RWBY: Grimm Eclipse - The Complete Game Guide (NOT UP-TO-DATE)

RWBY: Grimm Eclipse - The Complete Game Guide (NOT UP-TO-DATE)

Why Hasn't This Guide Been Updated?

Hello all! This is Happy Fun Cat and I am going to let you know why this guide hasn't been updated.

First off, there are a few reasons for this, but the main one and that the game isn't as fun as what it was when it first came out. I loved this game when it first went into Green Light and when the combat update came in, it wasn't the game that I came to love. To me, they took the core aspect of the game and kind of ruined it. However, this is only why I don't like it, this does not mean it is a bad game. The game is still amazing, but it was taking steps backwards instead of forward.

Secondly, life gets in the way of everything. I have other things I need to do and rarely have time to sit and constantly play games, and when I do I don't want it to feel like work. My co-author for the guide is even worse off than me and nearly have no time to do anything but work. This along with the state of the game and our feelings for it made us not even wanting to update this guide, and with the time passing, we have moved on to other projects that will not even give us time for something this large.

Third, the DLC is what really put a halt to the update. We plan to update the guide regardless of the feelings for the game, but the DLC happened. We where very broke at the time and had no way to get the $5 that we could have used for something we really needed (gas, food, ect.). This was a many month process of not having the means to get something as cheap as that, and that did hinder the motivation for the project.

So with the above 3, the DLC halting progress, life, and the inability to find the game fun anymore is the reasons why updates have stopped. Will this guide ever get updated again? Most likely not. Finding time for projects like this is very difficult now for Bleedoutt and for me as well. I love writing guides, and I would love to do it again, but something as large as what we tried here is going to be impossible in the future unless I come into some real time and something that makes me want to do it again.

If you enjoy my guides and want to see more, best bet is to wait and see if maybe a shining jewel is made that will speak to me and make me want to do this again. Until then, sorry :/

~Happy Fun Cat

Hello And Welcome!

Hello and welcome. I am the Happiest of the Cats, Happy Fun Cat here to give you another guide. For this guide, I will be looking at Rooster Teeth's first game, Rwby: Grimm Eclipse. On top of that, I am joined by Near Death, Bleedoutt (near death is subject to change, for you will end up bledoutt after awhile).

This guide doesn't contain 1, doesn't contain 2, but contains just about everything in this game! That is right, for the first time, I will be giving you almost everything you need to know about this game. Also you may know more about this game, this is only stuff that I know and experienced, I am not a God, I am a cat, stop criticizing me!

Don't forget to leave a comment and rate as you see fit. Note that this is a pretty big guide on its own and only 2 people worked on it for 2 days, there may be stuff we missed, so let us know that too!

With that said, let's start and hope the Cupcakes don't explode on you!

*NOTE - We are trying to pack a lot of information into this guide, and if there is stuff we left out that you want to see, let us know and we will update accordingly, and thanks for your understanding <3*

Upcoming Guide Updates

This section is to let you know if there is any plan update to the guide. With a major patch, we will be doing testing and adding more information to the guide, so we will list what we are doing here. This will also be where we list any information you guys give us that we are planning to look at and add to the guide. This section will change constantly when information is added or if we want to add more sections to the guide.

If you have something you would like to be added to the guide that we haven't done already, let us know in the comments and we will consider adding it with the next update!

As always, check the Change Log Section if there is nothing here and you want to make sure if something in the guide has change in a major way!

Upcoming Guide Updates:

NONE! We are broke and can't spend the money for the update >.< If we had the money, we would have already did it.

Stay Tuned!

Update/Change Log

Update #1 12/4/15: Created Guide

Update #2 12/5/15: Guide Completed and Published, needing minor repairs at later dates.

Update #3 12/6/15: General fixes to the guide and a bit of added information to make it clearer, nothing major

Update #4 12/7/15: Fixed a few spelling issues in the guide

Update #5 12/8/15: Added missing Artifact in Chapter 2. Added Exploit 6 with screenshots in the Current "Exploit" Section. Prettied up a few sections and added information on Hello and Welcome Section. Created an Upcoming Guide Update section.

Update #6 12/11/15: Updated "Exploits" since some got patched. Changed text instances of "Mega-Ursa" to "Ursa-Major". Added "Flawless Wave Clear" to Experience chart. Added new artifact in section 1. Did some spell checking and other little things.

Update #7 12/12/15: Happy was sick and didn't want to change "Mega-Ursa" to "Ursa-Major", because of reasons, so we are changing it back. All text instances of Ursa-Major is changed to Mega-Ursa. Note added to Mega-Ursa to state it's real name.

Update #8 12/12/15: Added damage numbers for each skill under each Character Sections.

Update #9 12/21/15: Fixed damage for Dust Blast and unlock for Blake's Shadow Strike. Fix Beowolves' Health typo. Added the damage increase from Ruby's Armor Piercing Rounds.

Update #10 7/8/16: Updating guide for Launch Update 1.0.01rc2. This is Wave 1 of many updates to the guide over the upcoming days. Thanks for being patient with the lack of updates!

Update #10.1 7/9/16: Finished Ruby and Yang's Character sections. Achievement sections Finished. General Abilities section Finished. Enemy Sections updated and finished, maybe(?). Started Mechanics Section. Updated Exp Section.

Game Screen/Upgrade Screen And The Information You Should Know!

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This image is found under the help section while in game.



A - Minimap; Shows where you, your teammates, and enemies are on a radar type map.

B - Objective; Shows you the objective (health, time, ect.)

C - Wave; Current wave and wave number

D - Character; That's you

E - Experience Bar; Amount of experience you have and amount needed for next level

F - Wave Enemy Number; Amount of enemies left on current wave

G - Level; Your level

H - Ultimate Skill and Hotkey button; Pops up when you have enough Ultimate to activate your ability

I - Party Portait; Shows you your current party, who they are, who they are playing, and what level they are

J - Ultimate Bar; Shows the amount of Ultimate you currently have

K - Aura Bar; Amount of shield you currently have

L - Hit Counter Hexagon; Shows you your current hit counter

M - Objective Arrow; Shows you, on screen, where the current objective is

N - Special Indicator; Shows you when an enemy is counterable, stunned, or if you are able to do a team attack on them

O - Yang; It's a Yang

_ - Character Portrait; This is your character portrait, it is unlabled because I forgot to lable it on the image, so it is blank


A - Character Name; name of the character you are currently playing

B - Level; Your level

C - Points; Amount of points you have available to spend

D - Skill Name; Name of the skill/skill tree for upgrades

E - Upgraded Skill; A skill that you spent points in looks like this

F - Point Cost; Points needed to get this skill

G - Upgrade Name; Name of the Upgrade for the skill (Note that Crescendo's upgrades are all called Crescendo)

H - Point Cost; Points needed to get this skill

I - Skill Description; Description of the skill

J - Unlocked Upgrade Skill; Upgrade you are able to get when you spend points

K - Locked Upgrade Skill; Upgrade that is currently locked due to not having the prerequisites for the upgrade (I.E Challenge not completed or previous tier upgrade not taken)

L - Unobtainable Upgrade Skill; Upgrade that is unobtainable due to having another skill in that tier already taken

RWBY And YOU (Understanding Game Mechanics)

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To be added to!

