Finding Fights In Sea Of Thieves

Finding Fights In Sea Of Thieves

What's The Purpose Of This Guide?

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While a lot of you might be looking at this guide wondering what's the purpose of it, because according to yourself, you might say something like...

"I always get fights in the game whether I want them or not!"

This however isn't the same story for all players, infact suprisingly throughout the years, I've seen a lot of players on the forums and Steam Discussions talk about the game being empty, and not encountering any boats for ages or in some cases never at all on high seas games.

So this guide is here to help you find enemy crews in your server to fight and steal from!

Q. Why not just play Hourglass and dive if you want fights?

A. It doesn't have treasure and adventure! Which some players (like myself) play Sea Of Thieves primiarly for since we don't get that same hit anywhere else, and while fighting is fun and all, but that with no treasure and adventure can get boring!

But as well, some players don't dive when doing Hourglass! And instead just roam the map fighting EVERYTHING they see, either as a challenge for themselves, or to get their treasure grade up, so when someone does invade and attacks them, they get extra bonus Guardians/Servants reputation if they manage to stay alive and sink their foe!

Q. Attacking other ships and stealing treasure? You're encourging toxic behavoiur!!! I'm reporting you and this guide to Rare!!!

A. Firstly, look at the title of the game, there's a sea, and it's full of thieves, as well it's a pirate game, which are known to be thieves who are on the sea, people are gonna fight and steal from you, get used to it.


Attacking other ships and pirates isn't toxic behavoiur and isn't reportable, get your head out of the gutter and get good, the only time you should ever report someone is because of genuine real life threats, racism, sexism, homophobia or any other types of discrimination, or if they're genuinely cheating, not because you wanted a "wholesome 100 sea of friends experience" and got salty because AndrasGaming2019 wanted to steal treasure and swapped to a gun to kill you, and you're too stubborn to use anything but the sword.

Reporting is the most powerful ability you have as a player in your arsenal to deal with bad eggs, don't waste it with players who are better than you, or because you got upset in the silly funny pirate game, because you'll end up looking like a total prat.

Know Your Regions!

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As of right now there are 4 main regions in Sea Of Thieves, some more popular then others, and therefore easier to find enemy crews!

The Shores Of Plenty

Located on the North West and Western part of the map, this is many pirate's favourite location for many reasons! This includes...

Due to how colourful and tropical it is

The beloved Port Merrick and Sanctury Outposts can be found here, the most popular Outposts in the game due to location, colour and just overall being really nice locations!

Having 2 Gold Hoarder Vaults close by Port Merrick as well as looting them much easier compared to the other Vaults in the game

Easier time spotting ships since you only need to worry about watching North, South and East most of the time, since West of the Shores Of Gold is the Red Sea

As well the Outposts are close or nearby areas that do World Events in Shores Of Plenty like Mermaid's Hideaway and Cannon Cove for Ashen Lords, and Keel Haul Fort and Sailors Knot Stronghold for Skeleton Forts/Fort Of Fortune

Lots of small islands for potential Skeleton Captains, Barrels, quests and more!

Easy routes for Merchant Manifests

And is just an overall a great area and fun to be in!Most players will be in this area if they can, this area has the highest chance to have players inside it.

The Ancient Isles

Located on the South West and Southern parts of the map, this is again many pirate's favourite location for many reasons! This includes...

Due to how colourful and tropical it is

Has 2 Outposts in good locations, one in the centre of the region, and the other in the East.

Again as well the Outposts are close or nearby areas that do World Events, like Crow's Nest Fortress for Skeleton Forts/Fort of Fortune and Snake Island for Ghost Fleets

Again easy routes for Merchant Manifests Not as popular as the Shores Of Plenty, but it's an easy second place, especially compared to the other 2 regions...

The Wilds

Located in the North and North Eastern part of the map, many players along with the final region try to avoid The Wilds, this is because of the following reasons.

