1. Bayou Paradis (1)
Bayou Paradis 1A: The protagonist in a boat, and navigating through a bayou.
At the start of the story, leave the shallow water, and walk into a narrow pathway, then walk up a slope and leap towards an area where there is a bridge in the background.
Bayou Paradis 1B: In a later stage, return to the slope, after having obtained the Shadow Gun, to uncover a secret, inside a cave nearby.
When arriving at the bridge, leap across the bridge (because the bridge will collapse), and then walk past a boat stranded inside a dried-up lake, and then climb up a scaffold.
Bayou Paradis 1C: In a later stage, return to the stranded boat, after having obtained a Shadow Gun, to uncover a secret.
Once up the scaffold, continue walking along the narrow pathway until arriving at a rope, which spans across shallow water.
Jump towards the rope to hold on, and while dangling, climb along the the rope, and then walk through a cave.
After leaving the cave, there are several secrets at a graveyard, that may be ignored for now.
Bayou Paradis 1D: In a later stage, return to the graveyard, near a church, after having obtained the Calabash, the Baton, and the Shadow Gun, to uncover two secrets.
Bayou Paradis 1E: In a later stage, return to the far end of the graveyard, after having obtained the Shadow Gun, to uncover a secret.
While ignoring those three secrets, and after leaving that earlier mentioned cave, locate and then enter a church.
Bayou Paradis 1F: The interior of the church houses two containers, with larvae residing within, and requires the Shadow Gun to obtain them.
Inside the church, approach a supporting actor, to initiate an automated sequence.
Teddy Bear
After the automated sequence, the protagonist has obtained the Teddy Bear. Use the Teddy Bear, to relocate to Marrow Gates.
2. Marrow Gates (1)
Marrow Gates 1A: The closed gates.
Marrow Gates 1B: At a later stage, return to the two waterfalls at the start, after having obtained the Poigne, which are special bracelets, to uncover two secrets.
Start by wading through shallow water towards the far away lantern, and follow the path onward to locate a supporting actor, at Marrow Gates.
Approach the supporting actor, to start an automated sequence.
After the automated sequence, go through a tunnel, until arriving at an open area.
Marrow Gates 1C: At a later stage, there are drums that may be sounded. Return to the open area, after having obtained the Marteau, which are jawbone drumsticks, to uncover a secret.
When arriving at this open area, ignore the drums, but instead take a left turn, near the tunnel's exit point, and follow the pathway going left.
Upon exiting from the pathway, the protagonist enters another open area. This area leads into two directions; one path leads across a broken bridge and into a tunnel, which leads to a cave that has an (optional) secret.
Marrow Gates 1D: At a later stage, return to the cave, after having obtained the Flambeau (which is some sort of torch), to uncover a secret, and burn through the flammable leather, which has a flame symbol drawn on the leather, and is obstructing multiple areas in this cave.
Ignore this (optional) secret. Instead, follow another path; The other path leads to a decorated floor section. Follow that path to the decorated floor section.
Marrow Gates 1E: At a later stage, return to this area. There are two secrets here; the markings at the foreground of the image, on the floor, require the Calabash (which is some sort of bomb) to get through, and the waterfall at the background of the image, requires the Poigne to be climbed.
From that decorated floor section, move onward by staying to the right, and go through a narrow pathway, until arriving at a bonfire.
At that bonfire, there is a cable that spans across a spacious zone, at the higher ground. Go to the cable, then jump towards the cable to hold on, and while dangling, climb along the cable, and then go into a tunnel.
On exiting from that tunnel, go across a bridge, and continue going forward while staying to the right, towards another cable that spans across a spacious zone. (The protagonist has to jump across several platforms to get to this cable.)
Use that cable to get across the spacious zone.
On the other side of this spacious zone, the path forks. Take a right turn, towards a bonfire, and continue following that path.
Half-way this path, the path forks a second time. Take a right turn, and leap towards a wooden walkway. This leads to an (optional) secret.
Marrow Gates 1F: Leaping towards the walkway leads to an optional secret, where there is a shelter, which contains several cadeaux.
If this (optional) secret is ignored, then half-way the earlier mentioned path, where that path forked, take a left turn, across a mud section.
Continue going onward across several more muddy areas, in order to return to the open area where there are drums, but from another angle, and while standing on higher ground.
From this higher ground, leap across a gap, towards a lantern and a switch, with an arrow-symbol drawn on the switch.
Marrow Gates 1G: Activating the switch extends a cable, creating a shortcut to the supporting actor.
Activate that switch to extent a cable, and then go into the cave, to the left of the switch. (This cave leads to a grade 0 gate.)
Pass through the grade 0 gate to reach Prophecy Chamber.
3. Prophecy Chamber (1)
Prophecy Chamber 1A: Prophecy Chamber contains four points of interest: The Prophecy, a container, a glowing block (that may be pushed), and a grade 1 gate.
Upon arriving at Prophecy Chamber, search for a pedestal, and a container. (A relocation point is automatically saved as well.)
Prophecy Chamber 1B: At Prophecy Chamber, obtain The Prophecy and Larva #1.
The Prophecy
At Prophecy Chamber, obtain The Prophecy from the pedestal.
Larva #1
After obtaining The Prophecy from the pedestal, go across a broken bridge, which runs above the pedestal. The bridge leads to a container. Shoot with the Shadow Gun at the container, in order to obtain a larva from the container.
Prophecy Chamber 1C: In a later stage, return to the glowing pushable block, after having received the arm markings, which are markings that enables the protagonist to touch heated surfaces, to uncover a secret.
There is a glowing block near the container. Ignore this glowing block for now.
After obtaining both The Prophecy and the larva from the container, take the opposite direction across the broken bridge, and open a grade 1 gate.
After opening the grade 1 gate, walk through that gate.
Prophecy Chamber 1D: In a later stage, return to a grade 2 gate, under a bridge, after having obtained sufficient larvae.
Walk over a bridge, past a grade 2 gate, to reach Temple of Life. (Walk into a large tunnel, which transitions the protagonist to this new region.)
4. Temple Of Life (1)
Temple of Life 1A: Activating a windmill at Temple of Life is needed sooner or later.
At the starting area at Temple of Life are two tunnels. Walk through the tunnel on the right, to an open area. (Both tunnels lead to this open area.)
Temple of Life 1B: The Poigne is required, which are special bracelets, to climb up the waterfalls at the beginning of this region.
(optional: At the open area, activate a switch, to extent a cable to reach a couple of cadeaux.)
Ignore the waterfalls. Instead, dive into the water below, and swim through a tunnel near a hut.
After swimming through the tunnel, activate a switch in a chamber the tunnel leads to. (This opens a doorway inside the hut.)
After activating the switch, swim back through the tunnel, and go through the hut.
Inside the hut, avoid the lava, and continue going forward through a tunnel.
Upon exiting from that tunnel, there is another open area, where there are a few bonfires.
Temple of Life 1C: Near a bonfire, a walkway leads up higher, and surrounds a platform that features an orange decorative design at the top. Below, is a switch. To the right is a ridge leading up. (This ridge is to be ignored for now).
At this open area there are three paths leading elsewhere, which may be reached by walking over a walkway. Before going up the walkway, activate a switch underneath the walkway. (This extends a cable that can be used to get across a spacious zone.)
After activating the switch, go up the walkway, and keep following the walkway, until reaching a tunnel entrance, near the cable's starting point. (Several leaps are required to get there.)
Larva #2 And Larva #3
Walk through a tunnel near the cable. Upon exiting from that tunnel, obtain two larvae, which may be found in this area. (One larva is inside a container inside a hut. The other larva is inside a container which is reachable from the ground floor, by going through a tunnel.)
Temple of Life 1D: Two larvae may be obtained here; Larva #2 is in a hut, that is build on stilts. Larva #3 may be reached by going into a passageway near this hut.
After obtaining those two larvae, return to the previous region. (Where a cable was extended, across the spacious zone.)
Upon returning to the cable, jump towards this cable, hold on to the cable, and climb to the other side, across the spacious zone.
Larva #4
At the other side of the spacious zone, is a tunnel that leads into a cave. Go into this cave. A container can be located inside this cave. Obtain a larva from the container inside a hard to reach chamber.
Temple of Life 1E: In a cave across a spacious zone, which may be reached by using a cable, resides Larva #4. (Notice a walkway leading deeper into the cave. Before following this walkway further into the cave, climb along a ledge to reach a container, and obtain the larva inside.)
After obtaining a larva from the container inside the difficult to reach chamber, follow the wooden walkway, (leading further into the cave,) to reach a pedestal, and obtain the Asson from this pedestal.
Temple of Life 1F: The wooden walkway leads to a pedestal, that holds the Asson, which is a rattle, and may be used to remove adversaries with.
After obtaining the larva from the container, and after obtaining the Asson, continue going onwards, by going into a tunnel behind the pedestal, to locate two more secret areas.
Temple of Life 1G: Behind the pedestal, a tunnel leads to two secrets; a grade 6 gate, and a cave that requires the lower-back markings, in order to traverse.
The protagonist can't do anything here now. So, return to the pedestal, and then go all the way back, to the earlier mentioned cable, at the previously explored area.
Temple of Life 1H: After obtaining three larvae and the Asson, walk over the highlighted ridge, on the right side of the walkway.
At the previously explored open area, this time walk up the ridge leading to the right. (This ridge may be accessed from the walkway.)
Larva #5
The ridge leads to another open area, and another walkway, which forks into two directions. Follow the path going right, and keep following that walkway, until the protagonist has a clear view on another container.
Temple of Life 1I: Follow the walkway, and go through an upper tunnel. This leads to a relocation point to Temple of Life. In order to reach Larva #5, a cable must be extended first. The switch for extending this cable may be reached by going through a lower tunnel, (below the walkway,) or by going down at the relocation point.
To reach the container, a cable must be extended. The switch to extend this cable, may be located by going through the lower tunnel, (underneath the walkway,) or by following the upper tunnel, (adjacent to the walkway,) and by going down near the entrance to a temple. (A relocation point is automatically saved, when following the walkway.)
Temple of Life 1J: Below the entrance to a temple is a switch. Activate this switch to extend a cable to the container, in the previous area.
Activate the switch below the entrance to the temple. (This extends a cable.)
With the cable extended, return to the previous area. The container may now be reached by climbing along the extended cable. Obtain a larva from the container.
After obtaining the larva from the container, go into the tunnel behind the destroyed container. This leads to an alternative entrance into the temple.
Temple of Life 1K: The tunnel behind the destroyed container, leads to an alternative entrance into the temple. The arm markings are required to push aside a glowing block. The upper-back markings are required to reach a nearby container, across a pool of magma. (This cannot be done at this moment.)
At Temple of Life, at the alternative entrance to the temple, are two secrets.
Ignore those secrets, because currently, nothing can be done here. Instead, either relocate to, or walk back to, the upper entrance to the temple. Either by using the extended cable, at the previous area, or by using the Teddy Bear, to relocate to the temple's upper entrance.
Temple of Life 1L: Follow the walkway, and go into the upper tunnel (or relocate, by using the Teddy Bear), to reach the upper entrance to the temple.
After arriving at the temple's upper entrance, enter the temple by walking over a high bridge, that leads to the temple's upper entrance.
Soon after entering the temple, the protagonist will come across an altar. This altar cannot be used at this moment.
Temple of Life 1M: Altars may relocate the protagonist, once he has obtained the Baton, which is an item that is soon to be found.
At the altar, follow a path to the right, over a platform that floats upon a surface of lava. Quickly leap on the platform, and then leap across the lava, because the platform can only support the protagonist for a short period of time.
After getting across the floating platform, jump over another section of lava, until arriving at an area where there are spikes coming from the floor.
Temple of Life 1N: At the area where there are spikes coming from the floor, there is a secret; a glowing block that may be pushed aside. But that requires the arm markings.
Before entering the area with the spikes, take a right turn, and leap across another lava section, because pushing aside a glowing block, cannot be done at this moment.
After leaping across the lava, leap towards a ledge attached to a wall nearby. Hold on to that ledge, and climb sideways along this ledge. (At the end of the ledge, jump off the ledge, by making a backwards jump from the ledge.)
After getting past the ledge, there is a container in an adjacent chamber, which cannot be reached at this moment.
Temple of Life 1O: After the first ledge, there is a container in a chamber, which can only be reached after having received the lower-back markings.
Ignore the container for now. Instead, climb along a second ledge.
Soon after the second ledge, an adversary will have to be overcome. (The protagonist will have to push a few blocks aside, in order to reach the adversary. (To push a block, run against a block.)
Temple of Life 1P: An adversary will have to be overcome. Shoot at the adversary with the Shadow Gun, until the adversary is overcome.
After overcoming the adversary, a hole in the floor will become accessible.
Go down into that hole, to find a chamber where cadeaux may be offered, to increase the protagonist's vitality.
At the chamber where cadeaux may be offered, there is also a pedestal. From this pedestal, the Baton may be obtained. (This will enable the protagonist to use altars, by using the Baton on an altar. This will instantly relocate the protagonist to another altar. For example, this altar relocates him to the entrance of the temple.)
Temple of Life 1Q: Obtain the Baton from a pedestal, in a chamber beneath an adversary, and use the Baton to relocate the protagonist between altars.
After obtaining the Baton, relocate to Prophecy Chamber, by using the Teddy Bear.
5. Prophecy Chamber (2)
Prophecy Chamber 2A: The protagonist will have to return to Prophecy Chamber to find the entrance to Gateway.
After relocating to Prophecy Chamber, the protagonist has to go to Gateway. At this point, the protagonist should have five larva, The Prophecy, the Asson, and the Baton.
At Prophecy Chamber, walk through a grade 1 gate, to reach a grade 2 gate. (This grade 2 gate was passed by earlier).
Prophecy Chamber 2B: The grade 2 gate may now be opened.
Open the grade 2 gate.
After opening the grade 2 gate, walk through the gate. This will lead to another chamber, where there are two grade 3 gates.
Prophecy Chamber 2C: Before reaching Gateway, there are two grade 3 gates, and there is also an altar.
Ignore the altar and the two grade 3 gates. Instead, enter the large tunnel, because that way leads to Gateway.
6. Gateway (1)
Gateway 1A: Five adversaries must be found sooner or later, and their domains can be reached from Gateway.
Upon arriving at Gateway, go forward by walking over a pipe, and then by leaping across several platforms. (There is shallow water below.)
Gateway 1B: At the start, the protagonist comes across a device that requires an Engineer's Key, (which may be found later,) to be operated. This particular device opens a nearby door that leads to several cadeaux.
After going across the platforms, and across the shallow water, continue going onward, in order to reach a large open area, where a an asylum stands.
Upon arriving at the asylum, turn around, to locate another of these operating devices. (This device cannot be used at this moment, but after obtaining the appropriate item, the device may be used to open a door, which enables passage to the previous area.)
Gateway 1C: Once outside, and near the asylum's entrance, there is another operating device, which may open a door, after the Engineer's Key has been obtained.
After observing the large open area where the asylum stands, walk to the asylum's entrance. (A relocation point is automatically saved, upon nearing the entrance.)
Gateway 1D: To use an operating device, the Engineer's Key is required. And because the door is locked, another way into the asylum must be found.
At the asylum's entrance, notice the door is locked. Instead of going through the door, go down from the bridge, and follow a narrow path going left.
Following this narrow path, leads across a lava section. Notice a flaming pipe is obstructing the way forward.
Gateway 1E: After going down from the bridge, and following a path to the left direction, there is no way to continue without having received the arm markings, which enable the protagonist to climb past the flaming pipe, which is obstructing the way forward.
Considering the protagonist is unable to continue because of the flaming pipe, walk back over the narrow path leading across the lava. Keep walking, go underneath the bridge at the asylum's entrance, and continue going forward.
Follow this narrow path to the next chamber, which is covered in lava as well.
Gateway 1F: The path leading to the right of the bridge, from the asylum's entrance, leads to a chamber which requires having received the lower-back markings, in order to get across the lava, to the other side.
Keep following the narrow path, leading across the lava. (A barrel may be noticed at the other side of the chamber. This other side may be reached after having received the lower-back markings, which enables the protagonist to stand on lava, but currently, this is impossible for him.)
Continue following the narrow path across the lava, and then go through a tunnel. This leads to another chamber. That chamber is also covered in lava.
Inside this chamber, leap on a moving platform. This will carry the protagonist to the other side of the chamber.
Once on the other side of the chamber, make several more leaps, before leaving this chamber through a tunnel.
Upon exiting from that tunnel, stand on two more moving platforms, in order to reach the narrow path leading onward, across the lava.
This path leads into a tunnel, past two automatically slamming doors, and then exits into a holding cell.
Exit from the holding cell, and continue going onward, past a prison cage.
Not too far from the prison cage, there is a locked rectangular-shaped door.
Gateway 1G: There is a large rectangular-shaped door. This door has to be unlocked, in order to proceed.
Larva #6
After going past the rectangular-shaped door, the path forks into two directions. There is a passageway, which has a red metal floor, to the left. On the right, there is a larva inside a container.
Gateway 1H: Soon after the rectangular-shaped door, take a right turn, to find Larva #6.
After obtaining the larva from the container, go through the passageway that has a red metal floor.
At the end of the section that has a red metal floor, there is a tunnel, or vent, above an elevation. Enter that tunnel higher up.
Inside this tunnel, ignore the automatically slamming doors, because these will lead back to an earlier section. Instead, keep going forward, until the protagonist may go down a hole leading to a lower floor.
Continue going onward, through the tunnel, until the protagonist may go down another hole, in order to reach a chamber below.
Engineer's Key
Inside that chamber is the Engineer's Key. Obtain this item.
Gateway 1I: After going down from a tunnel-, or vent system, the Engineer's Key may be obtained from inside a chamber, below this tunnel-, or vent system.
Two operating devices are also located in this chamber; One device unlocks a door leading out of the chamber, the other device opens the rectangular-shaped door, which was mentioned earlier.
After obtaining the Engineer's Key, use the Engineer's Key to operate two devices nearby. (This unlocks two doors.)
After operating the two devices, leave this chamber, in order to return to an earlier section; That section features the prison cage, and the rectangular-shaped door. If all is in order, the door should now be unlocked.
At the now unlocked rectangular-shaped door, go through that doorway.
Beyond the rectangular-shaped doorway is a monorail. Ignore this monorail for now.
Gateway 1J: After going through the rectangular-shaped doorway, there is a monorail that runs to Experimentation Rooms.
Initially, walk past the monorail, and go into a passageway. Fully explore that section, in order to find an operating device. (This device unlocks the door at the entrance into the asylum.)
After unlocking the entrance into the asylum, return to the monorail, and go inside the train.
Inside the carriage, activate a handle that shows the description: “2”. In order to drive the train to the next region: Experimentation Rooms.
7. Experimentation Rooms (1)
Experimentation Rooms 1A: The train can be controlled to drive to three monorail stations. Experimentation Rooms are at station 2.
Upon arriving at Experimentation Rooms, step out of the train, and go through a nearby door, to find an operating device.
Operate the device to unlock a square-shaped door further ahead, and then go through that doorway and into a tunnel.
Experimentation Rooms 1B: The square-shaped door can be reached after making several leaps across the lava.
Once out of the tunnel, continue going forward. Notice a construction above the lava is emitting flames.
Experimentation Rooms 1C: The area on the other side of the lava, features a construction that emits flames, but that cannot be reached at this moment. But eventually, the protagonist will reach the other side. And will have to walk over this treacherous construction. (Note: an updated version of Shadow Man Remastered added a bridge, so the other side may be reached more easily.)
After noticing this construction, go down to a lower section. (The protagonist will say something.) At that section, the protagonist will have to climb up higher, by making use of platforms, which are attached to a wall.
Once at the top, and after having used these platforms to climb up higher, notice a ledge and a door. Walk through that doorway first.
Experimentation Rooms 1D: After making use of the platforms, which are attached to a wall, notice a ledge near the door leading onwards. Ignore that ledge for now.
Shortly after going through the doorway, there will be another door, with a symbol of a cross above the door.
Experimentation Rooms 1E: In total, there are half a dozen doors with a cross-symbol above them, which will all be unlocked at the same time, at a later stage.
Larva #7
Directly after the doorway with the cross-symbol above the door, is a spacious area where a larva may be obtained from a container.
Experimentation Rooms 1F: Soon after climbing up several platforms, which are attached to a wall, the protagonist will be able to obtain Larva #7. (Notice there is a doorway with a cross-symbol above the door, near this larva.) After obtaining the larva from the container, little more can be done in that area. Return to the previously mentioned ledge.