~Combos and How They Work~

Most characters follow a similar combo string you can use, just variations allow for better combos. Most character combos follows a string of light attacks followed by 1 heavy attack, but every combo can only have up to 4 attack strings attached to it.

Example: L-L-L-L-H can not be an attack string, but J-L-L-L-H can be since jumping (J) is not considered an attack.

This does not hold true for a combo string that causes you to jump into the air.

Example of this is for Ruby. She can L-L-L-H-L-L-L-H. This is doable since her Lx3 into an H causes her to jump, allowing her to proceed with her air combo.

~The 3 Enemy Status~

In this game, enemies can be put into 3 different states, Counterable, Stunned, and Team Attack Ready.


While out fighting Grimm, there will be a time when a button will appear above the enemies head. In this situation, the enemy is trying to hit me with one of his skills, with allows for a counter attack to occur. If you hit this counter attack (by pressing the button when prompted) you will stun the enemy, and sometimes even set up the enemy for a team attack.


Certain abilities or counting enemies will cause them to be stunned, not allowing them to attack you or your team. This is great for setting attacks or just an ability to get away while recharging your Aura. Stuns will last a short while, or until that enemy is attacked. Not all abilites/enemies can be stunned. Also when an enemy is stunned (this does not apply to boss enemies), you can use a charged Heavy Attack (just hold down the Heavy Attack Button) and it will cause the enemy to go into a Team Attack Opportunity.

Stunnable enemies include:

Cupcakes (all 3 versions)

Beowolfs (all 3 versions)


Red Robit

Unstunnable enemies include:

Ursa (both versions)

White Robits

Timothy the Deathstalker

Note: The Ursas will stun themselves after using Stone Edge.

Team Attack

Team attacks allow you to help your team (or can proc even if playing by yourself) to attack using a powerful ability. It has 2 icons, one for when your teammates can use an team attack, or one for when you can. This can happen whenever you heavy attack an enemy, finish a light attack combo string completely, or counter an enemy.

Team Attack, Solo Edition!

So wait, you are telling me I can use a team attack by myself? Why yes, voices in my head, you can! Why you are also asking? Because it is freaking stupid when playing by yourself one full ability tree becomes useless, that is why.

I am not going to go over this in too much detail, I will have information about this in the tips and tricks, but the TLDR version is Heavy Attacks have a chance to cause a Team Attack Opportunity and Charged Heavy Attack against a Stunned, Non Boss Enemy (So not the Mega-Ursa or the Glowing Beowolf) will cause a Team Attack Opportunity as well.

Rank Up! (Ranking Up Hunter Rank)

There are 10 ranks you can achieve in the game. However, other than an achievement, they are completely pointless. They reset your characters levels back to 1 AND reset all challenges you have done. Honestly, there is no point in ranking up in this game at this point in time other than swag points.

Below is a list given to us courtesy of Rooster Teeth on the discussion boards for the game, and this is just a plain copy and paste from that discussion.

Originally posted by Rooster Teeth Games:HOW TO ADVANCE IN RANK?

To help with any confusion on Ranking up. Here's a quick guide for your reference.

RANK 0 -> 1

All players begin at level 0. To achieve rank 1, you must meet the “Maxed Out” requirement -

Maxed Out: Reach Max Level (10) with four characters

RANK 1 -> 2

Rank 1 players will be promoted to rank 2 after completing the following challenges:

Leveled Up - Get 1 character to level 10

10x Revives - Revive 10 teammates

50x Ranged Kills - Get 50 kills with ranged attacks

50x Hit Streak - Get a hit streak of 50 or higher

Ursa Slayer - Kill 20 Ursas

RANK 2 -> 3

Leveled Up - Get 1 character to level 10

Creep Killer - Kill 300 Creeps

20x Team Attack Finishers - Perform 20 Team Attacks

50x Counters - Perform 50 Counters

4x Challenge Master - Unlock 4 Mastery Challenges

RANK 3 -> 4

Leveled Up - Get 1 characters to level 10

Beowolf Buster - Kill 300 Beowolves

20x Team Attack Set Ups - Set up 20 Team Attacks

100x Destructibles - Break 100 crates or pots

10x Artifact Collector - Collect 10 artifacts

RANK 4 -> 5

Leveled Up - Get 1 characters to level 10

Alpha Creep Killer - Kill 150 Alpha Creeps

5x Flawless Waves - Get 5 Flawless Waves

20x Revives - Revive 20 teammates

100x Ultimates - Perform 100 Ultimate Attacks

RANK 5 -> 6

2x Leveled Up - Get 2 characters to level 10

Alpha Beowolf Buster - Kill 150 Alpha Beowolves

6x Challenge Master - Unlock 6 Mastery Challenges

10x Wave MVPs - Get 10 Wave MVPs

15x Artifact Collector - Collect 15 artifacts

RANK 6 -> 7

2x Leveled Up - Get 2 characters to level 10

Boarbatusk Butcher - Kill 100 Boarbatusks

100x Stuns - Stun 100 Grimm

100x Team Attack Finishers - Perform 100 Team Attacks

50x Assists - Perform 50 assists

RANK 7-> 8

2x Leveled Up - Get 2 characters to level 10

30x Ursa Slayer - Kill 30 Ursas

Mutant Beowolf Buster - Kill 20 Mutant Beowolves

Android Annihilator - Kill 200 Androids

8x Challenge Master - Unlock 8 Mastery Challenges

RANK 8 -> 9

2x Leveled Up - Get 2 characters to level 10

Mutant Creep Killer - Kill 100 Mutant Creeps

200x Stuns - Stun 200 Grimm

75x Hit Streak - Get a 75x hit streak

50x Wave MVPS - Get wave MVP 50 times

RANK 9 -> 10

Maxed Out - Get 4 characters to level 10

Grimm Reaper - Kill 3000 Grimm

100x Hit Streak - Get a 100x hit streak

10x Challenge Master - Unlock 10 Mastery Challenges

50x Flawless Waves - Get 50 Flawless Waves

How Ability Upgrades Work

Each Character has 4 Ability Trees that can be improved on during the course of the game by leveling up, receiving points for leveling, and spending these points in the upgrade screen. These Ability Trees follow the same format for each character, each tree represents a certain aspect for that character. These aspects are as follows:

Ultimate Ability Tree; This tree will upgrade your Ultimate, increasing damage, or adding additional effects.

Team Attack Ability Tree; This tree upgrades your Team Attack ability, just like the ultimate tree, increasing damage or adding additional effects. Only needed when you have teammembers with you.

Range Ability Tree; Same as the first 2, increases your range ability with damage or added effects.

General Ability Tree; This tree focuses on increasing your characters overall performance by enhancing your Aura, your Ultimate, helping your teammates, ect. Most of these are the same between each character.

First I will go over General Upgrades each character gets. Only 2 abilities in the last row for General Abilities are Character Specific and will be different for each character.

General And Character Section Format

This is here to give a quick rundown on the format for these sections, so you know what they all mean.