The WIlds despite the name looks dead, be prepared to see lots of rocks, greys and brown, very depressing compared to the other regions

Has 2 Outposts and they're super close to each other, but Dagger Tooth is the only decent one as it's nearby the Skeleton Fleet World Event and other points of interest, as well it's only worth visiting as a Captained Ship as selling there as a non captained boat can take a while to finish

Galleon's Grave isn't bad too but is often faraway from points of interest, and depending on the wind, Dagger Tooth might be faster to get to if you do a World Event North of the Outposts

The large islands are much more annoying to travel on due to their size, and certain riddles can cause frustration for most players, which is why Old Faithful Isle and many other islands in The Wilds are on many player's worst islands lists

Kraken's Fall Gold Hoarder Vault is the worst in the game and many Gold Hoarder Players will do what they can to avoid getting a key for itYou might find odd ships here, but it's mostly World Event Ships or New Players doing stuff, if you want to hunt something specfic like a Gold Hoarder Ship, try another region.

The Devil's Roar

The final region is the least populated, however can reap some of the great rewards for those who tread in her waters, while also having some major risks for money hungry pirates.

PRO: Has Ashen Loot and a lot of it! Which can sell for a lot more gold compared to their regular varients

CON: Only has 1 Outpost which is at the centre of the region, meaning it can be camped easily by enemy crews, with the closest ones after that being Ancient Spire Outpost in the Ancient Isles, and Galleon's Grave which is in the WIlds, this might put some crews on edge if they spot you, and if they start running, be prepared to chase for a long time...

PRO: Volcanos can damage enemy boats when they go off!

CON: It's RNG if enemy boats are hit or not, and this counts for your boat too! Volcanos are not on your side!

PRO: Not many people come to the Roar, so the boats here might be loaded with gold!

CON: Besides the Volcanos, there's only one world event which is a Skeleton Fort at Molten Sands Fortress (best fort in the game btw) which doesn't offer that good loot compared to most voyages these days, and even then it's super rare to appear

PRO: Earthquakes can delay enemy crews from getting onto their boat and shake their boat of course sometimes!

CON: Same can happen to you

There are more I can list, but the Risk VS Reward isn't worth it for most crews, so The Devil's Roar is often quite empty, but if you see an Emissary Boat there and they're not too far away, it might be an idea to "go say hello to them" because for all you know, they might have done a vault and be full of loot!

The Flag Of The Reaper's Mark

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As long as you have the Flag Of The Reaper's Mark equipped, you'll be revealed on the map, for all enemy crews to see! Letting them know you want their attention, for better or for worse! Enemy crews who see this flag will either avoid you (accidentally letting you know there might be treasure on board) or answer to your challenge with the roar of cannons from their vessel!

Everyone has this flag for free in their inventory, just go to the crows nest and equip it!

You're now revealed on the map, just remember to take it off if you want to be sneaky!

Emissary Table Secrects

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Emissary Tables tell you some important infomation many miss, while looking at them at any Outpost, sometimes you'll notice a small wooden boat on them, if you see one, that means someone on your server is that Emissary! Very helpful if you need to hunt and sell certain flags as a Reaper Emissary for Commendations! Especially if you want any of the 3 Trading Company Hats by selling their respective flags!

Secrets Of The Reaper Chest/Bounty

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Reaper Chests and Bounties hold many secrets as they can only spawn with certain conditions, and all of these are tied to players, and not many players know this infomation!

Shipwreck Chests/Bounties

Reaper Chests/Bounties found in shipwrecks can only start spawning if there's at least 3 crews on the Server, so if you see shipwrecks spawning in with them, then you know the server you're in is populated!

Skeleton Captain Digs

Skeleton Captain Treasure Maps have a small chance to give you a Reaper Chest/Bounty once dug up, so if you see one on a random island, somebody has either just dug it up, or left it there while they sail away, someone might still be close by!

Fort Of The Damned I'll go more into this in the World Events section, but if you see Reaper Chests/Bounties are Fort Of The Damned, then it's currently active or been compeleted, meaning there is a very high chance that somebody is there!

