Complete Guide to Take Two Arena

Complete Guide to Take Two Arena


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Hi there! If you want to learn more about Take Two and Basic Strategies, continue through this guide. If you want to know more on what cards to pick, navigate to the specific Hero chapters using the Table of Contents on the side. Gameplay for that Hero is below Card Selection. Neutral Cards have their own section. Hope you enjoy this guide as much as I enjoyed writing it! Peace~

What Is Take Two Arena?

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Take Two Arena is a game mode where the player pick a class.

Then select 15 pairs of randomly generated neutral or class cards until the deck is full with 30 cards. The first and last set of choices are guaranteed to be Gold or Legendary Cards. A third pair of Gold/Legendary was just added with TotG.

Reward will be your number of wins out of the total five. These numbers are relative. If rupies amount is on the low end, you will get Vials to compensate:

Wins Reward 5 200-280 rupies + (1 or 2) Random Card Pack 4 120 rupies + Random Card Pack 3 or less 100 rupies or less + Random Card Pack

Since price of admission is 150 rupies, getting 4 wins or above will usually give u a free card pack with just about enough rupies to enter arena once again.

Getting five wins will guarantee a free Arena Run and a little extra!

Expansion: "Omen Of The Ten"

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Commentary: This expansion was the most awkward expansion for Take Two Arena that I've seen in awhile. Most of the cards introduced have very specific effects that are only useful within a prebuilt deck. As a result, their arena value decreases as they are less consistent. As a result, it is somewhat easy to tell what classes will jump to high tier within Arena ~ primarily those omen type cards that are less specific or focus more on board control.

Arena Tier List []

Top Tier Shadow, Sword, Rune

Middle Tier Dragon, Haven, Portal

Low Tier Forest, Blood

Commentary: This is my prediction of the Arena tier list. There may be some classes you are more comfortable and perform better with.

Shadow : Combination of Cerberus, Arcus/Nicola, Lady of Flies make Midrange Shadow a force to be reckon with. Add other staples like the new Orthus and you are set. Easiest to get 5 wins with imo (experience as well).

Sword : Always been a powerhouse in Arena. Easiest to go aggro as well. Draft Latham and Dragon Knights for easy wins.

Portal : The strength of portal is the value of puppets and cheap artifacts (They trade very well). Best cards here are Lishenna and Tylle. If you evolve Lishenna on 4, you will probably win. Use Tylle as win condition on T9 (make sure you draft cards that send Prime Artifact - the 5/5 that comes back).

Dragon : Disdain set is really overpowered since it provides lots of board control. Just draft Ramp and high value cards like Galmieux and Sneer of Disdain. The big dragon (8 mana 6/8) that executes is really good too. I'm not great with names okay?

Haven : Haven have strong contenders like the Holy Lion cheese and Holy Eachtar. Focus primarily on Holy Lion support and removal cards.

Rune : Rune has left the chat, I mean low tier (finally). Draft cards that grant bonus effects when you have 20 or less cards in your deck like the Summoner. The one that grants an extra evolve and summon the golem is overpowered as well. With the gold that keeps cycling and abyss summoner, Rune is basically top of Arena now. Pretty Cancer.

Blood : Blood imo is really bad this expansion. You just keep hurting yourself with no real win condition or pressure. Only great in drafted this time around.

Forest : Forest is probably better than Blood for Arena this season, lots of good control type cards like the 4/5 that deals 2 every time it's buffed. Combine with Korwa for easy clears. The Carbuncle is really great too (also cute).

Board Control And Evolution Points

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Most of the time, Arena is a game of Attrition and Board Control. I make a few points below.

Always have a Good Curve early game. Half of your deck should be 4PP or below. If your opponent fills board and you have no answers, you probably won't make it to late game.

Play followers early game even if they don't trigger their effects.

A 2PP 2/2 will suffice without the added bonus. If they have good Evolution effects or Fanfares, do not play them unless you plan to evolve them. Prioritizing Evo points is also important: You would evolve Levi over say Merlin when you need removal over Draw/Spellboost.

You must remove opponent's followers immediately as they enter the board or risk falling behind. With the evolve system, new followers that enter the board can easily kill opposing followers for free and survive. If you leave creatures on your opponent's board, even 1/1 or 2/2's, you may not have the chance to remove them once larger followers hit the board. When playing against Forest or Sword, it is especially important to remove small creatures for they can easily buff those creatures in case of Sword or bounce them back to hand to reuse their Fanfares in case of Forest. However, if you had the option of dealing 5 damage to face or kill the last 1/1, hitting face would be a better option.

Always try to have the same or one less Evolution point than your opponent. If you have 2 less Evo point than your opponent, you are very behind. However, if you need to use an Evolution point to maintain board control, do it. Exception, of course, is if you are running an Aggro deck.

Try not to overcommit when playing against classes with board wipes. If you played your entire hand to have it wiped, you are suddenly losing. Generally you would play just enough to apply pressure but you can probably get away with this in arena 75% of the time since AOE removals are relatively rare. AOE removals in rotation now come mostly Dragon. Other classes usually has one or two as well. Blood has a new bronze that can deal 2 damage AOE, Sword has Tempest, Haven has the two Jeanes, Forest has Cass, Rune has the 4PP spell, Portal has Magna, and Shadow has the Black Swan.