After obtaining the larva from the container at the spacious area, return to the ledge near where the platforms are attached to a wall.
At the ledge, leap towards the ledge to hold on to the ledge. Then travel along the ledge, and overcome an obstacle course, which requires several perilous leaps to get past.
The obstacle course leads past several air-fans, which are attached to a wall. Go into the adjacent wall, at the point where there is a hole in the wall, that leads into a tunnel.
Experimentation Rooms 1G: Near several air-fans is a hole in a wall, which leads inside the wall, and should be entered.
After going into the hole in the wall, and into the tunnel that comes after, the path forks into two directions. Follow the path leading to the left.
After going left, the tunnel leads past a locked square-shaped door, and thereafter is a grate.
The grate is to be destroyed by using the Shadow Gun. After destroying the grate, go through the demolished grate, and into a holding cell.
Beyond the holding cell is a large chamber, and after that, is a furnace and an operating device.
Experimentation Rooms 1H: Initially, at a furnace, ignore the operating device, and continue going onwards, through a doorway.
At the furnace, ignore the operating device. Instead, continue onwards, by going through a nearby doorway.
Larva #8
Behind the door near the furnace, a larva may be obtained from a container inside a room.
Experimentation Rooms 1I: This chamber of horrors contains Larva #8, and can be accessed after going past a furnace.
After obtaining the larva from the container inside the room, return to the furnace, and operate the device. (A square-shaped door nearby, will be unlocked.)
Jump towards that square-shaped door, and go through this doorway, in order to return to the tunnel inside the wall. (The square-shaped door that was passed by earlier, and was locked, is now open.)
Inside this (previously explored) tunnel section, this time follow a path leading into the left direction.
Experimentation Rooms 1J: There is a treacherous path to travel along, near several spinning cogwheels, where the protagonist has to travel along a narrow ledge.
Upon arriving at an area where there are spinning cogwheels, notice the operating device on the far left. This operating device is near a locked square-shaped door. The protagonist will have to go to this area first.
Follow the ledge into the left direction, leading away from the cogwheels. Climb and leap towards the square-shaped door, which has an operating device nearby. (Pay attention, because this is an unlikely and treacherous path.)
At the locked square-shaped door, operate the nearby device. (Two doors will automatically start slamming open and shut.)
Ignore these automatically slamming doors. Instead, travel back to the spinning cogwheels, by following the ledge, and then continue following this ledge, past the spinning cogwheels.
The ledge leads to the flame emitting construction. Get on that construction, and carefully move across, past the flames.
Experimentation Rooms 1K: After getting across the flame emitting construction, the protagonist is on the other side of the lava section, near the section where he initially started.
After getting past the flame emitting construction, the protagonist may enter a path between two wall segments, leading to two doors, which are automatically slamming open and shut.
Beyond the automatically slamming doors, there is a tunnel. Move through that tunnel, until arriving at a grate, blocking the path leading out of the tunnel.
Destroy the grate, and go into a staging area, where there are many stacked boxes, and also a prison cage.
Directly after the prison cage, take a left turn, and continue going onward, until arriving at a tunnel, where there is a square-shaped door at the end.
Walk through that square-shaped doorway, to arrive at a chamber where there are machine boxes, and also a operating device. (A relocation point is automatically saved as well.)
Experimentation Rooms 1L: A relocation point is automatically saved, and is near an operating device. The machine boxes in this chamber can be climbed upon, in order to reach these higher floors. (A grate above a machine box, must be destroyed, in order to reach these higher floors.)
At the relocation point near the machine boxes, first, activate the operating device. (This unlocks a square-shaped door, near the spinning cogwheels, in an earlier mentioned area.)
After operating the device, climb upwards, by using a machine box, in order to reach a higher floor. (A grate must be destroyed, in order to reach this higher floor.)
After reaching the first floor, there is another operating device, this device has a star-symbol on the exterior.
Activate the operating device, that has a depiction of a star-symbol. (This unlocks a door elsewhere.)
After operating the device, that has a depiction of a star-symbol, climb up another machine box, to get up to an even higher floor.
On the second floor, is a third operating device. (This one has a depiction of a cross-symbol on the exterior.) Operate this device. (All doors that have cross-symbols above them, will be unlocked.)
After having operated all three devices, go down, to the lowest floor, and walk through a pathway leading to three doors, that have cross-symbols above them.
Experimentation Rooms 1M: Half a dozen doorways, that have cross-symbols above them, may now be entered.
Behind the third doorway, that has a cross-symbol above the doorway, a larva is missing, and the container has been destroyed.
After noticing the missing larva, go through the regular doorway near that area.
The ordinary door leads to an area where there are iron bars, continue moving onwards, until reaching another prison cage.
Experimentation Rooms 1N: The missing larva was brought to another place nearby, where there is a prison cage. The protagonist may obtain Larva #9 from that area, behind a remote door, which has a cross-symbol above the doorway.
Larva #9
At the area near the prison cage, a single door with a cross-symbol above the door, is located in a hallway. Go through that door to obtain a larva from a transparent container inside a chamber.
Experimentation Rooms 1O: At the area where there is a single door with a cross-symbol above the doorway, there is also an operating device, which should be operated, after obtaining a larva from an transparent container, from inside a chamber beyond this door.
After obtaining the larva from the transparent container inside the chamber, and at the area near the prison cage, locate an operating device.
Operate the operating device. (This will unlock a locked square-shaped door nearby.)
Go through that square-shaped tunnel. The tunnel leads to an earlier visited area, namely the area where there are cogwheels, near a narrow ledge. The tunnel exits near the square-shaped door, which was unlocked earlier, and may now be passed through.
Experimentation Rooms 1P: This image serves for informative purposes. To recall the area where there are spinning cogwheels. If all is well, the square-shaped door on the far left, should now be unlocked, and may now be opened.
Pass through that square-shaped tunnel, and continue going onwards, until arriving at a giant centrifuge.
At the giant centrifuge, there is a cable spanning across a spacious zone. Hold on to the cable, and follow the cable to the other side of the chamber.
Experimentation Rooms 1Q: At the giant centrifuge, there is a passageway on the ground floor, that may only be entered after having received the lower-back markings.
Beyond the centrifuge, after climbing along the cable, and at the other side of the chamber, go down a staircase, leading down behind a fence.
At the end of that staircase, there is an operating device.
Operate the device. Then enter a tunnel, and take a left turn at an intersection inside this tunnel. This will lead to a grate.
Destroy the grate, and pass through the grate, then walk through a doorway. (This path leads to another chamber, where there is an operating device.)
Inside that chamber, operate the device, to unlock a nearby door.
Pass through this nearby doorway. In doing so, the protagonist will return to a previous area. (This is near a prison cage, where a larva was located earlier.)
Experimentation Rooms 1R: After the section with the centrifuge, the protagonist returns to a previously explored area. At this area, there is also a locked rectangular-shaped door.
Near the locked rectangular-shaped door, go through a doorway, which has a cross-symbol above the door. This doorway leads into an elevator.
Activate the elevator. This transports the protagonist to the very first doorway he located, which had a cross-symbol above the door.
Experimentation Rooms 1S: The door with the cross-symbol above the door should now be unlocked, and leads to the final section of Experimentation Rooms.
After leaving the elevator, go through a doorway that has a cross-symbol above the door.
After going through the doorway that has a cross-symbol above the doorway, there is a chamber with a prison cage, near a climbable construction.
Climb on that construction, towards the red ceiling of the chamber, to locate a vent shaft.
Enter the vent shaft, and continue travelling through this tunnel, and across a hole, until going down at a certain point.
After going down, and while still in the tunnel, slide down even further.
After sliding down a second time, the protagonist arrives at an area where there is an operating device, near an underwater passage. This area also features a red valve.
Near the water, operate the device. (This creates a shortcut, back to the platforms that are attached to a wall.)
After creating the shortcut, turn the red valve. (This opens an underwater passageway, beneath the surface of the water.)
After turning the valve, go into the water.
Experimentation Rooms 1T: Inside a chamber that has an underwater passageway, there is both a valve, and an operating device. Both of these devices should be activated.
Once inside the water, swim through an underwater tunnel system. (This is a disorienting place, so pay attention; Follow the grey tiles on the floor, and search for a metal walkway leading up, out of the water, at the end of this trail.)
From this walkway, locate a waterfall.
Near the waterfall, jump down into another mass of water, and swim through a tunnel.
At the end of this tunnel, the protagonist will be somewhere outside, and near a shrine.
Experimentation Rooms 1U: The water eventually leads the protagonist outside.
From the outside area, locate the entrance to a shrine.
Experimentation Rooms 1V: Inside the shrine is lava, which may hold a secret, but requires the protagonist to have received the lower-back markings.
Retractor #1
Inside the shrine, the protagonist may obtain a retractor.
Experimentation Rooms 1W: After getting through Experimentation Rooms, the protagonist is rewarded with Retractor #1.
After having obtained the first retractor, continue onwards, and go through a long hallway. (Inside this hallway there are many prison cages.)
At the hallway, the path forks into two directions. Follow the path leading into the left direction.
Continue following that path. This path leads into a chamber with machine boxes, and also an operating device.
Operate the device. (This unlocks a nearby door.) Then go through the unlocked doorway, and go up the stairs, and keep going up, back to the monorail.
At the station, drive the train to monorail station 3, Cathedral of Pain.
8. Cathedral Of Pain (1)
Cathedral of Pain 1A: After having done everything that could be done at Experimentation Rooms, drive the train to monorail station 3.
Larva #10
Upon exiting from the train, the protagonist arrives at a three-way intersection. Go through the passageway on the left. This path leads to a larva inside a container across the lava.
Cathedral of Pain 1B: Leap across the lava, to obtain Larva #10.
After obtaining the larva from the container across the lava, return to the three-way intersection.
At the intersection, this time go through the doorway. (The passageway on the right leads to some story lore, and may be explored at leisure.)
Beyond the doorway, a relocation point to Cathedral of Pain is saved, located inside a chamber that is a five-way intersection.
At the five-way intersection, continue going forward, and go through a doorway that has a lizard-symbol on the door.
After going through that doorway, follow a stairs leading up to a shrine, and use the retractor on a torso, in order to relocate to Jail.
After relocating to Jail, destroy a painting of a tower at an art exposition inside a jail, to locate a secret passageway.
Jail 1A: Destroying a paining which has a tower drawn on the canvas, reveals a hidden passageway.
Walk through the secret passageway, and go onward, to find an altar, near a hole in the floor.
Jail 1B: A secret passageway at an art gallery, leads to an alter behind a hole in the floor.
Make the protagonist descent through the hole, and destroy a lock by shooting at the lock. This will open a door that leads into the next hallway.
Follow that hallway, until arriving at a two-storey hall.
At this hall, on the ground floor, enter a doorway behind a stairs, and then go through a hole in a wall. This path leads outside.
Key Card
Continue following the path onwards, and obtain the Key Card from a security booth.
Jail 1C: A security booth outside, contains the Key Card.
After obtaining the Key Card, use the Key Card on a scanner. (The scanner will turn green after successfully scanning the Key Card.)
After scanning the Key Card with the scanner, go back inside, to the two-storey hall.
At the two-storey hall, now go through the pathway where the number “1” is written on the wall. This pathway will lead outside.
Outside, destroy a helicopter by shooting the helicopter with a gun. (The helicopter is tricky; Stand underneath the helicopter, to stay safe.)
Once the helicopter is destroyed, and at that outside area, go up a stairs, then take a left turn, and go into a hallway.
At the far end of that hallway, use the Key Card on a scanner, to open a nearby door, leading back outside.
Jail 1D: The Key Card may be used on all scanners.
Once outside, go through a hallway opposite of the chamber where the scanner is located.
Jail 1E: After using the Key Card on the scanner, enter the opposite hallway, on the other side of the outside area.
Once inside the opposite hallway, and inside that hallway, and at an intersection, take a right turn, into a gym.
Walk through the gym, and then into another hallway.
Inside that hallway, at a generator, go up, and then go outside.
Jail 1F: In the far distance, there is a Key Card scanner inside a security booth.
Outside, locate a security booth, and use the Key Card on a scanner.
After using the Key Card on the scanner, go back to the generator, and continue backtracking to return to the gym.
At the gym, walk through the hallway that leads to a known intersection, and now take a right turn.
Follow the hallway, this will lead outside. Then destroy another helicopter outside. Outside, destroy a helicopter by shooting the helicopter with a gun. (The helicopter is tricky; Stand underneath the helicopter, to stay safe.)
After destroying the helicopter, and at that outside area, climb up some nearby boxes, to get up to a higher floor.
On that higher floor, obtain a gun.
Jail 1G: Climb up some boxes, to get up to a higher walkway, and obtain a MP-909, near a barricaded stairs and a tower, that has a floodlight on the roof.
After obtaining the MP-909, enter the tower that has a floodlight on the roof.
Inside the tower, go down a stairs, and then follow a hallway.
At the end of the hallway, use the Key Card on a scanner.
Jail 1H: Use the Key Card on a scanner in a security booth, at the far end of the hallway, to open a door to a leisure room.
After scanning the Key Card, go back through the previous hallway, and notice an entrance to a leisure room is now open.
Enter the leisure room, and then go through a kitchen area. At the far end of the kitchen, climb through the ceiling.
On the floor above the kitchen, walk through another leisure room, and then go outside, through a hole in a wall.
Once outside, use the Key Card on a scanner.
Jail 1I: After going down from a hole in a wall, locate a Key Card scanner.
After using the Key Card on the scanner, leave this outside area through a ground floor entrance, leading back inside.
Once back inside, take a right turn, and return to a previously explored outside area, where there are boxes, by following a stairs.
From that outside area, enter a ground floor entrance leading back inside, and go back through that hallway.
Follow the hallway past, but not through the gym, in order to return to another previously explored outside area, where there are boxes.
At that outside area, return to the recently activated Key Card scanner. (The security booth that holds the scanner is adjacent to this outside area.)
At this previously activated scanner, go into a hallway, and keep following this hallway until arriving at an intersection.
At the intersection, take a right turn. This leads to another generator.
The pathway beyond the generator leads to another two-storey hall. (Different from the previous hall, this section has blue-coloured walls.)
Inside this hall, go up to the first floor, by climbing up a box.
Jail 1J: When initially arriving at a blue-coloured section of the jail, climb up a box to reach the first floor.
On the first floor of the hall, search for a prison cell where there is a hole in the floor, and go down into that hole.
Once through the hole, follow the hallway to discover a secret behind a locked door, by destroying the lock.
Jail 1K: Remove the lock from a door to uncover an altar, at a cell block which has blue-coloured walls.
The altar cannot be used in human form. Instead, continue following the hallway onwards.
At the end of the hallway, use the Key Card on a scanner. (This opens a passage to a nearby shaft.)
Jail 1L: Scan the Key Card on the scanner, to open an entrance into a shaft.
Go down into the shaft, to enter an orange-coloured section of the jail.
Inside the orange section, follow the hallway to a Key Card scanner. Notice the protagonist passes by a locked door, when walking to the scanner.
Jail 1M: At an intersection, continue following the orange-coloured hallway to reach a scanner. After using the scanner, go through the first doorway on the left, in a green-coloured hallway, to obtain the Shotgun.
Use the Key Card on the scanner, to open the locked door in the orange-coloured hallway, that was passed by just a moment earlier. (Obtain the Shotgun from a morgue in the green section, if desired.)
Explore these areas at leisure, either by obtaining the Shotgun, or by exploring the area behind the now unlocked door. Or maybe both?
Accumulator #1
After that moment of exploration, locate a place of worship in the green-coloured section.
Jail 1N: Explore the area a bit, to find an shrine that holds Accumulator #1.
The first accumulator may be found on a pedestal, at a place of worship.
After obtaining the accumulator, use the Key Card on a Key Card scanner, inside a nearby room. (This opens a nearby door, one floor below.)
To locate this opened door, go down a stairs in the green section, and notice a passageway is now open. This passageway leads to the next chamber
Jail 1O: The entrance to the final chamber is opened after using the Key Card on a scanner, near a place of worship.
Near this final chamber, a relocation point is automatically saved. Locate the adversary, who is invincible as long as the protagonist does not have the Shadow Gun.
After realizing the adversary is immortal, return to Bayou Paradis, for more information from the supporting actor about L'Eclipser.
After the story-piece, relocate to Prophecy Chamber, by using the Teddy Bear, to continue onwards.
9. Prophecy Chamber (3)
Prophecy Chamber 3A: the protagonist will now have to return to Prophecy Chamber, to search for the entrance to Temple of Fire.
At Prophecy Chamber, go through a grade 1 gate, and then go through the grade 2 gate, and continue onward.
L'Éclipser: La Lune
Upon arriving at the cave where there are two grade 3 gates, open the grade 3 gate on the high ground first, and obtain L'Éclipser: La Lune.
Prophecy Chamber 3B: Beyond a grade 3 gate, L'Éclipser: La Lune, may be found.
After obtaining L'Éclipser: La Lune, open the grade 3 gate at the low ground, and go into the tunnel leading onward. (Optional: Relocate to Bayou Paradis, by using the Teddy Bear, to render an automated sequence, concerning the first L'Éclipser piece.)
Inside the next cave, make a relatively large descent, and go into a cave entrance below.
Prophecy Chamber 3C: After a large descent, there is another cave where there are two more gates. Neither of them can be opened at this time.
The next cave has a grade 4-, and a grade 7 gate. Ignore these gates for now. Instead go into a large tunnel. This leads to Temple of Fire.
10. Temple Of Fire (1)
Temple of Fire 1A: Temple of Fire should first be located. Initially, the protagonist will start in a cave system that leads to this place.
Initially, the protagonist starts in a cave system, similar to the previous region. Move forward, into the shallow water.
Adjacent to this water are two passageways leading elsewhere. Go through either of these passageways, and follow the path onward, until arriving at a cave, where there is a stalactite coming from the ceiling, and where there is a slope leading upwards.
Follow this slope upwards, and continue following the path onwards, until arriving at an intersection.
At the intersection, follow the path going left.
After taking that left pathway, the path forks again. Follow the path going right, to discover a waterfall.
Temple of Fire 1B: the protagonist may climb this waterfall, after having obtained the Poigne.
The protagonist may climb the waterfall later, but for now leave the waterfall, and locate a flammable leather, and a grade 5 gate, by going into the opposite direction.
Temple of Fire 1C: Near the waterfall, is also a grade 5 gate and a flammable leather.
Move towards the grade 5 gate, and follow a path going right, just before reaching the gate, to locate another flammable leather.
Temple of Fire 1D: There is a second flammable leather, not far from the first.
After having located all those secrets, return to the starting area, where there is shallow water.
At the starting area, this time go up a slope, and leap across the shallow water twice, to continue following a path onwards and upwards, until this path intersects.
At that intersection, follow the path going left, to locate another flammable leather.
Temple of Fire 1E: Another flammable leather may be located by going up a slope, near shallow water.
After having located this flammable leather, this time follow the path going right at the intersection, towards a column.
Directly after the column is a lake. This is where the protagonist needs to go, in order to reach the temple.
Dive into the lake, and swim through a tunnel below the surface. Keep swimming, until able to resurface. After resurfacing, the protagonist is inside a temple area, where there are two waterfalls.
At the two waterfalls, first enter the passageway nearest too the lake, to reach a switch, at the area after this passageway.
Temple of Fire 1F: After resurfacing, a passageway near the lake leads to a switch.
Activate the switch, to make a column rise. (A total of six switches must be activated in order to gain access to the temple.)
After activating the first switch, return to the area where there are two waterfalls.
At the two waterfalls, search for a stairs leading upwards, and where there are spikes piercing through the floor of the stairs. Follow that path all the way up, and avoid the spikes.
This path leads to a secret; a glowing block.
Temple of Fire 1G: The path that has spikes coming from the floor, leads to a glowing block.
After having located the glowing block, go back to the two waterfalls. (Go back all the way down, to the lake.)
Back at the lake, near the two waterfalls, this time folllow another path leading upwards. This path leads to a destructible wooden panel. (There are a total of four of these panels, along this stairs leading up.)
Temple of Fire 1H: Four destructible wooden panels may be found at the second stairs leading upwards.
Destroy the first wooden panel, and follow the path leading beyond.
This path leads to an obstacle course, that must be overcome, in order to activate the second switch that is required to be activated, in order to access the temple.