Certain Parking Spots

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Certain parking spots can be a dead giveaway on what a boat's crew is doing, and can end up you getting a huge payday for yourself! Here are some examples of ones I learnt over the years.

Devil's Ridge Vault

At P19 you can find the island Devil's Ridge, it has a Gold Hoarder Vault in the South East side of the Island, so if you see a boat parked in that area or see one on your map as a Grade 5 Reaper which I marked in Red, there's a very high chance they're doing said vault, earning you a lot of gold and money, especially if they get the Chest Of Ancient Tributes!

If you plan to attack, try approaching directly from the North, then come round to the East Side, the West Side is a longer route and someone might spot you early.

Crescent Isle Vault

Found at B9, and like with Devil's Ridge, Crescent Isle also has a Gold Hoarder Vault too, this time found in the centre of the island, in a small cave system, the best way to get loot out of it is bringing it to the centre of the cave and harpooning it out, parking on the West Side also allows the crew to easily move if they're being attacked.

Some crews also park directly in the centre of the Island, however most of the time it's New Players who don't know any better, there's a low chance they have Vault Loot, but it might be worth snooping if you think they're hiding some goods.

Reapers Hideout

Found at I-12, the Reapers Hideout is where you'll find the Servant Of The Flame (and later Flameheart) who take in treasures on behalf of the Reaper's Emissary.

If you see a ship parked, chances are they're currently selling or have sold their loot, so it might not be worth investgating unless they're Grade 5 or only just arrived to the area while you're close by, chances are by the time you arrive when they have been there for a while, everything is sold, and many crews drop the flag at the last second to ensure you get nothing from them.

There is a lot more out there, so keep looking!

While I could list a lot more, like the Ashen Vaults and other Gold Hoarder Vaults, alongside popular parking spots for Skeleton Forts, it's best for you to look out for these parking spots yourself and learn from them, look at video guides from other creators or make a connection yourself if you see boats following a pattern, you might discover a dead giveaway parking spot that many players haven't even realised existed! Use the parking spots to your advantage and speak to your crew if you think that the enemy crew is worth attacking or not.

The Power Of Being A Grade 5 Reaper Emissary

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The most known way to find ships is being a Reaper Emissary, and at Grade 5, you unlock the ability for your map to see all Emissary Ships regardless of Grade or type on your map table.

However while is infomation is very straight forward, it does have 2 downsides.

Aware crews will always be cautious when there's a Reaper on the server regardless of levels, so if you have been active on the server for a while, the second the enemy crew sees you go towards them, especially at Grade 5, they'll either run or fight back, ruining the element of suprise and you losing a potential game changing advantage.

Unless they're a Reaper Emissary themselves or reached Grade 5 as a Guild Emissary, you have no clue what Emissary they are, if there's a type of Emissary you want to hunt for, go to an Outpost and look at the Emissary Tables as previously mentioned.

Hunting Reaper Ships

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Reaper Ships are among some of the most targeted ships in the game, as they're always revealed on the map, and the Reapers is the PvP faction (despite what some whingy pirates may have said to you or others) and usually has a good amount of World Event Treasure on board.

Reaper Ships can be identified with a small Emissary Icon on the mao, the amount of lines on the icon show what level it is.

Hourglass Reapers

Noticed a Reaper Ship appeared out of nowhere in a weird spot? Like North of Smugglers' Bay or nearby Flintlock Peninsula? There's a chance they're a Reaper taking part in Hourglass.

These guys might be worth avoiding if you haven't voted to do Hourglass yourself, while the fight is going to be good if you're equal skill, but at the sametime you might get either stomped if they're better (which most Hourglass Players are compared to the average Adventure Player), out supplied since they might have been fighting for ages and gathered everything from their opponents they sunk, or even if you win, no reward at all except maybe a Flag or 2, as diving makes them lose all non supply/flag treasure, and many ships like to sell as soon as possible for Commendations.

