Don't Say These Quotes In Sea Of Thieves

Don't Say These Quotes In Sea Of Thieves

How Does This Guide Work?

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A majority sections of this short guide will have genuine quotes you yourself might have said at one point, or heard/seen from a video or stream online, which will be identified on the lines of "QUOTE", I will be using these and why you shouldn't be really saying them, a majority of this quotes are also questions as well, so I'll be answering them here as well!

There is only one other section of this guide without quotes, but you probably be able to figure out what they're on about easily!

While this guide is mostly for New Players, some Older Players have also been spotted saying things like these, they're just as bad!

"Why Are You Attacking Me?"

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Other similar quotes could be...

"I'm friendly I'm friendly stop attacking me!"

"I'm want to form an alliance, stop attacking!"

Or something on those lines

There's 3 main reasons why players fight other crews they encounter...

You have something they want! Fun fact, the game you're playing is called SEA OF THIEVES! AKA THE GAME FULL OF THIEVES THAT ARE ON THE SEA! They could be attacking to steal anything, it could be your Emissary Flag, it could be your loot, it could be your supplies, or even your boat itself for some antics they got planned, or even the island you're currently on, they might want it for a voyage or commendation! Whenever you launch the game into High Seas, this is the main risk of how you'll lose your loot, Pirates wanting to steal from you.

They see you as a threat!A lot of players in Sea Of Thieves just want to do their own thing, whether it be Tall Tales, Voyages, World Events or whatever, they just want to be left alone.

If you come to an area that they're already in, then there's a good chance they think you're a threat and will try to sink you, preventing you from doing anything, and you just saying "we're friendly" might be entirely pointless, as most crews don't want to risk their loot being stolen.

There are those exceptions where they might stop and will actually listen, if this is the case, here's my legacy guide to help you form and keep an alliance with other boats, it is slightly out of date, but most of the information there will help you out!

They just wanted a fightSometimes a crew just wants to fight, not for loot or anything, but just for the hell of it! Or even for experience!

"Why Not Play Hourglass If You Want To Fight?"

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Hourglass is all about fighting and sinking your enemy, and that's it, there isn't much to the gamemode outside of that excluding cosmetic rewards such as the curses, figureheads and trinkets, and thus the gamemode is unpopular for a lot of Pirates, giving it a smaller player base, more on that in a bit.

Adventure however not only has fighting and sinking your enemies, but treasure, adventure, voyages and a whole bunch more, many players such as myself love Sea Of Thieves for ALL of these reasons, and having a good chunk of the game ripped out to focus entirely on fighting and sinking your enemy over and over can get boring, which is why Adventure has a lot more players.

Plus speaking of players, with Hourglass having a smaller amount, the average player who mains in Hourglass can decimate the majority of Adventure Players due to their practice at fighting with other players of their skill, plus since Hourglass relies on Queue Times and Matchmaking, it can take a while for an actual match to start, since Matchmaking could be slow one day for whatever reason.

Compare this to Adventure mode, you sail out, look around, if there's something interesting or you got a voyage you want to do, go to it, if not, dive to a new server! And by the time you have done or made great progress on whatever you're doing, you could still be fighting in Hourglass or won the mode for less then the reward you would have gotten otherwise in Adventure!

These are the main reasons people want to fight in Adventure mode, there's nothing wrong with it, if you have a problem against it, then it's you that needs to get better and improve at the game.

"I Didn't Sign Up For PvP!"

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You... you literally did... Sea Of Thieves is all about player freedom and doing what they wish, this includes from making new friends to fighting new enemies, they are one of the same due to player freedom, and you have been warned numerous times before you even play the game!

Starting of with their advertisements on store pages, they always mentioned about the game's battles, or interactions with other players.

Steam XboxPS5Next we have the main mode you have chosen, High Seas WARNS YOU IN TEXT that there will be other players, while Safer Seas puts you in a private game where you can't be attacked.

There is A LOT more including official update videos, and more warnings ingame such as when you put up an Emissary Flag warning you'll be a juicy target, so at this point if you missed all of this, it's either a skill issue, or someone needs to book an eye test.


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Most players in Sea Of Thieves are not cheaters, you need to remember this game has been out for over 6 years, has numerous commendations and achievements, which takes hundreds of hours to complete all of them, along with a strong Arena and Hourglass Community who focus entirely on PvP Combat, so the Seas is home to many experienced Pirates, who are able to kill newer Pirates so quickly, it can appear to be cheating to their point of view.

If you think you have encountered with a genuine cheater, please follow this guide for more information.


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Or the quotes could be something like...

"Use a sword"

"Pirates use swords! Not Guns"

Or again, something on those lines.

Sea Of Thieves has numerous loadout options with the weapons ingame, some are better than others in some situations, like the Harpoon Gun + Sword for PvE and moving loot, to Eye Of Reach and Blunderbuss being the best at fighting other Pirates.

Just because you're getting upset at dying over and over, you shouldn't start shouting the enemy to change loadout, hell some do and still kick your butt, making you even angrier, yes some loadouts are annoying to deal with, but shouting and making fun isn't the way, learn the loadout's weaknesses, and abuse that weakness.