Temple of Fire 1I: A second switch may be found when reaching the top of the first obstacle course.
After activating the switch, return to the area where there are two waterfalls, to the point where the first wooden panel was destroyed.
Back at the two waterfalls, continue going up the stairs, until reaching the second wooden panel.
Destroy the second wooden panel, and follow the path leading beyond.
This path leads to the second obstacle course. Complete this obstacle course, and activate the third switch needed to gain access to the temple.
Temple of Fire 1J: At the end of the second obstacle course, is also a switch that requires activation.
After activating the third switch, return to the two waterfalls, and continue going up the stairs, to the third wooden panel.
Destroy the third wooden panel, and follow the path beyond the panel.
This path leads to a third obstacle course. Climb along a ledge, near a crescent moon-symbol, to get up to the support beams inside the chamber. Locate a flammable leather, and then activate the fourth switch.
Temple of Fire 1K: In addition to the fourth switch, there is also a flammable leather at the third obstacle course.
After activating the fourth switch, return to the two waterfalls, and continue going up the stairs. Then destroy the fourth (and final) wooden panel.
Larva #11
The path beyond the panel, leads to a walkway that is spiralling down. Obtain a larva from a container, inside one of the adjacent chambers to this walkway.
Temple of Fire 1L: There is both Larva #11 and a switch, to be located at the fourth obstacle course.
After obtaining the larva from the container in one of the adjacent chambers, go all the way down the spiralling stairs, and activate the fifth switch necessary to gain access to the temple.
After activating the switch, return to the two waterfalls, and continue following the path upwards, to the very end.
At the end of the stairs, enter a narrow passageway, to discover a flammable leather.
Temple of Fire 1M: A flammable leather may be found at the top area, near the two waterfalls. The path leading upwards (that has no spikes), leads to this secret place.
After noticing this flammable leather, return to the two waterfalls. At this high area, now go through a (wider) passageway, next to the passageway that led to the flammable leather.
When arriving at a high area near the temple's entrance, activate a sixth and final switch, to extinguish the fire on top of a now fully risen pyramid, to gain access to the temple.
Larva #12
Jump down from this higher section, near the final switch. Then climb on the pyramid, and obtain a larva from a container on top of the pyramid.
Temple of Fire 1N: The final switch may be found at a high area, close to a now fully risen pyramid. Larva #12 may be obtained after activating that switch, and extinguishing the fire on top of the pyramid.
After obtaining the larva from the container at the top of the pyramid, a relocation point is automatically saved. After that, go through a nearby circular-shaped door.
After going through a second circular-shaped doorway, there is an area that has a destructible floor panel. Go over a high bridge. (This leads across a magma lake.) Then enter the next chamber.
Temple of Fire 1O: At Temple of Fire, at the start, there is a destructible floor panel, and there is a magma lake below. Both are secrets. And require the protagonist to have received the upper-back markings, (which enable the protagonist to swim through magma,) and the Calabash, in order the be uncovered.
After entering the chamber beyond the first bridge, there is a platforming section, where there may also be a secret below, in a magma lake.
Temple of Fire 1P: Beyond the first high bridge, at the temple, is another magma lake, that requires having received the upper-back markings, in order to get through.
Go past that platforming section, to locate the second high bridge. Go across that bridge, and into the next chamber.
Temple of Fire 1Q: The second high bridge at the temple, may also hold a secret below the bridge. This secret requires having received the lower-back markings, in order to access.
Go across the bridge and continue onwards, until arriving at a great hall.
The Arm Markings
In the great hall, activate five switches and receive the arm markings at the centre of this great hall.
Temple of Fire 1R: At the great hall, receive the arm markings, by activating five switches. Notice a burning ledge. This ledge leads to a container.
After having received the arm markings at the centre of the great hall, notice there is a burning ledge inside this great hall. Climb along the ledge, to find a path leading to an obstacle course.
Larva #13
Beyond the burning ledge, and after completing the obstacle course, obtain a larva from a container.
Temple of Fire 1S: Obtain Larva #13, after climbing along a burning ledge, and getting through an obstacle course.
After obtaining the larva from the container after the obstacle course, return to the great hall, and search for a glowing block.
Temple of Fire 1T: After obtaining the larva from the container, return to the great hall, and then push aside a glowing block. This path leads to another larva inside a container.
Larva #14
The path beyond the glowing block, also leads to an obstacle course. Complete that obstacle course and obtain a larva from a container.
Temple of Fire 1U: Obtain Larva #14, after pushing away a glowing block, and getting through an obstacle course.
After having obtained the larva from the container beyond the second obstacle course, nothing more can be done at Temple of Fire at this moment. Use the Teddy Bear, to relocate to Prophecy Chamber.
11. Prophecy Chamber (4)
Prophecy Chamber 4A: The protagonist will have to return to Prophecy Chamber, to find the entrance to Cageways.
Larva #15
At Prophecy Chamber, first push aside the glowing block, in order to obtain a larva from a container behind this glowing block.
Prophecy Chamber 4B: At Prophecy Chamber, push aside a glowing block to obtain Larva #15.
After obtaining the larva from the container behind the glowing block, go through the grade 1 gate, and continue going onwards until arriving at a familiar bridge.
At the bridge, go through the grade 2 gate, and go into the next cave.
Inside the next cave, go through the grade 3 gate at the low-ground, and continue following the path onward, until arriving at an already explored cave, where there is lava at the centre of the cave.
At the cave which has lava at the centre, open a grade 4 gate, and then pass through that grade 4 gate.
Continue following the path beyond that grade 4 gate, until arriving at a cave where there is shallow water. (Notice that there is a grade 5 gate here.)
Prophecy Chamber 4C: Beyond the grade 4 gate, is a cave where there is a grade 5 gate, and also a large tunnel leading to Cageways.
Ignore the grade 5 gate for now, and instead go through the large tunnel. This will lead the protagonist to Cageways.
12. Cageways (1)
Cageways 1A: Cageways connect to Engine Block, which eventually must be shut down.
At the start of Cageways, notice two secrets at the beginning.
Cageways 1B: At the start of Cageways, there are drums and flammable leather. Which require the Flambeau and the Marteau.
Ignore the drums, and go up a slope, towards the flammable leather, then go into a tunnel, and eventually go down into a hole.
The hole leads to a holding pen. Escape from this holding pen, by leaping towards a stack of boxes.
From those boxes, jump into an adjacent holding pen, and then climb along a cable, to get out of the second holding pen.
Once out of the holding pens, go into a tower.
Cageways 1C: Before entering a train, obtain Larva #16, from a tower.
Larva #16
Inside the tower, obtain a larva from a container.
Cageways 1D: Larva #16 can be found in a tower.
After obtaining the larva from the container inside the tower, leave the tower. Before entering the train, notice there are several secrets behind a pushable block.
Cageways 1E: Near the train, there is a pushable block. Behind the block are several secrets.
There are several flammable leathers inside the passageway behind that block. At the far end of this passageway is a hole in the floor, leading back to the beginning of this region.
Ignore this area for now. Instead, enter the train.
Once inside the train, go through all the train wagons. Once at the far end of the train, drive the train to the next area, by using the Engineer's Key to start the train.
Upon arriving at the next train station, exit the train. (A relocation point will be automatically saved.) First, go through a doorway behind several flaming pipes.
Cageways 1F: Upon arriving at the train station, search for a door behind the flaming pipes. There is also a ledge that the protagonist may climb along later.
Larva #17
The doorway beyond the flaming pipes leads to a chamber where a larva may be obtained from a container, and the chamber also has a secret. The protagonist may uncover this secret once he has received the lower-back markings.
Cageways 1G: Obtain Larva #17 from a chamber where there is lava, flowing underneath a narrow pathway. There is also a secret. To uncover the secret, the lower-back markings are required in order to get across the lava safely.
After obtaining the larva from the container beyond the flaming pipes, return to the train at the beginning. Then climb along the previously mentioned ledge to reach a doorway on a balcony higher up. This path leads onwards through another doorway.
Cageways 1H: After obtaining a larva, go back past the flaming pipes, and search for a ledge leading to a balcony.
Once through that doorway, continue going onwards, until arriving at a locked square-shaped door, which can be opened by using the Engineer's Key, on a nearby operating device.
Cageways 1I: Use the Engineer's Key on the first operating device that the protagonist comes across, after climbing along a ledge.
Retractor #2
Once the door is open, (which grants access into a tunnel,) move through the tunnel, and continue going onwards, until arriving at a shrine.
Obtain a retractor from the shrine inside a chamber the tunnel connects to.
Cageways 1J: Past the square-shaped door, is a shrine, where Retractor #2, may be found.
After obtaining the retractor from the shrine inside the chamber, go back through the tunnel, and then return to the operating device, near the square-shaped door.
At the square shaped-door, search for a small opening in a wall, near the operating device, because there is another device nearby.
Cageways 1K: There is a second operating device, past a narrow opening near the former.
Use the Engineer's Key on the second operating device. (This creates a bridge, that enables passage to the other side, opposite to the second device.)
Move across this bridge, and continue going onwards.
Cageways 1L: Operating the second device, past the opening in the wall, summons a bridge. This bridge leads to a container.
Larva #18
The path across the bridge leads to a stairs. Go down the stairs, and obtain a larva from a container inside a cage.
Cageways 1M: Larva #18 is in a cage.
After obtaining the larva from the container inside the cage, use the Engineer's Key on a nearby operating device. (This unlocks a door next to the operating device.)
Go through the unlocked doorway, and then go down a couple of staircases.
Larva #19
Upon arriving in the next chamber, (which is larger in size,) move up a stairs, and obtain a larva from a container on a stack of boxes, by jumping across a few cages.
Cageways 1N: Larva #19 may be obtained by going up a stairs, and then leaping across two cages.
After obtaining the larva from the container on the stack of boxes, go through a doorway, adjacent to the ground floor below.
Beyond this doorway is a bloody tunnel, and after that another large area. At that large area, pull a lever. (This will cause two cages at the ceiling to start travelling along a cable.)
Larva #20
Climb along these cables, in order to obtain a larva from a container on a stack of boxes.
Cageways 1O: After pulling the lever, the two cages near the ceiling will start travelling, which enables access to Larva #20.
After obtaining the larva from the container on the stack of boxes, go through a set of colourful doors. (These doors open at specific intervals, whenever a cage passes through them.)
Larva #21
Beyond the colourful doors is another set of colourful doors. And inside the next chamber, a larva may be obtained from a container.
Cageways 1P: Larva #21 may be obtained after passing through a couple of colourful doors. Additionally, a lever in this chamber opens two holding cells for fun.
After obtaining the larva from the container in the chamber beyond the colourful doors, go up a stairs, and then continue going onwards, until arriving at the starting area, near the train.
At the train, this time enter a monorail, and drive the monorail to Engine Block.
13. Engine Block (1)
Engine Block 1A: The monorail at Cageways, is connected to Engine Block.
At the beginning of Engine Block, exit from the monorail.
Upon exiting from the train, continue following the only possible path. (An automated sequence will play.)
After the automated sequence, continue following the path onward.
This path leads to the engine. Another automated sequence is played, and a relocation point is automatically saved.
After the automated sequence, nothing more can be done at Engine Block. Relocate to Gateway, by using the Teddy Bear.
14. Gateway (2)
Gateway 2A: The protagonist will now be able to uncover a few secrets at Gateway.
After relocating to Gateway, go to the bridge leading into the asylum, jump off the bridge and follow the path leading into the left direction, over the lava.
Go through a few automatically slamming doors. This path leads to a couple of flaming pipes. Continue following that path, which leads past the flaming pipes.
Gateway 2B: Because of having received the arm markings, the protagonist is now able to pass the area where there are flaming pipes.
The path beyond the flaming pipes leads to a cage, and then forks into two directions. Follow the path going into the left direction.
Larva #22
The path to the left, beyond the flaming pipes, leads along a metal fence. At the end of the fence, the path forks again. (Both paths lead to a container.) Follow the path leading into the left direction first, and obtain a larva from a container inside a watchtower.
Gateway 2C: The path in the left direction, at the end of a fence, leads to a watchtower, where Larva #22 may be obtained.
After obtaining the larva from the container inside the watchtower, return to the metal fence, and this time go into the other direction, at the intersection.
Beyond the intersection, and at the end of the path, climb up on some boxes, to reach a metal bar, which is stretching across a spacious zone.
Larva #23
Use the metal bar to reach a larva inside a container underneath this metal bar.
Gateway 2D: Climb up some boxes in order to reach a metal bar, that leads to Larva #23.
After obtaining the larva from the container underneath the metal bar, relocate to Cathedral of Pain, by using the Teddy Bear.
15. Cathedral Of Pain (2)
Cathedral of Pain 2A: The protagonist will have to make a small excursion to Cathedral of Pain, in order to obtain Jack's Journal.
After relocating to Cathedral of Pain, by using the Teddy Bear, go through the passageway that has a symbol of a knife above the entrance.
This passageway leads to a shrine. Use a retractor on a torso, to be able to relocate to Down Street Station.
Cathedral of Pain 2B: Using the retractor on the torso, enables the protagonist to travel to Down Street Station, where Jack's Journal may be found.
Jack's Journal
After using the retractor on the torso, enter the retractor, to relocate to Down Street Station.
After relocating to a chamber, obtain Jack's journal from a table inside the chamber.
Down Street Station 1A: Obtain Jack's Journal from a table in his study.
After relocating to Down Street Station, and after having obtained Jack's Journal from the table, relocate to Engine Block, by using the Teddy Bear.
16. Engine Block (2)
Engine Block 2A: After having obtained Jack's Journal, relocate to Engine Block, by using the Teddy Bear, in order to shut down one of the six pistons of the engine.
After relocating to the engine, go through a doorway on the right side.
The doorway leads to a chamber where a cable runs across a spacious zone. Climb along the cable to the other side.
Once on the other side, continue onwards, through a few more doorways, until arriving at Piston #1.
Engine Block 2B: The correct combination is 5-5-5, according to Jack's Journal.
Use the Engineer's Key, and set the combination: 5-5-5, to shut down Piston #1.
After having shut down Piston #1. Relocate to Temple of Fire, by using the Teddy Bear.
17. Temple Of Fire (2)
Temple of Fire 2A: After obtaining Jack's Journal, the protagonist will have to make a small excursion to Temple of Fire, in order to obtain several more items.
After having used the Teddy Bear, to relocate to Temple of Fire, return to the area, where the two waterfalls are. (The protagonist has to walk a path going down from the pyramid to get there.)
Once at the two waterfalls, follow a path going up, where spikes are coming from the floor.
Continue following that stairs all the way to the end. Then go through the far passageway.
Temple of Fire 2B: In order to obtain the Poigne, the protagonist will have to push away a glowing block. A path leading up, near the two waterfalls, (where there are spikes coming from the floor,) leads to this place.
When arriving at the glowing block, push aside the block, and continue onward, until reaching a grade 4 gate.
Temple of Fire 2C: The passageway beyond the glowing block leads to a grade 4 gate.
Open the grade 4 gate, and go through the gate until arriving in a cave where there are several waterfalls.
Near the waterfalls at the centre of the cave beyond the grade 6 gate, obtain the Poigne from a pedestal.
Temple of Fire 2D: Obtain the Poigne from a pedestal, and then use these special bracelets to climb up a waterfall.
After obtaining the Poigne from the pedestal, climb up one of the waterfalls inside the cave. One of them leads to a container that may be noticed in the distance.
Larva #24
Leap from the top of a waterfall towards a remote site, and obtain a larva from a container.
Temple of Fire 2E: The protagonist must make a far jump to reach Larva #24.
After having obtained the larva from the container at the remote site, return to the chamber where there are two waterfalls, by climbing back up the waterfall leading there, or by using the Teddy Bear.
Larva #25
After returning to the two waterfalls inside the temple, climb up one of the two waterfalls, to find another larva inside a container, at the top of one of these waterfalls inside an adjacent chamber.
Temple of Fire 2F: Larva #25 may be obtained after climbing up one of the two waterfalls, inside the temple.
After having obtained the Poigne and two larvae, relocate to Prophecy Chamber, by using the Teddy Bear. The protagonist will have to search for Playrooms next.
18. Prophecy Chamber (5)
Prophecy Chamber 5A: After arriving at Prophecy Chamber, the protagonist has to locate the entrance to Playrooms, and also obtain the second piece of L'Éclipser: Le Soleil. First go through a grade 1 gate.
Go through a grade 1 gate, to arrive at a bridge.
Prophecy Chamber 5B: Jump down from the bridge, and go through a grade 2 gate. (Which should already be opened.)
At the bridge, go down from the bridge, and go through a grade 2 gate.
Beyond the grade 2 gate, go through a grade 3 gate, on the low ground.
Prophecy Chamber 5C: Travel further, through the grade 3 gate, (which should already be opened,) near the altar.
Beyond the grade 3 gate, make a relatively large descend by going all the way down, and continue going onward, until reaching a grade 4 gate.
After the grade 4 gate, there is a grade 5 gate, near shallow water.
Prophecy Chamber 5D: Near shallow water, open a grade 5 gate. (If all is well, the protagonist should have twenty-five larvae, enough to open the grade 5 gate.)
Open and go through the grade 5 gate. The path onwards leads to L'Éclipser: Le Soleil, which is laying on a pedestal inside a cave.
L'Éclipser: Le Soleil
Obtain L'Éclipser: Le Soleil from the pedestal inside the cave, beyond the grade 5 gate.
Prophecy Chamber 5E: Obtain L'Éclipser: Le Soleil from a pedestal, after passing through a grade 5 gate.
After obtaining L'Éclipser: Le Soleil from the pedestal, go down into a hole in the floor inside the cave.
At the bottom of the hole, is the entrance to Playrooms. There is also a grade 6 gate there.
Prophecy Chamber 5F: After a descent, and near the entrance to Playrooms, is also a grade 6 gate.
After noticing the grade 6 gate, go through the large tunnel. (This leads to Playrooms.)
19. Playrooms (1)
Playrooms 1A: Playrooms can only be reached when a substantial amount of larvae are obtained.
At the beginning of Playrooms is a lake. Go into the lake, and swim to the right side, through a passageway below the surface of the water.
Once out of the water, follow a path onwards. This path leads into a chamber, then across a gap, and eventually continues on top, and along a wall.
At the next section is an operating device. Use the Engineer's Key on the operating device, in order to open a hatch below the surface of the lake.
After opening the hatch, jump down, swim through the lake, and swim into the now opened tunnel.
After the tunnel, go out of the water, and climb up on the far away lock gates, to get up higher, on a wall.
Playrooms 1B: Climb up on the far away lock gates, to be able to get up higher.
After climbing up the lock gates, continue walking along the high wall, and go past a fence, to get out of the chamber where there are lock gates, and enter a smaller chamber.
Inside the smaller chamber is a lever and an operating device. Pull the lever to unlock a door leading to the beginning of the lake, then use the Engineer's Key on the operating device, to raise the lock gates.
Now that the lock gates are raised, the protagonist can swim through an underwater tunnel below, beyond these lock gates.
Inside that tunnel, swim past three fans, and after getting out of the water, go down a slope. (Avoid going all the way down; only go down one slope section.)
After the short slope leading down, go through a doorway.
This path leads to a bridge, where a relocation point to Playrooms is automatically saved.
Retractor #3
Walk across a bridge, take a left turn at an intersection, and go through a doorway that has a pentagram-symbol on the doors. This leads to a shrine inside a chamber.
Obtain a retractor from the shrine inside the chamber.
Playrooms 1C: Retractor #3 may be obtained after crossing a bridge.
After obtaining the retractor from the shrine inside the chamber, go back to the bridge which led to this chamber.
When on the bridge, jump down from the bridge, and go into a water mass underneath the bridge.
After going into the water, go onshore on a side of the water opposite to a giant rotating fan, and then go through a narrow passageway. The passageway leads past several red pipes.
Larva #26
The passageway will also lead past a transparent pipe, and then leads into a dog kennel, where there is a container with a larva inside.
Playrooms 1D: Obtain Larva #26 from a dog kennel, after going past a transparent pipe.
After having obtained the larva from the container inside the kennel, return to the earlier explored area, near the water basin. (Where there is a bridge higher up.)
When arriving at the area under the bridge, this time go through the tunnel which has a slowly rotating fan, and then climb up a stream of water, flowing from this tunnel.
Larva #27
After climbing up inside the tunnel, a larva may be obtained from a container near a pool.
