RotMG: A guide for pot farming in the Godlands

RotMG: A guide for pot farming in the Godlands


RotMG: A guide for pot farming in the Godlands image 1

Hai there, if you're looking at this guide you are probably struggling to stay alive and farm pots in the godlands or maybe you just want to get some more information about the gods.

"What Are the Godlands even?"

The godlands is the area in the center of each map. You can tell from the black tiles on the ground. It is the base area for end-game event spawns and it's where the dungeon and potion-dropping gods are.

"How do I get to the Godlands?"

When you arrive in the Realm, there should be a big group of people in or near the center of the zoomed-out minimap. Click on the dots and teleport.

"What kind of gear do I need to farm the Godlands?"

Generally you want to be wearing a HP/DEF ring in the godlands, and you want a [T8] weapon, [T4] ability, [T9] armor, and [T3-4] ring. Don't fret if you don't have access to these items, this will be covered in the next section.

"What can I get from farming Gods?"

Gods drop basic gear and stat potions for maxing your character. They also have a chance to drop different dungeons depending on the god, so you can also farm those dungeons for their special loot. Also, once you get fast at it, the godlands are the best way of acquiring fame.

Maxed stats and pets are not needed to farm the godlands, although they do make it easier. (especially defense!)

Gearing Up

There is a saying in Baltimore that crabs may be prepared in fifty ways, and that all of them are good.

~H. L. Mencken

As stated in the earlier section, it is preferable that you have "Godland tier items", the gear that gods drop; basically a [T8] weapon, [T4] ability, [T9] armor, and [T3-4] HP/DEF ring.

You may ask, "But how do I get Godland tier items if I haven't been farming in the Godlands yet?"

Well, [T7] weapons, [T3] spells, [T8] armor and [T3] rings drop from lower leveled monsters in the Realm. You may be able to find these items while leveling up, and they are just as good. Don't worry if you didn't find an upgrade to your ability or ring while leveling up, you can just keep farming the gods until they drop the Godland tier item you want. If you happen to get a spd or def potion while farming, even better! You can trade that pot for better gear. I wouldn't recommend going past [T10] weapons, [T5] spells or [T11] armor on an unmaxed character, though.


Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.

~Wayne Dyer

Classes I would recommend for farming unmaxed in the Godlands:


Provided that you can dodge the gods (will be covered later in the guide), the wizzy is a good option as you do very good DPS unmaxed, and you can spam spells on the Gods. The wizard has a staff, giving you long range while still having good DPS. Good pet strongly recommended.


If you know what you're doing, the priest doesn't die. Period. When you are low on health, you can use your tome and heal yourself to full. The downside is that you won't be churning out very much damage as a priest, because he comes with low attack stats and a wand. With the new update, wands now peirce gods so farming as a priest is a lot easier and faster. Consider the priest if you don't have a good hp/mp pet.


The necromancer is a cross between the wizard and a priest. Unmaxed, you have the same attack and dexterity as a wizard, but instead of a spell, you have a skull which does some damage, and also heals you. The necromancer is good is you don't want the low DPS of a priest, but still want to have a way to heal. Consider making a necro if you don't have a good hp/mp pet.


"Sorceror is a ♥♥♥♥ class" ~Kalle

While the Sorcerer is useless in literally everything else, he is actually one of the best classes for farming the godlands. He's got a wand (high range, piercing), and a robe (low def). Get a T4 scepter on him, and you can score soulbound on multiple gods just by pressing spacebar! This is the tradeoff for having not as much survivability as the priest. If you're looking to max and do more events, however, consider the wizard.

So basically, if you're new to the godlands you should pick a class with good range and a healing ability (like the priest or necro) so you can stay back and die less. When you are more experienced and want to kill gods faster, I would go for wizzy or archer.

Keep in mind that I'm assuming you're farming the godlands unmaxed, and if you have maxed stats then the godlands isn't really a problem for any class... (especially if you have defense maxed!) Maxed archers/huntresses are literally godland beasts that can tear down walls of gods, especially when armed with a coral bow.

The Gods

In the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best teacher.

~Dalai Lama

In this section I will show you the attack patterns of the Gods, their relative tankiness (calculated from health and defense), and what potions they drop.

First, there are 2 basic targeting methods that Gods use:

They locate your position and shoot at it. In other words, they shoot where you are.

To dodge this you can simply circle the God and shoot, or sidestep it when it comes your way.

Examples are the Medusa and Sprite God. (Flying Brains and Beholders do this too, but their attacks are too easy to dodge so it doesn't matter if you circle them or not).

They find the direction you are moving and shoot where you're going. In other words, they shoot where you will be. You can easily fake Gods that do this by strafing. Change direction right before they shoot, and they will shoot the wrong way.

Examples are the End God and Slime God. (The white demon does this too but his attack angles are so wide, you can easily step between them if you're not a melee character).

Okay, let's get to the Gods. You can watch the video I made below if you're into videos, or you can keep on reading the guide.


He starts by following you, and when he gets close enough he starts shooting. Simply step between his bullets. When you do enough damage to him, he explodes. He's invincible while moving, so you can only damage him while he's shooting.

Health: Very low

Potion Drop: SPD potion

Dungeon Drop: Cave of a Thousand Treasures

Ent God

His shots predict where you will go (#2 above). Trick his AI by strafing left and right, or you can step in between his shots if you have no space to strafe or if you are a ranged class.

Health: Low-med

Potion Drop: DEF potion

Dungeon Drop: Magic Woods

Slime God

Very similar to the Ent god, but he shoots an extra green star that slows. Use the same strategy for the Ent god, but keep an eye on the green stars.