In certain situations, it's better to remove the unevolved follower, if when evolved - it deals more damage than the evolved one. This applies mainly against aggro matchups. At least with the evolved follower, you know exactly how much damage you will take.

Going First Or Second

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Here's the deck I will use to demonstrate Going First and Second. This is probably the most mediocre deck I've drafted, but I think this could be useful since we're mostly focusing on the gameplay.

Going First

Pro: Can immediately have board presence; ideal if you run Aggro deck

Con: You don't get extra evolution point/card; Weak against Control Decks with good early game curve.

What to do if you go first?Commentary: You must provide early game pressure to force your opponent to use their evolution point to stabilize. Play followers as soon as you can, make efficient trades (kill enemy unit but keeping your own alive) while going face.

Going Second

Pro: One extra card and evolution point; ideal if you run Control deck

Con: Weak against extremely aggro matchups

What to do if you go second? Commentary: Similar to first, you must provide immediate board presence and clear opponent's creatures as soon as possible. Going face is not a priority. Make efficient trades and wait until your opponent's cards run dry. On turn 4, immediately evolve a unit, clear opponent's creatures (or least try to), and take control of the board.

Aggro Gameplay

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Aggro gameplay in Arena depends on the class you chose and the cards you drafted. If you picked Rune, it's probably best not to go aggro. When in the process of choosing cards, assume you are making a Control Deck. Many other players will also be running control decks with plenty of removals. Your aggro deck won't make it unless you draft aggro cards similar to the ones seen in constructed. However, if many aggro cards, low cost and/or Storm followers, are offered to you early and you want to follow along with it, feel free.

Aggro Blood Perfect Arena WD

Aggro Potential:

DragoncraftCommentary: This is rather risky but since I drafted plenty of removal and Forte, I decided why not. Forte is no longer available, but the gameplay is still fun to watch. Hopefully.


Commentary: Sword have good aggro potential since their cards easily swarm and buff each other.

Commentary: Constant early board pressure will ensure victory as opponent will not have enough time to remove all followers from the board.


Commentary: Blood have plenty of cheap cards that deal damage to the enemy leader as well as several followers with storm. Aggro blood is probably the more viable playstyle in Arena.

Commentary: Drafting neutral cards like Dance of Death and Demonic Strike could benefit your aggro deck greatly if they are offered.

Gameplay Rule #1 : Never Give Up

Believe in the Heart of the Cards.

Card Selection : Introduction And Mindset

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To make the perfect arena deck, you have to keep a few factors in mind:

Efficient Followers: Can this follower stand alone to have maximum effect? If not, can this card easily combo with any other card in my deck? Will this follower be a dead draw late game?

Good Curve: Do I have enough early game followers/spells to counter Aggro decks? Do I have enough late game followers to apply enough pressure? Do I have a finisher or win condition?

Sufficient Removal: Do I have a board wipe? Can my creatures or spells remove more than one card at once? Can I remove troublesome amulets?

Sufficient Draw Power: Will I run out of cards before my opponent? Will I have enough options in my hand for the most efficient play?

For example: Stratagem offers card draw, but it assumes you have followers already on board. It is a dead draw 75% of the time. On the other side, Tsubaki is an efficient follower with a built-in removal. The obvious choice here would be the side with Tsubaki, assuming the other cards are of the same value.

But how much is enough? There is no definitive answer to this, but we can get a range using successful arena decks.

Strength of this deck:

Quality Cards/Finisher (Khaiza, Olivia, Albert, Odin)

Decent Curve/Strong Late Game

Good Removals (Monica, Alexander)

Decent Synergy (Gawain, Commander Synergy)

Commentary: Extremely strong deck with decent early game that can easily transition to Olivia/Albert for easy wins. Gameplay of this deck will be in Swordcraft section.

Card Ratings

Card Rating Key

For simplicity sake, I will use High, Medium, and Low to represent card priority. High means that a card is almost always useful and can be safely included in most arena decks. Medium tier cards can be included in most decks but may require you to consider synergy. Low tier cards are riskier and will require you to consider synergy with drafted cards.

If cards are the same tier, what do I pick?Commentary: If you get cards that are the same tier, you will need to consider what is already in your deck. Some questions to ask yourself ~

What type of deck am I making? What did I draft so far? Which card(s) will benefit me more?

How much early/mid/late game cards do I have? Is my early game good enough?

How easy is it to perform this combo? Is synergy possible? Can this harm my deck?

How do I win?

Example I will use is choosing between Wizardess of Oz and Unbodied Witch. Let's go through the thought process. For Rune, you can make either an Earth Rite or Spellboost variant. If you are focusing on Earth Rite, Oz would be the obvious choice. However, if this is your first draft with no other cards in your deck, what will you choose then? For me, Oz is the much safer picker since she can refill your hand and is much cheaper. The Witch is too late game and you may not have cards to synergize with her. If you drafted cards like Chimera and Snowman King, the Witch is a much more valuable draft for you than Oz. Witch also provides a win condition, Oz primarily does not. Oz may also harm your deck if you drafted lots of spells.

Card Selection : Neutral Cards

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"Answering the call of the blue-haired girl, this dark dragon takes flight to confront a grave threat to all life. Unshackled at long lost, its magnificent roar rattles the heavens. "

Neutral cards are accessible to every class. For WD, Neutrals picks have increased so it is possible to get synergy with certain cards.