"They Should Add PvE Servers!"

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PvE Servers already exist, they're called Safer Seas, which are intended to be the games "tutorial" where you can try out the game without being attacked, earn reputation for certain companies up to a certain max level, but as well enjoy the game's storymode (Tall Tales) without rude interruption from other pirates.

If you want to experience higher reputation levels, more gold earned, be able to unlock certain cosmetics, have a captained boat or more, you'll have to play Higher Seas, and play normally like the rest of us.

"Why Are You Attacking An Offical Alliance Server?"

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There's no such thing as "an Official Alliance Server" at all in Sea Of Thieves (also known as by some new players as "Official PvE Servers"), there are communities who use tricks and exploits to force the game to create a "private" server, however the server is just a normal Sea Of Thieves server, and there's nothing stopping the players from being able to kill and steal from each other.

These groups have nothing to do with Rare, they don't use money to hire servers of Rare, they don't have any ties to Rare's servers, they have no authority in the actual server, they're using an exploit to get the server up and running, an exploit anyone with enough people, time and patience can do.

These communities are often frowned upon by most experienced players, and are often targeted by them, so if you ever join one and get attacked, expect to be on a YouTube video or Twitch Stream VOD.

"What's The Point In Fighting? They're Better Then Us!"

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While at times there's no problem in surrendering and moving on with a new adventure in Sea Of Thieves or in another game, or just turning of the game and go chill out, and now this is one of the the most important bits of the guide, with some dam good advice for any Player wanting to get into the game.

DON'T EVER GIVE UP ON SEA OF THIEVES!Every other player, brand new or Top 10 greatest in the world asked that same question at one point in their life, not just in Sea Of Thieves, but in videogames as a whole.

I used to be the most timid pirate in Sea Of Thieves, I wanted nothing to do with other players at all, avoiding them at all times with my crew, and just wanting to do my own thing, resulting me getting swarmed by better players.

Did I give up?

You're literally reading my 13th Sea Of Thieves Guide while currently having nearly all the achievements the game offers, while also having 2k+ hours, I didn't get here from giving up!

So what did I do to get better?

I practised my aim and movement, I tried different weapon loadouts, I read guides online, I watched videos of better players, I took the time to learn the game more, I learnt new tactics, and the results?

I sank my first ship.

I wiped crew after crew who dared challenge me and my crews.

I conquered my first server.

I aligned myself with new like-minded pirates looking for new crewmates, making some of the most fearsome crews I've been apart of, while also teaching the tricks to my less experienced friends making them just as dangerous as main crew.

I own both Hourglass cosmetics and numerous trinkets and cosmetics tied to not only Hourglass but PvP as a whole.

I have made an unimaginable amount of gold I would have never thought I would have gotten in this game when I first started.

I have embraced the Pirate's Life in Sea Of Thieves, able to do anything I and my crew desire, and forcing others to submit to our wishes or sink to our cannonfire.From a wimpy always running Gold Hoarder wannabe with rugged clothes, to a tactical force of nature wearing fierce and rare cosmetics with pride, I didn't give up on Sea Of Thieves, even in the darkest moments in my history with the game, I never stopped trying, and I got to a position I never thought I would reach, and you can do the same, DON'T GIVE UP ON SEA OF THIEVES!

Don't Say Discriminative Things

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I can't believe I have to put this here, but with how many times I've seen it happen in Sea Of Thieves, if I had a penny I heard something discriminative in this game, not only would I had more money then Jeff Bezos, he wouldn't even be able to catch up to me even if he earned twice as much! Yea, it's THAT BAD IN SEA OF THIEVES.

There's nothing wrong with trash talking, but there's always taking it too far, I'm going to go through some of them, censored obviously with certain words, and you shouldn't say them ingame, because YOU WILL GET PUNISHED BY RARE!

"Sexist Comments"

We are living in a fantastic age where many women are able to express themselves and take part in things on the same level as their male counterparts, this also goes the same towards males as well being just as free to express themselves, and using derogatory sexist terms against either gender will get you banned. Woman get targeted more, however it also happens to men as well, don't test it, you will get punished.

"Homophobic/Anti LGTBQ+ Comments"

Sea Of Thieves is home to a huge and welcoming LGTBQ+ community, with many popular content creators being apart of it, there is 0 toleration of attacking this community and you will get banned for it.

And before any of you snarky asses say "Oh, but LGTBQ+ pirates/people didn't exist back then! So it's not realistic, they don't fit in the game!"

LGTBQ+ People and activities have always existed in human history, there are too many accounts of people who would have been recognised as LGTBQ+ today existing from all over the world, I would list them all, but this guide would be too long and be going of course.

Even if it was true, let's say there's no evidence of LGTBQ+ people existing at all during the Golden Age Of Piracy, let me ask you this, you're playing a game with magical talking Skeletons, Phantoms who can shoot you with their ghost guns, Large Ghost Armadas shooting what's essentially Soyjak[] cannonballs,[] with Sirens and Mermaids swimming around, and giant sea monsters able to destroy any ships they encounter, do you really, REALLY think a random LGTBQ+ reference or character is going to be the thing that makes you go "hey wait a minute, this game isn't realistic!"

