Controls And Key Combinations
Movement – WASD moves up, left, down, and right respectively. This game also currently uses the mouse to target and pick stuff up. As of this version there is no controller support.
Inventory – there are two portions of your inventory, the active and the bag. Active inventory
allows you to use the item on the highlighted slot and consists of 7 slots. Bagged inventory consists of 9 slots to start but it expandable to 27 though in game play. You can move stuff from your bag to your active by dragging said item between both from the inventory menu (tab for the short cut, or mouse wheel click and up)
Additionally there is a flying chest obtainable that is a key item obtainable that will extend your inventory by another 63 item slots. items will automagically overflow from you current inventory into the wing chest but you will have to open it up to move anything out from it (outside of auto sort to chests)
Combat – Combat is done by engaging, or being engaged, by monsters and automagically brings up the combat menu. From which you can click or hit the numbers 1-6 to trigger the respective chimera abilities. There are currently two types of weapons in the game, Swords and staffs(wands).
Swords have an arc around the player and allow for a 'sword-rang' to be charged and thrown with the "x" button.
Staffs/wands have a V attack shape (not a cone) with the player at the intersection.
Additionally, with both weapons you can hold and release the “Z” button to charge up a special attack. For staffs/wands the “X” button allows you to dodge incoming attacks for a set amount of time, hope your good at quicktime events!
Note you can move the chimera abilities around and toggle between the active inventory and combat bar by the dual arrow on the right
Pressing the "H" button allows you to transform into a semi random object to avoid/get rid of monster agro at the cost of 1 mana. As I have yet to fully test this out I do not know if this stops incoming attacks. This also increases chimera spawn rate.
Key Combinations – there are several ‘unknown’ combinations of keys that make your journeys through the world of Serin Fate faster and less frustrating.
Shift + Left Click → This will pick up half of the stack of items rounded up
Ctrl + Left Click → This will Transfer the FULL stack of items to/from the open container
Alt + Left Click → This will allow to break a placed item (not a pen) free from placement
You’re A Witch Harry!
You’re a Witch Harry! – Well now you’re a witch (disregarding your gender) so now you can cast spells, enslave capture helpless animals and order them to your will!
Species - there are three playable species in SerinFate currently, and all are balanced around doing different things with each giving a unique buff.
Human - standard baseline beings that excel as merchants, fighters and pir sailors. Gains a buff that allows them to buy and sell stuff for higher/lower and potentially some minor combat benefits (unknown if this was patched out or not)
Serin - Bird people with lofty goals. Gains a buff to starting mana amount and has innate mana regeneration.
Val - Cat/Fox/dog people, Big ears. Buffs include more base HP and any 'basic' ore has 100% chance to turn into bars (ore is different than crumbles)
Elements & Starters – So available elements and starting chimera.
Cain (the mirror) will ask you a series of questions. Only two of these actually affect game play.
The "How are you feeling?" affects what elemental benefit you have. The fav color only affects a few responses and your house's roof color.
- "Like a sapling" will attune you to Nature. This provides +20% exp from ALL sources, plants grow faster, and a chance for giant plants to form without the skill tree trait.
- "Electric!" will attune you to Storm giving you +20% damage, an innate attack (drone ish) and automagically making dry soil wet when you pass by
- "Bright and radiant." attunes to Sun. This makes mining and woodcutting spells 40% more powerful, and give you an innate rank of heat proof (of 3 possible)
- "Luminous..." is the Moon attuned answer and provides More chimera spawns, night glow, and all moon monsters will not outright attack you.
- "Dark and mysterious." makes for a Void attuned benefit. This gives an additional 100% mana link (see later) power, extra Hp/MP drops from monsters, and +10% runic resistances
In SerinFate there is an Elemental advantage and disadvantage between each element. And as such, your choice of element affects game play AND the choice of the three starter chimera that Coco (the head witch) offers. Refer to the figure for the element and starter types (shown in order from left to right). As to which of the three choices you pick… it doesn’t matter that much so go for cool/cute factor as you please. If you care to spend the time, it could/would be a good idea to reload and pick again until you get a skill that has base damage of 30 or higher and a decent trait, but not required as chimera are 'relatively' easy to find
Totems – The tutorial covers these fairly well. Find them, interact with them, and get permanent mana increase and a spell
Obelisks – There are three types of Obelisks scattered though out the lands. Some require the socketing/sacrifice of a rune with the corresponding image, others require mana linking to charge them up to full (10 or 100 mana effected by link power)
Spells – So, not much to do here but list the spells and what they do.
