[Updated] Gold Curse for Solo players

[Updated] Gold Curse for Solo players


The main focus of this Guide is for solo players. The main topic I will be covering is how to preform the double tall tale bug however this bug can be somewhat inconsistent depending on which tall tale you are doing. I have found that it works best on tall tales that end with giving an Item to someone. Because if you want to get the gold curse you most likely want to get it in the most efficient way possible, especially if you are solo.

Performing The Double Tall Tale Bug

[Updated] Gold Curse for Solo players image 3
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[Updated] Gold Curse for Solo players image 7

Because getting the gold curse requires 5 completions on every tall tale that means with this bug you will need to do each tall tale at least 3 times in total. which is a much friendlier 29 runs opposed to the full 45 (the reason it isn't 27 will be explained later). To start with the bug you need to go to the quest table and start a new tall tale.

[DISCLAMER] Currently as I have not fully figured out how this bug works yet a lot of this is still work in progress but this is what i have found so far! I will update this guide as I find more info on how this bug works. If you find anything that might further my understanding of this bug please leave a comment explaining your opinion. Also keep in mind that some of what is in here might not work yet until further notice.

After you have progressed in whichever tall tale you chose get to the point in which you normally would be at the second to last checkpoint.

A lot of the time when you are at around the second or third checkpoint it will sometimes look like the above picture where it is showing no progress. (This is fine it just isn't displaying properly) Next what you need to do is leave the game and rejoin.

Next select your desired tall tale and dive to the third checkpoint again. This from my understanding saves your game at the third checkpoint and once you complete the tall tale it progresses to the next checkpoint automatically which gives you the second clear.

Though we are not done quite yet. If you are not seeing the tall tale final checkpoint after you have finished it leave the game one more time and most of the time it should update and show you the final checkpoint.

The Shores Of Gold Tall Tale

[Updated] Gold Curse for Solo players image 15

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This tall tale works a little bit differently from the other ones because it only has one checkpoint. However there is a skip involving the new grapple gun where if you use it inside the waterfall at the start and traverse backwards until you reach the boss room door from the outside and grapple at a certain point to go out of bounds and swim to an area to get back in bounds. From here you just need to walk to the boss beat it and repeat. While this does still require 5 whole completions I did find it really fun performing the out of bounds skip as fast as I could. My fastest time was around 10 to 15 minutes depending on how fast I drove my ship over there.

All the cyan colored points are areas where you either need to swim out of bounds or us the grapple gun.

once you get to the waterfall walk in and aim your grapple gun where it is indicated.

After you are inside walk down until you reach the funnel where you drop down into a pit of water. after you jump down head up a ladder and get to this point here.

Now this is the important step. It is somewhat precise but you have to aim the grapple gun Exactly where indicated.

After you get to the out of bounds spot walk left and you should fall down below the boss arena and swim to this point here.

once you reach the spike room floor you will need to use the grapple gun one more time to get in bounds again.


[Updated] Gold Curse for Solo players image 29

Thanks for reading this guide and I hope you found it helpful! If you noticed any flaws in my descriptions please let me know in the comments.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3438455961					

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