If not, congratulations you're completely normal!

If it does, you have literally more brain rot then a YouTube Kids enjoyer, and the type of person twits who can't create content and just spam "Go Woke, Go Broke" on their "Videogame review videos" drool over because you're stupid enough to support them, as well you might have a massive fascination of of what's going on in people's pants, we all have fetishes, but keep your hands to yourself dude.

"Racist Comments"

We all get angry, but there is 0 excuse to shout certain words and comments directed towards one's race, especially THAT WORD, you will get punished and banned for it.

"Outdated Words/Comments"

This is for us older gamers, those who gamed during 2000s and early 10s, certain words such as "Maggot with an F" or "a word starting with R that makes fun of one's cognitive mentality" isn't acceptable nowadays, what were normal insults on the same level as "the name of the hole between your butt" is now seen as discriminate words, so while some older gamers might not see those words like that, be aware using them ingame nowadays as you can get punished for it.


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Here are some genuine questions I have been asked in the past, by players old and new, on steam, in private dms or ingame they had, as well as questions I thought of you might want to ask!

Q. Do I know you from somewhere?

A. Maybe! I have made numerous guides in the past, some reaching the top page of the Steam Guides at one point!

But as well I do play Sea Of Thieves quite often!

Q. Do you have a Social Media Channel?

A. Yes! I'm mostly on Bluesky! Here's a link to it if you want to follow, I usually just s***post or just talk about games.[] I do have other Social Media stuff, but they're either not used anymore, or currently sorting them out for later use!

Q. Can I play with you?

A. No please do not add me, I get added all the time by new and old players, I'm not interested, I have a group of friends and a guild who I play with on the regular, and I just recently purged my friends list as it was bloated with people I stopped speaking too, dead accounts or people I've fallen out with, and I don't want a large friends list again.

Q. Do you have a guild?

A. Used to but got rid of it, I joined some private guilds and helped them instead.

Q. Can you join my guild?

A. Already in 3 and currently happy in said 3, so no.

Q. Do you Stream?

A. Not at the moment but I plan to return to streaming, I did it for a while but had bad internet, but I've got new broadband on the way, and if everything works, SoT is on the menu along with a bunch of other games! I'm planning to stream Darktide, SMITE 2, Payday 3, Crimeboss Rockay City and more! Here's a link to my Twitch Channel[], I'm hoping to start sometime later this year, but no promises, I was hoping to start back in July but my Internet Provider ****ed up massively, so if you like the style of writing or comedy you've seen here or in my past guides, hopefully you'll like my actual live content (Don't blame you if you don't ngl) when I finally go live!

Q. I'm a content creator and make YouTube videos/make Sea Of Thieves Guides on Steam, would you like to collaboration sometime?

A. No, I want my guides to be in their own little "universe" or "franchise" right now as all my Sea Of Thieves belong in what I call the "In Sea Of Thieves" collection as they all have that phrase in their name, and want to keep it that way, it makes them easier to find and identify for people who like my work.

I don't have the time to do YouTube right now, I do have plans to make videos later down the line, but I'm a busy man, I'm often working, and the time I have off I want to kick back and relax, do pirating with my crew, or just play other games with my friends. I've been abscent from YouTube for over a decade now on my channel, and I do want to come back with some SoT content, but again time and energy is something I don't have much off, maybe when I get more time and people like the stuff I make, I'll think about collabs on there, guides however no I don't want to share links or whatever you had in mind.

Q. May I post your guide onto my website?

A. Go ahead, but PLEASE credit me and link the original guide somewhere, I have been onto numerous websites that have clearly copied and pasted my past guides, with broken links and images, with 0 care to make sure they're transferred properly, and when they're out of date (which all of them are, trust me I checked) and they won't be updated, with out of date infomation, just to get clicks from unsuspecting players, it gets really annoying.

If you see any guide that has the term "In Sea Of Thieves" in it's title, it's from me Surtr Bubingi, it's originally from Steam and will be updated, and if it's not, it will be clearly labelled! I'm only making this clear for those players who clicked on those websites to find infomation/help, and got instead someone copy and pasting work with 0 care, just to get clicks and ad money.

Again if you credit and link to the original guide on your site, I have 0 problems, but if you're like one of the many websites like Steam Solo who just takes guides with 0 care nor credit the creator, then post it on their sh** website with 0 updates when they're released, then I hope all of your furture vistors to your site use an Ad Block to ensure you get absolutely no revenue!

Thanks For Reading This Short Guide!

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I do hope what has been said here helps in someway with what you say, as what you say can make yourself look quite silly, and yet effect others and potentially get you punished by Rare, this guide has been on the backburner for a very long time despite it's short length, however like I have said, the amount of times I've seen discrimination and the other quotes mentioned in this guide is very high, so I want to do my part to help discourage the use of those quotes and discrimination.

If you enjoyed it, give it a thumbs up, share with others if you think it could help them too, and have a nice day.

Here are my past guides!

Here are also my Legacy Guides!


More Sea of Thieves guilds