Health: Low

Potion Drop: DEF potion

Dungeon Drop: Toxic Sewers

Ghost God

The ghost god shoots in many directions. Step between his bullets if you're on a ranged character. To defeat these on melees, you have to weave in and out of his shots and get hits in.

Warning: Slow but highly damaging shots!

Potion Drop: SPD potion

Health: Low

Dungeon Drop: Undead Lair (UDL)

White Demon

He shoots 3 armor piercing bullets which always do 45 damage. Step between his shots, or if you're a melee, strafe.

Health: Low

Potion Drop: ATT potion

Dungeon Drop: Abyss of Demons


Probably one of the most annoying gods. Shoots a ton of bullets all around him. A good way to dodge his shots is to run parallel of him. When he changes direction, you do too and keep shooting. Back up if there's other Gods around and clear those first before fighting a leviathan.

Health: Very high

Potion Drop: DEF potion

Dungeon Drop: Puppet Master's Theatre


She shoots 5 bullets and tosses a grenade. When you see the red grenade in the air, stay away from where it's going to land. Circle the Medusa slowly or in an oval, so you don't get hit by the red grenade. Another good strategy is to use flattery and pickup lines; she is much more susceptible to those than her lost sister, Stheno.

Warning: Her bullets and grenade do massive damage!

Health: Very high

Potion Drop: SPD potion

Dungeon Drop: Snake Pit

Sprite God

The Sprite god is similar to the Medusa, but it doesn't aggresively chase you and shoots an extra quieting boomerang that predicts where you go. My advice is to drag the other gods first, and then take out the sprite gods after.

As a ranged character, you can step in between his shots and dodge everything, but it's harder as a melee because if you circle you might get hit by the quieting boomerang.

Health: Medium (however, his sprite children absorb your shots)

Potion Drop: ATT potion

Dungeon Drop: Sprite World (They drop from the sprite children around him)

Flying Brain

Shoots 4 low-damage bullets with low cooldown. He shoots them in all directions though, so he's really only shooting one bullet at you. Careful, because these bullets travel faster than the ones other gods shoot. However, they do the lowest damage of any shot in the godlands. To dodge them, just step away when one is about to hit you.

Health: Weak

Potion Drop: ATT potion

Dungeon Drop: Mad Lab


Shoots 4 bullets all around him similar to the flying brain, but they do heavy damage and are slower. He also fires a star that predicts where you go and blinds you, which is pretty annoying. To dodge everything you can strafe, but be careful when you're fighting it with multiple gods because you could accidentally run into the blind shot.

Health: Medium

Potion Drop: DEF potion

Fighting Multiple Gods

So the information above is great if you're fighting one god at a time, but usually you will be facing many at once when you're in the godlands. How do you deal with this?

If you're a wand, staff, or bow class and you run into a wall of gods, the best strategy is to run backwards and kite them. Make sure you don't run into and gods behind you though!

This strategy may or may not work for dagger classes, but if you have maxed def, tanking gods should be easy. If you're an unmaxed dagger class, the best strategy is to stick with other people and don't take on too many gods at once.

It gets trickier when you are a sword class or ninja. You can try to circle the gods and weave in and out of the bullets trying to get hits in. This is pretty risky as you might soak in a lot of damage fast. A good strategy as knight is to tow your gods until you're near rock or tree, and then stun from behind it. The stun goes through obstacles. As warrior with your helm boost, you have lots of speed to dodge the bullets, and high fire rate which helps kill the gods faster. If you get hurt as paladin, you can heal yourself, and use the damage bonus to kill the gods in fewer sword hits. So it's probably a good idea to stay near a ranged class or a group while in the godlands as an unmaxed melee class.

When farming the godlands in general, it is best to make sure you're near at least 1 person, so if you're kiting a group of gods you can walk backwards toward that 1 person, because you can be sure that there won't be gods in that direction.

It is best to play uncentered with rotation in the godlands, so you can see the gods in front of you, while also giving you more time to see and dodge their shots. Also, when roaming around the godlands, always look at the minimap, because you can see the red dots appear on the minimap before you can see the gods on your screen.


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Don't fight gods near constructs, they shoot lots of bullets that you will need to dodge, and the damage stacks up. They are pretty much impossible to kill when you're unmaxed anyway, and they don't drop anything worthwhile either.

Keep Your Character Alive!

ALWAYS nexus when you're below half health, especially if you're unmaxed. It's helpful to bind your nexus key in the options to somewhere close to your hands, so you don't have to click the temple button which may be too slow. I use F, but some of my friends use Tab or Q. If you have a fancy multi-button mouse, setting the nexus hotkey to be close to your thumb will help.

Check your minimap often. If you're kiting a group of gods and you're running into red dots behind you, nexus out.


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I would recommend reading up on Bluenoser's guide. It is the best guide ever written for rotmg.

If you have a question, you can always use the player advice guide on the forums. There are cool people there. nvm. rip kabam. Use the weekly questions/help thread on the Realm subreddit for questions instead.

If you don't use it already, REALMEYE!!! It is the best thing that ever happened to RotMG!

Realm subreddit: DECA seems to be using reddit as the official platform for communication. Check it often for updates and accouncements.

IGN: Twilighti


Youtube: zzz Lazy

Kabam forums account: Impersonated nvm rip kabam

Reddit: /u/StopLurker

Credit for pictures/gifs go to the Japanese wiki.

(Old wiki was kill at the time I was writing this guide, and the Realmeye wiki wasn't a thing yet)

That's it! Here's a treasure plunderer!

Look at him go, with his swaggin' pbag! Thanks for reading my guide!


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