Skill/Ability Name (Tier X) - Skill name and Tier the skill is found on Upgrade Page.

Cost for Upgrade: X - Point cost to aquire skill

Unlock: X - How to obtain skill

"Words Words Words Words" - Ingame discription of the skill.

*Note: Words Words Words* - Any additional notes I have placed for the skill.

Additional Note: Some skills I have labeled with Tier followed by a letter. This means that this tier has multiple skill upgrades you can choose from. For example, Tier 3A will be the first upgrade on the row, 3B is the second, and so on.

General Abilities

SurvivorCost For Upgrade:Unlock:Aura RegenerationCost For Upgrade:Unlock:Improve Ultimate 1Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:MedicCost For Upgrade:Unlock:Increased AuraCost For Upgrade:Unlock:Improve Ultimate 2Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Heavy SynergyCost For Upgrade:Unlock:

Note: Account Wide means that this challenge is shared through all characters. So for example, if you revive 3 people while playing Ruby, you can get the other 2 revives on any character. And when this skill is unlocked, any character can recieve this upgrade, regardless if you ever played them before (sure this will be more important when new characters are released, if they ever are).


Reach experience level 5 as any character (Account Wide)

"You can survive more damage after your aura is depleted."



"Your aura recovers much faster."



"Your Ultimate pool increases by 1."


Revive 5 teammates to unlock this ability. (Account Wide)

"Revive teammates much faster."


Defeat 2000 Enemies to unlock this ability(Account Wide)

"You gain more aura."


Defeat 300 enemies with ultimate attacks to unlock this ability. (Account Wide)

"Your Ultimate pooll increases by X."


Defeat 300 enemies with heavy attacks to unlock this ability. (Account Wide)

"Heavy attacks have an improved chance to create a team attack opportunity."

Ruby Rose

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RWBY: Grimm Eclipse - The Complete Game Guide (NOT UP-TO-DATE) image 226Skill Tree: Crescendo (Ultimate)Crescendo (Tier 1)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Improved Crescendo (Tier 2)Cost To Upgrade:Unlock:Cresendo Forte (Tier 3A)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Cresendo Finale (Tier 3B)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Skill Tree: Reap (Team Attack)Reap (Tier 1)Cost For Upgrade:Improved Reap (Tier 2)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Grimm Reaper (Tier 3)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Skill Tree: Dust Blast (Range)Dust Blast (Tier 1)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Electric Blast (Tier 2A)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Ice Blast (Tier 2B)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Fire Blast (Tier 3C)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Skill Tree: GeneralTeam PlayerCost For Upgrade:Unlock:HyperballisticCost For Upgrade:Unlock:



"Ruby quickly spins the Crescent Rose in a circle around her, kocking all nearby enemies backwards."



"Ruby spin 3 times and Crescendo's range is greatly increased."



"Cresendo's final hit smashes enemies backward for a very high amount of damage."


Defeat 300 enemies with Crescendo to unlock this ability.

"Crescendo pulls enemies towards Ruby with each hit."


"Ruby teleports into the air and spirals downward with the Crescent Rose, smashing into the ground when she lands."



"Reap's damage is greatly increased and surrounding enemies are also affected"


Defeat enemies with Reap to unlock this ability. (100)

"Reap creates a wave of rocks around Ruby which smash nearby enemies backward."



"Ruby fires a bullet made of Dust which explodes on impact."



"Dust Blast uses electric dust, which chains lightning between enemies near the explosion."


Defeat 200 enemies with ranged attacks as Ruby to unlock this ability.

"Dust Blast uses ice dust, which freezes enemies hit by the explosion."


Defeat 400 enemies with ranged attacks as Ruby to unlock this ability.

"Dust Blast uses fire dust, which greatly increases the explosion's damage."


Counter 300 enemies as Ruby to unlock this ability.

"Countering enemies gives an increased chance to create a team attack opportunity."


Reach level 10 as Ruby to unlock this ability.

"Reduce the hitstreak needed to gain a bonus towards ultra."

Weiss Schnee

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RWBY: Grimm Eclipse - The Complete Game Guide (NOT UP-TO-DATE) image 309Skill Tree: Nova (Ultimate)Nova (Tier 1)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Improved Nova (Tier 2)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Novacaine (Tier 3)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Skill Tree: Frostbite (Team Attack)Frostbite (Tier 1)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Improved Frostbite (Tier 2)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Hypothermia (Tier 3)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Skill Tree: Barrage (Range) Barrage (Tier 1)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Improved Barrage (Tier 2)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Frost Bolt (Tier 3)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Skill Tree: GeneralIce QueenCost For Upgrade:Unlock:Perfect FormCost For Upgrade:Unlock:



"Weiss releases a burst of energy, damaging nearby enemies."



"Nova's damage and radius will be increased and it also stuns enemies."


Defeat 300 enemies with Nova to unlock this ability

"Nova freezes all enemies."



"Weiss leaps into the air and plunges Myrtenaster down in a punishing blow."



"Frostbite now damages all enemies in the surrounding area."


Defeat 100 enemies with Frostbite to unlock this ability

"Frostbite does increased damage to surrounding enemies and causes them to freeze."



"Weiss shoots 3 beams at once at her target."



"Weiss unleashes a storm of dust-enhanced projectiles, which home in on nearby targets."


Defeat 200 enemies with range attacks as Weiss to unlock this ability

"Weiss shoots an incicle that freezes enemies in its path."


Counter 300 enemies as Weiss to unlock this ability

"Weiss freezes enemies when countering them."


Reach level 10 as Weiss to unlock this ability

"Weiss gains more progress towards ultimate when completing a hitstreak."

Blake Belladonna

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RWBY: Grimm Eclipse - The Complete Game Guide (NOT UP-TO-DATE) image 382Skill Tree: Shadow Clone (Ultimate)Dust Clone (Tier 1)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Earth Clone (Tier 2A)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Ice Clone (Tier 2B)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Fire Clone (Tier 3)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Skill Tree: Shadow Strike (Team Attack)Shadow Dash (Tier 1)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Improved Shadow Dash (Tier 2)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Shadow Blitz (Tier 3)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Skill Tree: Blade Beam (Range)Blade Beam (Tier 1)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Stun Blades (Tier 2A)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Blade Salvo (Tier 2B)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Skill Tree: GeneralFrenzyCost For Upgrade:
Unlock:Fortunate FaunusCost For Upgrade:Unlock:



"Blake jumps backwards, leaving a shadow clone of herself that slashes at enemies."



"Blake's clone turns into Earth, which creates an earthquake that smashes away all enemies in a large area around it."


Defeat 100 enemies with Shadow Clone to unlock this ability

"Blake's clone turns into Ice, and freezes all enemies in an area around it."


Defeat 400 enemies with Shadow Clone to unlock this ability

"Blake's clone turns into Fire, and explodes after a brief delay, dealing high damage.."



"Blake and her clones dash around an enemy while slashing it up to 3 times"



"Blake and her clones dash around an enemy while slashing it up to 4 times. Also, surrounding enemies take damage."


