Good Seeds Guide

Good Seeds Guide

Seed 1

📃Seed: flatbread (might not work on newer versions)

▶ Seed features

Directly on the right of the spawn a room with the LVL1 keycard and behind it SCP-914 to obtain a LVL3 keycard.

Directly on the left of the spawn the room with the LVL2 keycard unlockable with the LVL1 keycard.

SCP-079 directly after light containment, it is the first room you see after entering one of the heavy containment zones. But there is also a heavy containment zone to actually venture in.

The beginning area seems to have a decent amount of SCP rooms but seems to lack any vital stuff forcing you to still venture further in the game. We haven't beaten it yet but it started out as a very enjoyable seed!

Seed 2

📃Seed: 36139326

▶ Near start you get keycard lvl 2 -> elec room -> keep going straight and you get to 914 and you can get radio and sat nav without too much trouble

Seed 3

📃Seed: 6660666

▶ You get to the electrical room right after the hallway from the start. Then, you'll get mazes. I died pretty early on, so I don't know the full extent of the map seed.

Seed 4

📃Seed: 612672311

▶ Overall pretty good

Seed 5

📃Seed: MarioParty

▶ holy hell! Awesome seed ngl

Seed 6

📃Seed: obama prism

▶ I tried this yesterday with my friend, awesome seed. You get the refinery right at the start and the rooms that contain the keycards are pretty close aswell.

Seed 7

📃Seed: 173309319

▶ your lvl 1 keycard, lvl 2 keycard, and SCP-914 can all be found literally 1 hallway from the starting room, just make you sure you either get the Black Severed Hand, or the maintenance tunnel door code

Seed 8

📃Seed: ohmygandhi

▶ its a pretty cool seed. Lots of SCPs were found!

Seed 9

📃Seed: 842984903

▶ Intresting but nothing special, but again intresting

Seed 10

📃Seed: whiskey

🥂 whiskey is pretty good too, just saying

Seed 11

📃Seed: 16535651

▶ A good seed, used by a speedrunner that beats it for 10 minutes and 10 seconds.


Seed 12

📃Seed: obama prism2

▶Very good seed, played it with my friends today

Seed 13

📃Seed: obama prism3

▶Obama prism seeds are actually good ngl, played alot with my friends and stuff

More Coming Soon.

Good Seeds Guide image 46

I plan to make this guide huge.

Other information:

💖 If you want to help, you can put a seed in the comments, and i will add it!

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📃Playing daily, mainly SCP CB MP and other games, such as Rocket League, SAS4, and more

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More SCP: Containment Breach Multiplayer guilds