Meditate - when the spell cool-down timer goes poof you can generate some mana
Woodcut (I,II, III)- chops down trees. Each chop does a set amount of ‘damage’ to each tree with the higher level versions doing more damage.
Mine (I,II, III)- digs up ores from nodes. Each swing does a set amount of ‘damage’ to each ore node with the higher level versions doing more damage.
Capture- allows you a chance to capture a wild chimera, must be cast on the base tile that the cimera is on. this is best idendified by were the chimera's shadow is.
Nuture I - increases the growth rate of plants on the farm. must be cast on an empty tile.
Seed praise - increases the growth of a seed. must be cast on a seed
Harvest - summons an pair of sheers that will automagically harvest fully grown crops on the farm
Glow - increases the light level around you by a slight amount. Does stack up to a point.
Summon Cloud - summons a cloud to rain down upon the land. only useable in your farm and summing enough of them will summon a storm for thunder.
Ignite - creates a spark that will light anything it lands upon on fire. The fire WILL spread to anything that is flamable. will generate ash and plant fiber.
Trout trap / Sea Trap - generates a fish trap in the fresh water for trout trap, or in the salt water for sea trap. This trap has a very good chance at catching fish and will last for 2 days once cast. Will show an "!" over the top when a fish is caught. May catch anything from driftwood, rotten wood, fish, fish bait, seaweed, or seashells.
Home tele - teleports you to the travel stone in your home garden
Enrich - doubles the drops and drop rate of the affected resource. covers a 5x5 square centered upon the tile you cast upon.
Moon Walk - ninja walk. you no longer make sound when walking though grass, bamboo or over twigs. very nice for getting closer to Chimera. Lasts for 12 hours in game. Currently has a minor bug that if cast while it is already on will last forever. Stops you from walking over twigs to gain the item twig. You can still press 'e' to interact and snap them manually.
Spell casting - The tutorial covers how to cast spells. Just a few notable exceptions. Nurture, this is cast on an EMPTY tile within a range of 9 of what crop item(s) you want to nurture. Enrich, this can be cast on any crop, ore, or tree; this spell is a bit odd in that it is an area of effect spell, covering a 5x5 square centered upon the tile you cast it on.
Mana – You need this to cast spells. You can increase the cap by activating totems, using mana prisms, or though eating Golden eggs.
Library – You buy spell books and a few other useful items from here.
Moneies – There are currently four types of currency in the game. Talos Ember coins, gold coins, copper coins, and pearls. 1000 copper = 1 gold, 1000 gold = 1 ember. Copper and gold can be obtained by selling stuff (refined bars, wood planks, coal, basically anything) or killing monsters. Pearls are obtained from chimeras, by either selling them off (1 pearl each), tossing them into a pen and letting them poop ‘generate’ out a pearl, or leveling the chimeras up.
Collections-R-Us – Okay so now it is time to get into chimera! Chimera spawn semi randomly based upon the area’s element at the time. That is nature chimera spawn in the nature area, Sun in the Sun area, Moon spawn at night, Storm in the storm area and when it is raining in a given area, and void chimera spawn only in the void heavy areas. There are 10 Chimera types of each element.
Chimera capturing – To catch a Chimera is a multiple step process. Firstly you need to have the spell ‘Capture’ loaded into your spell bar, Capture is obtained from the spell totem outside the farm. Once you have the capture spell loaded and a victim chimera located you have to click on the chimera’s location tile, best identified by the chimera’s shadow. Next, the spell orb has to land on the chimera. This can go wrong if you scare the chimera away before the spell orb lands. Now that the targeted chimera is in the orb the most important part of the capturing begins. The chimera has a fairly large chance to break out of the capture orb and vanish. This chance is based upon the chimera’s rarity, the distance from it when you cast the spell, how much +% affects you have from skills, and how many mana link ticks you have on the chimera (+ 3% overall per link tick). Finally, you will know that the capture spell has worked when you see a swirl of color around the chimera orb and experience bubbles spawn around the chimera orb.