Best Neutrals

Moon and Sun (High) - Can be played at anytime in the game for some board presence. Not many classes have a banish for this.

Proto Bahamut (High) - Large body with board clear potential. Extremely powerful since the damage will trigger every turn if opponent cannot remove this.

Chronogenesis Happy Pig (Medium) - Can help stabilize you against more aggro decks. Happy oinky.

Goblinmount Ogre (Medium) - Pretty versatile ward minion. Stats are decent.

Goblin Emperor (High) - Below average stats but can give you Leader or Princess to play on curve.

Badb Catha (Low) - Very strong enhance but hard to utilize in control matchups.

Pitfall (High) - Easily kill off evolved units without wasting your own evo point.

Holy Angel Altaia (Medium) - Similar to Gruff but require an evolve point to be useful.

DawnBreak/NightedgeTart Man (Low) - Spicy meme but can be useful late game to remove large followers.

Paradise Vanguard (Low) - Banish that is available to every class. Evo requirement makes this little less than ideal pick especially for a gold card.

Moon and Sun (High) - Can give you board presence indefinitely unless when banished. Great addition to any deck.

Suttungr (Medium) - Great amulet removal tool (mostly for Canyon and Cannons). Stats are decent as well.

Marduk (Low) - Has no immediate impact when played. Make sure synergy is possible before picking this.

Brigade of the SkyLyria, Azure Maiden (Medium) - Very sticky follower that can combo well with Purson or Jabberwock.

Legendary Fighter (Medium) - Standard two drop that can act like a win condition. Probably won't achieve the win condition but the Rush and Bane can be very useful.

Seraphic Blade (Medium) - Can be used early or late game as removal.

Genesis of Legend (High) - the extra Defense and Bane is extremely powerful.

Proto Bahamut (High) - Large body and board clear. Take whenever possible.

Omen of the TenGoblin Fighter (Medium) - Mana efficient card ~ generate cards to play on curve.

Craving's Splendor (Medium) - Decent removal or buff card ~ flexible.

Feena, Dynamite Daredevil (Medium) - Decent removal tools for fairies or bats. One damage ping is very useful execute.

Armored Troll (Low) - Weird card but very powerful finisher. Stats are above average ~ opponent forced to remove if they are behind.

Gilnelise, Omen of Craving (High) - Great buffing or stabilizing tool. Draw power is very powerful late-game.

AltersphereEphemera, Sword Angel (Medium) - Beneficial in any deck. Trade well early.

Slash of the One (Medium) - Cheap removal if you can pull off the conditions.

Alterplane Arbiter (High) - Can help swarm board or grab some cheap removals. Surprisingly good!

Prince of Cocytus (High) - In a control matchup, this is the best win condition to get.

Dragoncraft ~ "Omen Of Disdain"

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Overload: Certain cards gain extra effects when Rowen/Forte-chan have 7PP or more.

General Gameplay: Increase PP points ("Ramp") to get ahead of your opponent. Play higher quality creatures before your opponent.


High quality minions.

Large amounts of AOE choices/removal.Con:

Not enough draw power.

Overflow takes too long to activate.

What Type of Deck to Draft?Commentary:

Best Dragon Cards

Whitefrost Dragonewt Filene (High) - Large body early with amazing removal.

Galmieux, Omen of Disdain (High) - She got nerfed, but her board clear potential is still very strong.

Basic Set Blazing Breath (Medium) - Great removal for cost. Useful early to kill off most 2/3PP drops or to execute evolved units.

Dragon Oracle (High) - Main ramping tool. Take whenever possible.

Chronogenesis Aiela, Dragon Sword (High) - Good ramping tool that can still be played on curve. Save if going second.

Dragon Aficionado (Medium) - Two bodies that can deal 1 extra damage. Great 3 drop.

Basilisk Rider (Medium) - Actually very strong if you go first. This will force your opponent to remove this before playing their large minions.

Zirnitra, Dragon’s Flame (High) - Extremely powerful addition. Can remove multiple minions and survive, especially the 4/4 drakes.

Frenzied Drake (Medium) - Dead draw for most of the game but can be a good source of AOE.

Azi Dahaka (Medium) - Decent win condition.

DawnBreak/NightedgeWaters of the Orca (High) - Having multiple bodies can help stall the game for your bigger cards. Combo well with PDK. A 10PP “flood the board” is not too bad.

Dragoncleaver Roy (High) - Extremely versatile. Can provide removal or ramp. Take if possible.

Force of the Dragonewt (Medium) - One of few choices of AOE left since Salamander rotated out.

Galua of Two Breaths (Medium) - Similar to Roy but provides removal or draw power.

Jerva of Draconic Mail (Medium) - Risky card but against other control matchups can provide lots of pressure. Make sure you have plenty of removal before playing this.

Lindworm (Low) - Better in constructed.

Brigade of the SkyAliza (Medium) - Anything with Rush is usually great. If you have Overflow, even better.

Dragon Sanctum (Medium) - Replacement for your Aiela.

Pyrewyrm Commander (High) - Grants plenty of removals: Amazing board control potential.

True Dragon Scathacha (Medium) - Basically a Sibyl reprint but not as great.

Adramelech (High) - Useful basically all the time, but better if you have spells/amulets.