Defeat 100 enemies with Shadow Strike to unlock this ability

"Blake and her clones dash around an enemy while slashing it up five times. Surrounding enemies take increased damage."



"Blake hurls an energy blade which explodes on impact, dealing massive damage to the first enemy hit."



"Blake fires a horizontal blade beam that damages and stuns enemies in a wide arc."



"Blake fires 3 beams at a single target that do massive damage."


Counter 300 enemies as Blake to unlock this ability

"Blake's counter deals increased damage."

Reach level 10 as Blake to unlock this ability

"Blake can go twice as long between hits without resetting her hitstreak. Additionally, the first hit Blake suffers during a hitstreak doesn't cause it to reset."

Yang Xiao Long

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RWBY: Grimm Eclipse - The Complete Game Guide (NOT UP-TO-DATE) image 460Skill Tree: Quake (Ultimate)Quake (Tier 1)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Improved Quake (Tier 2)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Super Quake(Tier 3A)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Aftershock (Tier 3B)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Skill Tree: Blast Wave (Team Attack) Blast Wave (Tier 1)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Improved Blast Wave (Tier 2)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Earth Wave (Tier 3)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Skill Tree: Fire Missles (Range) Missle Barrage (Tier 1)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Concussion Missles (Tier 2)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Missile Salvo (Tier 3)Cost For Upgrade:Unlock:Skill Tree: GeneralBrawlerCost For Upgrade:Unlock:Second WindCost For Upgrade:Unlock:



"Yang slams her gauntlet into the ground, creating a wave of energy which damages all nearby enemies."



"Quake deals more damage in a larger radius."


Kill 300 enemies with Quake to unlock this ability

"Quake smashes enemies backwards and causes more damage."



"Quake creates a shield of rock pillars around Yang that enemies cannot get through"

*NOTE: Insert condom jokes here.*



"Yang punches with such force she creates a shockwave that smashes her target backwards"



"Yang creates a cascade of rocks in front of her damaging additional enemies."


Kill 100 enemies with Blast Wave to unlock this ability

"Yang creates an even larger cascage of rocks which damages all enemies in a line in front of her."



"Yang fires 2 missles at the end of her ranged attack."



"Yang now fires 4 missles that do more damage and stuns enemies."


Defeat 200 enemies with range attacks as Yang to unlock this ability

"Yang now fires 8 missles that do heavy damage."


Counter 300 enemies as Yang to unlock this ability

"Yang's counter stuns enemies for longer."


Reach level 10 as Yang to unlock this ability


Abilities And What You Should Get!

Survivor Aura RegenerationImproved Ultimate 1 And 2MedicIncreased AuraHeavy SynergyCounter Ability (General Tier 3A)Ultimate Ability (General Tier 3B)

This is borderline tip for all your peeps, but still something that should be said. In this game, there are a lot of abilities you can pick from, but you only have 10 points you can use, so what are the best and the useless abilities? Well, I will give you my list of perks that should be considered every playthrough.

*Note that most people will have difference oppinions about these and that is fine, because this is just my oppinion of the abilities in the game, no omgrd rage mode because I say your favorite ability sucks*

Starting off, let's look at the General Abilities and what should always be considered for every game.

A very good ability if you are trying to go for some of the other challenges. It gives you a buffer so you don't have to run away as soon as your Aura goes away. Still, this is not needed for most people in a fun playthrough of the game, it is just there as a "What if I make a mistake?"

Verdict: A great ability but not needed after you are use to the game.

I shouldn't have to explain to you how good this ability is. Regardless if you are the king of kings, this is great for when you do make a mistake on a hard enemy and don't have to run away for what seems like ever. You can wait a few seconds while jumping around and you are ready to fight again. Most people will never die if they have this ability and know when to dip out, and it pairs very well with

Verdict: Always your #1 pick for any character, ever.

Again, 2 great abilities that almost everyone can use. When you have both, this allows you to almost always have an ultimate when you need it most, not to mention that at the beginning of every chapter, if you have this ability, you will also always have 1 or 2 ultimates ready to go before you take your first steps! However, ultimates are only as good as how you build them, and not every ultimate is amazing. At most, only get this if you are strictly building for ultimate or if you have a god ultimate (Ruby or Yang), other than that, at most just get Improved Ultimate 1 or ignore it completely.

Verdict: Dependent on character and build.

I am just going to skip to the verdict.

Verdict: Are you playing with people? If yes, do they suck? If yes, get this. If you said no at any point, ingore this completely.

I will flat out say it, this is completely pointless. Sure the increased Aura seems nice, but most people will not need it. Honestly, only ever get this if you did not get IF you need the increase defences. If you are pretty decent at the game, the defenive abilities are not really worth it and this is the lowest on my list of stuff I would every pick.

Verdict: Get it if you need it, ignore it if you are somewhat good at video games.

Do not get me wrong, this does have it's place, but that place is mostly with playing with other people and even then, knowing how to Counter into an Opportunity is by far easier. Get this if you are trying to set up plays for your team, but it can be ingored most of the time or if you have a spare point.

Verdict: Get it for heavy team play while not in voice chat, can be widely ignored most other times.

I will just flat out say it, unneeded unless you are playing Ruby, even this, you really don't even need hers as well. In terms of do you need this or not, it is even under , so I find this even more worthless than that. Again, Ruby has the best in this tier, so if you are going for heavy Team Attack build, it is very useful on her. Ignroe on everyone else.

Verdict: Are you playing Ruby? If yes, are you building Team Attack? If yes, get it. If you said no to any of the questions, ignore it.

A complete 180 from the Counter Ability. Every character has a use for every one of their Ultimate General Ability, they are just all good. Ruby requires less hits to get a major increase to her ultimate, Weiss gets more of her ultimate when finishing a hitstreak, Blake can get hit once and go longer without hitting someone to keep her hitstreak going, and Yang just gets full ultimate when her Aura is drained. All of them so good. If you are building ultimate at all, this should be something to look into, period.

Verdict: If you are building for ultimate, get this 98% of the time.

Now I am going to go over Character Abilities, through faster, so mostly only Verdicts.

Ruby Rose

Improved Crescendo

Verdict: If you are building for Ultimate, 100% you have to get it.Crescendo Forte

Verdict: Great to zone enemies away, but you really don't need it. Crescendo Finale

Verdict: This is God Mode for clearing, 100% amazing abilty, get it if going for Ultimate.Imrpoved Reap

Verdict: Pretty decent, pick this up if going for Team AttacksGrimm Reaper

Verdict: Meh? I will need to test this moreElectric Blast

Verdict: Just good, period.Ice Blast

Verdict: Just bad, period.Fire Blast

Verdict: Not needed, period.

Weiss Schnee

Improved Nova

Verdict: It is worth it, decent increase to an already pretty decent ultimateNovacaine

Verdict: Don't, just.... Don't.Improved Frostbite

Verdict: Only if you are going for the last in this tree.Hypothermia

Verdict: The increased damage is why you take this, very nice ability if going for a Team Attack build.Improved Barrage

Verdict: Omg YES! This thing is freaking amazing and allows for Weiss to get her ultimate super fast. Always, almost a 100% this talent you have to take.Frost Bolt

Verdict: Another 180, this ability SUCKS. Never, never, NEVER take it. it is 100% pointless and is much weaker than only the first upgrade.