Playrooms 1E: Beyond a rotating fan is Larva #27.
After having obtained the larva from the container near the pool, return to the area under the bridge.
Under the bridge, this time go into the basin of water, and open a tunnel under the water surface, by destroying an obstruction.
Playrooms 1F: Use the Shadow Gun on the obstruction to reveal a hidden underwater tunnel.
After removing the obstruction, swim through the tunnel underneath the water surface.
In the tunnel, at an intersection, take a left turn.
Once outside of the tunnel, climb back on land, and go into the right direction, near two red pipes.
Continue along that path, and then go into a tunnel, and climb up a waterfall inside the tunnel.
Larva #28 And Larva #29
Upon exiting from the tunnel, there are two larvae that may be obtained from their containers near a pool.
Playrooms 1G: The path past the two red pipes leads to Larva #28 and Larva #29.
After obtaining both these larvae near the pool, go back into the tunnel, and return to the two red pipes. (Near the mass of water.)
At the two red pipes, this time enter an adjacent chamber, and use the Engineer's Key on a nearby operating device. (This opens a hatch in the water nearby.)
Go into the water, and swim to this nearby hatch. Then get out of the water where the hatch was opened.
Playrooms 1H: An operating device near two red pipes opens a hatch below the water surface.
Once through the hatch, go through a doorway, and then continue along a narrow passageway.
The chamber after the narrow passageway, houses a lever, (which unlocks prison cells,) an operating device, and a path leading up. First, pull the lever to unlock the prison cells.
Playrooms 1I: A lever, an operating device, a hatch, and a path leading up.
After unlocking the prison cells, clear the prison cells if desired, and then use the Engineer's Key on the operating device. (This opens a nearby hatch.)
After opening the hatch, follow the path leading up.
Continue following that path, and go straight forward when the path intersects. (The narrow passageway leads to a doorway.)
At the end of the narrow passageway, and after going through the doorway, use the Engineer's Key on an operating device. (This raises the water level, at the recently opened hatch.)
Return to that hatch, and go into the tunnel which was closed-off by the hatch earlier, and is now accessible.
Inside the tunnel, after going down, and after swimming some distance, go back on land, and go through a doorway near a couple of prison cages. (There are several barrels standing on top of these cages.)
Larva #30
Soon after the prison cages, there is a slope leading up. At that area, first, go through a doorway at the low-ground, and obtain a larva from a transparent container near several violator pieces. (Avoid going up the slope for now.)
Playrooms 1J: Larva #30 is in the same chamber as the violator pieces.
After obtaining the larva from the transparent container near the violator pieces, pull a lever, to unlock a door, which creates a shortcut. (This enables quicker access to the violator pieces, in a later stage.)
After opening this shortcut, avoid going through the doorway. Instead, return to the slope leading up in the previously explored chamber.
At the slope, this time go up the slope.
This path leads to two prison cells and a lever. Pull the lever, and clear the prison cells if desired.
Larva #31
Afterwards, continue going past the cells, and obtain a larva from a container inside a room.
Playrooms 1K: Once up a slope, and past two prison cells, Larva #31 may be obtained.
After obtaining the larva from the container inside the room, this time go through the shortcut. (Where the violator pieces are.)
After going through the shortcut, (which is the door leading out of the chamber where the violator pieces are in,) take a right turn, at the next area.
After going through that area, go through another doorway, until arriving at a transparent glass window, which enables a view into a water basin.
At this window, take a left turn, and then go through a doorway.
After the doorway, pull a lever to unlock two prison cells, and locate a secret inside one of the two prison cells.)
Playrooms 1L: Near the transparent tunnel, (which leads between the two basins of water under the bridge,) is a secret. The lower-back markings are required to uncover this secret.
After noticing the secret, return to the previously explored area, and this time follow the path leading through the transparent tunnel. (This transparent tunnel, leads between the two basins of water, under the earlier mentioned bridge.)
Continue following that path, through the transparent tunnel. And after that go all the way up a stairs. (Going up this stairs leads to an earlier explored section.)
Playrooms 1M: Go up a stairs, and go through a doorway that may be recognized from earlier passage.
Go through that familiar doorway again, and to the known bridge, that runs above the basins of water.
At the bridge, go down into the water again, and swim through the now unobstructed tunnel, below the water surface.
Playrooms 1N: To continue, swim through the tunnel in the water basin, for a second time.
Swim past the fans, and resurface where the hatch was opened earlier. (In the water, near the two red pipes.)
Playrooms 1O: Once more, emerge from the water, by going through the opened hatch.
After getting out of the water through the opened hatch, go through the narrow passageway again, and after that, up the slope and through the next doorway.
After the second narrow passageway, this time go through a tunnel where the entrance is visible above the water surface.
Playrooms 1P: Some backtracking was required in order to return to this tunnel, that must be traversed as well.
This tunnel leads to a prison cell block, which may be cleared at leisure, after pulling a lever.
Playrooms 1Q: Another prison cell block, which isn't required to clear, but may be searched regardless.
After the prison cell block, go through a doorway, and continue going up, past a fence.
Larva #32
The path past the fence leads to a doorway, and past this doorway a larva can be noticed inside a transparent container inside another chamber.
Playrooms 1R: Larva #32 may be found inside an adjacent chamber, inside a transparent container, after passing through a prison cell block.
Larva #33
After obtaining the larva from the transparent container inside the chamber, notice there is another larva inside a regular container nearby.
After obtaining the larva from the regular container nearby, pull a lever to displace a hook, and by doing this, creating a shortcut.
Playrooms 1S: Larva #33 is near the chamber where the previous larva was, and is inside a container. Behind this container, is a door that leads onward.
After obtaining both these larvae from their containers, and after creating the shortcut, go through a doorway behind the recently destroyed container.
This doorway leads to another section, where there is another fence. A path leads down, into a chamber where there is a lever. Pull that lever to free an adversary from a cage.
Playrooms 1T: Pull a lever to free an adversary from a cage.
After releasing the adversary from the cage, relocate to Prophecy Chamber, by using the Teddy Bear, in order to continue.
20. Prophecy Chamber (6)
Prophecy Chamber 6A: In order to get to Temple of Life, start by going through a grade 1 gate.
Go through a grade 1 gate, to reach a bridge.
Prophecy Chamber 6B: After going through the grade 1 gate, avoid going through the grade 2 gate. Instead, enter a large tunnel, to reach Temple of Life.
Go into the large tunnel, after the bridge, to reach Temple of Life.
21. Temple Of Life (2)
Temple of Life 2A: The windmill will need to be activated, in order to obtain one of four larvae.
At the starting area of Temple of Life are two tunnels. Walk through the tunnel on the right, to the open area that comes next. (Both tunnels lead to this open area.)
Temple of Life 2B: From a platform on the water surface, climb up the waterfall on the right side first. This waterfall leads to a container.
At the open area, climb up a waterfall leading up from a platform floating on the water surface.
Larva #34
After climbing up the waterfall, obtain a larva from a container inside a shelter.
Temple of Life 2C: Larva #34, may be found beyond the waterfall leading up from a platform, on the right side of a lake.
After obtaining the larva from the container inside the shelter, return to the previous area, at the lake, where there are many waterfalls.
Temple of Life 2D: After having returned to the lake, this time climb up a waterfall to the left, on the left side of the lake.
After returning to the area where there are waterfalls, at the lake, this time climb up a waterfall on the left side of the lake, opposite to the waterfall leading to the shelter.
Larva #35
The waterfall on the left side of the lake leads to a cave, where a larva may be obtained from a container.
Temple of Life 2E: Obtain Larva #35 from inside a cave.
After obtaining the larva from the container inside the cave, notice that in this cave, there is a tunnel below the surface of the water.
Swim through that underwater tunnel.
Larva #36
Upon exiting from the underwater tunnel, the protagonist arrives at a windmill. Obtain a larva from a container higher up the windmill.
Temple of Life 2F: On top of the windmill, Larva #36 may be obtained. In addition to that, there is a switch that activates the windmill.
After obtaining the larva from the container higher up the windmill, activate a switch to start the windmill, and swim back through the underwater tunnel, which was used to access this area.
After having returned at the previously explored cave, in which a larva was found earlier, and after exiting from the underwater tunnel, go into the passageway on the left side, leading onwards.
Larva #37
The passageway on the left side, inside the cave where a larva was obtained earlier, leads to an area where another larva may be obtained from a container underneath a shelter.
Temple of Life 2G: Now that the windmill has been started, a platform moves hither and forth, and may be used to obtain Larva #37.
Obtain a larva from the container from underneath the shelter, by going there, by using a moving platform.
After this is done, relocate to Prophecy Chamber, by using the Teddy Bear.
22. Prophecy Chamber (7)
Prophecy Chamber 7A: In order to reach Temple of Prophecy, the protagonist has to return to Prophecy Chamber first.
Upon arriving at Prophecy Chamber, first go through a grade 1 gate. This leads to a bridge.
Prophecy Chamber 7B: Go down from the bridge, and go through a grade 2 gate, which should already be opened.
Past the grade 1 gate is a bridge. Go down from the bridge, and go through a grade 2 gate.
After passing through the grade 2 gate, go through a grade 3 gate at the next area, on the low ground.
Prophecy Chamber 7C: Continue going onward, past the grade 3 gate, near an altar.
Past the grade 3 gate, and after making a relatively large descent, is an area where there is lava at the middle. Go through a grade 4 gate at that area.
Prophecy Chamber 7D: After going through a grade 3 gate, go through a grade 4 gate next.
Beyond the grade 4 gate, is a cave where there is shallow water. Go through a grade 5 gate, at this shallow water area.
Prophecy Chamber 7E: Near shallow water, go through a grade 5 gate. (Which should already be open.)
After going through the grade 5 gate, there is a hole in the ground. Go into that hole, and after a short descent, arrive at a grade 6 gate, near a large tunnel.
Prophecy Chamber 7F: Avoid going into the large tunnel. Instead, open the grade 6 gate.
Go through the grade 6 gate.
After the grade 6 gate, there is an area where there is lava. There are several points of interest there; an altar, several gates, and a small-, and a large tunnel.
Prophecy Chamber 7G: There is a grade 7-, a grade 8-, and a grade 9 gate, accessible only from the walkway higher up. There is an altar at the middle of an area of lava. A large tunnel to the left leads to Temple of Prophecy, and a smaller tunnel at the other side of the area leads elsewhere.
First enter the smaller tunnel, at the far end of the chamber. This leads to another grade 7 gate.
Prophecy Chamber 7H: The smaller tunnel leads to another grade 7 gate, in addition to the grade 7 gate that is accessible from the walkway higher up.
After having noticed the grade 7 gate beyond the smaller tunnel, return to the area where there is lava, and go into the large tunnel, to enter Temple of Prophecy.
23. Temple Of Prophecy (1)
Temple of Prophecy 1A: Explore Temple of Prophecy in order to receive the lower-back markings.
At the very beginning of Temple of Prophecy, notice a grade 7 gate.
Temple of Prophecy 1B: At the beginning of Temple of Prophecy, there is a grade 7 gate.
Leave this grade 7 gate alone for now. Instead, go through a nearby passageway.
The passageway leads to the temple. Go down a stairs to get inside. Notice the destructible floor panel near the entrance. (A relocation point is automatically saved, upon nearing the entrance.)
Temple of Prophecy 1C: Near the temple's entrance, there is a destructible floor panel.
In the chamber adjacent to the floor panel, is a chamber where there is a pillar. Go through the doorway behind the pillar, and into the next chamber.
In the next chamber there is a statue. Activate a switch behind the statue. (Activating the switch will create several waterfalls.)
Larva #38
Obtain a larva from a container on the statue, by climbing up a waterfall at the base of the statue, after activating the switch.
Temple of Prophecy 1D: Activating a switch behind a statue, grants access to Larva #38. There are also drums in this chamber. (These require the Marteau, in order to be sounded.)
After obtaining the larva from the container on the statue, go through the doorway on the left side.
At the next area is lava down below. This is an obstacle course. Get over to the other side, and go through a doorway.
Past the doorway is another chamber where there is lava. There is also a container, but this container cannot be reached at this moment.
Ignore the container. Instead leap towards a horizontal bar, which is attached to a rotating ring.
Temple of Prophecy 1E: Jump and hang onto a horizontal bar, which is slowly travelling high above a lava surface. (Currently, the container on a pillar cannot be reached.)
Use the moving bar, to get to the other side, across the lava.
The next passageway leads to another obstacle course. Overcome this obstacle course, and go to the next chamber.
There is a statue in the next area. Activate a switch on a wall, opposite to the statue, to create a cable running across a spacious zone, towards the statue.
Larva #39
Climb along the cable to obtain a larva from the container inside the statue, after activating the switch.
Temple of Prophecy 1F: Spanning a cable grants access to Larva #39. There are also drums in this chamber. (These require the Marteau, in order to be sounded.)
After obtaining the larva, proceed, by going through the doorway on the left.
Inside the next chamber, there is a glowing block, inside a construction that has a flat roof. Push aside the block, and follow the path that leads to the next chamber, through that structure.
Temple of Prophecy 1G: A glowing block inside a construction that has a flat roof, on the right, leads the way forward.
Past the glowing block, and inside the next chamber, are four switches. Activate all four switches.
Larva #40
After activating all four switches, climb up a waterfall, and obtain a larva from a container by climbing along a ledge, and by making a few leaps.
Temple of Prophecy 1H: Each of the four switches lowers a statue. After lowering all four statues, climb up a waterfall, in order to reach and obtain Larva #40. Notice the passageway on the left is blue, and the passageway on the right is red.
After obtaining the larva from the container, follow a path running on top, and beyond, the waterfall.
Beyond the waterfall, go over a bridge, and into the next chamber.
Larva #41
Inside the next chamber is another horizontal bar. Use a switch on the low ground to set the bar at the correct angle. Then climb along the bar to activate a switch. And after activating the switch, repeat this process, to obtain a larva from a container behind a statue.
Temple of Prophecy 1I: Activating a few switches is needed, to appropriately position a horizontal bar, in order to find and obtain Larva #41.
After obtaining the larva from the container behind the statue, return to the previous chamber, where there are the four activated switches, the lowered statues, and the waterfall. (Set the bar at the correct angle, to be able to go back.)
Once back inside this chamber, search for a red passageway. (Push aside a glowing block to gain access, further into the passageway.) This red passageway leads to a container inside a small cage.
Temple of Prophecy 1J: The path onward leads past a container in a small cage, which cannot be reached at this moment.
Ignore the container. Instead, continue onward to the next area.
Larva #42
The next area is a chamber where there are four switches. Activate all four switches to lower four statues, and obtain a larva from a container, after following the walkway leading up.
Temple of Prophecy 1K: In order to reach Larva #42, four statues should be lowered first, by activating four switches.
After obtaining the larva from the container at the end of the walkway, go through a doorway leading onward. (This is the door on the left side of a walkway leading up.)
The passageway leads to another chamber, where there is a container that currently cannot be reached. Ignore the container, and continue going onward.
Temple of Prophecy 1L: A container in a large cage may be noticed, but cannot be reached at this point.
The next chamber is a maze, which features several flammable leathers. Search for a fragment missing from a wall, at the right side of the maze. Climb up that wall section to reach the top of the maze, and then go through a doorway.
Temple of Prophecy 1M: To reach the top of the maze, search for a piece of wall that is missing, on the right side of the maze.
Larva #43
The doorway at the top of the maze, leads away from the maze, and leads to a container, which stands on top of a waterfall. Obtain a larva from the container.
Temple of Prophecy 1N: After the maze, there is a dome-shaped shelter, but also a container on top of a waterfall. Ignore the shelter for now. Instead, obtain Larva #43.
After obtaining the larva from the container on top of the waterfall, go through a circular-shaped doorway, at the base of the waterfall.
This path leads to a chamber, where there is a giant hammer swinging at the ceiling. Go up, by making use of footholds, to the left-, or right side of this chamber, in order to get up higher.
Larva #44
Once up on the higher floor, use the Baton on an altar, in order to relocate to the next container.
Temple of Prophecy 1O: Larva #44, may be obtained after using an altar, near a giant swinging hammer.
After using the altar once, and after obtaining the larva from the container, search for a pushable block. Push the block aside to create a shortcut back to the entrance of the temple.
After creating this shortcut, return to the previous section, by using the altar once more.
Upon returning to the chamber where there is a giant hammer, continue going onward, by going through the doorway behind the hammer.
Larva #45
The path behind the hammer leads to another statue. At this statue, activate two switches, in order to obtain a larva from a container inside the statue.
Temple of Prophecy 1P: Change the statue's posture, by activating two switches. This is needed to obtain Larva #45. There are also drums in this chamber. (These require the Marteau to be sounded, which is currently impossible.)
After obtaining the larva from the container inside the statue, go through the doorway on the right side.
This passageway leads to another obstacle course, and another obstacle course after that. Continue following this path onwards.
Larva #46
The path leads to a fourth (and final) statue. Hold onto a large lever, in order to be able to obtain a larva from a container within a timeframe at the top of the statue.
Temple of Prophecy 1Q: Change a statue's shape, by pulling down a large lever by using the protagonist's entire weight, and obtain Larva #46 within a timeframe. There are also drums in this chamber. (These require the Marteau.)
After obtaining the larva from the container at the top of the statue, go through the doorway on the right side.
After the next passageway, is the next obstacle course. Activate a switch to span a cable across a spacious zone, and use that cable to climb across to the other side of the chamber.
Temple of Prophecy 1R: Another obstacle course; This obstacle course requires a cable to be spanned across a spacious zone, to get through.
After climbing along the cable, continue going onward, in order to return to the site where there is a construction that has a flat roof. (Where a glowing block was pushed aside earlier.)
Once more, go inside the construction that has a flat roof, and follow the blue passageway leading out.
Exit from the blue passageway, into the chamber where there is a waterfall, and also four (activated) switches. Inside that chamber, go through the red passageway, right next to the blue passageway.
Continue following the same path as before; Go through the maze, and then go through a doorway, until arriving at the dome-shaped shelter.
Temple of Prophecy 1S: Upon arriving at the dome-shaped shelter for the second time, this time go inside this shelter.
Go inside the dome-shaped shelter, and then go inside a smaller shelter, beyond that shelter. This path leads to a tower.
The Lower-back Markings
Enter the tower, to receive the lower-back markings.
Temple of Prophecy 1T: Go inside a tower, and receive the lower-back markings, which enables the protagonist to walk on burning ground, including lava.
Notice the tower stands at the centre of a four-way intersection.
Go through a doorway across the lava, to the left side of the tower. (When facing the entrance of the tower.)
Larva #47
Beyond the doorway on the left side of the tower, a larva may be obtained from a container on a pillar. But only after activating a switch near the base of the pillar.
Temple of Prophecy 1U: From the pillar that could have been noticed earlier, Larva #47 may be obtained.
After obtaining the larva from the container on the pillar, return to the tower at the four-way intersection inside the previously explored chamber.
At the tower, this time enter the doorway behind the tower. (When facing the entrance of the tower.)
Larva #48
Beyond the doorway behind the tower, obtain a larva from a container underneath a cage. (Access the cage, by holding onto a massive lever, and reaching the larva within a timeframe.)
Temple of Prophecy 1V: A large lever should be pulled, by making use of the protagonist's entire weight. After that, obtain Larva #48, within a timeframe. This container may have been noticed earlier as well.
After obtaining the larva from the container underneath the cage, return to the tower.
At the tower, this time enter the doorway on the right side of the tower. (When facing the entrance of the tower.)
Larva #49
Beyond the doorway on the right side of the tower, obtain a larva from a container inside a large cage.
Temple of Prophecy 1W: Larva #49, may simply be obtained by going into the cage across the lava. This larva may also have been noticed earlier.
After obtaining the larva from the container inside the large cage, use the Teddy Bear, and relocate to Temple of Life.
24. Temple Of Life (3)
Temple of Life 3A: Relocate to Temple of Life, by using the Teddy Bear, to obtain two more larvae, these are needed for the protagonist, in order to open the grade 7 gates.
After relocating to Temple of Life, go across the high bridge near the entrance, and go into the temple.
Larva #50
At the altar, take a right turn, and then follow the hallway, until arriving at an area where spikes are coming from the floor. Past the spikes, push aside a glowing block, and obtain a larva from a container.
Temple of Life 3B: The area past the spikes leads to a glowing block. Obtain Larva #50 by pushing aside the block.
