Frigates can be built with no resources for basic seapower. Upgrades to this line will require iron and/or nitrates.
Almost identical in stats and function to submarines in Future. Note that nuclear submarines only load up to 1 tactical missile.
Same as Future with more carry capacity.
Heavy Warships
These are massive warships that are expensive in both resources and shield cost. However, they have incredibly strong stat-lines, and can also load tactical missiles.
Air Units
Air Guard can be built as a simple anti-air unit without resources. It's functionally similar to the Mobile SAM, but cannot move (although it can rebase). It also has a slightly higher interception range, and can conduct recon missions.
Stealth Aircraft
Expensive and lethal stealth aircraft that can carry out just about any mission. The basic stealth fighter cannot perform interception missions, but the F-35 upgrade can. Note that the Stealth Bomber CANNOT crater land, but is incredibly effective at bypassing enemy interceptors to eliminate other units.
Classic, tried-and-true bombers. Basic bombers cannot crater land (can still destroy worker improvements), whereas the Mega Bomber upgrade can. Helicopter is same as in Future, requires aluminum instead of oil now.
Cruise Missiles
One time use heavy bombardment tool. Note there are some key differences between the standard cruise missile line and the sub cruise.
Standard cruise missiles CANNOT be fired from nuclear submarines or slow warships. They can be loaded onto standard transport ships, but must disembark prior to being fired.
Sub cruises can be fired directly from nuclear submarines or slow warships. However, they CANNOT be loaded onto standard transport ships.
Nuclear Weapons
The Manhattan Project must have been built by any player in order to build nuclear weapons, in addition to the usual resource requirements. Very expensive, but can turn the tide of a losing game in moments.
What Can I Build With My Resources?
Most units require one or two resources to build, and are displayed in the following chart. Resource-free units and triple resource units are also listed.
No resource units: Infantry
Air Guard
One/Two Resource Units:
ResourceIronRubberOilAluminumUraniumNitratesIronHeavy MG, IroncladMech InfantrySubmarineMega CruiseSub CruiseDestroyerRubberModern ParatrooperTankSpecial ForcesBradleyRPG TrooperOilTransport, BomberPyrotechnicStealth BomberMega BomberAluminumCruise Missile, Fighter, HelicopterAEGIS Cruiser, ICBMRadar Artillery, WildcatUraniumCarrier, Nuclear Sub, Tactical NukeStealth FighterNitratesArtillery
Three resource units:
Battleship - Iron, Oil, Nitrates
Modern Armor - Aluminum, Oil, Rubber
Bradley MK2 - Aluminum, Uranium, Rubber
F-35 - Aluminum, Uranium, Nitrates
Civilization Guide
The civilizations in the game are very similar to Future, with a few "modernized" exceptions. Their unique units and the units they replace are listed in this cheat sheet, along with wonders that can be built to trigger your Golden Age in case your UU is otherwise inaccessible.
Other Small Changes
Governments are almost untouched from Future, with these small changes:
Republic no longer has war weariness
Fascism does not lose city population upon choosing that government type.
Non-industrious civs in Fascism can plant forest in one turn
Communism has a 20 shield Police Station that can be built in wartime. It only lowers corruption, similar to the base game.
Manufacturing plants are cheaper (120 shields) and cost no resources to build, provided you've already built a factory. However, it also replaces any other power plants in the city.
Sun Tzu's only puts Barracks in all continental cities. No free Special Forces.
The Manhattan Project is slightly cheaper (300 shields) than Future, but does not provide any free Tactical Nukes.
"GA Trigger" Wonders, that have their respective traits in the Wonder name, all have the same exact effects (in order to discourage Wonder stacking).
Acts as a hospital
+3 culture per turn
+2 happiness in all cities
+1 gold in each gold producing tile of this city
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3280746523
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