Chimera Pens and Barns - There are three options for storing chimera, Pens, Barns, and Chests with each option having benefits and downfalls. Chests: just pure storage but easy to make. Pens, these come in three sizes (small, medium, large) and you can use the ctrl(alt?) button to cycle though the different pen configurations. Pens give the bonus of storing your chimera, letting them produce items and gaining exp, however you HAVE to feed them and make them other wise happy (barring the ones that have the happy trait).Socketing an elemental rune into a pen will make the chimera of that element produce items and pearls faster. Barns stores chimers and accrues exp a lot faster than pens, however you don't get the items.
Chimera breeding – you can breed chimera if there are two compatible genders in the same pen, space in the pen, a nest placed, and the chimera being happy enough to breed. There are three genders for every chimera in the game; male, female, hermaphrodite. You need two different genders in the pen, it doesn’t matter which combination of the two. Each pen has its own max space and, currently, this only hinders breeding and a small amount of happiness gain if over that capacity. Nests are craftable from the work bench and can be placed like any other item. A chimera may not be happy enough to breed even if it is at 100 happiness, when this happens it requires a feeding of the favorite food for that chimera. Do note that Chimera can be scared by crows thus losing happiness. This favorite food can be anything from other chimera, to common items, to rare or even crafted items. Chimera can NOT interbreed
Chimera droppings – So, once you have placed a chimera in a pen they start to produce items for you. Every chimera will produce pearls over time. Several other chimera will produce pearls and other items. Winglucks, Cargella, Loomis, Shrubite, Totemeerie and Bonymph currently produce things other than pearls. Winglucks, Totemeerie and Shrubites are arguably the best since the winglucks can produce a golden egg (max HP +3 max MP +3) while the normal eggs give you +2 mp each. Totemeerie can produce a juju seed, which you can grow into a juju fruit for +2 hp, combined with enrich and some luck(items) you can get 2 fruits and a chance for 1-4 seeds per. Shrubites produce palm fruit, a +15mp food item, but produce these a lot slower than winglucks.
The Skill Tree
The skill tree its more like a hedge, but it is were you go to 'learn' all your passive traits and new knowledge. There are four classifications for perks, Witchery (Hat), Harvest (pickax), Combat (Sword) and Necromancy. Every level gained in the respective area gives two(2) trait points that can be spent in the respective area.
The skill tree-
Spending points - spending points is easy, you just click on the node you want to expand to and click again. You MUST expand the tree so that it can reach from another node. There are three starting skills that you can purchase, Fishing power, Witchery, and Lumberyard. these three corresponds to the little plant growths that represent the start of the skill tree(hedge)
Resetting the skill tree(hedge) - so you went and messed up or bought something that you don't like. Worry not you can reset. but the spell book (one time use) costs 700 pearls and is available in the witchery guild's chimera barn. Too expensive? well levels are easy to get so time to grind out.
Lost eggs - Strewn throughout the land are 10 lost eggs. Finding and interacting with them will result in a Trait point that can be used to gain a single(1) free skill point in a category of your choice. Trait points can also be dropped by some random monsters and ghosts in the world.
Notable perks - There are several notable perks from the skill tree that improve or expand upon play.
Miner II - this allows you to cast mine spells on Iron and obsidian nodes.
Forester II - this allows you to cast wood cut spells in tier 2 trees and obtain hardwood
Miner III - this allows you to cast mine spells on Ember and Void nodes.
Forester III - this allows you to cast wood cut spells in tier 3 trees obtaining Magic and iron wood.
Lucky! - this increases the number of wild chimera spawned.
Moon skin - Provides an innate level of heat proof.
Gem Craft - Unlocks Gems, Rings, and Neck recipes.