After obtaining the larva from the container behind the glowing block, go back across the spikes, and take the first passageway going left.
After going through the passageway on the left, there is a ledge. Follow this ledge, and then go straight ahead, across the lava, and into the next chamber.
Larva #51
Obtain a larva from a container standing behind a wall, by walking across the lava.
Temple of Life 3C: After following the ledge, Larva #51 may be observed through a wall. Walk around, and walk across the lava, in order to obtain this larva from a container.
Larva #52
After obtaining the larva from the container behind the wall, follow the lava through a passageway, to find another container with a larva inside, relatively nearby.
Temple of Life 3D: A small distance away from the container behind the wall, Larva #52, may be obtained. By turning around, and by walking across another lava section.
After obtaining the larva from the container that stood nearby, continue walking across the lava by going through the passageway on the right side, until reaching an area where there are spikes piercing from the floor. Go to that area.
At the spikes piercing from the floor, follow a ledge. At the end of that ledge, and in a previously explored environment, enter a low passageway. (This passageway is on the same altitude as the lava level, and enables the protagonist to follow the lava through this passageway.)
Temple of Life 3E: Between the ledge, and the area that was accessed earlier, is a passageway at the same height as the lava. Notice there is also a platform in front of that passageway.
The passageway leads across the lava, and further into a cave, where there are several pillars. Enter that cave.
Continue going forward through the cave area, until reaching a grade 6 gate.
Temple of Life 3F: A fiery cave leads to a grade 6 gate, that was discovered earlier. Obtain the Enseigne from the chamber beyond this grade 6 gate.
Not much more can be done at this place at this moment. Return to Prophecy Chamber.
25. Prophecy Chamber (8)
Prophecy Chamber 8A: the protagonist should now have collected enough larvae to open grade 7 gates. He has to follow the path leading from Prophecy Chamber once again, to find these grade 7 gates.
Upon arriving at Prophecy Chamber, first go through the grade 1 gate. This leads to a bridge.
Prophecy Chamber 8B: Go down from the bridge, through the grade 2 gate, which should already be opened.
Beyond the grade 1 gate is a bridge. Go down from the bridge, and then go through a grade 2 gate.
After passing through the grade 2 gate, go through a grade 3 gate at the next area, on the low ground.
Prophecy Chamber 8C: Continue going onward past the grade 3 gate on the low ground.
Past the grade 3 gate, make a relatively large descent, and go into the next chamber. In this chamber there is lava at the centre. Open and go through a grade 7 gate, at this area.
Prophecy Chamber 8D: Go through a grade 7 gate, inside a cave where there is lava at the centre of the cave.
Beyond that grade 7 gate, go down onto a wooden platform, and keep following this walkway.
The path onward leads to the area where there are three high grade gates, which are accessible from the walkway. Get down from the walkway, and then enter a cave at the far end of this cave, where there is a small passageway leading further ahead.
Prophecy Chamber 8E: Go through the grade 7 gate, up high on the walkway near two other gates, but not after obtaining the final L'Éclipser piece first.
L'Éclipser: La Lame
First, the protagonist has to retrieve the final L'Éclipser piece; Go into the small passageway at the far end of the cave, to locate a grade 7 gate.
Prophecy Chamber 8F: The smaller tunnel leads to another grade 7 gate. L'Éclipser: La Lame, may be obtained from there.
Open the grade 7 gate at the end of the smaller cave, and then go through this grade 7 gate, in order to obtain the final L'Éclipser piece: La Lame.
After obtaining L'Éclipser: La Lame, open the grade 7 gate in the previous cave, high up the walkway, where there are three gates.
Open the grade 7 gate, (which is only reachable from the walkway higher up,) and then enter a large tunnel.
This tunnel leads to the next region: Lavaducts.
26. Lavaducts (1)
Lavaducts 1A: A giant blender is located at the centre of Lavaducts.
Upon arriving at Lavaducts, at first, climb up on top of the aqueducts.
Follow the stream of burning lava flowing along the aqueducts, leading further ahead, into a tunnel.
At the end of that tunnel, go up a stairs.
The stairs leads to a chamber, where there is a large surface of lava as well.
Lavaducts 1B: There is a chamber where there are two moving platforms above the lava. There are multiple paths, leading to different places at Lavaducts.
Step on the lava, and follow a path that leads underneath the two moving platforms, while keeping to the right, and following the wall, which the platforms are connected to. (The entrance into a passageway on the right, leads over the lava.)
At the end of that fiery passageway, climb up on a wall, and continue going onward until arriving at a container.
Larva #53
Obtain a larva from the container after following the path across the lava, and pull a nearby lever. (The door next to the lever will unlock.)
Lavaducts 1C: Near Larva #53 is a lever.
After obtaining the larva from the container and pulling the lever, go through the unlocked doorway, and go into a chamber where there are several boxes.
Take a left turn at these boxes, and then go up a stairs.
At the top of that stairs, go through a doorway on the right.
This path leads past several machine boxes, and leads to a pool of magma. (When arriving at this pool, a relocation point is automatically saved.)
Lavaducts 1D: When arriving at a giant blender, a relocation point is automatically saved.
Notice there is a giant blender in the magma. Go down a nearby stairs at the left side of the chamber. (Ignore the blender for now.)
Halfway these stairs, there is a smaller chamber, where there is a lever. Pull this lever to activate the giant blender.
Lavaducts 1E: Pulling a lever inside a chamber after a stairs, will start the giant blender.
After starting the blender, return to that blender.
Lavaducts 1F: Underneath the surface of the magma, and at a giant blender, there are two tunnels, that may be reached after having received the upper-back markings.
At the magma pool, step on one of the two giant blender blades.
Larva #54
After having travelled roughly a quarter of the pool counter-clockwise, step off the blade, and obtain a larva from a container on the right side of the pool.
Lavaducts 1G: At an area, on the right side of the magma pool, is Larva #54.
After obtaining the larva from the container on the right side of the pool, step on a giant blade, and travel to the next target area. (The next target area is at the far side of the pool.)
At the area at the far side of the pool is a stairs leading down. Go down that stairs.
These stairs lead to a chamber where there is a stack of boxes that have a container on top of them, but this container cannot be reached at this moment. Instead, go up a stairs on the left side of the chamber.
Lavaducts 1H: A stairs leading down at the far side of the pool, lead to a chamber where there is a container on top of a stack of boxes, but the container cannot be reached at this moment.
The path onwards leads to a giant slope. Go up the slope, by making use of the footholds on the slope's surface.
Once having reached the top of the slope, run past several rotating blades, and then climb up a wall, and get on top of the construction, which the rotating blades are attached to.
Lavaducts 1I: Go across a path leading past giant blades, in order to reach a ledge at a high altitude, opposite to the giant slope. At the giant blades, there is also a tunnel leading to a shrine, but that should be accessed later.
At the rotating blades, run across the elongated path past the blades, back to the previous area, in order to reach a ledge higher up, and opposite to the giant slope.
Follow the path to the right, along the ledge. This leads through a hole in a wall.
Past the hole in the wall, notice the area down below; there are several stacks of boxes. Notice there is a container on top of those boxes.
After having observed this, drop down from the high ledge, and use precision, to make the protagonist land on top of a stack of boxes below the ledge.
Larva #55
While standing on top of these boxes, the protagonist may obtain a larva from a container, by making several jumps across the boxes.
Lavaducts 1J: Notice the area underneath the ledge reveals a path across several stacks of boxes, leading to Larva #55.
After obtaining the larva, return to the large slope, and use the footholds again, to get up to the top of the slope.
At the top of the slope, and past the blades, this time go into a tunnel.
Lavaducts 1K: When arriving at the top of the slope for a second time, enter the tunnel.
Retractor #4
The tunnel at the far end of the slope, past the blades, leads to a shrine. Retrieve a retractor from inside the shrine.
Lavaducts 1L: The tunnel near the rotating blades leads to a shrine that holds Retractor #4.
After obtaining the retractor, leave the shrine by going through another passageway, and keep going onward. This should eventually lead the protagonist back to the magma pool.
At the magma pool, use one of the two giant blades to return to the known area, where there is a stairs and a door.
Go through the doorway to the left of the stairs, and continue following that path. (Avoid going down a stairs on the way back.)
Follow this path all the way back to the beginning, near the two moving platforms, which are moving above the lava.
Lavaducts 1M: Near the two moving platforms that are moving above the lava, search for a path across the lava, leading through a large tunnel on the left.
At the moving platforms, this time go into a large tunnel by following the path of lava leading into this tunnel.
Operate the device inside the tunnel. (This unlocks two square-shaped doors nearby.)
Larva #56
One of the square-shaped doorways inside the tunnel leads to several cadeaux, the other doorway leads to a container. Obtain a larva from this container.
Lavaducts 1N: Obtain Larva #56, after going through a square-shaped doorway.
After obtaining the larva from the container, pull a nearby lever. (This unlocks a nearby door.)
Ignore the unlocked door. Instead, return to the lava, (near the square-shaped doorways,) by returning to the lava tunnel.
Larva #57
After having returned to the lava tunnel, follow the passageway on the right, by following a path leading along the lava, and obtain another larva from a container.
Lavaducts 1O: Near Larva #57 is also a lever.
After obtaining the larva from the container beyond the lava tunnel, pull a lever. (A nearby door unlocks.)
Not much more can be done here for now, relocate to Temple of Prophecy, by using the Teddy Bear.
27. Temple Of Prophecy (2)
Temple of Prophecy 2A: Relocate to Temple of Prophecy, by using the Teddy Bear, in order to obtain the Marteau.
At the very beginning, before entering the temple, there is a grade 7 gate. (Turn around a go back to find this gate.)
Temple of Prophecy 2B: In a cave, before reaching the footprint-symbol at the temple, there is a grade 7 gate.
Open the grade 7 gate, and then go through that gate.
The path beyond the gate leads to a chamber where there is a pedestal on which the Marteau may be found.
Temple of Prophecy 2C: Obtain the Marteau from a pedestal. The Marteau can be used to sound drums.
After obtaining the Marteau from the pedestal, and inside the chamber, sound the drums, by using the Marteau on them. This opens up a new path.
This path leads to an previously explored area, and back to the grade 7 gate.
After having done what needed to be done here, next, relocate to Temple of Fire, by using the Teddy Bear.
28. Temple Of Fire (3)
Temple of Fire 3A: After obtaining the Marteau, the protagonist will have to make a small excursion to Temple of Fire, in order to obtain the Flambeau and two more larvae.
After having used the Teddy Bear, relocate to Temple of Fire, and return to the area, where there are two waterfalls. (The protagonist will have to walk a path going down from the pyramid.)
Once at the two waterfalls, go into a pool where the waterfalls flow into.
Swim through the water, until reaching the other side of the underwater passageway, and then emerge from the water. The protagonist should now be in a cave, near a lake.
Inside that cave, search for a yellow passageway, where there is a pillar. Go through that passageway.
At the end of that passageway, go down, to an area where there is shallow water.
Temple of Fire 3B: After swimming through the lake, search for an area where there is shallow water. Then go through either of the two tunnels near this shallow water.
From the shallow water, go into either passageway, adjacent to the shallow water, and continue following that path, until arriving at a chamber where there is a stalactite coming from the ceiling, and where there is a slope leading up.
Follow that slope leading up, and continue following the path onwards, until arriving at an intersection.
At the intersection, follow the path going left.
After taking that left pathway, the path forks again. Continue following the path going left, to discover a flammable leather, and a grade 5 gate.
Temple of Fire 3C: The Flambeau may be found behind a grade 5 gate, at the far end of a cave system.
Open the grade 5 gate, and obtain the Flambeau from a pedestal in the chamber beyond.
Temple of Fire 3D: Obtain the Flambeau, which is a torch, and can be used to burn through flammable leathers.
After obtaining the Flambeau from the pedestal beyond the gate, use the Teddy Bear, to relocate to Temple of Fire's relocation point.
From the relocation point, go into the temple through the circular-shaped doorway, and go across a bridge, in order to locate the second bridge. Notice there is lava, and not magma, underneath the second bridge.
Temple of Fire 3E: Notice there is lava underneath the second bridge, which the protagonist may now stand on.
Go down from the bridge, and walk on the lava, to find two passageways leading elsewhere, exclusively accessible from the lava below the bridge.
Temple of Fire 3F: After going down-, and beneath the bridge, the two passageways that lead elsewhere are more clearly visible.
While standing on the lava, take the passageway on the left side, and then walk up a walkway.
Larva #58
Past the passageway on the left side, and after getting across the walkway, obtain a larva from a container, by going through an upper passageway.
Temple of Fire 3G: The upper passageway at the end of the walkway leads to Larva #58.
After obtaining the larva from the container, beyond the upper passageway, return to the section where there is lava, and there are two passageways.
After having returned to the two passageways, this time go through the passageway on the right side.
Larva #59
Beneath the bridge at the lava section, the passageway on the right side leads to a walkway as well. Activate a switch inside one of the adjacent chambers to this walkway. (This opens a passageway to a glowing block.)
Make a far jump towards the glowing block from the walkway, and then push the block aside.
Temple of Fire 3H: After activating a switch, make a long jump from a walkway, towards a glowing block, in order to obtain Larva #59.
The path beyond the block leads to a container. Obtain a larva from this container.
That's all for now. Relocate to Playrooms, by using the Teddy Bear.
29. Playrooms (2)
Playrooms 2A: The protagonist will collect the remainder of larvae now, and meet the first adversary at Playrooms.
After relocating to Playrooms, go into a forward direction, and take a right turn, into a passageway.
Continue following that passageway, and then go through a doorway. This leads to two prison cells.
In the cell to the right is a furnace. Step on the burning coal, and then go through a tunnel, behind the furnace.
Inside the tunnel, and where the tunnel forks, go into the left direction.
Playrooms 2B: There is a tunnel behind the furnace.
Larva #60
After taking a left turn in the tunnel beyond a furnace, go through a grate, and then obtain a larva from a container inside a room.
Playrooms 2C: Obtain Larva #60 from a room that can only be reached from the tunnel behind the furnace. There is also a lever inside that room.
After obtaining the larva from the container inside the room, pull a lever. (This unlocks a nearby door.)
Ignore the door. Instead, go back into the tunnel, and this time follow the tunnel in the opposite direction, at the intersection. This path leads to an adversary.
Larva #61
Beyond the tunnel, overcome the adversary, and obtain a larva from that adversary.
Playrooms 2D: Overcome the adversary, in order to obtain Larva #61.
After obtaining the larva from the adversary, all larvae at Playrooms have been collected. Relocate to Cageways, by using the Teddy Bear.
30. Cageways (2)
Cageways 2A: A passageway, at the lava at the beginning of Cageways, leads to two larvae.
After relocating to Cageways, drop down onto the lava, and go through the passageway that is accessible from this lower lava level.
Upon arriving at a door, go through the doorway. Then quickly go through a second-, third-, and fourth doorway, which are all relatively close to each other, and all at the same altitude.
After the fourth doorway is a larger chamber, where the floor is composed out of green bricks, and there are cages hanging from the ceiling. (Inside one of the cages is a container, but that container may be ignored for now.)
Larva #62
Ignore the container inside the cage for now. Instead, concentrate on reaching the container that stands on top of a construction.
Search the chamber for a lever, and pull that lever. (This causes one of the cages to start travelling along a cable, and enables access to a larva inside a container that stands on top of the construction.)
Reach the top of the construction by climbing up a stack of boxes that stands on the lower floor, to reach the cable, and then climb along this cable, to reach the container.)
Cageways 2B: Quickly passing through four consecutive doorways, leads to a chamber where Larva #62 is located, on top of a construction.
After obtaining the larva from the container on top of the construction, continue going onwards, by going through a tunnel, which is accessible by climbing up the stack of boxes from the lower floor.
Larva #63 And Larva #64
The tunnel leads to a giant slope. Inside this chamber, two larvae may be obtained from their containers; One container may be reached by going across the slope, and then going up a stairs, and then over a railing.
For the second container, go up the stairs and past the railing, and search for a chamber, where there is a lever inside the chamber. Pull that lever. (This causes one of the cages to start travelling along a cable, and enables access to a larva inside a container that stands on top of a construction.)
Cageways 2C: Larva #63 and Larva #64, may be obtained in a chamber where there is a giant slope. (Several footholds are travelling automatically along this slope.)
After obtaining both these larvae from their containers, use the Teddy Bear, to relocate to Cageways, in order to return to the starting area, near the train.
Cageways 2D: The protagonist should go through a known doorway behind the flaming pipes.
After relocating back to the beginning, go beyond the three flaming pipes.
Once past the pipes, go through a doorway, and into the next chamber where there is lava.
Larva #65
Walk over the lava, to the other side of the chamber, and obtain a larva from a container inside a cage.
Cageways 2E: Walk across a surface of lava, in order to reach Larva #65.
After obtaining the larva from the container inside the cage, go through a nearby doorway.
Larva #66
The doorway leads to a tunnel, and the tunnel leads to an earlier explored chamber. Use a ledge to obtain a larva from a container inside a cage at this chamber.
Cageways 2F: Climb along a ledge in order to be able to leap into the cage and obtain Larva #66.
Climb along the ledge, and jump backwards from the ledge, towards a cage, to obtain the larva from the container inside the cage.
All larvae at Cageways are now found. Relocate to Experimentation Rooms, by using the Teddy Bear.
31. Experimentation Rooms (2)
Experimentation Rooms 2A: After relocating to Experimentation Rooms, go into a passageway nearby, where there are cross-symbols above the doorways, but ignore these doors. Instead, go through an ordinary door.
Upon relocating to Experimentation Rooms, go through the nearest passageway.
This passageway leads past three doors with cross-symbols above them. Go through the regular doorway on the left.
The ordinary doorway leads into a tunnel, and past a metal fence, and then through another doorway.
This doorway leads to a hallway, where there is a prison cage. Go through a passageway on the left side, before passing by the cage.
Experimentation Rooms 2B: Before going past the prison cage, go through a passageway, that leads to an operating device.
After that passageway, go through a square-shaped doorway, next to an operating device.
The tunnel beyond the square-shaped doorway leads to a door that is automatically slamming open and shut.
Once out of the tunnel, and past the slamming doors, go through the next square-shaped doorway. (Right next to another operating device.)
At the next area there is a giant centrifuge, at the centre of a chamber where there is lava. Step on the lava, and go through the passageway which is only accessible via the lava.
Experimentation Rooms 2C: Now that the protagonist is able to walk on lava, he can enter the passageway leading from the chamber where there is a giant centrifuge to a unexplored area.
This fiery passageway leads into a chamber where there is an operating device. Operate this device by using the Engineer's Key. (A disc will start spinning at the centrifuge.)
After operating the device, go back to the centrifuge, and go down into an opening in the slowly spinning disc.
Once underneath the centrifuge, continue following the path onward.
This path leads past the violator piece, behind a glass window, and there is also an operating device.
Experimentation Rooms 2D: The path onward leads past the violator piece, which cannot be obtained at this moment.
After going past the glass window, operate the operating device. (This creates a shortcut to a previously explored area.)
Ignore the shortcut. Instead, continue following the path onward, past the operating device.
This path leads into a brown passageway, where there is a slope leading up. Halfway that slope, go through an unlocked doorway. (The other two doors are locked.)
Explore the area beyond the unlocked doorway, to locate two more operating devices, which unlock the other two doors. (These lead back into the brown passageway).
After unlocking all those doors, return to the brown passageway, and go all the way up, and into the next chamber.
There is a grim door in the next chamber. Go through that doorway and then down into a hole.
Experimentation Rooms 2E: Beyond a grim door is another alarming chamber, where there is a hole in the floor.
Larva #67
There is an adversary in the area below the hole in the floor. Overcome this adversary and obtain a larva from the adversary.
Experimentation Rooms 2F: The hole in the floor leads to a chamber where there is an adversary, and there is also an operating device. After obtaining Larva #67, activate the operating device.
After obtaining the larva, activate an operating device. (This unlocks a square-shaped door in the chamber where the adversary was overcome.)
Violator #1
Go through the square-shaped doorway, in order to obtain a violator from a pedestal inside a room.
Experimentation Rooms 2G: After overcoming the adversary, the violator may be obtained.
After obtaining the violator from the pedestal, use the Engineer's Key on a nearby operating device, to unlock a door.
Nothing more has to be found here. Relocate to Gateway, by using the Teddy Bear.
32. Gateway (3)
Gateway 3A: Two more larvae may now be obtained at Gateway.