Blake Belladonna

Earth Clone

Verdict: Decent, take it if you are building for Ultimate.Ice Clone

Verdict: Pointless, take this only as a jokeFire Clone

Verdict: Same as Earth Clone, take this if you want a better ultimate, the delay seems to be as long as any of the upgrades, just slower than the non upgraded version.Improved Shadow Dash

Verdict: Worth if doing a Team Attack BuildShadow Blitz

Verdict: Same as before, worth if doing a Team Attack BuildStun Blades

Verdict: Best range attack in the game, always useful, should be a 98% pick up for most buildsBlade Salvo

Verdict: Weaker in my oppinion than Stun Blades, but deals a nice amount of damage. Easy to miss with it however and most enemies will not take all 3 blades unless in pointblank range.

Yang Xiao Long

Improved Quake

Verdict: YesSuper Quake

Verdict: Yes, YesAftershock

Verdict: NoImproved Blast Wave and Earth Wave

Verdict: Meh, yes if going for Team Attack BuildConcussion Missles

Verdict: Maybe? Depends on Missile SalvoMissile Salvo

Verdict: Need to test to see if it is worth it

Enemies (Part 1)

Enemy LayoutNameExp: XCupcakeExp: 5Super CupcakeExp: 25BeowolfExp: 15Alpha BeowolfExp: 35BoarbatuskExp: 25UrsaExp: 60Mega-UrsaExp: 200Exploding CupcakeExp: 10

If you noticed that I named most of the enemies' skills as Pokemon attacks, you are not wrong. I did this because they have no name and this is a easy way to reference them in the future.

As for the names, I like more than Creep, since Creep sounds weird. Also, other than calling the upgraded versions of the enemies 'boss' enemies or their real names, we came up with our own names for them, because Reasons.

And for the screenshots, yes I did stun each of these and get close and personal.

- The name of the enemy (or the name I given it for Reasons)

- Amount of experience that the enemy gives upon death.

First seen in Chapter X - The chapter, or level, that you first see the enemy



First seen in Chapter 1

These things, are called Creeps, but I like the name s better, so they will be forever called s, because of Reasons.

The has 2 abilities. The first one is a burrow. The will dig underground and appear next to your character, dealing a small amount of damage if it hits.

The other abilities is a Tail Flip, where the will do a backflip, lunge a bit and hit your character with it's tail.Super

First seen in Chapter 1

These are Super Versions of s where they have 5 times as much health and are a bit bigger than regular s.

These have the same abilities as s.

First seen in Chapter 1

The s have 2 abilities, a Charge Swipe, where the will Charge a decent distance while swiping with his claws, dealing moderate damage.

The other ability, Fury Swipes, does a small lunge swipe, followed by series of swipes, ending with a final, hard hitting swipe. Alpha

First seen in Chapter 1

A souped-up version of the regular s. They have the same abilities as s, expect that attack harder and attacks more often.

First seen in Chapter 2

The 2 abilites are a Headbutt and a Rollout. The Headbutt is a very short range attack where the Boarbetusk will headbutt your character, dealing moderate damage.

The Rollout has the doing a Sonic, curling itself up into a ball then moving at decent speeds to your character, doing high damage if it hits.

First seen in Chapter 3

They, yet again, have 2 abilities. One is Swipe, pretty standard, the swipes you with its claws, knocking out your Aura, regardless of Increased Aura.

The other ability is Stone Edge. Not as standard, the will hit the ground, then in front of them will send up 4 rock pillars in a row, each dealing moderate damage.Mega-

First seen in Chapter 3

Real name is -Major, but keeping it as Mega- because Reasons. Reason is the cause of all the wtf things in the guide.

This thing is just, well a bigger form of the , double health, and double the rocks!

Same skills as the s, just Stone Edge has 8 rocks that deal moderate damage instead of 4.Exploding

First seen in Chapter 4

It's a , that goes boom... That's AWESOME!

Same skills as regular s, except has one more. When it dies or sometimes when it is close enough to you, it will do an Explosion, dealing massive damage.

Enemies (Part 2)

Glowing BeowolfExp: 75Red RobitExp: 30White RobitExp: 30

This section will list any of the new enemies found in chapters 5-10

First seen in Chapter X

This thing is technically called a Mutant Beowolf but we already started to call things by the wrong/made up names, so why stop now?

It has 3 attacks, a slash in front of him, a triple slash that has a very large range, and a crystal attack in front of him that goes a decent distance. I am going to dub it Thousand Waves, because shout out to Zygarde.

First seen in Chapter X

The first of many (2) Robits in the game! And this one is a pain in the butt! They have 3 attacks, a muti stab in front of them with decent range, a double swing cleave in front of them, and then a spin 2 win attack, spinning 3 times. Each of these attacks have decent range, making this one of the hardest enemies in the game when fighting multiple at once.

First seen in Chapter X

The last of many (2) Robits in the game! And this one is... a bit underwhelming really. 3 attacks, just like the , a cleave shot in front of them, a gernade that they throw in an arc infront of them, and a damaging disengage, used to, well disengage or back away from you. The first 2 are super easy to dodge, the only one you need to worry about is the disengage, which in itself doesn't do a whole lot. Very easy enemy to face.Timothy

Exp: X

First seen in Chapter 10

Ignore that giant green bar at the top which has Mutant Deathstalker under it, it's name is Timothy, and I loves him... if he wasn't so damn boring and time consuming to kill >.< . Honestly, this is the finally boss in the game and it is pretty much sit, dodge, sit, dodge, attack when he impales the ground, rinse and repeat until dead. There are more mechanics to this fight (he summons cupcakes and exploding cupcakes, at about half health he will start sending down projectiles from the sky in a pattern), but all in all, this boss is pretty simple. Just need to take your time and when he impales the ground with his stringer, run up and hit it. Then it is just another round of the waiting game.

Exp And How To Get It!

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Experience, or Exp, is the bread and butter, and anything else you put on toast, of this game. You need it to level up your character to obtain points you use to upgrade your character in the character screen, so without Exp, you will be stuck with a basic character.

The Exp Requirements of each Level are:

Lvl 1 0 Lvl 2 500 Lvl 3 750 Lvl 4 1000 Lvl 5 1250 Lvl 6 1500 Lvl 7 1750 Lvl 8 2000 Lvl 9 2500 Lvl 10 4000

That is great, but how to you obtain this "experience"?

(If you are really asking me that, voices in my head, I wonder if you ever played like any game ever ._.)

There are multiple ways to obtain experience in the game. I already list the amount of experience for gain for each enemy you face, but so it will be visable in this section, I will list them again, along with the other methods to gain experience and the amount of experience you gain for each of the other ways.