Zooey, Arbiter of the Skies (High) - Great cycling for 1PP. The Storm is a great finisher. The reducing health to 1 can be risky but can stall out the game for one more turn if you have your win condition.

Omen of the TenDisciple of Disdain (Medium) - Decent cycle card, combo well with other Disdain cards.

Disdainful Rending (Medium) - Cost efficient removal tool.

Griffonback Guard (Low) - Great overflow effect ~ high stats.

Apostle of Disdain (Medium) - Stats are above average and comes with Storm.

Galmieux, Omen of Disdain (High) - Board clear potential and burn damage

Jabberwock, Nightmare Spawn (Medium) - Generates plenty of board pressure ~ rather slow.


Dragoncraft Gameplay

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Deck List

Deck Selection with Five Games

Commentary: The variant I drafted was a Storm/Control type deck. I lingered on the second set of cards because I had to go afk, just skip to 1:15.

Deck List II

Five Games

Commentary: Low curve with Storm finishers with plenty of removals will secure 5 wins!

Swordcraft ~ "Omen Of Usurpation"

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Officer/Commander: Various interactions between Officer units and Commander units. Officers usually gain extra effect if a Commander is on the field. Commanders generally buff Officers. New archetype involves Commander synergy with Gawain and amulets.

General Gameplay: Swarm and Control board using followers.


High quality minions.

Synergy easier to pull off than other classes.


Weak against AOE.

Hard to stabilize once board is lost. Few healing.

What Type of Deck to Draft?Commentary:

Best Cards

Sky Commander Celia (High) - Very versatile card ~ swarm field or use as finisher.

Barbarossa (High) - Rush provides immediate trades. Always come back unless banished. Great against Aggro decks.

Basic Set The only card worth mentioning for the basic set is Quickblader, but even then, it's not a great card for T2. Too slow?

Chronogenesis Homebound Mercenary (Low) - Can be played early or mid-game for board presence.

Lancer of the Tempest (High) - Only AOE available to sword. Helps regain control of board. Take whenever possible.

Frontline Cavalier (High) - The Floral Fencer that can heal. Great swarming capabilities as well.

Darksaber Melissa (High) - Great against more aggressive decks. Hard to remove.

Arthur, Knight King (High) - Great swarm potential: Can help thin out your deck in the late game. Only problem is that you need to draft specific cards to get full value out of this.

DawnBreak/NightedgeChromatic Duel (High) - Free at 6PP, gives two high quality minions.

Innocent Princess Prim (Medium) - Decent early game card. Enhance is better but a little expensive.

Sky Commander Celia (High) - Versatile card. Can be utilized in Aggro or Control decks.

Valse, Magical Marksman (High) - Has great removal tools. Pick whenever possible.

Sky Fortress (High) - High cost but has great effect. Also has rush for immediate trading.

DawnBreak/Nightedge IISpartacus (Medium) - Probably won't use the win condition but the draw two is pretty good.

Dario, Demon Count (Low) - Decent effect but better if summoned by Arthur.

Brigade of the SkyTycoon (Medium) - Great drawing tool if you running Aggro deck.

Charlotta, Tiny Justice (High) - Perfect counter to basically every other class.

Dei, Secret Agent (Medium) - Great for Aggro decks as well. Both choose is viable.

Dragon Knights (High) - Honestly, a broken card full of quality followers. Versatile.

Zeta, Crimson Lancer (High) - Rush is perfect for board control. Generates win condition.

Latham, Honorable Knight (Medium) - Large body. More useful if you board or swarm cards.

Omen of the TenRapier Master (Medium) - Flexible card for every mana curve ~ Bane extremely powerful.

Usurping Spineblade (Low) - Removal that generates a card ~ usually valueble.

Weathered Vanguard (High) - Can generate plenty of board presence.

High-Seas Hero (Medium) - Vanilla high stat card with no effect.

Octrice, Omen of Usurpation (High) - Stealing Last Word is a bonus ~ decent stats and free evolve is very powerful.

Aloadae (Medium) - Both choose can be useful ~ removal tools are always good in arena.

Apostle of Usurpation (High) - Can clear off multiple enemy followers.

Jiraiya(High) - Excellent board swing card if you are behind.


Swordcraft Gameplay

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Deck List

Card Selection with Five Games

Commentary: Typical Mid Range Swordcraft with Otohime.

Deck List II

Five Games

Havencraft ~ "Omen Of Repose"

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Countdown Amulet: Amulets will trigger their Last Word effects when countdown reaches 0.

General Gameplay: Set up amulets ~ Remove opponent's board until stronger minions hit the board.


Strong Amulets.

Access to banish.


Amulets require synergy to be effective.

Better cards are G/L.

What Type of Deck to Draft?Commentary: I would draft a control/semi-amulet Haven deck. Ideal cards would include both Jeanne, Teatime, Carapace, Heavenly Knight, and Hind. Throw in some other amulets and possibly even an Aegis for easy wins. Since testing Haven, Holy Lion Crystal and support is very viable and borderline overpowered (draft a few of those if possible to overpower opponent in the late game).

Best Cards

Jeanne, Beacon of Salvation (High) - Mass removal and heal with a body. This card is absolutely broken. Pick whenever possible.

Gem Princess (High) - Heals followers as well as self ~ Very powerful utility.

Basic Set Blackened Scripture (High) - Cheapest counter to basically all Last Word effects.