After relocating to Gateway, go towards the bridge leading to the asylum.
Don't go into the asylum. Instead, go down from the bridge, and follow the path on the right side of the bridge.
This path leads into a chamber where there is lava. Go across the lava to the other side, where a few barrels are standing.
Gateway 3B: At the automatically slamming doors, go across the lava.
Follow the path on the other side of the lava, and go past a metal fence.
Larvae #68
Continue following the path past the metal fence. Upon arriving at an intersection, go left, and into a watchtower, where there is a larva inside a container.
Gateway 3C: Obtain Larvae #68, from a watchtower, after going across the lava, near the entrance of the asylum.
After obtaining the larva from the container inside the watchtower, leave the watchtower, and return to where the path intersected. This time go into the other direction.
Larva #69
Upon arriving at the next area, the path intersects once more. Go into the passageway on the left side, by following the walkway, to obtain a larva from a container at the end of this walkway.
Gateway 3D: Larva #69 may be found on top of a walkway.
After obtaining the larva from the container on the walkway, backtrack along the walkway to the previous area where the path intersected. At that known area, this time go through the other passageway.
This path leads over further over the walkway. Follow this walkway leading to the left, when this walkway forks again.
The walkway leads to a chamber where there is an operating device. Operate the device. (This causes a nearby door to unlock.)
After unlocking the door, Gateway should be completed. Relocate to Marrow Gates, by using the Teddy Bear.
33. Marrow Gates (2)
Marrow Gate 2A: In order for the protagonist to be able to open a grade 8 gate, he has to obtain two more larvae. For example, by retrieving them from Marrow Gates.
After relocating to Marrow Gates, at the supporting actor, return to the very beginning, by turning around, and walking back.
Larva #70
At the beginning, is a waterfall that leads to a larva inside a container.
Marrow Gate 2B: Climb up a waterfall at the very beginning, to obtain Larva #70.
Obtain the larva from the container on top of the waterfall, and then return to the supporting actor.
At the supporting actor, go through the opened gate, and into a tunnel.
After passing through the tunnel, take a left turn at an open area, and go into another passageway.
Larva #71
At the end of the passageway is another open area. Up ahead is a broken bridge. There is a waterfall near this broken bridge. On top of this waterfall is a larva inside a container.
Marrow Gate 2C: There is a waterfall relatively close to the supporting actor, this is where Larva #71 may be obtained.
After obtaining the larva from the container on top of the waterfall, relocate to Prophecy Chamber, by using the Teddy Bear.
34. Prophecy Chamber (9)
Prophecy Chamber 9A: The protagonist should now be able to open a grade 8 gate. This enables him to access Temple of Blood.
Upon arriving at Prophecy Chamber, first go through a grade 1 gate. This leads to a bridge.
Prophecy Chamber 9B: Go down from the bridge, through the grade 2 gate, which should already be opened.
Past the grade 1 gate is a bridge. Go down from the bridge, and go through a grade 2 gate.
After passing through the grade 2 gate, and inside the next chamber, use the Baton on the altar at the low ground.
Prophecy Chamber 9C: Take a shortcut by using the altar.
After relocating from the altar, go up a walkway leading higher up. This walkway leads to three graded gates.
Prophecy Chamber 9D: The grade 8 gate may now be opened.
Go through a grade 8 gate. This gate leads to Temple of Blood.
35. Temple Of Blood (1)
Temple of Blood 1A: At Temple of Blood, the upper-back markings may be found.
At the beginning of Temple of Blood, there is a destructible floor panel.
Temple of Blood 1B: This destructible floor panel requires the Calabash to be destroyed.
Ignore the floor panel for now. Instead, go towards the two statues, up ahead.
At these statues, press two switches, in order to lower both statues, and grant access into the temple.
Continue going onwards, until arriving at a magma pool, and a slope leading down to the pool. On both side of the pool are wall switches. Use the footholds, to descent from this slope. (A relocation point will be saved automatically.)
Temple of Blood 1C: A magma pool. Two switches on either sides of the pool, grant access into their respective directions, each by lowering a statue.
First go down the slope, towards an island, where there is a cage which has a container inside.
From that lower island, and while facing the slope, activate the switch on the left side. (This lowers a statue, somewhat higher up, on the left side of the slope.)
After lowering this statue, go up the slope, by making use of the footholds, and go to the left side of the slope.
From there, climb up and along a ledge, and then follow that path onwards, which leads past the lowered statue on the left side of the slope.
Temple of Blood 1D: After activating the switch to the left of the slope, go up the slope, and follow a path leading beyond the lowered statue.
The path beyond the statue leads to an obstacle course, where there is magma underneath a route that leads across several platforms.
First, get up to a higher platform, and find a way to get on top of this higher platform on the right, by using an elevator platform.
Temple of Blood 1E: After the statue is an obstacle course. Use an elevator platform, to get up higher.
Once on top of those platforms higher up, follow a path across those platforms, and go into a passageway, on the right.
At the end of that passageway, activate a switch. (This will cause a hammer to smash against a pillar, which creates a bridge.)
Temple of Blood 1F: Creating a bridge, by making a hammer smash against a pillar is essential. Activate a switch for this to happen.
After making the hammer swing, return to the previous area, and back into the passageway. (This leads back to the obstacle course, where there is magma.)
After leaving that passageway, and upon returning to the obstacle course, search for a switch, at the far side of the obstacle course, and across the magma.
Temple of Blood 1G: After swinging the hammer, return to the obstacle course, and activate a switch, in a far away corner.
Leap across the magma, and activate the switch in the far corner. Use a ledge to get there more easily. (Activating this switch will cause two statues to start travelling back and forth.)
After activating the switch, continue by going through a circular-shaped doorway in the distance.
This doorway leads to another chamber where there is magma. There is a ledge leading past multiple dangerous blades.
Temple of Blood 1H: Beyond the first obstacle course, is another obstacle course; This one requires the protagonist to climb along a ledge, leading past several dangerous blades, and towards a circular-shaped door.
After climbing along the ledge, and past the dangerous blades, go through a circular-shaped doorway.
This doorway leads to an area where there are spikes on the floor. Go across all spiked areas, and activate a switch. (This creates a cable, which leads the way onward.)
Temple of Blood 1I: Go across all spiked sections first.
After activating the switch, go through the doorway, near the spikes.
Temple of Blood 1J: In order to span a cable across a spacious zone, activate a switch on a lower floor.
After going through the doorway near the spikes, climb along the cable, past several dangerous blades, to a doorway on the other side of the chamber.
Larva #72
In the next chamber are two statues. Go into a sheltered area where there is lava underneath, opposite to the statues, and obtain a larva from a container.
Temple of Blood 1K: Larva #72, may be obtained at a sheltered area, where there is lava on the floor.
After obtaining the larva from the container across the lava, follow this lava, leading underneath the previous floor, and onwards.
The Upper-back Markings
After following the lava onwards, go up at the end of the lava section. The protagonist arrives at an area where the upper-back markings may be received.
Activate five switches and receive the upper-back markings.
Temple of Blood 1L: Five switches must be activated in order to receive the upper-back markings.
After having received the upper-back markings, the protagonist will automatically go back to the giant slope near the magma pool, at the relocation point.
Larva #73
At the giant slope near the relocation point, obtain a larva from a container inside a cage. To reach the container underneath this cage, swim through the magma.
Temple of Blood 1M: After having received the upper-back markings, the protagonist will return to the slope, where he may obtain Larva #73.
After obtaining the larva from the container underneath the cage, and while facing the slope, activate a switch on the right side of the slope. (The switch lowers a statue on the right side of the slope.)
After activating the switch, climb up to the right side of the slope, and use a ledge, to climb up to a path leading beyond the lowered statue.
Temple of Blood 1N: After receiving the upper-back markings, activate the switch on the right side of the slope. Then climb along a ledge higher up, and past the lowered statue.
The path beyond the statue on the right side, leads to a chamber where there is a walkway, and a switch underneath that walkway.
Temple of Blood 1O: A switch underneath the walkway enables a disc to be set at four different angles.
Underneath the walkway, activate the switch. (This rotates a disk, and enables access to a passageway.)
First, go through the passageway on the right side of the disk, and activate another switch in the next chamber. (This will cause waterfalls to start flowing.)
After activating the switch, return to the disk.
Activate the switch near the disk again. (This grants access to a passageway at the top of the disk.)
Obtain several items from the now accessible chamber, and thereafter, activate the switch again. (This grants access to a passageway on the left side of the disk.)
Go through the passageway on the left side of the disk, and go down a floor, towards a waterfall.
Larva #74
On the right side of the waterfall, is a pushable block. Push this block aside.
After pushing the block aside, locate a nearby switch. Activate that switch to create a shortcut to an earlier section, but avoid going back.
Ignore the shortcut leading back to the disc. Instead, climb up a waterfall in the next chamber, and obtain a larva from a container.
Temple of Blood 1P: Larva #74 is obtainable after climbing up a waterfall.
After obtaining the larva from the container at the waterfall, continue going onward, through a passageway on the right side of the waterfall, and then activate a switch. (This spans a cable across a spacious zone.)
After activating the switch, continue going onward, and dodge several dangerous blades when traversing the next passageway.
Larva #75
After surviving the blades, and upon reaching the the end of the passageway, climb along a cable, in order to obtain a larva from a container across a magma pool. (The container stands on a remote platform.)
Temple of Blood 1Q: Activating a switch is needed to span a cable across a magma pool. Climb along this cable to obtain Larva #75.
After obtaining the larva from the container across the magma pool, jump into the magma underneath the remote platform which the container was on.
Dive into the magma underneath the remote platform. Inside the magma is a chamber that has a switch. This switch causes the lava level in the environment to lower. Activate that switch.
After the magma level has been lowered, go across several spikes to reach another chamber, where there is a second switch.
Activating the second switch causes the magma level in the environment to rise.
Larva #76
After the magma level has risen, emerge from the magma, and obtain a larva from a container between two statues.
Temple of Blood 1R: Underneath the magma surface is a switch, which causes the magma level in the environment to rise. This is required, in order to obtain Larva #76.
After obtaining the larva from the container near the statues, sound several drums near these statues, to obtain several items.
After obtaining the items, go through a doorway near the drums.
The doorway leads back to the two statues near the sheltered lava. Go straight ahead, past the statues, and through the next doorway.
In the next chamber is the cable that was created earlier, but this cable cannot be reached. So, instead, swim through the magma, and continue following the passageway on the left side.
This passageway leads across an area where there are familiar spikes, and thereafter, a doorway leading to a known chamber with magma, where a container may be noticed.
Larva #77
Inside the previously explored chamber, an entrance that is accessable from the magma may be noticed. Swim through the magma and through this entrance, and go through a short obstacle course, where there are dangerous blades to be avoided, in order to reach a larva inside a container on top of the entrance into this obstacle course.
Temple of Blood 1S: After some backtracking, Larva #77 may be obtained.
After obtaining the larva from the container on top of the entrance to the obstacle course, relocate to Lavaducts, by using the Teddy Bear.
36. Lavaducts (2)
Lavaducts 2A: Relocate to Lavaducts, by using the Teddy Bear, to retrieve the last four larva that may be found there.
After relocating to Lavaducts, the protagonist is near a magma pool, where there is a giant blender at the centre. From that initial starting area, go into the pool, and swim through a passageway underneath the magma surface, on the left side of the pool.
Lavaducts 2B: After relocating to Lavaducts, first swim through the passageway on the left side of a magma pool.
After resurfacing on the other side of the passageway, there is an operating device. Operate the device. (This opens a doorway, (or hatch,) into the ceiling.)
Larva #78
The path through the hatch leads to a larva inside a container. There is also a lever nearby.
Lavaducts 2C: After going through the hatch in the ceiling, obtain Larva #78. Afterwards, pull a lever to unlock a nearby door.
After obtaining the larva from the container, pull the lever to unlock a door, but do not go through this doorway. Instead, return to the magma pool, after pulling the lever.
After having returned to the giant blender, swim straight ahead, into the passageway on the other side of the pool.
This passageway also leads to an operating device, but also goes into a second direction at that area. First, operate the device and go through the ceiling.
The path through the ceiling leads into a warehouse, where there are high stacks of boxes. Climb on these boxes, all the way up to the top, and then cross over them. Then go over a railing, and move onto a balcony.
Lavaducts 2D: Get on top of the boxes and find a way onward, by going over a railing at the end of a route that leads across those stacks of boxes.
After leaping across several stacks of boxes, leap onto a balcony, by going over a railing.
Larva #79
Upon reaching the balcony, follow a path leading right, because that path leads to a larva inside a container.
Lavaducts 2E: A path leading to the right, after going over a railing, and getting on a balcony, leads to Larva #79.
After obtaining the larva from the container by following the path leading right, return to the balcony.
On the balcony, this time go into a tunnel adjacent to the balcony.
This tunnel leads further into a wall, and then goes down vertically, leading back to a hatch in the floor, and to an operating device beneath the hatch, near a previously explored area.
Lavaducts 2F: After obtaining a larva, the protagonist should return to the magma. This time, he has to swim through the passageway leading right, to find a way forward.
Operate the device, in order to return to the magma, and swim through the passageway leading right.
This passageway (beneath the surface of the magma) leads to a second giant blender, at the centre of a second pool.
At that magma pool, swim through the pool, straight ahead, to the other side, and into a passageway under the surface of the magma.
This passageway leads to an operating device, which grants access to a hatch in the ceiling.
After going through the ceiling, the path leads to a stairs. Go down this stairs.
The stairs leads to an area that is composed out of green bricks. From there, go up a stairs that leads to the shore of a magma pool.
Larva #80
Obtain a larva from a container at a circular-shaped shore section. (This is a passable area in the shape of a ring, that runs around the (second) magma pool.)
Lavaducts 2G: After going through an area where there are green bricks, a stairs leads up to an area that runs around the (second) magma pool. Obtain Larva #80 from this ring-shaped region.
At the location where the larva was obtained from the container from the region running around the magma pool, go into the pool, and swim counter-clockwise, for about a quarter perimeter of the pool, to locate the next passageway, underneath the magma surface.
Swim through that passageway, and on the other side, emerge from the magma and operate a device. (This opens a hatch leading through the ceiling.)
Larva #81
The path through the ceiling leads into a chamber where there is a room at the end of the chamber, and where there is a lever inside this room.
Pull the lever, to open a rectangular-shaped doorway nearby. This doorway leads to a container on top of a stack of boxes. Obtain a larva from this container.
Lavaducts 2H: A passageway inside the second magma lake, leads to an area where there is a room inside a chamber, which has a switch inside the room. This opens a door to Larva #81.
After obtaining the larva from the container on the stack of boxes, relocate to Temple of Life, by using the Teddy Bear.
37. Temple Of Life (4)
Temple of Life 4A: After relocating to Temple of Life, walk into the direction away from the temple, and go into a passageway, that leads to a cable.
After relocating to Temple of Life, turn around, and go into a passageway leading to a cable.
Temple of Life 4B: Make a 180 degrees turn, and go away from the temple's entrance, in order to locate a familiar cable.
Climb along the cable, and go through the passageway on the other side.
The passageway leads to the temple's alternate entrance.
Larva #82
After going through the temple's alternative entrance, inside that temple, push aside a glowing block, this leads to a container that has a larva inside.
Temple of Life 4C: Once inside the temple, beyond the temple's alternative entrance, Larva #82 is located behind a glowing block.
Larva #83
After obtaining the larva from the container behind the glowing block, swim through the magma and obtain the second larva from the second container.
Temple of Life 4D: Larva #83, can be noticed nearby, past the magma.
All larvae should now have been found in this region. Relocate to Bayou Paradis, by using the Teddy Bear.
38. Bayou Paradis (2)
Bayou Paradis 2A: With all three L'Éclipser pieces together, a solar eclipse will transpire.
After relocating to Bayou Paradis, an automated sequence will be played.
Larva #84 And Larva #85
After the automated sequence, obtain two larvae from their containers, inside the church.
Bayou Paradis 2B: Larva #84 and Larva #85, may be obtained from the church.
After obtaining these larvae from these two containers inside the church, exit from the church, and go outside.
Larva #86
Once outside, use the Baton on an altar at a graveyard, in order to obtain a larva from a container in a remote shed.
Bayou Paradis 2C: Use an altar at the graveyard, to be relocated to a shed, where Larva #86 may be obtained. There is also an area with a destructible floor panel, but that is inaccessible now.
After obtaining the larva from the container in the remote shed, use the altar, inside the shed, to return to the graveyard.
At the far end of the graveyard, remove the lock from the crypt, and go inside the crypt.
Inside the crypt, go down into a hole.
After swimming some distance, continue onward by going through a cave. The cave leads to a subterranean lake.
Bayou Paradis 2D: Underneath the crypt is a lake inside a cave. Underwater passageways on both left-, and right side of the water lead out of the cave. Initially, swim through the passageway on the right side of the lake.
Inside the lake, swim through the underwater passageway near a lantern, on the right side of the lake. (This leads out of the cave.)
Larva #87
The underwater passageway leads to a shed that is partly submerged in the lake. Obtain a larva from a container, inside that flooded shed.
Bayou Paradis 2E: The underwater passageway on the right side leads to Larva #87, which resides in a shed that stands in a lake.
After obtaining the larva from the container inside the flooded shed, swim back through the underwater passageway, to return to the lake inside the cave.
Once back inside the cave, this time follow the underwater passageway on the left side of the lake.
Larva #88
The passageway to the left, inside the subterranean lake, leads out of this lake, and leads to a cable. Climb along this cable, and obtain a larva from a container inside a nearby shed.
Bayou Paradis 2F: Larva #88, is inside a shed on the right side, after climbing along a cable.
After obtaining the larva from the container inside the shed, jump down towards a tree trunk, and get on the sun dried ground at a lower altitude.
At the tree trunk, follow the path going right. (This path leads underneath the recently traversed cable.)
Larva #89
Follow the path, all the way to the beginning until arriving at a cave, near a familiar bridge. There is a larva inside a container inside this cave.
Bayou Paradis 2G: The protagonist returns to the first container he ever came across. Have him obtain Larva #89 from this container.
After obtaining the larva from the container inside the known cave, walk around to the (broken) bridge, and leap across the bridge.
Larva #90
The path beyond the (broken) bridge leads to a wrecked ship. Go inside that ship after removing several planks from the ship's hull.
Inside the ship, go down into a passageway, and obtain a larva from a container at the end of that passageway.
Bayou Paradis 2H: Obtain Larva #90 by going inside the wrecked ship.
After obtaining the larva from the container at the end of the passageway, relocate to Jail, by using the Teddy Bear.
39. Jail (2)
Jail 2A: After the solar eclipse, the protagonist may overcome the adversary inside a jail.
After relocating to Jail, overcome the adversary inside the jail by using the Shadow Gun.
Prism #1
Larva #91
After overcoming the adversary inside the jail, obtain a larva and a prism from his remains.
Jail 2B: Obtain Prism #1, in addition to Larva #91, after overcoming the adversary.
After obtaining the prism and the larva from the adversary, scan the Key Card with a nearby scanner. (This opens up an unremarkable doorway somewhere else.)
Continue following a path that leads beyond a chair.
At the end of that path is a locked door. Use the prism on a receptacle. (This opens the locked door.)
Jail 2C: Using the prism on the receptacle opens a doorway.
Go through the opened doorway, and go into a glowing portal, to be relocated to Engine Block.
Engine Block 3A: Using the prism on the receptacle opens a locked door. This portal may relocate the protagonist between Jail and Engine Block.
At the portal, and while facing the portal, go through the passageway on the right side of the portal.
The passageway on the right side of the portal leads to an operating device. Operate the device. (This opens a doorway, opposite to the portal.)
After operating the device, return to the portal.
At the portal, and while facing the portal, now go through the passageway on the left side of the portal.
At the end of the left passageway, operate another device. (This opens another doorway, opposite to the portal.)
After operating the device, return to the portal, and go through a now fully opened doorway, opposite to the portal. This doorway leads to a pathway leading up. Follow that path.
Larva #92 And Larva #93
At the end of the path is another operating device. Pull a lever, and overcome two adversaries in the next chamber, in order to obtain two larvae from these adversaries.
Engine Block 3B: The path opposite to the portal leads to a lever, which releases two adversaries. Overcome them, and obtain Larva #92 and Larva #93.
After overcoming the two adversaries, and after obtaining the two larvae from them, operate another device in a room where there are several stacks of boxes. (This opens a doorway nearby.)