Hourglass Champions

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Hourglass Champions are boats that reached a 4 streak without sinking or lowering, until they next sink or lower, they will have increased Reputation and Money when attacking other Hourglass Ships, as well being revealed at the map at all times.

Like with Hourglass Reaper Ships, it's often not worth attacking unless you really want nothing but a good fight or have voted Hourglass yourself, as often these ships won't have much treasure when sinking them.

Servants Of The Flame/Reaper Champion

Guardians Of Fortune/Athena Champion

Fighting Guild Ships

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Guild Ships are like Reapers, they take all treasure they can find as it nearly all of it can be sold to The Sovreigns, and while like the Reapers they can be spotted on the Map Table, this only happens when they reach Grade 5, until then, they're just as hidden like any other non-Reaper Emissary Ship, but unlike Reaper Ships, when they're revealed on the map, you can see what ship size they are.

A Grade 5 Guild Brigantine

Chest Of Fortunes

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The Chest Of Fortune is a highly prized treasure due to it's very high payout for Gold Hoarder, Reaper and Guild Ships, inability to be farmed regularly outside of spawning in Fort Of The Damned (more on that in the next section), and having cosmetics from the popular Fates Of Fortune Set locked behind selling it.

The Chest Of Fortune unlike any other treasure in the game, rotates in World Events Lootpools each Season, for example in one Season it might be tied to Fort Of The Damned, then the next is The Burning Blade, and then the next in the Fleet Of Fortune (again more on these in the next section)

It never stays in the same location each Season, so keep an eye out on Patch Notes and videos from Rare or your favourite Content Creator when a new Season starts, and where this elusive chest will spawn, because not only you'll be hunting for it, but many crews too!

World Events And You

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World Events attract players, however it's not equal, and some are worth ignoring while you're on the hunt, here's a list of all the world events and why players would be interested in doing them, or avoiding them.

Skeleton FortSkeleton Forts are identified with a giant cloudy skull in the sky with green eyes, most players who do them are either doing them for Commendations, or it's a Raid Skeleton Fort some dived to, Skeleton Forts lack good treasure nowadays and often make less money then the average time spent on a Gold Hoarder Vault Voyage, so unless you want to go after stuff like Humble Gifts or Commendations tied to Skeleton Forts like Skeleton Exploder, it's not worth seeing if someone is doing the Skeleton Fort, 9 times outta 10 it's a new player who doesn't have much loot on board.

Fort Of FortuneFort Of Fortunes are identified with a giant cloudy skull in the sky with red eyes and a cracked head leaking the same red as the eyes, alongside a loud horn when it spawns. This Fort attracts a lot of players due to the loot inside the vault being very valuable, but as well giving you a guarenteed Ashen Winds Skull, and if you're very and I mean very lucky, another 3 from random digs on the island!

These Forts are often contested, especially by Reapers and Guild Ships, so it's always worth going after a Fort Of Fortune, even if there's no fights, you'll still get a good payday finishing it and selling all the loot!

Fort Of The DamnedLocated at L-14, the Fort Of The Damned (FOTD for short) is a location you can visit at anytime, however when activated, a giant black skull will appear above the Fort with dark red eyes, this is the only True World Event in the game that is activated by players ONLY, so if you see an active Fort Of The Damned, 99% of the time somebody is there doing it, as for that 1% that somebody isn't there, it means they either sunk because they forgot to fix a whole, got bored and left, or is currently chasing/being chased by another boat.

But even then, someone is gonna come and contest the Fort, even after all this time, Fort Of The Damned is one of the best ways to get money and reputation.

Skeleton FleetSignified by a large grey boat in the sky with green lights, and located at the centre of the map, just north of Reapers (I-12), west of Sea Dogs Tavren (K-11) east of North Star Seapost (H-10) and south of the uncharted island at K-9, this huge area is for fighting the Skeleton Fleet, which can reward players with a huge amount of treasure, due to it's location, the 2 most popular Emissaries to find there are Reapers or Guilds, the former because the Hideout is right next to where the Fleet is, while the latter can go to Dagger Tooth Outpost which isn't super faraway.