Method Expereince Cupcake (Enemy) 5 Super Cupcake (Enemy) 25 Exploding Cupcake (Enemy) 10 Beowolf (Enemy) 15 Alpha Beowolf (Enemy) 35 Boarbatusk (Enemy) 25 Ursa (Enemy) 60 Mega-Ursa (Enemy) 200 Glowing Beowolf (Enemy) 75 Red Robit (Enemy) 30 White Robit (Enemy) 30 Timothy the Mutant Deathstalker (Enemy) X Expereince Orb 25 Artifacts 100 Wave Clear 75 MVP Wave Clear 50 Flawless Wave Clear 50 Picking up Fuel 50 Delivering Fuel 50 Team Attack 30 Team Attack Setup 50 Assist Half

*NOTE: Flawless Wave means not letting the control center take any damage for that wave. Currently, we are only able to get this experience on waves that has an objective that has health.*

~Above is an Experience Orb, you get these from breaking boxes and jars in the game, they have a chance to drop.

~Above is an Artifact. There are 4 Artifacts Per Chapter, totaling 40 Artifacts in all.

Chapter 1 And 2 Walkthrough

To be updated

Chapter 3 And 4 Walkthrough

To be updated

Chapter 5 And 6 Walkthrough

To be updated

Chapter 7 And 8 Walkthrough

To be updated

Chapter 9 And 10 Walkthrough

To be updated

Artifact Locations (Chapters 1 And 2)

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Chapter 1

Artifacts: 4

Artifact 1

When you make it to the first area with grimm, there will be a large rock to the right. Go behind this rock and take your prize. (Literally, the room right after you spawn in.)

Artifact 2

After dealing with a set of grimm (this is the waves of grim which you first see a Super Cupcake) Professor Port will start talking about artifacts hidden throughout the area. Go through the archway and you will see a path off to the right side. Take that path and you will see an artifact. Cupcakes will spawn upon picking up the artifact.

Artifact 3

After the area that you first fight the beowolves, you will go up a path leading to a cave. Right before the wood plank bridge, behind some boxes is a path off to the right. go down that path and you will see the artifact, being bathed in sunlight. Cupcakes will spawn before you are able to pick it up.

Artifact 4

Inside the cave, you will see the objective and to the right you will see an archway you can walk through. Proceed down that area and there is a path behind a few boxes to the left. Follow it and you will find the artifact.


Chapter 2

Artifacts: 4

Artifact 1

At the start of the chapter, walk straight and you will come to an open area that has a big path to the right and a tiny path to the left, and across the way, you will see a platform with a pillar and some boxes. Take the left path and follow it all the way to the platform and you will see the Artifact behind the pillar.

Artifact 2

Once you jump down to the area and meet the Boarbatusk, head to the archway and turn right (145 degrees or so). You will see the Artifact in a cubby hold in the rocks behind some boxes.

Artifact 3

After you do the waves on the bridge, go down and take a left. It is in the shadows (oOOooOoOoooOoo, spooky).

Artifact 4

Before you get to the last part of this area (it is another protect the objective against waves of grimm), there is a rock that is to the right of the area with boxes next to it. Behind the rock you will find the artifact.

Artifact Locations (Chapters 3 And 4)

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Chapter 3

Artifacts: 4 (3 obtainable in any 1 run.)

Artifact 1

After you start the chapter, go into the city ruins. You will meet some Cupcakes and Beowolves. Deal with them and proceed into the next area. You will then be able to continue through the level if you go right, but you want the Artifact, so go straight and then look right past the buildings. You will see it on the ground.

Artifact 2

You will get to an area that has some pipes (please tell me what it is called, because for the life of me, I forgot). Proceed down said area, jump down and MOAR PIPES! Again, proceed and on the right, the first pipe you see houses an Artifact (just wash it first).

Artifact 3 (Left Side)

After the fight for the door, you will then be directed either left or right depending on what is in the way. If you are able to proceed left, then go on. You will get to an open area that will spawn a bunch of grim that you must deal with. Once said grim has been dealt with, go to the end of this area and look left, the Artifact will be sitting in its own section.

Artifact 4 (Right Side)

If the left side is blocked, your only choice is to go right. Go right and you will be able to jump down and start attacking some grim. Before you jump down, if you look to the left inside a building, you will see the Artifact. Jump down and grab it.


Chapter 4

Artifacts: 4

Artifact 1

Proceed through the level and you will come across a decently size room with no enemies and debris to the left and right. Behind the debris to the left you will see the Artifact. (This is very close to the start of the Chapter)

Artifact 2

Continue through the level and you will be prompted that you entered The Undercity. This area has tracks that go through it. The Artifact is on the left side after you get on the tracks.

Artifact 3

Once you start the bomb phase, past the first set of doors, go straight and then there is a path you can take to the right. The Artifact is in that space.

Artifact 4

At the end of the Chapter (before the bomb falls into the pits), there is an Artifact behind some boxes to the right.

Artifact Locations (Chapters 5 And 6)

To be updated

Artifact Locations (Chapters 7 And 8)

Artifact Locations (Chapters 9 And 10)

Achievement Hunters! (Bad Pun Is Bad And A Pun)

Do you know the pun being used, there is more than 1.

Below is a list of every achievement and how to get it, even though it is self explanatory and shouldn't need this section in the first place.

There are 25 achievements as of Launch Update 1.0.01rc2

Ruby Rose

Yand Xiao Long

Blake Belladonna

Weiss Schnee

A Little Respec

Going Solo

Go Team RWBY!

Keep it 100

Field Medic

Team Player

Sister Synergy

Beacon Graduate


Top Score

Mutant Hunter

Momentum Shift

It Belongs in a Museum

You da Real MVP

Crazy Science Machine


It's Also a Gun

Ticking Time Bomb

The Ultimate Ultimate

(Hidden Achievement 1)

(Hidden Achievement 2)

Wanna know what the 2 hidden achievements are? Check out Roman's guide below and get a list of how to get each achievement and find out what the 2 hidden achievements are. I will give you a hint, Mario and Luigi.

Most of these achievements are self explanatory. If there is one that you still are unable to get, I will put in the guide how to get it step by step, day by day... No promises that I will stop.

Achievements 1-5

Ruby RoseYang Xiao LongBlake BelladonnaWeiss SchneeA Little Respec

~Complete the Campaign using Ruby

No kidding, play as Ruby and beat the campaign to get this achievement, who would have guessed?!

~Complete the Campaign using Yang

OMGRD, No way, beat the campaign using Yang?! Another achievement I would never have known how to get.

~Complete the Campaign using Blake

3rd Verse, same as the first, and second...

~Complete the Campaign using Weiss

Impossible to get, don't even try

~Refund all of your Ability Points

R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what those points mean to me.

But no, really, you can get this as soon as you beat Chapter 1, after you defend the control tower. There is a button that said Refund Skill Points and you just need to click on that, bam boom achievement unlocked, as easy as hitting a button.

Achievements 6-10

Going SoloGo Team RWBY!Keep It 100Field MedicTeam Player

~Complete the Campain in single player.

So lonel~y, I am so lonel~y, I have no bod~y, to play this game with ohh~h... I'm sorry v.v

~Play in an online match with all four team RWBY members present.

Play with 3 other people than yourself, what is this, an MMO? Another impossible achievement is impossible.

~Reach 100 hits on the combo counter

It should be like Blackjack, go over 100 and you bust, only in this you get eaten, not lose money... Unless the Grimm steals your wallet, then that case, wow... sucks to be you.

