Samorost 1 Walkthrough


Click the home on the planet. The gnome will look through a telescope.

Once the Gnome realises a planet is going to crash into his home, he travels to it.

Level 1

The gnome travels on that planet. There is a person smoking a hookah.

Click the person making him smoke 3 times. He will drop the smoking thingy from his hand and then you can click on it. It will unlock the button.

Next click on the loose piece of thread hanging (so that is will sit well on the pole).

After that is done you can click the button we just unlocked and the gnome will rise to the mountain. Next click the arrow next to the gnome so that it points to the left. There is a person in front of you and you can't move, click on them and then move. Finally click the gnome, you will go to level 2.

Level 2

Click the fishing rod. A person will come out of the house and use it to fish. After a while he will throw out a fish bone and a velociraptor will come and pick at it. Click the velociraptor while it is picking at the bone and it will carry the gnome to level 3.

Level 3

Click the turning tap on the wood on the right 4 times so that it moves as much to the left as possible. Then click the hole in the wood in the left. A trunk will come out and flowers will grow. Once the flowers have bloomed click on the hole on the tree the gnome is standing on and bees will come out. A lamp will appear on the hole. Click it and a lamp person will come out and put their head on the outlet. Next click the button (in the tree the gnome is staning on) and the light will turn on, calling the elevator that will take you to level 4. Click on the button on top of the elevators door to open it and then click it to enter.

Level 4

While decending, your elevator will get stick at level 4. Click on the worms as they come out of the side of the tree. A bird will come and eat them. Once all of the worms are gone, click on the hole in the tree to reveal the squirrel with the record player. Click on the red button and then click on the records twice to change to a loud and fast song that will disturb the owl. Click on the owl as it jumps towards the stuck elevator. It will puch you and take you to level 5.

Level 5

Click on the button above the elevator door and then click on the elevator so that the gnome jumps out. Click on the piece of metal on the tree, allowing ants to be eaten by the anteater. While it is chewing on an ant click the stairs to walk towards them. Click on the control panel next to the door and click the buttons to make them turn red following the patern on the door to unlock it. Once the door is unlocked, click it to enter level 6.

Level 6

Click the red button to turn on the lights. Of the two sets of buttons, click the top of the right one until the temperature has reached 50. Then click on the ladder button and a ladder will appear. Click on it to climb it and you have won the game!


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