Most crews avoid the fleet, but the ones who do it can be a bit of a challenge since they're confident to do it, plus the extra challenge of extra cannons and curseballs from Skeleton boats can make some fights very exciting... or annoying if it's anchor and peaceballs they're spamming!

As well, if you see an active Skeleton Boat in the Fleet's Arena just chilling out, then that means someone has recently passed by! As the boats don't start spawning until someone is in the Fleet! So keep your eyes open for any ships!

Fleet Of FortuneWorks the exact same as a Skeleton Fleet but with 3 huge differences.

Firstly it's not always active and needs to be activated by Rare themselves for certain Seasons/Events, and when it's active it will disable the normal Skeleton Fleet from spawning (with the exception those spawned via Raid Voyages) which is why some players have never seen this event before.

Secondly instead of a grey boat in the sky with green lights, it's instead a bright red boat in the sky.

Third upon sinking the Captain's Boat, alongside the normal loot, there will be a Chest Of Fortune.Due to the Chest Of Fortune, this World Event like the Fort Of Fortune and FOTD will see a lot of players fighting for it, get ready for a brawl when this elusive World Event appears!

The best way to find out if this World Event is active, is to look at the most recent Season's Patch Notes or Update Video! Rare will mention it if it's active!

Ghost FleetGhost Fleets are identified by a long green tornado at certain large islands in The Shores Of Plenty, Ancient Isle and The WIlds, they're haunted by an armada of Galleons.

While they do give a decent payout, and upon sinking the Ghost Of The Burning Blade you get Wraith Cannonballs, many players don't do this world event as many see it as too annoying for what it's worth, and as well the Fleet has a tendency to spawn at random far away islands, like Marauder's Arch at the very North East of The Wilds for example, so when you go towards the Ghost Fleet, 9 times outta 10 you'll be on your own to deal with the Ghostly Ships.

Ashen LordAshen Lords are identified by a large red stormy tornado at certain large islands in The Shores Of Plenty, Ancient Isle and The WIlds, they're haunted by an Ashen Lord.

It's usually a 50/50 if an Ashen Lord is already being attacked by another crew, usually an Order Of Souls Ship, Reaper Ship or Guild Ship, so if you need those flags, keep an eye out for an Ashen Lord! Especially if they're on an island that's more closer to the center of the map like Wanderers Refuge, Cannon Cove or Shipwreck Bay, and not Marauder's Arch since those ones tend to get ignored.

Legend Of The VeilWhile not a true World Event like the others, the Legend Of The Veil is a multi part voyage with it's final part being identified with a huge green tornado that appears in empty areas of the map that are nearby the edges of the map, like north of Old Faithful Isle, South Of Thieves Haven, or West Of Crescent Isle.

If you see a Legend Of The Veil tornado, someone is currently on the final part and won't be long until they finish it (usually an Athena Crew due to the money and reputation they make) and it's 100% worth trying to steal the loot, as it includes various high paying Athena Treasure, a Chest Of Legends, and whatever the enemy crew has on them at the time.

If the Veil Tornado disappears when you're sailing to it, don't worry, remember it's location and keep going there, the voyage isn't done and the crew still needs to finish destroying the fort before they're fully done!

HUGE WARNING! If the enemy crew cancels the voyage or rage quits before the loot spawns at the Fort when destroying it, THE LOOT WILL NEVER SPAWN! So it might be worth waiting shortly before attacking to ensure the loot spawns before they have the chance to cancel it! Wait until you hear the chime of the Ghost Ships despawning and weather clearing up, then you're in the clear!

The Burning Blade Is Your Best Friend!

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If you want lots of fights but don't want to dive on repeat go to the Burning Blade, take it over if it's free or sink it if it's been taken! For those who don't know, when the Burning Blade is active, whether it's just Skeletons or Players, no other naturally spawning World Event CANNOT SPAWN! Meaning if someone wants to fight an Ashen Lord, fight a Skeleton Fleet or attack a Fort Of Fortune, they will need to dive to a new server, or sink the Burning Blade on that server to get a new World Event!

