Ancient Dinosaurs Multiplayer Mod

Ancient Dinosaurs Multiplayer Mod


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Welcome to Ancient Dinosaurs! This mod plays very similarly to MPT, using double city elimination instead of single. Lose two cities, you're out! Game length is 80 turns. Scoring rules are the same as MPT, kill scoring and placing is similar to UU Madness and Modern for CTON - +25pts for capturing a city you didn't plant, dead players are always reported last.

A few key differences:

- On turn 1, you'll be able to swap governments out of Anarchy. None of the new governments have the despotism tile penalty. Each government has unique strengths, more on that later!

- Techs are much cheaper, and all citizens produce science, but techs cannot be traded. All players have the ability to irrigate without freshwater, and trade maps/contacts at game start.

- There are no unique units or golden ages, and all civilizations are expansionist and religious. Thus, you can choose any civ you like!


Download Link

Place the scenario file in your usual Conquests > Scenarios folder. There should already be a scenario titled "5 MP Mesoamerica.biq" there, which you'll want to rename. The Ancient Dinos scenario MUST be named "5 MP Mesoamerica", or any of the other "Conquests" multiplayer scenario names, in order to not cause Civilopedia errors in game.

Only the host needs the scenario file for this mod to work! Hosts should set game settings to be the same as MPT. Regent difficulty, 60% Pangaea, etc.


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All units have an associated "base game" unit to them. All these associated units are unlocked with the exact same techs as the normal game, and use the same resources as the normal game. The only exceptions are Gallilmimus "Chariot", which does not require horses, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex "Cavalry", which requires horses, iron, and saltpeter.

All unit stats have been scaled by a factor of roughly 3, to give more flexibility to fine tune each unit's stats, as well as to lessen the brutal effectiveness of defensive bombard compared to MPT. Additionally, all military units in the game have +1HP by default.

Scouts/Explorers: CANNOT pillage tiles, as scouts have higher movement than normal MPT.

Naval Units (BIG CHANGES):

At game start, all players get safe sea and ocean travel! However, Galleys can only move one space when travelling into a sea/ocean tile. Caravels can only move one space when travelling into an ocean square, and Galleons/Frigates have normal movement.


All governments have been changed to an augmented version of themselves to give players more power across the board. All players start in Anarchy+ on Turn 0, and will get to switch governments on Turn 1.

Due to guaranteed 2-turn anarchy, and anarchy still letting you produce shields and commerce, players are encouraged to switch governments as needed throughout the game, depending on their needs.


- Worker speed: Same as industrious in MPT

- Rampant Corruption

- 4/4/4 Unit Support

Basically Despotism, but has the tile penalty, can't hurry production, and no military police.


- Worker speed: Same as industrious in MPT

- 4/4/4 unit support

- Sacrifices citizens to hurry production, unhappiness penalty is 12 turns

- Rampant Corruption

- 2 military police per city

Almost the same as MPT/vanilla game, except there is no tile penalty. A strong contender for your first government choice, as it's the only option to slave to hurry production, which is great to get one or two granaries up early on.


- Worker speed: Same as industrious in MPT

- 1/3/4 unit support, each unit over cap costs 1 gold per turn

- Commerce bonus, pays gold to rush production

- Minimal Corruption

- No military police

Almost the same as MPT/vanilla game.

Monarchy+ - Drafting and 2x Worker Speed!

- Worker speed:

Road (flat): 2 turns

Irrigate: 2 turns

Mine (flat): 2 turns

- 2/4/8 unit support

- Pays gold to rush production, no commerce bonus

- Problematic Corruption

- 3 military police per city

Only government that can draft! Drafted units are "Archers" or "Longbowmen", and the unhappiness penalty for drafting is 15 turns.

Tech Tree

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Largely unchanged from base game, Medieval Era has been largely cut out except for "war" techs:

Key differences:

- All citizens produce science, allowing every player to tech decently even with the science slider at 0%, but techs CANNOT be traded.

- Irrigation without freshwater, map & contact trading, safe travel over sea/ocean, and drafting (if Monarchy) are available at game start. Your Palace acts as an aqueduct and a granary. All players receive Pottery and Ceremonial Burial as their starting techs.

- Aqueducts are 20 shields and unlocked at Mathematics.

- Monotheism is in the Ancient Era, and is optional to progress to the next era. Unlocks 20 shield Cathedrals.

- Construction is optional, and unlocks 20 shield, maintenance-free Colosseums.

- Currency is optional, and unlocks 20 shield Marketplaces.

- Several other less-than-useful techs for multiplayer are now optional to progress to Medieval Era (Polytheism, Code of Laws, etc)

- Offshore platforms, commercial docks, and a +2 Ship Moves small wonder are available at Magnetism.

- Hospitals are available at Chemistry

- Military Academy (at Military Tradition) can be built without a victorious army, and 3 cities are required to support one army. Armies inherently have +3HP.


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