But really, this achievement can be gotten as early as fighting the first Super Cupcake in Chapter 1.

~Revive a teammate after purchasing Quick Revive

To get this achievement, play with bad people, easy!

You need to be at least level 2 on the character to get this achievement and have the skill unlocked by reviving 5 Teammates. Best way to do this is have your team suicide into things, you pick them up 5 times, get your level, pick Quick Revive, and bam!

~Execute a Team Attack

To get this achievement, play with good people, easy!

Best case is get someone to spam heavy attacks or their ultimate and hit your Team Attack Button (E Keyboard, RB Xbox, R1 Playstation) when promoted to do so.

Achievements 11-15

Sister SynergyBeacon GratuateUnscathedTop ScoreMutant Hunter

~Do a Team Attack with Ruby and Yang

Doesn't matter which one does it, but the team attack must be done by either Tia or Tamera being assisted by the one that is not doing the attack. Is my 90s showing?

~Reach Hunter Rank 10

Have no life. Pretty simple really.

~Complete any level without taking damage

The only achievement that encourage being a panzy.

~Get the highest score in a four player online match on a single level

The only achievement that encourage being an !@#

~Get an assist on a Mutant Beowolf

While someone else is attacking the Mutant Beowolf, become Vegeta, start saying Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine, and proceed to finish off the Beowolf, and you might get the achievement.

Achievements 16-20

Momentum ShiftIt Belongs In A MuseumYou Da Real MVPCrazy Science MachineTeam DUST

~Kill a Mutant beowolf while your Aura is depleted

Get your butt handed to you on a silver platter and proceed to take said butt and shove it down the Mutant Beowolf's thoat. Easiest on Yang with her Second Wind General Ability.

~Collect 10 artifacts during a single play session

There is a artifact guide you can look at and get this achievement in this guide. You can get it as early as Chapter 3. Only problem is YOU have to pick up the artifacts. This does not work if your Teammates pick them up.

~Get Wave MVP five times in a waved encounter

Become God, or John Cena, and proceed to commence mass genocide on the Grimm populace while everyone else watches. Requires atleast 2 people (I assume).

~Get four flawless waves in a waved encounter

EVERYONE becomes God, or John Cena, and proceed to commence mass genocide on the Grim populace while everyone else helps.

~In a four player online game, each player deposits at least one dust crystal

Okay, I know this is hard, but bare with me. 1, you need 4 people, I know I know, that in itself is impossible. 2, you need to ask them NICELY (I know this is the internet but hold your you suck and git guds for later) to help with the achievement. 3, Pray to your God (for me it is a mix between a Cat and a Chupacabra) that the listen (again this is the internet, reason you need to pray) and will do it (again this is the internet, and they will most likely ignore you). 4, If you do mantage to get this achievement, spam you suck and git gud while you proceed to leave the game. 5, Do not help anyone else with the achievement, you got it already, why should you help others.

No, but seriously, don't be an !@#, and help those who want it.

Achievements 21-25

It's Also A GunTicking Time BombThe Ultimate UltimateHidden Achievement 1Hidden Achievement 2

~Complete any level by only using ranged attacks

Pew pew.

~Complete Chapter 4 with 3:00 minutes or more left on the clock

This is easy to do if your group is doing a great job with Team DUST. Again, no joke, just facts.

~Kill 10 enemies with a single Ultimate attack

Group up a ton of enemies and activate a characters ultimate that is fully upgraded. I feel like I am slacking in jokes.

Oh noes, the information isn't here. Or maybe I am too lazy to figure out what the achievements are. Considering someone has already done the legwork for these achievement, why should I have to do it, so again, check out Roman's Achievement Guide here for all your hidden love

Tips, Tricks, All Of That Jazz

Easy Mode Counter ChallengeEasy Mode Team Attack ChallengeHeavy Synergy

So, you are going through the game, being all amazing and stuff, but you want to be better. Maybe you want to finish off that Challenge you been putting off, maybe you want to know how to kill things easier. Maybe you just want to be better at the game. Well, here is a list of the Tips, Tricks, and all of that Jazz to help you defeat those creatures of Grimm.

The counter challenge is by far very easy to do, and you can do it too!

Your best friends of doing this challenge are the Beowolves, a pack of them, as many as you can get! The reason for this is all of the Beowolf's attacks are counterable, and when in a pack, they will not all attack you at once (true for most enemies really). Go into an area where Beowolves spawn and just sit and when your little counter button pops up (or listen for the sound for it, much easier), just hit the counter button, and wait for the next one to attack.

In solo, most Beowolf packs come in sets of 4, and just killing them with counter will net you about 50+ in the total. Just keep repeating and you will be on your way to unlocking that challenge!

Yes, I am telling you there is an easy way to get the Team Attack Challenge done as well, just as easy as it is for the Counter Chellenge.

This trick comes in 2 styles, one requires an ability, and the other one doesn't. It honestly doesn't matter which one you use, just the one that requires the ability is still not a 100%, while the one that doesn't is always 100%, which sounds weird but hear me out.

The first one that requires the ability is a left right hook spam. The general idea is to take the ability and then on Beowolves, Boarbatusk, and Super Cupcakes to start spamming L-H (Light then Heavy Attack). This will cause the enemy to have an decent chance to go into an Team Attack Opportunity, and when playing solo, will allow you to hit your team attack button afterwards. This requires a bit of a set up as well, as some enemies will not die to a L-H-T combo, so with most characters, you can get away with hitting an enemy 3 times with L-H before using your T, but with most it requires 2 L-H hits before being able to finish the enemy off.

However, there is an easier and it doesn't require you to spend an ability point, and that is just countering an enemy and then holding down your Heavy Attack, and attack the enemy. This will always cause an Team Attack Opportunity and most enemies should be in range to be finished off right afterwards. This only requires you to have your counter timer down and not to get hit during your charge attack, but is always consistent.

Bugs Bugs Bugs! (RWBY: Grimm Eclipse Bugs)

This is just a list of bugs I found when playing the game that I thought were notable to have in this section. Enjoy and if you know of any other bugs, let me know, I have a phobia of insects and I really don't want to actively hunt for them ^-^

Bug 1: The lost of Frames

Where did they go? No one knows. This bug has cursed us for awhile and it is getting worse, there the frames are being dropped during an encounter and then bam, why are you over by that wall when you where in the middle attacking stuff, I don't know, and the game doesn't either.

Bug 2: The Grimm are Ghost and they know how to Exploit it

For some reason, the Grimm in this game can sometimes say that they want to become incorporeal, when you just magically pass right through them and their hit box vanishes. And then they turn around and smack you upside the head as all the other Grimm laugh and laugh. This mostly happens when doing an Counter Attack on an enemy, and it is very annoying when trying to get a hitstreak for your ultimate or just trying to counter them and you just slip right through their character model. What is even better is when the counter does land but your character still goes through their model, forcing you to fly away from the fight, that is always fun too.

