ChatGPT makes a tutorial on how to beat SCP: Containment Breach

Light Containment Zone

Here's a step-by-step guide to beating SCP: Containment Breach.

1. Find Level 1 Keycard: Explore the facility until you locate a Level 1 keycard.

2. Acquire Level 2 Keycard from Testing Chamber 2b:

- Locate Testing Chamber 2b.

- Retrieve the Level 2 keycard (be cautious of SCP-173 behind the glass).

3. Locate SCP-914:

- Search for SCP-914 within the facility.

4. Upgrade Keycard in SCP-914:

- Drop the Level 2 keycard in the input.

- Set the dial to fine or very fine.

- Pull the lever and collect the Level 3 keycard from the output.

5. Find Surveillance Room:

- Locate the surveillance room in the facility.

6. Turn Off Lockdown for Light Containment Zone:

- Disable the lockdown for the light containment zone.

- Be wary of SCP-049 spawning.

7. Discover Heavy Containment Zone:

- Progress to the heavy containment zone.

Heavy Containment Zone

8. Locate SCP-049 Elevator:

- Within the heavy containment zone, find the SCP-049 elevator.

9. In SCP-049's Chamber:

- Take the Level 4 keycard.

- Turn on the power and elevator.

- Exit the chamber.

10. Find SCP-106 Chamber:

- Search for the containment chamber of SCP-106.

11. Retrieve Level 5 Keycard from SCP-106 Control Room (Optional: Contain SCP-106):

- Optional: If desired endings involve containing SCP-106, use the femur breaker.

- Retrieve the Level 5 keycard from the SCP-106 control room.

12. Discover Entrance Zone:

- Locate the entrance zone.

Entrance Zone

13. Turn Off Remote Door Control System:

- Find the electrical center in the entrance zone.

- Disable the remote door control system.

14. Locate SCP-079:

- In the heavy containment zone, find SCP-079's room.

- Enter the room and listen to SCP-079.

15. Return to Electrical Center:

- Go back to the electrical center and reactivate the remote door control system.

16. Proceed to Gate A or B:

- Head to either Gate A or B to secure a win.

- Ending 1 for both gates if SCP-106 is not contained.

- Ending 2 for both gates if SCP-106 is contained.

Avoidance Notes

Avoidance Notes:

- Be cautious of SCP-173, especially when obtaining the Level 2 keycard.

- Avoid SCP-106, SCP-049, and SCP-096 by using appropriate strategies.

- MTF Nine-Tailed Fox guards will spawn in the entrance zone, so be prepared to navigate past them.


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