Chronogenesis Gemstone Carapace (High) - Amazing body for cost ~ combo well with Snow White.

Godscale’s Banquet (Medium) - Bane provides plenty of pressure to swing the game.

Pegasus Dullahan (Medium) - Can come back if you play plenty of CD amulets.

Heavenly Knight (High) - Extremely powerful by itself or with amulets (especially Summit Temple).

DawnBreak/NightedgeJeweled Priestess (High) - Can provide cheap draw power ~ 2 damage/heal is okay too.

Moriae Encomium (Medium) - Okay draw/removal.

Ceryneian Hind (High) - Absolutely broken. Draft in high amulet decks.

Godsworn Alexiel (Medium) - Does not protect your followers like Roland ~ better in constructed.

DawnBreak/Nightedge IIWhitefang Temple (Medium) - a 3PP that summons a large body is great value. The healing can help stabilize you as well.

Tutankhamun (High) - A bigger version of Snow White. Very sticky card.

Brigade of the SkySealed Tome (High) - Great cycling tool since it's free.

Father Punishment (Medium) - Kill anything with an Evo point and reestablish board.

Holy Priest Lorena (High) - Evolve for removal or healing/draw. Extremely powerful.

Prism Swing (Medium) - Generic 4 damage removal that comes with Lion support. You can conserve the Lion until late game for your win condition.

De La Fille, Gem Princess (High) - Even if you're not playing Tenko. The healing is absolutely busted since it heals minions AND your Hero.

Themis's Purge (Medium) - Little slow but is a great board reset.

Garuda, Rule of Storms (Medium) - Better in constructed or high amulet decks.

Omen of the TenUnicorn Knight (High) - Stats decent, can generate excellent removal.

City of Gold (Medium) - Extremely useful in high amulet decks ~ basically plays itself.

Apostle of Repose (Medium) - Strong evolve while bane provides extra pressure.

Marwynn, Omen of Repose (Medium) - Jack of all Trade, Master of None ~ useful for amulet deck ~ decent stats and evolve though.

Lapis, Glorious Seraph (Medium) - Slow win condition but still a win condition (great body).


Havencraft Gameplay

Card Selection with Four Games

Control Aegis Gameplay

Shadowcraft ~ "Omen Of Silence"

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Necromancy: Many cards can consume shadows for extra effects. Shadows are gained when cards are used or destroyed.

General Gameplay: Swarm board with minions ~ use strong necromancy abilities to control board. Finish off opponent with Eachtar or Aisha.


Great swarming capabilities.

Necromancy is very easy mechanic.


Weak to banish.

What Type of Deck to Draft?Commentary: I would draft a Midrange deck. Ideal cards are Aisha, Eachtar, Skull Rings, Dark Bladefiend, Zombie Party, Odile, and Mist of Extinction. Throw in some Demon Eaters, Andrealphus, and Thanes and you got yourself an easy five wins.

Best Cards

Underworld Ruler Aisha (High) - Amazing finisher when evolved and enhanced ~ can be played with 10 Shadows if you need to control the board.

Cerberus (High) - Swarms board ~ stats very high, amazing evolve. Pick whenever possible.

Basic Set Spartoi Sergeant (Low) - Typical 2PP drop that generate shadows.

Undying Resentment (Medium) - Cheap 4 damage execute.

Chronogenesis Skull Ring (High) - One of the best bronze cards ~ can resummon minions like Belenus or Andrealphus for more value.

Mummy (Medium) - Decent removal tool with necromancy ~ hard to play on T4 though.

Sow Death, Reap Life (Medium) - Good if you drafted high quality cards like Zeus or Israfil.

Skeleton Prince (High) - Four bodies in one card ~ very sticky.

Anubis (Medium) - Decent removal with a body.

Death Dragon Caller (Medium) - Again, good for decks with high quality cards.

DawnBreak/NightedgeRegenerate Spirit (Low) - A little slow but usable.

Big Soul Hunter (Low) - Usually cannot be played early game ~ too expensive and situational.

Everdark Stryx (Low) - Better in constructed reanimation decks. Okay cycling card.

Ceridwen, Eternity Hunter (High) - Very versatile ~ the reanimation potion is broken but the removal one is good as well.

Fickle Resurrector (High) - Great stabilizing tool.

Hinterland Ghoul (High) - Provides plenty of Skeletons for combos (Demon Eater or Mad Hatter) ~ late game burst damage is amazing as well.

DawnBreak/Nightedge IILord Deathskull (Medium) - Good for generating Shadows.

Arcus, Ghostly Manager (High) - I would say High Priority but only draft max of two. having ghosts with Storm is great for board control or win condition.

Brigade of the SkySoul Conversion (High) - Perfect for cycling or triggering Last Words.

Lady Grey, Deathweaver (Medium) - Drain and reanimate is very useful.

Ferry, Spirit Maiden (Medium) - Good but less reliable win condition in Arena. Combo well with Mordecai or ghosts.

Fran, Monster Girl (High) - Versatile card for board presence or removal.

Fiendish Wraithknight (Medium) - Sticky card with a good enhance.

Plagued City (Medium) - Little slow. Better if played when you have Arcus active. May prevent opponent's large minions.

Mordecai (High) - Perfect addition to reanimate decks with Sow or Ceridwen.

