Second Extinction - 10 Tips to Get You in Gear

Second Extinction - 10 Tips to Get You in Gear

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Tips to Get in Gear

I'll keep it short and simple. From one gamer to another, here are some tips to get you into fighting shape.

Learn to kite and strafe, those will keep you alive longer than anything else and keep you in the fight.Prioritize enemies, watchers call more enemies on you, acid raptors will keep spitting on you at distance while you get swarmed, pop up caverns well keep bringing more enemies in as well, and those little zappy jerks can stun you. While the big guys seem like the worst trouble, they can be kited around. While those others will be what kill you 70% of the time.Read into the perks on weapons, there are a good number of weapons(more to come) and each of them gets 10 points to put into them. Read the description of the perks and find out which sound best to you and your play style.Get all the weapons! Some weapons might fit your play style better, unlock them soon as you can.Get those mats!, You need mats for unlocking upgrades to your weapons, pay attention to which ones you need and what dinos drop them. For instance bulls drop mutator agents, they seem to be the only ones who do, so hunt them down and grind them up.Go for high difficulty areas, once you get a hang of kiting and strafing enemy swarms its no big deal to go into the harder areas. And remember harder areas mean more points and more mat drops!Stay for the long haul, the main mission can go long but its getting all those side missions and racking up the kills that get you more research points. The more points you get the more stars your mission will give out, and at the end you will get a nice packet of rare mats or skins if you end up with more stars. Its worth it to stick it out on the map for even up to an hour to bank those points.Mind your loadout, its recommended you have the ammo drops for each team. But I personally find with enough trigger control and good aim the map will give you plenty of ammo boxes, sometimes that belt of grenades is just what you need. (And air strikes are just fun)solo is just as fun, running solo will give you more time to learn how to move better and use your skills more effectively. If you can survive on your own, youll survive with your team.Have fun! This game reminds me a lot of those old jurassic park rail shooters in arcades (minus the rails and ♥♥♥ graphics) and I love the hell out of those. This game brings me back the same joy of sitting in a dark box with surround sound and a rattling gun blasting away hoards of dinos just without the coins. And I love it. Find what you love about this game and keep doing it. Remember its early access and its only going to get better.

Secret tip: If you really find yourself up a creek try going to bridges or standing on boxes, it seems to bug out the dinos AI and they just kinda sit there and yell at you (this is likely to be patched one day but for now use it to catch a breath).


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