Chef - increase the HP/MP gain from consumables.
Notable paths - There are two 'standard' skill paths that have been developed. Dubbed the 'Right side path' and 'Left side path' referring to which side of the skill tree is concentrated on first.
The 'Right side path' focuses on getting up to miner/forester 2/3 and Lucky! ASAP. It goes Lumberyard -> Sawmill -> Seedling -> Smithy -> Pointy Pickaxes -> Miner II -> Forester II -> Mage -> Quick Study -> Familiar and from here you have access to Lucky!, Miner III, and Forester III
The 'Left side path' focuses on Mana utilization and player capability. It goes Fishing power -> Healthy -> Mystic -> Night Light -> Wealth -> Link reduction -> Link intensity -> Moon skin -> Chef -> Miner III -> Familiar
Monsters Inc.
Monsters Inc. – every game needs things you can beat up on and utterly decimate right?
The baddy bads – these consist of various monsters in the game. Each monster has its own runic affinity, which affects how much damage your own chimera, or you, do to it. Effective affinity damage increases the damage dealt by a LOT (upwards of double), while weak affinity damage negates the damage by a LOT, down to 1 in cases. You can change out your elemental affinity by swamping out chimera, and you can find out the elemental of the monster by hovering the mouse over it.
It’s The Farm Life For Me!
It’s the Farm life for me! – Onto farming now! Not much to say for the overview but farming is a bit nuanced. All ‘crops’ grow better and faster the more non-crops, non-filled tiles around them. Trees need all the spaces around them to be empty to grow. Mana linking can bypass this.
‘Crop’ types – okay so there are several types of crops. That you can grow on your farm. For simplicity I’m going to separate these into flowers, trees, mushrooms, and crops. Flowers are any type of flower. Keeping these bug free and they will produce flower petals over time. Some types of rare flowers will produce other things such as the case of juju flowers, which produce hearts or have other effects such as keeping bugs away naturally, or providing a growing bonus. Trees will regrow over time if left as a stump. You can up-groot a stump with the key item ‘shovel’. Mushrooms can only be grown underground (thou personally I have never gotten them to work). All other types of crops grow above ground.
Planting – planting crops is simple. They must be planted as a seed in dry dirt or wet dirt. Dry dirt is gotten from soil ‘nodes’ that you can mine, crafted via a craft bench, or from various chimera drops once penned. From here it is a matter of waiting, or mana linking the plant for it to grow and providing it water every day. The spell Nurture is also useful to lower the time taken for things to grow. Watering can be done with a bucket, placing soil close to a water source, or by equipping a watering can and walking around.
Feathery fiends and friends – Birds will eat your seeds that you have planted unless you have a bird house for them to live in nearby. Scaring away birds will give you a small chance for a random seed. Crows don’t affect plants but can drop various items upon being scared away. Bugs will infest any grown plant other than wild roses. This can be stopped by making a toad and placing it around your plants.
Crop effects - Several flowers have special effects in a given area. Most notable being Roses (anti bug in a given area) and Sun flower (not correct name, increases growing speed in a given area)
Field tools – various placeables will help you grow crops. The bird house stops birds from eating your seeds. The water mill provides water automagically to an area around but MUST be charged with mana to work. The toad will stop bugs from infesting your grown crops in the area. Compost bins will provide a minor boost to the growing speed to the plants around it.
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It’s Off To The Resource Mine We Go!
Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to the resource mine we go! – Like anything living, we need resources to grow and expand our operations until we are happy with the existence we have. These resources consist of ores, lumber, seeds, and the refined/grown versions of them. As I have already covered seeds under growing, they shall not be covered here.
Ores – there are 7 types of ore nodes separated into 3 different tiers. Dirt, stone and copper make up tier 1. Iron and obsidian makes up tier 2. Void, Ember, and Specials make up tier 3. You start off with Tier 1, letting you cast on dirt, stone, and copper. Tier 2 lets you cast on iron and obsidian and tier 3 lets you cast on void, ember,and special. The lack of the appropriate skill from the skill tree does not stop you from using a bomb on the ore node type though.