Burning Blade is best sailed as a Brigatine or Galleon Crew, while the Skeletons can focus on repairs, the rest of you can focus on the sails, blasting enemy boats with cannons and the Ashen Roar, and also bail water when it gets too deep! Just remember to visit a Skeleton Camp and do a Ritual to spawn more Skeletons if your boney friends are all gone!

To find a Burning Blade Ship, look out the Orange Beam/Smoke, it's like the Reaper Chest/Bounty ones.

If the Burning Blade isn't under control, if you look on the map, it will look like this.

If the Burning Blade is under the control of another crew, then it will look like this, the icon and number means the amount of Rituals they have done, the higher it is, the more value the Burning Blade has when it's returned to Flameheart, or if it's sunk, the amount of Gold the Sword Of Souls that it drops will sell for.

Dead Server? Time To Go!

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Sailed for a while and nothing good popping up? Not even with the tips above? It's time to dive! The best thing to do is to vote for a Low Level Gold Hoarder Dig Voyage, dive to the island which takes you to a new server, then quickly finish it, so you can dive again straight away if needed.

If you want to stay in the server, you can always cancel the voyage, chances are you will be able to dive again after doing what you want to do!

Low on supplies too? Dive to a Seafort!

Easy to finish and has a ton of supplies on them, Sea Forts is the best place for a good amount of food and cannonballs! So you can either dive once more while fully stocked when finished if the Server has nothing good in it, or charge towards a target if you think it's worth doing!

Need Captain Supplies? Dive to an Outpost!

The following Tall Tales can be used to dive to an Outpost!

The Shroudbreaker (Random Outpost)

The Cursed Rogue (Plunder Outpost)

The Legendary Storyteller (Ancient Spire Outpost)

Wild Rose (Sanctuary Outpost)

Revenge of the Morningstar (Dagger Tooth Outpost)

Shores of Gold (Morrow's Peak Outpost)

All "A Pirate's Life/Pirates Of The Caribbean" and "Monkey Island Tall Tales" (Random Outpost)

Upon arrival, you can buy new supplies from the Captain Supply Shop, and also grab some crates from the merchants, and also use a storage crate to loot the island! However be aware that visiting the same Outpost after buying stuff from there already, regardless of Server, you might be locked out from buying stuff again, so for an example if you started and bought stuff at Dagger Tooth Outpost, avoid going there if you can if you want to buy more supplies until it's back in stock for yourself and crew!

The only downside is that you can't dive again straight away if you cancel the Tall Tale, the cooldown isn't super long, so use the time to do some oddjobs on the boat!

Need Supplies and want a break? Portal Hop!

The OG way to join new servers might seem out of date for most people, but Portal Hopping still has it's uses, the best Tall Tale to do this is with the Tall Tale Captains of the Damned Tall Tale, obtain the checkpoint for chapter 3 where you arrive at Isla Tesoro, as you're able to steal all the supplies in the barrels at the entrance of the Port Town and around the well, and by the cannons of the Town's Stone Walls just by the port.

You can also go afk here safely, whether it be for a toilet break or wanting to grab a snack, make sure you have a way to stop yourself from being kicked due to being afk if you plan to come back! Like put a rubber band on a controller so your pirate is moving around, or create an anti afk hotkey bind like some players do.

If you dive to a portal, like with diving to an outpost, the only downside is that you can't dive again straight away if you cancel the Tall Tale, the cooldown again isn't super long.

However you can avoid the cooldown entirely if you sail towards and inside a portal without diving, all the Outposts in the game have a portal nearby with the exception of Morrows Peak which shares Ancient Spire Outpost's Portal as it's closest one.

Thanks For Reading! Want More To Read? Here Are My Other Guides!

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I hope this guide has helped you in your PvP Filled Adventures! Please leave a like if you found it helpful, and if you want to see my other work, check out my most up to date guides below!

