This guide explain how to unlock the capes.
Unlocking The Capes
You need trophies for that. Grinding 20 Trophies with friends is difficult. Dump them and play with Bots. I explain you how you can get these trophies yourself very easy. If you have two already, you'll only need ~10min.
Game Settings
- Play Local.
- Join one Slot.
- Add AI and make him easy. One Bot is enough.
Choose following settings:
- Gamemode: Boardgame
- Map: Rusty Ruins
- Turn Count: Unlimited
- Goblets To Win: 1
Go to Game Ruleset and do the following:
- Disable every Minigame. Only enable Magma & Mages.
- Disable every Item. Only enable Rocket Skewer and Tactical Cactus Disguise.
- Add 8 Challenges: Most Minigames won at End Game.
- Rename it and make it your Active Ruleset.
- You will always win the minigame.
- So you get the Rocket every time.
- Use the rocket, get to the treasure.
- Get the second treasure.
- Then the game ends.
And you get 8 trophies for Most Minigames won.
So in total you get 9 trophies.
Do that twice and you get the 18 trophies.
Now do that again if you still miss 2 trophies or just unlock the last cape later.
Source: https://gameplay.tips/guides/6175-pummel-party.html