After operating the device, climb on top of the boxes, in order to be able to reach a ledge, and then go through the recently opened doorway, higher up.
Engine Block 3C: After operating the device, climb on top of several stacks of boxes, to get up to a ledge, which leads to a doorway higher up.
The passageway beyond the doorway higher up, leads to several rotating blades. Follow the path to the right, leading up to the construct to which the blades are attached to.
Go on top of the construct, and then move across to the other side of this construct.
On the other side on the construct, and past the blades, is an operating device. Operate this device. (This grants access into a nearby tunnel.)
Engine Block 3D: After going past the rotating blades, there is another chamber with an operating device.
Go through the tunnel near the operating device, and overcome an adversary in the next chamber.
Larva #94
After overcoming the adversary, obtain a larva from the adversary, and then pull a lever in a nearby room. (This summons a carriage cage.)
Engine Block 3E: After overcoming an adversary, obtain Larva #94, and then pull a lever, to call in a carriage cage.
Ignore the carriage cage for a moment, and operate a device at the far end of a passageway, adjacent to the chamber where the lever to summon the carriage cage is located. (This opens an unremarkable door.)
After having done that, step into the carriage cage, to get transported to the next area.
After exiting from the carriage cage, first, go through a passageway behind this carriage cage.
Larva #95 And Larva #96
The passageway behind the carriage cage, leads to a couple of larvae inside two transparent containers.
Engine Block 3F: Behind the carriage cage, go through a passageway, and obtain Larva #95 and Larva #96.
Obtain these larvae from their transparent containers, and pull a lever, if desired, to obtain several items.
After obtaining the larvae, return to the carriage cage.
At the carriage cage, go up a slope.
On top of the slope, and past the carriage cage, pull two levers. (This opens a few cages, and releases an adversary.)
Larva #97
Overcome the adversary from the cage, and obtain a larva from this adversary.
Engine Block 3G: Opposite to the carriage cage is a slope. On top of this slope, pull two levers, to release an adversary, and obtain Larva #97 from that adversary.
After obtaining the larva from the adversary, and on top of the slope, operate a device. (This opens a tunnel near the operating device.)
After opening the tunnel near the operating device, go through this tunnel.
The tunnel leads to Piston #6.
Set combination: 2-4-5, to shut down Piston #6.
Engine Block 3H: Use the Engineer's Key to set combination: 2-4-5, to shut down Piston #6.
After turning off Piston #6, relocate to Temple of Blood, by using the Teddy Bear.
40. Temple Of Blood (2)
Temple of Blood 2A: After relocating to Temple of Blood, the protagonist should go through the doorway on the left side of the slope.
After relocating to Temple of Blood, go to the cage, at the centre of the island in the magma pool.
When facing the slope, go through the doorway on the left side of the slope.
The left doorway should lead to a bridge.
Go across the bridge, and locate several destructible floor panels, in the next chamber.
Temple of Blood 2B: Two statues above two switches prevent access to the upper tunnel, and should be lowered.
Inside the chamber where there are floor panels, activate two switches. (This will lower two statues.)
Now that the statues are lowered, the protagonist must reach that upper area. To do this: First, return to the magma pool.
Temple of Blood 2C: After the statues are lowered, return to the magma pool, and climb along the ledge, on the left side of the slope.
After returning to the magma pool, follow the path onward, by climbing along a ledge, on the left side of the slope.
The path leads to a known obstacle course. Use an elevator platform to reach a path higher up, on the left side.
Temple of Blood 2D: Use the elevator platform to reach the path higher up, on the right side.
The route leads across several platforms, and then goes into a passageway, on the right side.
Follow this passageway until arriving at the chamber, where there are the destructible floor panels, and the two lowered statues.
Temple of Blood 2E: With the statues lowered, a tunnel on the right side became accessible.
From this area higher up, Beyond the lowered statues, and exclusively accessible from that high ground area, go through a tunnel on the right side.
This tunnel past the statues leads to a grade 9 gate. Open the grade 9 gate, and obtain the Calabash from a pedestal behind this gate.
Temple of Blood 2F: The grade 9 gate leads to a chamber where the Calabash may be obtained.
After obtaining the Calabash from the pedestal beyond the grade 9 gate, deploy the Calabash to destroy a floor panel, inside a cave, where the Calabash was located.
Save the game as a precaution, because the following may be tricky to do:
Go down into the hole, which the floor panel left behind.
Once through the hole, make a leap towards a ledge, and climb along this ledge. Then go into a tunnel adjacent to this ledge.
Temple of Blood 2G: After deploying a Calabash, go through the created hole in the floor, and jump towards a ledge. (Which is exclusively accessible from a rock formation underneath this hole.)
Once through the tunnel adjacent to the ledge, the protagonist is back at the previously explored chamber, where there are destructible floor panels.
Larva #98
Destroy the correct floor panel to reveal a tunnel. This tunnel leads to a larva inside a container behind a metal fence, inside a chamber.
Temple of Blood 2H: Finding the floor panel that leads to Larva #98 is complicated.
After obtaining the larva from the container behind the metal fence, return to the magma pool. (Either by walking, or by relocating.)
At the magma pool, and while facing the slope, go through the doorway at the right side of the slope.
Temple of Blood 2I: The doorway on the right side of the slope leads to the final chamber.
Go through the doorway on the right side of the slope, and burn through a few leathers, to reach the last chamber.
Larva #99
In the final chamber is a container underneath a shelter. To reach the container, sound three drums in this chamber. (A passageway will open after sounding all three drums.)
The passageway leads to the top of the shelter, where a larva inside a container is underneath. Destroy the roof of the shelter with the Calabash.
Temple of Blood 2J: In order to obtain Larva #99, the Calabash, the Baton, the Flambeau, and the Marteau are required.
After destroying the roof, go into the shelter, and obtain a larva from the container, underneath the shelter.
All larvae from this place should now have been obtained. Relocate to Temple of Fire, by using the Teddy Bear.
41. Temple Of Fire (3)
Temple of Fire 3A: The last three larvae at Temple of Fire are relatively close to the relocation point.
After relocating to Temple of Fire, go through the nearest circular-shaped doorway.
Larva #100
The doorway leads to a destructible floor panel. Destroy the panel with the Calabash, push aside several glowing blocks, and go up a stairs.
The stairs underneath the destroyed floor panel leads to a larva inside a container.
Temple of Fire 3B: A destructible floor panel is located immediately after the entrance into the temple, and leads to Larva #100.
After obtaining the larva from the container underneath the destructible floor panel, go down from where the larva was obtained, and then climb up the pyramid, and go back into the temple, through the entrance.
Once inside, and at the destroyed floor panel, go across a bridge, and then go into the next chamber.
Inside this smaller chamber is a magma pool below. Two passageways at a lower altitude lead elsewhere. Swim through the passageway leading into the left direction.
Temple of Fire 3C: Both passageways, adjacent to the magma underneath the platform, lead to a container.
The chamber (beyond the left passageway) is an obstacle course. Activate a switch to span a cable across a spacious zone.
Climb along the cable, to reach and go through, the roof entrance, of one of the wall sections, inside this chamber.
Temple of Fire 3D: Activate a switch, to span a cable across a spacious zone to get through an obstacle course. (Or simply walk across the floor.)
After creating the cable, climb along the cable, to reach the next doorway.
The next chamber has rays of light coming from the ceiling. Activate a switch at the far end of that chamber, to span a cable across a spacious zone.
Larva #101
The roof entrance leads into a passageway, and leads to a larva inside a container.
Temple of Fire 3E: After spanning a cable, a roof entrance into one of the wall sections may be reached. (Alternatively, the protagonist may climb up the wall sections, simply by leaping towards a wall section from a slope.) Obtain Larva #101, by going down into a hole at the top of these wall sections.
After obtaining the larva from the container by going through the roof, return to the temple's entrance on top of the pyramid, and go through the doorway.
Inside the temple, once more cross the bridge, and go to the smaller chamber, where there is a pool of magma underneath a platform, which grant access to the two passageways at a lower altitude.
Inside the magma pool, this time swim through the passageway leading into the right direction.
This passageway leads to an altar. This altar can only be used once the magma has been drained.
Temple of Fire 3F: The Baton can only be used on the altar, after the magma has been removed.
Past the altar, and after emerging from the magma, activate a giant switch. (This opens a passageway.)
After the passageway is another switch. Activate that switch to drain the magma at the altar.
After changing the magma level in the environment, return to the altar, and use the Baton on the altar.
Larva #102
Using the altar will relocate the protagonist to a container. Obtain a larva from this final container at Temple of Fire.
Temple of Fire 3G: The altar inside the magma, leads to Larva #102.
After having obtained the final larva from the container after being relocated from the altar, relocate to Temple of Prophecy, by using the Teddy Bear.
42. Temple Of Prophecy (3)
Temple of Prophecy 3A: The protagonist has to make a final journey to Temple of Prophecy to obtain the last larva from the temple.
After relocating to Temple of Prophecy, walk down a stairs and destroy a destructible floor panel, to obtain a larva from underneath the floor panel.
Temple of Prophecy 3B: Near the relocation point is a destructible floor panel. Larva #103 can be found underneath this floor panel.
After obtaining the larva, relocate to Bayou Paradis, by using the Teddy Bear.
43. Bayou Paradis (3)
Bayou Paradis 3A: Outside of the church, is a destructible floor panel.
After relocating to the church at Bayou Paradis, go outside and destroy a floor panel.
Larva #104
Obtain a larva from a container inside a tomb underneath the destructible floor panel.
Bayou Paradis 3B: Underneath the destructible floor panel at the graveyard, Larva #104 may be found.
Obtain a larva from a container underneath a destructible floor panel, and then relocate to Prophecy Chamber, by using the Teddy Bear.
44. Prophecy Chamber (10)
Prophecy Chamber 10A: The protagonist should now be able to open grade 9 gates. This enables him access to The Fogometers, and allows him to retrieve the final retractor.
Upon arriving at Prophecy Chamber, first go through a grade 1 gate. This leads to a familiar bridge.
Prophecy Chamber 10B: Go down from the bridge, through a grade 2 gate, which should already be opened.
Go down from the bridge, and go through a grade 2 gate.
After passing through the grade 2 gate, use the Baton on an altar at the low ground.
Prophecy Chamber 10C: Take a shortcut by using the altar.
After being relocated from the altar to the next chamber, go up a walkway, leading to the three gates, accessible exclusively from this walkway.
Prophecy Chamber 10D: A grade 9 gate may now be opened.
Open and then go through a grade 9 gate. This path leads to The Fogometers.
45. The Fogometers (1)
The Fogometers 1A: The beginning of the Fogometers is very straightforward. But the section past a flammable leather, is more complicated.
When arriving at The Fogometers, first follow a path, all the way to the far end of the first area.
At the far end of the area, the surface is moist. Climb up a wall at this moist surface.
The path leads onwards, and runs past a flammable leather. If desired, obtain some equipment from behind this leather.
Past the flammable leather, is a more spacious region. There are three paths leading elsewhere from this region. (A relocation point is automatically saved here.)
The Fogometers 1B: The first intersection grants access to several places; There are two rotundas, and a pathway on the left side leads into a passageway.
Go into one of these cylindrical-shaped buildings, by going through the upper doorway. (To get there, climb up several cliffs, and make a few leaps across some pipes.)
This doorway leads into the left building. Follow the path inside, until reaching a round chamber, and where there is a giant fan above the protagonist.
Operate a device, to cause the fan blades to start rotating.
The Fogometers 1C: Operate a device to activate a fan above. Afterwards, climb on a machine box, near the operating device, to get to a higher altitude, and get on one of the rotating fan blades.
After activating the fan, climb on one of the rotating fan blades. (Locate a machine box to step on, to get up to a higher altitude.)
When standing on one of the fan blades, go through a passageway that can only be reached from a fan blade.
The Fogometers 1D: Get on top of the activated fan, and go through a passageway, to reach the next chamber, where there are two fans.
This passageway leads to another round chamber, where there are two sets of fan blades, on top of each other.
Go all the way down, to the ground floor of that chamber, and operate a device. (This causes the two sets of fan blades to start rotating in opposite directions.)
The Fogometers 1E: Operate a device, to activate two fans.
After activating both fans, move up to a higher altitude, and get on one of the upper fan blades.
When standing on one of the upper fan blades, have a fan blade transport the protagonist to an upper passageway, that may only be reached by standing on an upper fan blade. (Enter the widest of the two passageways.)
The Fogometers 1F: Get on one of the upper fan blades first, to reach a passageway that leads to a balcony, inside an atmospheric two-storey hall.
This passageway, leads into a two-storey hall, where there is stained glass at the ceiling.
Larva #105
At this decorated chamber, go down a stairs, and continue going onwards, by going down a brown staircase.
The path beyond the staircase leads to a larva inside a container, at a lower level.
The Fogometers 1G: The stairs underneath the stained glass window, leads to Larva #105.
After obtaining the larva from the container at the lower level, backtrack to the round chamber, where there are two sets of fan blades on top of each other.
Upon reaching the fans, this time stand on one of the lower fan blades.
The Fogometers 1H: Travel along one of the lower fan blades, in order to find a way forward, by going into a passageway in a wall.
Have a lower fan blade transport the protagonist to a passageway leading out of the round chamber. (This passageway can most easily be reached when standing on a lower fan blade.)
The passageway leads to an area where there are giant shredding blades, which are spinning. Operate a device, in an adjacent chamber, to stop the shredding blades from spinning.
The Fogometers 1I: At a shredder, go through a doorway near an operating device. This leads to a shrine.
After shutting down the shredder, go through a doorway, next to the operating device.
Retractor #5
Ignore a doorway on the left side. Instead, go through a doorway straight ahead. This doorway leads to a shrine. Obtain a retractor from the shrine inside the next chamber.
The Fogometers 1J: Visit a shrine to retrieve Retractor #5.
After obtaining the retractor from the shrine, return to the shredder, in the previous section.
Now that the shredding blades are no longer spinning, go down into a hole in the floor, leading underneath the shredder.
Larva #106
The area beneath the shredder leads to a larva inside a container.
The Fogometers 1K: Operate a device, to turn off the shredder, in order to safely reach Larva #106.
After obtaining the larva from the container beneath the shredder, climb on top of several boxes, to get over a nearby fence.
Once across the fence, go through a doorway.
This doorway leads back to the first intersection at The Fogometers.
The Fogometers 1L: After having obtained a retractor and two larvae, the protagonist should go back to the beginning, where he started. This time, follow a pathway leading to the left of the rotundas.
At the intersection, seek a lantern. Then go through a passageway on the left side of the lantern. (The passageway is found on the left side of the rotundas, on the ground floor.)
Follow the path on the left, and continue walking until noticing a cable.
Climb along the cable, and follow a route that leads past three rotundas. (Long jumps are required to get through this section.)
The Fogometers 1M: After climbing along a cable, follow a route that leads past several rotundas.
Long jumps are required to reach the balconies around the rotundas. When reaching the third rotunda, go inside.
Once inside, operate a device. (This unlocks a door nearby.)
Go through the nearby doorway. This doorway leads past a fence, and to another operating device, near a locked door.
Operate the device to unlock the door, and go through this doorway.
The doorway leads back outside of the rotunda.
The Fogometers 1N: After operating a few devices, and once back outside, follow a route towards the fifth rotunda.
Once outside, and while standing on a balcony, (that leads around the rotunda,) go down onto a bridge leading further ahead, and move onwards, towards the next building.
From that building, leap towards a fifth, (and final,) rotunda.
Once inside, climb on top of several stacks of boxes, in order to get over a railing, and find the way forward.
Larva #107
Inside the next (round) chamber, there is an adversary. Overcome the adversary, to obtain a larva from this adversary. (Release the adversary from a cage, by walking down from a pathway, which is spiralling downwards.)
The Fogometers 1O: Inside the final chamber, an adversary resides inside a cage. Overcome the adversary to obtain Larva #107.
After obtaining the final larva from the adversary at The Fogometers, relocate to Cathedral of Pain, by using the Teddy Bear.
46. Tenement (1)
Tenement 1A: Now that the protagonist has obtained all retractors, an adversary may be sought in a tenement.
After relocating to Cathedral of Pain, enter the passageway with a nail-symbol above the entrance.
Tenement 1B: The passageway that has a nail-symbol above the entrance leads to the next target.
Use a retractor on a torso, in order to relocate to Tenement.
After relocating to Tenement, inside a tenement, climb up one floor and follow a red carpet.
At the end of the red carpet, open a door, and an automated sequence will play. (A relocation point is also automatically saved.)
After the automated sequence, notice the elevator is out of order. When facing the elevator, go through a doorway on the left side of the elevator. Go behind a stairs, and then follow a red carpet.
Tenement 1C: A pathway to the left leads to the Flashlight.
When following the red carpet, take a left turn. After removing several boxes, and opening a barricated doorway, obtain the Flashlight inside a gruesome chamber.
After obtaining a light, return to the elevator.
At the elevator, this time enter a doorway on the right side of the elevator. (Remove several boxes to clear a path.)
Follow a red carpet, and then go through several more chambers. Then go outside. (Remove a lock from a door to gain access to this outside area.)
Tenement 1D: After shooting a lock from a door, an outdoor passageway becomes accessible.
Go through the outdoor passageway, then push aside a block, and go indoors.
Once inside, remove several planks from a doorway, and then follow a red carpet, beyond the doorway.
When following this path, an adversary may attack. After this attack, go up a floor, by going through the ceiling from inside a chamber, which appears to be a ruined bathroom.
Tenement 1E: The path onwards leads through a hole in the ceiling, inside a chamber that has a green checker box pattern on the walls.
Once through the ceiling, and on the floor above, remove several boxes. There is a gruesome sight in the next chamber.
After seeing this horrible scenery, open a door, and follow the path to the right. Where a victim may stumble along the hallway.
The path leads to a trap; a hole in the floor. If the protagonist falls in the hole, he will curse. If this happens, backtrack to this area by following the previous route, starting at the outside area, a second time.
Tenement 1F: The protagonist may fall into a hole in the floor. He must jump across this hole, or else backtrack to that area in order to get past the hole.
Regardless of this happening, go over the hole in the floor, and then push aside a block, in the next area.
After pushing aside the block, go through several small rooms.
Upon arriving at a hallway, an adversary may attack the protagonist. Follow a red carpet in that hallway.
The path onwards leads through a chamber where there is a hole in the ceiling. There are also many insects at that area.
Tenement 1G: The tenement seems ruined.
Beyond the chambers where the insects are, remove several boxes, and go into a more secluded area, where there is a red carpet.
Follow the red carpet. The corridor leads past the great hall where the elevator is, but while standing on the first floor.
Tenement 1H: Right next to the doorway leading to the hall where the elevator is, is a barricaded doorway, which (eventually) leads to a power unit.
Past the doorway leading to where the elevator is, is another doorway. Remove several planks from that doorway and go through.
The path onward leads to several more chambers, and another barred doorway.
Remove the planks from the barred doorway, and continue onwards.
Inside the next chamber, locate an electrical device, and push a lever to restore electricity to the tenement.
Tenement 1I: Push a lever to restore power to the elevator.
Push the lever on the power unit, and return to the elevator. (An adversary may attack the protagonist.)
At the elevator, use the elevator to go up to the second floor.
Once on the second floor, follow the path onward over a hole in the floor, and then go through a doorway.
Tenement 1J: When on the second floor in the hall where the elevator is, leap across a hole, and then continue onward, through a doorway.
After going over the hole, and going through the doorway, go left at an intersection. (an adversary may attack the protagonist again.)
Continue following a red carpet, and then go through a few ruined rooms.
Continue carefully, because there is a hole in the floor, inside one of the ruined rooms.
Tenement 1K: Be cautious, and jump across a hole in the floor, and not fall into the hole.
Jump across the hole, and then go into a narrow passageway.
Continue following the narrow passageway leading onwards. (Remove several boxes while going through this passageway.)
Accumulator #2
The passageway leads to a gruesome sight. At this area, there is an accumulator nearby.
Tenement 1L: After going through a relatively long and narrow passageway, Accumulator #2 may be obtained.
After obtaining the accumulator, continue going onward, through a few more rooms.
Soon after, there is a passageway that appears to be filled with blood. At this shallow water, climb up a nearby waterfall.
Tenement 1M: At the top floor of the tenement, there appears to be leakage. Climb up a waterfall to continue.