Omen of the TenRulenye, Omen of Silence (High) - Vanilla strong follower with good effect.

Sinister Sarcophagus (Medium) - Strong evolve ~ stats are low but reanimate more than makes up for it.

Orthrus, Junior Hellhound (High) - Removal is very strong ~ Shadow is easy to generate.

Apostle of Silence (Medium) - Ward followers are less common but they do exist ~ can remove any with ward for free (who doesn't like free).

Cerberus, Hound of Hades (High) - Absolutely busted card. Pick whenever possible.

Charon, Stygian Ferrywoman (Medium) - Swarm potential with Cerberus.

Vile Torrent (Low) - Decent late game swarm potential.


Shadowcraft Gameplay

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Deck List

Card Selection with Five Games

Forestcraft ~ "Omen Of Unkilling"

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Fairies Combo and Bounce Mechanic: Some cards gain extra effect when 2 or more cards are played before. Several cards can return followers to the hand; bounced card can be reused.

General Gameplay: Use Fairies to perform combos and swarm board. Slowly poke at opponent until late game Storm followers can finish off opponent.


Good swarming potential.

Can bounce strong cards to be reused.


Combos hard to pull off.

Reliant on Fairy Generators.

What Type of Deck to Draft?Commentary: I would draft a control-oriented deck, but I feel Aggro would also work (but less consistent). Ideal includes are Aerin, Cass, Yggdrasil, Wood of Bramble, Elf Song, Lilac, Warden, and some Fairy generators. Add other supports like Barrage and Insect Lord and your deck should do well. Ganesha can also work but probably cost too much.

Best Cards

Korwa, Ravishing Designer (High) - Fils are great for trading and can combo well with Vanara or other cards that benefit from stat increases. Attacking twice is extremely powerful when combined with Ipiria.

Cassiopeia (High) - Only reliable “board clear” available to Forest. Take whenever possible.

Basic Set Fairy Whisperer (Medium) - Good fairy generator.

Sylvan Justice (Medium) - Viable remove/execute while generating a fairy.

Chronogenesis Insect Lord (High) - Cheap removal tool but require fairy synergy.

Crimsonbow Elf (Medium) - Great “board clear” potential when evolved.

Aria, Guiding Fairy (Medium) - Wisps are useful for synergy with cards like Insect Lord, Crimsonbow Elf, or even Elf Song.

Fairy Saber (Low) - Rush is always useful but low stats.

DawnBreak/NightedgePaula, Icy Warmth (Medium) - Good utility but require fairies.

Fashionista Nelcha (Medium) - Versatile card for buffing or debuffing.

Forest Whispers (Medium) - A “polymorph” for Last Word followers.

White Vanara (Medium) - More useful in constructed decks ~ synergize well with cards like Nelcham Yggdrasil, or Fils from Korwa.

Yggdrasil (High) - Powerful card for setting up lethal ~ Combo well with Fairy Dragon or White Vanara ~ Drain also useful for stabilizing against Aggro ~Essential addition to most decks.

DawnBreak/Nightedge II Storied Falconer (High) - Great body, amazing evolve that comes with free Scyther.

Greenglen Axeman (High) - Great for picking off your opponent. Reliable win condition.

Brigade of the SkyShamu and Shama (Medium) - Useful for trades with big followers.

Sutera of the Sacred Bow (Medium) - Good 4 drop that replaces itself.

Metera, Peerless Shot (High) - Great evolve and clash.

Korwa, Ravishing Designer (High) - Generate Fils for rest of game. Combo well with Vanara or just use to save your minions during trades.

Godhunter Selwyn (High) - Great board clear or removal potential.

Omen of the TenTia, Crystalian Noble (High) - Powerful aggro tool with fairies.

Hornet Soldier (Medium) - Great removal tool from choose.

Apostle of Unkilling (Low) - Stats are decent ~ healing can be useful against aggro.

Luxglaive Bayle(Low) - Need lots of fairies to die before becoming valuable.

Izudia, Omen of Unkilling (Low) - Good if you have a way to deal 6 damage next turn. Little slow.


Forestcraft Gameplay

Card Selection with Three Games

Bloodcraft ~ "Omen Of Lust"

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Vengeance: Certain cards gain extra effects when hero is 10 Defense or below.

General Gameplay: Bat variant swarm board and go face. Control variant control board until mid or late game win conditions.


Many great cards are bronze or silver.

Great control potential.


Self harm can go too far and end up helping opponent/hard to stabilize.

G/L pool is average.

What Type of Deck to Draft?Commentary: I would recommend a Control deck but Aggro is definitely possible. Ideal control would include cards like Scarlet Sabreur, Emeralda, Big Knuckles, Fenrir, and Stheno. Throw in high priority support like Carabosse, Psema, Dark General, Vania, and Serpent and you are good to go. For Aggro, just draft lots of early game cards, bats, and Storm followers to hit face.

Best Cards

Vira, Knight Fanatic (High) - Fantastic value when evolved ~ hard to remove.

Evil Eye Demon (High) - Board clear potential when evolved ~ self-harm is very easy for Blood.

Basic Set Razory Claw (Medium) - Good execute or finisher.

Dark General (High) - Amazing finisher for only 4PP ~ great in all decks especially Aggro.

Chronogenesis Glassbrand Demon (Medium) - Decent card to play for board presence early or mid-game.