Trees – trees are currently separated into 3 tiers; soft woods, hard woods and special wood with plans to implement at least another tier or two (iron and magic) Tier 1 trees will give you logs and wood planks. Tier 2 trees will give you hard wood disregarding the type of tree. Tier 3 trees consist of magic trees and iron trees (they look like palms) and give there respective wood type (magic/iron)
Refinement – refinement of the raw resources you have obtained can be done in a sawmill or a forge for wood and ores respectively. Though if you want to do so is entirely up to you. A forge requires fuel to run (coal or wood). There is a free forge in town outside Ruby’s shop. There is a free sawmill in the lumberjack area south of the cross roads. Special ores need special refinement methods.
Brood Wars!
Brood wars! – So brood is the stone statue thingy in the garden, he will eat nearly anything and give you your choice of Experience or coin. Experience is toggled between witchery and harvest though you the player don’t know which is selected at a given time. Though you can change it by selecting experience again. Can gain some really Silly amounts of Experience or coin. different items give different amount of Experience or coin. tends to be reliant upon the value & complexity of the item. The value of the coin gained though Brood is 137% if the item is worth less than 1 gold (about 95% of the items in the game)
Basement Dweller – In the guild there is the basement which, when unlocked, provides access to an Arena of sorts. Statues you find though out various drops or the world can be placed when the yellow bar is full on the various stars. If you are standing in the center when it turns a certain time then 3-5 monsters of the statue type PER statue unless it is a boss monster. Upon a successful clear of all monsters the carny at the table will offer you your rewards, which is exp of any type (your choice) and gold in relation to the difficulty and amount of monsters you fought. Do note that mana linking (charging) any statue while placed in the basement will make the monsters spawned form the statue harder, but provide more coin and exp from the carny.
Super-Secret Tech! Just Smile And Wave.
Super-Secret tech!
Just smile and wave. – There are secrets in the game that one must be on the lookout for.
There are several hidden areas in the game. Because I don't want to spoil it too much I will just list the general areas for the more important ones.
Outside your farm
Inside Ruby's shop
Inside several other Shops
The screen South of the town
The forest temple
Past the bridge you need to rebuild
Riddle Me This Batman!
For players that are stuck here is a few guiding 'riddles'.
I've used the 50/50, and poll the audience, Regis, so I would like to use my last lifeline.
Dragons don't have watches.
To get to a lower depth you must reach it from a higher level.
Slider puzzles, the bane of all existence. Does anyone have some fire to light this thing up?
Incorporeal as the moon, As solid as a ghost.
Immortality!! at a price.....
FAQ - Flatulent Aardvarks Questing
Is there marriage? - Nope. But you can become great friends with people and sleep over in there house sharing a bed.
Is there/will there be Multiplayer? - Nope the platform the game is built upon doesn't allow this to happen
Why cant is see/find a recipe? - you either have yet to notebook a component of that item, OR you need to upgrade your bench OR you need to unlock that recipe with a skill from the skill tree (Gem craft for now only for gems, rings etc)
How do I deal with sleepy chimera (how do i deal with Chimera exhaustion)? - Toss the chimera in question into a Pen for them to rest up. Pens are crafted then placed. Quicker regen can be done if that pen has a snozzle bin.
How do i know what i can make? What things go into what other things? - once you have notebooked an item you can check what that item is used in by middle mouse clicking and choosing the notebook options. you can then look at the collections and see what they are used in for crafting/caldroning by hovering over the little thing(s) on the bottom of the page. Not everything is used for something.
What is the difference between runic resistance and runic nature? - Runic resistance is how well YOU resist attacks of that runic type and is shown in your gear menu. Runic nature is the interplay between different runic elements. IE Moon runic being strong vs Sun and Nature while weak to void and storm..
More Serin Fate guilds
- All Guilds
- Serin Fate Complete Walkthrough
- Serin Fate Shop Guide
- what you need to do for the jungle puzzle
- Starting out In SF
- Serin Fate - Starter Tips & Tricks ~ By NyxyN (NyxMuirinn)
- Tips and tricks for new players