After climbing up, follow this water, into another part of the tenement. (An adversary may attack the protagonist.)
Prism #2
Larva #108
Continue going onward, and go into a chamber which has a ceiling window, and appears to be an attic.
Overcome an adversary to be able to continue. (The way forward leads to a locked door, which requires a prism to be opened.)
After overcoming the adversary, obtain a larva and a prism from his remains.
Tenement 1M: The adversary may be overcome in the attic. Obtain Prism #2 and Larva #108 from this adversary.
After obtaining these items from the adversary, go through the left passageway inside the attic, and then use the prism on a receptacle at a locked door, in the next chamber.
Tenement 1N: Before being able to open the locked door, the adversary must be overcome.
The doorway leads to a glowing portal. Go through this glowing portal, to journey to Engine Block.
At Engine Block, pull a lever. (This opens two doorways.)
Engine Block 3A: Notice a lever near the portal at Engine Block.
After opening the doorways, climb along a cable, at the far end of the chamber.
Go through one of the doorways, and then operate a device inside the next chamber.
Larva #109 And Larva #110
In the next chamber, and after operating the device, overcome two adversaries, to obtain two larvae from them.
Engine Block 3B: Larva #109 and Larva #110, may be obtained after overcoming two adversaries.
After obtaining these two larvae from those adversaries, continue following the way onward.
The way onward leads through a tunnel in a wall, and eventually ends at Piston #4.
Deactivate Piston #4, by setting combination: 3-1-2, on the operating device.
Engine Block 3C: The combination to shut down Piston #4, can be found in Jack's Journal.
After shutting down Piston #4, use the Teddy Bear, to relocate to Cathedral of Pain.
47. Summer Camp (1)
Summer Camp 1A: The protagonist will now visit Summer Camp. This is where an adversary is located.
After relocating to Cathedral of Pain, enter the passageway with the crossed spears-symbol above the entrance.
Summer Camp 1B: The passageway that shows the crossed spears-symbol above the entrance, leads to Summer Camp.
Beyond the passageway that shows the cross-symbol, and at the top of a shrine, use a retractor on a torso, and relocate to Summer Camp.
After arriving at Summer Camp, follow the path leading onwards.
Go through a giant alligator structure, by following the path to the camp.
Beyond the alligator structure, go inside a building, and remove the lock from a far away door.
Summer Camp 1C: Remove the lock from a door, by shooting the lock from the door.
After removing the lock, and opening the door, go through that doorway.
The path onward leads through a swamp. Go into a shack at the far end of the swamp.
After going through the shack, the protagonist is attacked by the adversary.
After the attack, continue following a path to a shack that has a porch. Obtain the SMG from inside the shack.
Summer Camp 1D: There is an SMG inside a shack that has a porch.
After obtaining the SMG from the shack, move onward.
The path onward leads into a cinema. Once inside, activate a remote control, to open two doors elsewhere.
Summer Camp 1E: Use a remote control to open two doors.
After opening the two doors by using the remote control, continue onward.
The path onward leads into a vent system. Go through this vent system.
Summer Camp 1F: Search for an entrance into a vent system, and go through this vent to continue.
After going through the vent system, go past a film projection screen, and then go outside.
Once outside, go behind a couple of dumpsters, to find a way into the next building.
Soon after leaving the building, a relocation point is automatically saved.
Near where the relocation point was saved, there is a hidden underwater tunnel, near a structure that stands in a lake. Swim through the lake, and swim through this underwater tunnel.
Summer Camp 1G: Seek an underwater tunnel, underneath the surface of the lake.
Resurface from the underwater tunnel, and emerge inside a boathouse, and continue following the path leading onwards.
The path onwards leads into a mine. Go down into a shaft, to reach a subterranean lake, inside a large cave.
After swimming through the lake, go across two bridges.
When arriving at an elevator shaft, save the game, because this is going to be easy to fail at:
Summer Camp 1H: Pay close attention after locating an elevator shaft, because there is a trick to get past this area easily.
Run into the elevator shaft, towards a ledge inside the shaft. Once on the ledge, turn around.
When standing on the ledge inside the elevator shaft, notice another ledge, straight in front of the protagonist, inside the elevator shaft. Run towards this next ledge. (This ledge leads into a passageway just below the entrance of the elevator shaft. Avoid going all the way down the shaft.)
Once inside the area below the entrance of the elevator shaft, the protagonist says: “I wonder what's 'round here?”.
The area leads to an intersection, and there is a hole in the floor, where the paths intersect. Go into the passageway on the right. (Avoid falling into the hole. (Save the game if necessary).)
Summer Camp 1I: Soon after making a tricky jump inside an elevator shaft, another specific direction should be followed. Namely, going through a passageway to the right, adjacent to a hole.
Avoid falling into the hole, (save the game if necessary), and go into a passageway on the right side of this hole.
The passageway leads to a mysterious chamber. Inside that chamber, push aside a block, so that the block falls through the floor.
Summer Camp 1J: Inside a mysterious chamber, a pushable block should be pushed through a hole in the floor.
Accumulator #3
After making the block fall down a hole in the floor, go down through that hole as well, and then make several long jumps, to obtain an accumulator on the other side of the water, inside the chamber underneath the hole.
Summer Camp 1K: Stand on the block. From there, make a far leap across water, in order to obtain Accumulator #3. (Succeeding at this jump may require some practice.)
After obtaining the accumulator from the other side of the water underneath the hole, turn around, and go into the next chamber. (There is a fire in that chamber.)
Summer Camp 1L: Upon arriving at a fire, go into the left passageway. This will lead into a large natural cave system.
At the fire, go into the passageway on the left side of the fire. This way will lead to a natural rock formation, where there is a ledge.
Climb on that ledge, and then go across a bridge, which has fences running along both sides of the bridge.
The bridge leads into a large cave. Move up, inside that cave, by climbing on a few more cliffs.
The large natural cave leads to a door that has a lock. Remove this lock from this door to create a shortcut, but do not go through this doorway.
Summer Camp 1M: After going through a natural cave system, remove a lock from a door, and go through a passageway near a few boxes. (Do not go through the doorway that has a lock.)
Instead of going through the doorway, go into a tunnel, past a couple of boxes. (These boxes have a lantern near them.)
Prism #3
Larva #111
The path past the boxes leads to the adversary, who holds both a larva and a prism.
Summer Camp 1N: Obtain Larva #111 and Prism #3, from the remains of the adversary.
After overcoming the adversary, obtain the larva and the prism from his remains, and then leave the area by going through a tunnel.
The tunnel leads to a mysterious place. Push a block aside, to create a path onward.
Summer Camp 1O: After pushing aside the block, enter the natural cave behind the block.
The path onward leads through a cave, and to a locked door.
Summer Camp 1P: Use the prism on a receptacle, in order to open the locked door.
Use the prism on the receptacle, and then enter a glowing portal.
After arriving at Engine Block, activate two operating devices, on both sides of the glowing portal. (This creates a bridge.)
After creating the bridge, go across the bridge, and into the next area.
Engine Block 4A: Activate two operating devices, to create a bridge that leads onwards.
Past the bridge, and at the end of the next area, is another operating device. Operate the device. (This opens a doorway into a nearby tunnel.)
Larva #112 And Larva #113
The tunnel leads to a larva inside a transparent container, and to an adversary in a cage. Obtain a larva from the transparent container, and then pull a lever to release the adversary.
Overcome the adversary, and obtain a larva from the adversary.
Engine Block 4B: Release an adversary by pulling a lever. Both Larva #112 and Larva #113 may be obtained here.
After obtaining both larvae, continue going onward, by going through a doorway.
The path onward will have the protagonist climb along a cable, and after that, leads to Piston #3.
Deactivate Piston #3, by setting combination: 4-3-1.
Engine Block 4C: Piston #3, can be deactivated by setting combination: 4-3-1. This can be read in Jack's Journal.
After Piston #3 is disabled, relocate to Cathedral of Pain, by using the Teddy Bear.
48. Salvage Yard (1)
Salvage Yard 1A: The adversary has a party going at a salvage yard.
After relocating to Cathedral of Pain, enter the passageway, which has an electricity-symbol above the entrance.
Salvage Yard 1B: The passageway that has an electricity-symbol above the entrance leads to an industrial site.
At the top of a shrine, use a retractor on a torso, and relocate to Salvage Yard.
After arriving at the salvage yard, go through the salvage yard, and a relocation point is automatically saved.
After the relocation point is saved, take a right turn, past a bunch of total car wrecks.
Before the protagonist can go into a silo, the adversary may attack the protagonist.
After that, and once inside the silo, crush a few car wrecks at leisure, and then exit through a doorway.
Once outside, go through a shipping container, and then go past more stacks of wrecked cars.
The path onward leads inside, follow a path leading to the right.
Continue going onward, and open a door that looks expensive, and somewhat out of place.
After going past the expensive looking door, an automated sequence will play.
After the intermezzo, enter a building called: “The Show Me Inn”-inn.
Inside the inn, and inside a room, a man will burn. Go through a doorway leading out of that room.
Next, and inside a pink chamber, go right, through a doorway. This leads past a bed, and into a hallway.
At the end of the hallway, another burning man may be noticed. There is also a hole in the floor. Avoid going down that hole.
Salvage Yard 1C: Inside a hallway, near a burning man, go through a doorway on the right side of this hallway, before going down into a hole.
Avoid going down into the hole. Instead, proceed by going through the doorway on the right side of the hole.
The doorway leads across a balcony, and after that, there is another hole in the floor.
Salvage Yard 1D: To avoid missing out on an item, follow a balcony leading close to the entrance of the inn.
Accumulator #4
After locating the hole beyond the balcony, go down a slope (by walking over something that looks like sand), and locate an accumulator.
Salvage Yard 1E: Inside the burning inn, Accumulator #4, may be obtained.
After obtaining the accumulator underneath the hole, go back over the balcony.
After backtracking across the balcony, this time go through the hole that was avoided earlier. (Near a burning man.)
After going down the hole, search for a doorway underneath the hole, and nearest to this hole. Go through that doorway.
In the area beyond the doorway underneath the hole, the protagonist may remove a lock from a door. (This creates a shortcut, and grants access back to a previously explored area.)
Salvage Yard 1F: Removing a lock from a door enables quicker access into the inn.
After creating the shortcut, go back through the previous doorway. (The doorway nearest to the hole in the ceiling.)
Inside the previously explored hallway, underneath the hole, this time go through a doorway leading into the right direction. (This doorway leads outside.)
Once outside, locate a hidden door underneath a shelter, and go through that hidden passageway.
Salvage Yard 1G: After leaving the burning inn, there is a secret passageway underneath a shelter.
The hidden passageway leads through a tunnel, which has various colours of lighting.
After the colourful tunnel, there is another car cemetery.
Between the car wrecks, the adversary may attack the protagonist again.
After the attack, go onward, through the car wrecks, and then go through a hole in a wall.
After going through the hole in a wall, go through another hole. (This leads into a shipping container.)
Follow the tunnel made out of shipping containers. (At the end of this tunnel, music may be heard playing.)
Exit from the tunnel, to arrive at an open area, where music may be heard playing. At this place are many more car wrecks, including an industrial vehicle, that is used to lift cars.
Salvage Yard 1H: Destroying the loudspeakers disables the music, if desired.
At the music party area, go around the car wrecks, and then go into a shack, that has a blue roof.
Salvage Yard 1I: Search for a shack, which has a blue roof.
Sawed-off Shotgun
From inside the shack, obtain the Sawed-off Shotgun near a computer screen.
Salvage Yard 1J: Inside the blue-roofed shack, the Sawed-off Shotgun may be obtained.
After obtaining the Sawed-off Shotgun from inside the shack, continue going onwards, by leaving the shack.
After leaving the shack, remove a lock from a door, to create a shortcut.
After creating the shortcut, return to the car cemetery, where the music was heard, and where the industrial vehicle to lift cars was.
At the music area, climb on the industrial car-lifting vehicle, in order to get across a fence.
Salvage Yard 1K: Stand on top of a heavy industrial vehicle, in order to get over a fence.
Once over the fence, search for an entrance into a blue silo. Use a dumpster to get over the fence once more, and then go into the blue silo.
Inside the silo, go up a conveyor-belt, and into the machine the conveyor-belt connects to.
Salvage Yard 1L: Follow a conveyor-belt to find the way onwards.
The conveyor-belt leads into a decorated shipping container, and then transitions into a white chamber, where there is a stairs leading up.
After going up the stairs, exit from the silo by going through a doorway.
After leaving the silo, walk over a metal walkway, and go into the next silo. (Notice there is a dance floor, at the ground floor underneath the walkway, inside this silo.)
Prism #4
Larva #114
Get on the dance floor, and overcome the adversary, to obtain a larva and a prism from the adversary.
Salvage Yard 1M: There is a disco at the salvage yard. After overcoming the adversary on his dance floor, obtain Larva #114 and a Prism #4 from his remains.
After obtaining the larva and the prism from the adversary at the dance floor, exit the silo by going through a doorway, close to a sound mixing device.
The path onward leads to a locked door. Use the prism on the receptacle to open a doorway.
Salvage Yard 1N: The doorway behind a turntable leads to a locked door. And requires the prism to be opened.
Beyond that doorway, go through a glowing portal, to enter Engine Block.
At Engine Block, operate two devices. (This opens two doorways, and grants passage onwards.)
Engine Block 5A: Operating both devices grants passage deeper into Engine Block. There is an operating device at the farthest reaches of each of the two passageways at both the left, and the right side of the portal.
Larva #115
After operating both devices, go past the two opened doors, and overcome an adversary to obtain a larva from the remains of the adversary.
Engine Block 5B: Obtain Larva #115 from the first of the two adversaries, which are found at this part of Engine Block.
After obtaining the larva from the adversaries' remains, continue going onwards.
Larva #116
The next area leads to another adversary. Overcome the adversary and obtain a larva from the remains of this adversary.
Engine Block 5C: Soon after the first adversary, there will be another. Obtain Larva #116 from this adversary.
After obtaining the larva from the second adversaries' remains, continue going onward.
The path onwards leads to Piston #5. Set combination: 1-5-3, to deactivate the piston.
Engine Block 5D: Disable Piston #5, by setting combination: 1-5-3, by using the operating devices.
After deactivating Piston #5, relocate to Cathedral of Pain, by using the Teddy Bear.
49. Down Street Station (2)
Down Street Station 2A: An adversary has made his domain in Down Street Station.
After relocating to Cathedral of Pain, enter the passageway that has a knife-symbol above the entrance.
Down Street Station 2B: The passageway that has a knife-symbol above the entrance, leads to a metro in Down Street Station.
At the top of a shrine, use a retractor on a torso to relocate to Down Street Station.
After relocating to Down Street Station, exit from the first chamber, and go into a sewer.
Once inside the sewer, take a right turn.
Continue walking through the sewer, until arriving at an underwater passageway.
Down Street Station 2C: Search for an underwater passageway inside the sewer.
Swim through the passageway.
Once on the other side, and when out of the water, search for a tunnel inside the wall and go through.
The tunnel leads to a winding staircase. Go up this staircase.
Down Street Station 2D: There is a winding staircase leading up.
The winding staircase leads to a metro station.
Follow the hallway through the station, until a relocation point is automatically saved.
Down Street Station 2E: Not too far inside the metro station, a relocation point is automatically saved.
After the relocation point is saved, go back to the winding staircase.
Go down the stairs, and go back into the sewers.
Inside the sewer, swim back through the underwater passageway, and back to the previous sewer section.
After having backtracked some distance, and after resurfacing in a previously explored sewer section, search for a tunnel in a wall, at the far end of the sewer.
Down Street Station 2F: After returning to the sewer, at the beginning, at an earlier explored sewer section, go into a tunnel leading through a wall.
Go through the tunnel in the wall. This leads to a large mass of water.
Dive into this water, and swim through an underwater tunnel at the bottom.
After going through the underwater tunnel, swim up, and go past a giant rotating blade.
After getting out of the water, go into an elevator.
Activate the elevator, and exit from the elevator on the next floor.
Directly after the elevator, and after going through a doorway, and on the left side, is a chamber where there are three rotating blades.
Down Street Station 2G: Three rotating blades lead to the adversary. For now, ignore these blades.
Ignore the three blades for now. Instead, go straight ahead, through a passageway.
The passageway leads to a stairs, and then to a gruesome chamber.
Accumulator #5
Obtain an accumulator from a pedestal, inside the gruesome chamber.
Down Street Station 2H: Accumulator #5, may be found inside a gruesome chamber.
After obtaining the accumulator inside the gruesome chamber, return, all the way back to the three rotating blades.
Down Street Station 2I: After obtaining the accumulator, return to the three rotating blades.
Upon arriving at the three rotating blades, swim through the water, to the other side, past the three blades.
Once on the other side, follow the path leading onward.
The path leads into another mass of water.
Swim through a tunnel below the water surface, and emerge on the other side.
Prism #5
Larva #117
The path leads to the adversary. Overcome the adversary, and obtain a larva and a prism from his remains.
Down Street Station 2J: Overcome the adversary to obtain Larva #117 and Prism #5.
After obtaining the larva and the prism from the adversary, search the area for a locked door.
Down Street Station 2K: Search for the locked door in the same area, as where the adversary was overcome. (Note: an updated version of Shadow Man Remastered added a door, so the locked door may be found more easily.)
At the locked door, use the prism on the receptacle to open a doorway.
Down Street Station 2L: Use the prism on the receptacle to open a locked door.
After opening the locked door, relocate to Engine Block, by going through a glowing portal.
Upon arriving at Engine Block, use an operating device. (This opens a doorway near the portal.)
Engine Block 6A: An operating device opens a tunnel near the portal.
Go through the opened tunnel.
After exiting from the tunnel, use another operating device. (This unlocks a nearby door.)
Don't go through the unlocked doorway. Instead, go across the lava.
Engine Block 6B: The protagonist has no problems by going across the lava because of his obtained abilities.
Once across the lava, there is another tunnel. Go through that tunnel.
Larva #118
At the end of the tunnel is a chamber where there is a lever and an adversary in a cage. Pull the lever, to be able to overcome the adversary, and obtain a larva from the adversary.
Engine Block 6C: To be able to overcome the adversary, and obtain Larva #118, a lever should be pulled.
After obtaining the larva from the adversary from the cage, go through a doorway.
Larva #119
The doorway leads to another adversary. Overcome the adversary and obtain a larva from the adversaries' remains.
Engine Block 6D: Larva #119 is found after overcoming another adversary.
Larva #120
After obtaining the larva, continue going onwards. Soon after, there is another adversary. Pull a lever before overcoming this adversary.
After overcoming the adversary, obtain a larva from this adversary.
Engine Block 6E: Larva #120 is the last larva, which the protagonist has to obtain.
After obtaining the final larva from the adversary, go through a passageway, at the top of the chamber.
The path onward leads to Piston #2.
Deactivate Piston #2, by setting combination: 1-2-4.
Engine Block 6F: Deactivating Piston #2, requires code: 1-2-4.
After shutting down the complete engine, use the Teddy Bear, to relocate to Playrooms.
50. Playrooms (3)
Playrooms 3A: To reach the remaining violator pieces, go through a passageway, and then through a doorway on the left.
Violator #2, #3, #4, And #5
After relocating to Playrooms, go forwards and take a right turn, through a passageway, and go through the first doorway on the left.
The doorway on the left side leads to an area where all five remaining violator pieces may be obtained, by using five accumulators on five locked containers.
Playrooms 3B: Obtain all five violator pieces, to complete the protagonist's arsenal.
After obtaining all the violator pieces from their containers, use the Teddy Bear, to relocate to Marrow Gates.
51. Marrow Gates (3)
Marrow Gates 3A: Before the finale, a bonus item may be obtained at Marrow Gates.
After relocating to Marrow Gates, at the supporting actor, return to the very beginning, by turning around, and walking back.
Book Of Shadows
All the way back at the beginning of Marrow Gates, is a waterfall that leads to a grade 10 gate.
Marrow Gates 3B: Climb up a waterfall at the very beginning, to obtain the Book of Shadows, after opening a grade 10 gate.
Obtain the bonus item from a chamber beyond the grade 10 gate, and then use the Teddy Bear, to relocate to Engine Block.
52. Engine Block (3)
Engine Block 7A: After relocating to Engine Block, the story nears completion.
After relocating to Engine Block, follow a path that leads between the engine.
Save the game, and then follow the path onward, and finish the campaign.
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2492999433
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