Savage Wolf (Medium) - Good for Aggro decks.

Endearing Succubus Lilith (Low) - High defense for cost ~ effect is below average.

Reach of the Archdemon (Medium) - Blood’s AOE damage source.

Diabolus Psema (High) - Provides a free AOE and finisher ~ immediate cast of either if under Vengeance ~ has a large body as well.

DawnBreak/NightedgeBuller, Blood Maiden (Medium) - Good for Aggro decks with bats.

Summon Bloodkin (Medium) - Typical 2PP drop split into two bodies ~ good pressure/Aggro.

Nightmare Devil (High) - Above average stats split into three bodies ~ pressure/Aggro also.

Delirious Demon (High) - Great AOE potential.

Vania, Nightshade Vampire (High) - Very versatile ~ play for removal or stabilization.

Darkfeast Bat (Medium) - Better in constructed ~ Decent addition since many of Blood’s cards can self-harm.

DawnBreak/Nightedge IIRaven, Eventide Vampire (Medium) - a generic 2PP 2/2 split between two bodies. Can ping opponent with bats if you have Vengeance.

Waltz, King of Wolves (High) - Staple for Vengeance decks.

Brigade of the SkyRestless Parish (Medium) - Good cycling tool. Builds up damage for Darkfeast.

Bewitching Succubus (Medium) - Extremely powerful swarming card.

Alexandrite Demon (High) - Both choose are great: cycle or removal.

Vira, Knight Fanatic (High) - Sticky because only 6+ damage will kill her when evolved. You can spam many self-harm cards without taking any damage.

Narmaya, Ephemeral Blade (High) - Evolve is one of the best. Immediate removal and will put you into Vengeance. The bane is an even better bonus.

Pommern, Erste's Pride (Low) - Evolve for big body if you need protection.

Purson (Medium) - Accelerate is very strong if you have full board of bats. Can be used for the Storm as well.

Omen of the TenServant of Lust (Medium) - Very high stats for cost ~ no real drawback.

Swordserpent Guardian (High) - Useful at T4 or T8 ~ great swarm potential.

Dark Elemental (Medium) - Good stats ~ effect fairly easy to activate.

Flauros (Medium) - Harder to invocate from deck in T2 but still useful for Last Word.

Apostle of Lust (Medium) - Decent cycle card.

Calamity Bringer (High) - Amazing board swing card when you have vengeance. Evolve is a little risky though.


Bloodcraft Gameplay

Card Selection with Five Games

Runecraft ~ "Omen Of Truth"

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Spellboost/Earth Rite: Cards in your hand with spellboost increase in power when spells are played. Cards with Earth Rite gain extra effects when an Earth Rune is present on the board. The Rune is consumed when Earth Rite effects are activated.

General Gameplay: Set up sigils to activate powerful Earth Rite effects or spam spells until your powerful spellboost cards can hit the board.


Great removal choices.


Hard to draft a "perfect" Earth Rite or Spellboost deck

Drafting process can drastically make or break your deck/reliant on mulligan

What Type of Deck to Draft?Commentary: Earth Rite and Spell Boost deck are both viable but Earth Rite is the better, more consistent choice. Ideal Earth Rite deck drafts plenty of sigils and ER cards like Levi or Halo Golem. Oz can be support as well. Spellboost deck consists of Chimeras, Snowman King, Unbodied Witch, and plenty of spells. Other cards like Mutagenic Bolt, Mysterian Knowledge, and Grand Summoning can go in either.

Best Cards

Cagliostro, Adorable Genius (High) - Powerful evolve ability ~ she can free evolve when enhanced.

Runie, Destiny Bard (High) - Both her choose are powerful depending on what you need ~ draw power or finisher. Recommended in Spellboost deck though.

Basic Set Magic Missile (Medium) - [Spell Boost] Good cycle card with weak removal potential.

Conjure Golem (Medium) - [SB] Typical 2PP drop that spellboosts.

Chronogenesis Mysterian Knowledge (High) - Great card for any occasion ~ Pick whenever possible.

Silent Laboratory (Medium) - [ER] Typical 2PP drop that also summon sigil.

Class President Hanna (Medium) - Grants a Mysteria card.

Mysteria, Magic Founder (Medium) - Only useful if you draft plenty of damaging spells.

Chain Lightning (Low) - Cost too much but combo well with Oz.

Grand Summoning (High) - Swarming potential ~ Three body in one.

Silver Blade Golem (Low) - [ER] Viable if you draft plenty of sigils.

DawnBreak/NightedgeMysterian Wyrmist (Medium) - Versatile ~ good stats.

Elusa, Magic Wunderkind (Medium) - Evolve can help kill off larger followers.

Absolute Zeroblade (Medium) - Decent removal.

Runie, Destiny’s Bard (High) - Doom is a little slow but good if you have SB capabilities ~ Boon is most likely what you would use Runie for (Draw Power).

Staff of Whirlwinds (Low) - Good AOE damage ~ little expensive.

Snowman King (High) - [SB] Excellent addition to both types but better in SB ~ Combo well with Witch for infinite board presence.

Unbodied Witch (High) - Great win condition set-up ~ can fill hand with powerful cards ~ having an evo point at T9 will a challenge though.

DawnBreak/Nightedge IITruthseeker Faust (Medium) - [ER] Great for buffing your board when you have Sigils.