Bug 3: Range tracking sucks

This is more of a developer problem than a bug, but the jars and boxes should not count as an enemy. Honestly, it is bad enough that my range attacks miss mobs completely because I am on a slop, it is worse when there are 8 Grimm in front of my and my gun decides to try to hit a jar across the damn map. Fix it!

Current "Exploits"

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I say current because the game is subject to change. I put quotations because these may not be exploits per say, but they make parts of the game much easier. Also these are the exploits me (Happy Fun Cat) and Bleedoutt have found. If you know of any, let us know in the down theres and we will take a look.

*NOTE: Expliots by our definition is something that can benefit the average player by doing it. If it is just for fun its not going in this section.*

Exploit Number 1: Mega-Ursa Stuck Exploit- Contributed by a Commenter (Slippery)

*Note: There is no real point in doing this anymore since cupcakes don't keep spawning during the boss encounter, but it is still doable, we are not updating the screenshots however.*

This is a commenter submitted exploit, thanks again Slippery and let's get to it.

The way this works is you aggro the Mega-Ursa onto you, and kite him between fence ruble and a ruin building. Just keep making sure the Mega-Ursa is following you and when you exit through to the other side, the Mega-Ursa's hitbox will not allow him to proceed through to that side after you, allowing you to farm as much as you want. I believe this works because the AI is pathing to you the best possible way, but doesn't understand that it's hitbox doesn't allow him to continue after you.

If you want to get him unstuck, just go back to where you kited him and aggro him again and back away. If done correctly, the AI will path back through the ruble and meet you on the other side.

Below is a few screenshots that I hope will help you net a Mega-Ursa!

Don't laugh at my paint drawing, I am not an artist, I am a cat, I mew and nap, not art D:<

Exploit Number 2: Chapter 10 End Boss Skip

I currently have no idea how to do this, but I have been told it is doable, but have not looked into it since I been updating the guide. Stay tuned!

Old "Exploits"

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Here is where I copy and paste the exploits of old.

Old Exploit Number 1: Chapter 1's Forgotten Artifact

I say forgotten because I believe this was meant to be a playable area at one point and was abandon, and most likely the artifact was just left there. I don't believe this is to be a secret because in every chapter, if you try, you can excape out into the map and explore parts of the game you are not meant too. So not a secret artifact, just forgotten. Someone already did a guide on it so I am not going to go over it here, you can check it out here:

*NOTE: This artifact likely became the new area 1 artifact.*

*Another NOTE: While you cannot get out of the map the way posted in the above guide, there is still away to get out of the map. However, there is not a point, since this Artifact is infact not there anymore. So, yes, it seems the new Artifact for Chapter 1 is this same Artifact, just moved to a more legitimate local.*

Old Exploit Number 2: Speed Level 10

This exploit requires a friend to help you with. The goal of this exploit is to get the level 10 mastery for all of the characters very fast, and here is how you do it. For the person getting the upgrades, they need to join their friends game. At this point, funnel everything into that host (last hits, wave mvp, revives, ect). You want to try to get the host as close to level 10 as possible without hitting level 10 (there is a reason for this, don't worry). Once they are about 100 to 200 experience away, stop doing anything that would get you experience. During this time, the other person (the one trying to get the masteries) should leave the game and come back. This will bump that person to the experience that the host is at. At this point, kill the host (I.E. make him take enough damage to get downed). Revive the host and repeat until level 10 (Put a point in the medic talent to make this easier). Leave the game, join on another character and do it again.

The reason you do not want the host to level 10 is because the challenge requires you hitting level 10, and when you join a game with a level 10 host, you will just be put at level 10 and get no unlock.

Is this needed? Yes and no. Yes because without a friend helping you, you are by yourself, or you are in a random group, this is not easy to pull off. No it isn't needed because if you really try in a game by yourself or you kill steal from people in randoms, you can get this, no problem. Again, this exploit just makes it much easier.

*Impossible with the new combat system*

Old Exploit Number 3: Speed Challenges

This is just to show an easy way to get your kill challenges completed. Again, this is easier with another person for aggro reasons. Basically, make your way to the end of chapter 3 and fight the Mega Ursa. During this fight, Cupcakes will constantly start to spawn as long as the boss is alive. Just kill the Cupcakes with your skills and start racking them up. Reason this is easier with another person is because you can have that person take aggro from the Mega Ursa, that way you don't have to worry about dodging his skills, just focus on the Cupcakes.

Is this really needed? No, you can get the skills upgraded with time, this just cuts that time down a decent amount.

*Impossible now that at level 3 you do not get infinite spawns when fighting boss*

Old Exploit Number 4: Skip Tier 2 with Weiss' Barrage

Not much of an exploit, most likely a bug, but it helps out a lot. You are able to not get the improved Barrage on Weiss and skill upgrade your skill to Tier 3, allowing you to get Ice Bolt or Blizzard and saving a point in the process.

*This has been fixed*

Old Exploit Number 5: Obtaining both of the last Artifacts in Chapter 3

When you come to this fork in the road it is posible to get both artifacts from both areas as well as the experience from the enemies if you so choose. This can be good if you want to split up a group for the exp to make it easier to hit level 10.

*NOTE: See artifact section to find artifacts*

Go up to the far left corner (where other Ruby is) and just keep jumping and walking forward its as simple as that. Getting back you just have to do the same thing against the wall you fall off of when you get into the area.

*NOTE: If this does not work then go behind the fence and start jumping against the rocks.*

This one is even simpler, just walk up to the spot the other Ruby is standing and jump over the wall.

*Curse you walls in the way you... get in our way...*

Go Team FINL! (Final Thoughts Section)

*NOTE: Team FINL is not a real team, it is meant to be a joke for my final thoughts section like on all my other guides*

Again, thank you for everyone who has read this guide. And for those who did know me for my previous guides, you also know I did this alone, and I finally found someone to help me, yay! Thanks to Bleedoutt for working the past few days on this guide with me. We put a ton of effort into this and we are proud of what we did. I am a huge fan of Rooster Teeth and we both are huge fans of Rwby, so this game was just so fun to play, and to keep playing as time goes on.

I doubt I or we will be doing another guide for this game. If we do, it will be builds for the characters, but I believe we are going to continue updating this guide with each new patch to show major changes and so on.

Next major project I will be working on is, as I stated for my Dragon Ball Xenoverse and Tales of Zestiria Final Thoughts section is I will be doing Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 in Feb! I have already bought the game and I am going to destroy it >:D So for people that do enjoy my guides and would like to know what to look forward to next, you can look forward to that.

This isn't going to be as long as my other final thoughts so I will turn it over to Bleedoutt and let him post something down here if he wants to, and again, I am the Happiest of the Cats, Happy Fun Cat, wishing you a wonderful time reading and an enjoyable stay, peace and love guys.

Also don't forget to put a comment in the down theres, voices in my head.


Bleedoutt's only final thought

Seeing as this is my first guide I did not realize just how OCD I can be... and just how much I can annoy people with it.

/pet Mr. Kitty


Guide made: Dec 5th, 2015

This guide is mine. Wanna use it for another site, please ask and give credit where credit is due. Also for other Steam Guides, link this guide if you use any assets from it. Thanks for your understanding and not being a jerk!


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