Legacy Guides!

Finding Fights In Sea Of Thieves image 200If You Want To Read My Current Work, Please Go Back To The "Thanks For Reading" Section To See Them!

Want to read some old work? Here are links to my previous Legacy Guides, these won't be updated anymore, but some still hold helpful infomation that you might find useful, or if you want to read something while listening to your favourite track, I hope you enjoy my past work as well!


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I get asked questions once and a while ingame and on guides sometimes, so here are some answers to some you may have!

Q. Do I know you from somewhere? A. Maybe! I have made numerous guides in the past, some reaching the top page of the Steam Guides at one point!

But as well I do play Sea Of Thieves quite often!

Q. Where did you learn some of these tricks and tips? A. A combination of what I've seen ingame and online, but as well as personal experience.

Q. Can I play with you? A. No please do not add me, I get added all the time by new and old players, I'm not interested, I have a group of friends and a guild who I play with on the regular, and I just recently purged my friends list as it was bloated with people I stopped speaking too, dead accounts or people I've fallen out with, and I don't want a large friends list again.

Q. Do you have a guild? A. Used to but got rid of it, I joined some private guilds and helped them instead.

Q. Can you join my guild? A. Already in 3 and currently happy in said 3, so no.

Q. Do you Stream? A. Not at the moment but I plan to return to streaming, I did it for a while but had bad internet, but I've got new broadband on the way, and if everything works, SoT is on the menu along with a bunch of other games! I'm planning to stream Darktide, SMITE 2, Payday 3, Crimeboss Rockay City and more! Here's a link to my Twitch Channel[] , I'm hoping to start sometime later this year, but no promises, I was hoping to start back in July but my Internet Provider ****ed up massively, so if you like the style of writing or comedy you've seen here or in my past guides, hopefully you'll like my actual live content (Don't blame you if you don't ngl) when I finally go live!

Q. I'm a content creator and make YouTube videos/make Sea Of Thieves Guides on Steam, would you like to collaboration sometime? A. No, I want my guides to be in their own little "universe" or "franchise" right now as all my Sea Of Thieves belong in what I call the "In Sea Of Thieves" collection as they all have that phrase in their name, and want to keep it that way, it makes them easier to find and identify for people who like my work.

I don't have the time to do YouTube right now, I do have plans to make videos later down the line, but I'm a busy man, I'm often working, and the time I have off I want to kick back and relax, do pirating with my crew, or just play other games with my friends. I've been abscent from YouTube for over a decade now on my channel, and I do want to come back with some SoT content, but again time and energy is something I don't have much off, maybe when I get more time and people like the stuff I make, I'll think about collabs on there, guides however no I don't want to share links or whatever you had in mind.

Q. May I post your guide onto my website? A. Go ahead, but PLEASE credit me and link the original guide somewhere, I have been onto numerous websites that have clearly copied and pasted my past guides, with broken links and images, with 0 care to make sure they're transferred properly, and when they're out of date (which all of them are, trust me I checked) and they won't be updated, with out of date infomation, just to get clicks from unsuspecting players, it gets really annoying.

If you see any guide that has the term "In Sea Of Thieves" in it's title, it's from me Surtr Bubingi, it's originally from Steam and will be updated, and if it's not, it will be clearly labelled! I'm only making this clear for those players who clicked on those websites to find infomation/help, and got instead someone copy and pasting work with 0 care, just to get clicks and ad money.

Again if you credit and link to the original guide on your site, I have 0 problems, but if you're like one of the many websites like Steam Solo who just takes guides with 0 care nor credit the creator, then post it on their sh** website with 0 updates when they're released, then I hope all of your furture vistors to your site use an Ad Block to ensure you get absolutely no revenue!

Again Thanks For Reading!

Finding Fights In Sea Of Thieves image 228

Again thank you so much for reading, I do genuinely hope you enjoy reading this guide as much as I did when making it! Don't forget to give a like! And if you enjoy my all work, follow me so when my next guide is released, you'll see it!


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