Bergant, Onion Patchmaster (High) - Great for board swarm when you drafted plenty of spells.

Brigade of the SkyCagliostro, Adorable Genius (High) - Perfect for SB or ER since she produces her own Sigil. Take whenever possible.

Fate's Hand (High) - Draw two for free if you have lots of spells.

Arulumaya, Mystic Seer (Medium) - [SB] Good for cycling and spellboost.

Despondent Chimera (Low) - You need lots of spells for this to be good. Not ideal in Arena.

Abyss Summoner (Medium) - Summons two large bodies. Pre-req is relatively easy to achieve. Just reach mid-late game which will most likely happen in Arena anyway.

Omen of the TenApostle of Truth (Medium) - [SB] Decent cycle for cards like Giant Chimera.

Disciple of Truth (High) - Vanilla strong card with decent effect.

Raio, Omen of Truth (High) - [SB] Strong spellboosting effect.

Anne, Mysterian Prodigy(Medium) - Decent if you drafted lots of Mysteria cards.

Prophetess of Creation (Low) - Make sure you have ways to fulfill her requirement before drafting.


Runecraft Gameplay

Card Selection with Three Games

Portalcraft ~ "Omen Of Destruction"

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Artifacts/Puppets/Resonance: Certain cards either generate puppets into your hand or generate artifacts into your deck. Resonance is activated when Portal has an even number of cards in the deck. Certain cards only trigger their effects when Resonance is active.

General Gameplay: Generate either puppets or artifacts to combo with various win conditions.


Great swarming capabilities.


Can dilute deck with less impactful artifacts

Extremely reliant on mulligan

Hard to make a "perfect" Puppet or Artifact deck

What Type of Deck to Draft?Commentary:

Best Cards

Silva, Ardent Sniper (High) - The pings really add up. Her Ambush is perfect for finishing off opponent. Perfect for both Artifact or puppets.

Magna Legacy (High) - Potential board clear with a large body. Perfect for Artifacts.

General SupportHamelin (Medium) - Can duplicate a card for more value ~ possible puppet support.

Substitution (High) - Excellent banish capabilities ~ the puppet is also a bonus.

Tranquil Cog (Medium) - Great draw power.

Morton the Manipulator (Medium) - Above average evolve but lower priority than other Golds/Legendaries.

Otherworld Rift (High) - Great banish with a cycle ~ useful in either Portal decks.

Artifacts Set

Artifact Generator

All of these cards are basically the same except for Icarus and Gravikinetic Warrior where they can pull artifacts from your deck. Draft these at all times to search for Artifacts.

Artifact Support

The High priority cards here are Acceleratium, Safira, Magna Legacy, and of course Spinaria. Deus is actually optional in Arena since you are more likely to deck yourself. Safira is a good win condition and Magna is an excellent board clear. Great additions are Fervent Machine Soldier and Hakrabi. These can help search your deck for artifacts. Lowest priority is Airship Whale and Amethyst Giant because of their high cost.

Puppets Set

Many of these cards are Low tier cards that can help generate puppets to be used alongside Noah or Orchis as a finisher. Puppeteer’s Strings though is very viable in either deck for the board clear.

DawnBreak/NightedgeMiriam, Synthetic Being (High) - Extremely versatile ~ draft whenever possible.

Rocket Knuckles (Medium) - The 2PP “deal 3 damage” of Portal ~ good for executes.

Devil of the Gaps (Low) - Decent addition but not a priority.

Zwei, Murderous Puppet (High) - Great board control tool.

That Which Erases (Medium) - Could be useful with Biofabrication or other artifact generators ~ too late game.

Orchis, Puppet Girl (High) - Extremely versatile as well but only useful if you have puppets ~ has swarming capabilities.

DawnBreak/Nightedge IIHeartless Battle (Low) - High cost but decent effect.

Electromagnetic Rhino (Medium) - Great for dominating the late game if you have Artifact generators.

Brigade of the SkyAncient Apparatus (Low) - Good for generating high quality Artifacts.

Paracelsus (High) - Evolve is very powerful.

Lococo, Little Puppeteer (High) - Can remove any follower when enhanced. Counters Last Words and generates puppets.

Nicholas, Stalwart Inventor (High) - Has decent stats for a 4PP already. Summons a 5/5 for free.

Basileus, Outward Invader (Medium) - Evolve can potential clear opponent's board.

Silva, Ardent Sniper (High) - Take whenever possible. Ping damage will add up. Ambush is good finisher as well.

Omen of the TenHydro Alchemist (High) - Artifacts generated are high value.

Windup (Medium) - Puppets are great for pings ~ better if you have resonance.

Lishenna, Omen of Destruction (High) - Great stats/bane ~ evolve for win condition. Pick whenever possible.

Enervating Mail (Medium) - Invocation harder to pull off ~ evolve great for swarming board.


Portalcraft Gameplay

[In Development]

Conclusion: About Me

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Here's my info if you guys want to add me in-game.

My other alias is AzinoVo.

Note: PM me if you want to trade wins in Private Matches for rupies mission. Offer still stand as long as this is up.

Special Thanks

I would like to thank my friend John and D'Mike for helping me get some screenshots for this guide. I do appreciate your suggestions so please, if you have something I can improve on, do tell. Thanks, again, for reading! :)


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