How to get the Nest Egg achievement, and easier Psitanium grinding.

How to get the Nest Egg achievement, and easier Psitanium grinding.

Quick Introduction

Are you tired of running around everywhere and digging around in the dirt for scraps of Psitanium?

Struggling just to afford a single measly Dream Fluff because Strongarm Censors and Panic Attacks are kicking your ass, because you got trolled by Gisu into doing her homework for her?

Annoyed by the resetting between the Atrium and the Lobby to respawn the nodes and sitting through the load screens all the time?

Dreading trying to fill that 5,000 Psitanium wallet and buying all the pins for the achievements?

And not a high enough level for the Psimultanium or the VIP Discount pins at Otto's store to make it even remotely easier?

Then boy do I have a solution for you.

What You'll Need Beforehand:

How to get the Nest Egg achievement, and easier Psitanium grinding. image 8

-Be at least intern rank Level 40

(So gather figments, cards, PSI Challenge Markers, do some sidequests, whatever it takes.)

-Completed the Hollis's Classroom/Hollis's Hot Streak levels to the point that you have the Mental Connection PSI Power

-Have at least 200 Psitanium obtained from around the Motherlobe and/or Quarry.

Also, the Mental Magnet pin and the Thought Tuner from Otto are not required, but they help a lot.

What To Do/How It Works:

How to get the Nest Egg achievement, and easier Psitanium grinding. image 15
How to get the Nest Egg achievement, and easier Psitanium grinding. image 16

-First, you're gonna go to your nearest Otto-Matic shop, go to the pins section, and pick up Mental Tax for 200 Psitanium.

(This little guy right here. Technically, it's 100 Psitanium if you're using the VIP Discount, but honestly, if you're at level 50+ rank, I figure you probably don't need this guide.)

-Equip it in your pin menu.

The other pins you use with it don't matter, again, I found Mental Magnet to be personally useful so I used it in tandem along with Emerald Lev Ball, which is purely cosmetic. But you can literally use whatever else you want with it.

-Find a place with lots of Mental Connection nodes in a concentrated area.

If you've gone to Otto's lab in the Quarry and gotten the Thought Tuner to reveal some extra stray thought nodes in the overworld, you can do this pretty much anywhere you please (I did it in the Atrium). If not, you can also just go to the Hollis's Classroom/Hollis's Hot Streak levels.

-With the pin equipped, use Mental Connection and spam bouncing between the nodes.

What Mental Tax does is that every time you bounce through a Mental Connection node, you have a chance to earn Psitanium from it. You get 10 Psitanium each time (more I believe if Psimultanium is equipped, but again, this is assuming that Psimultanium isn't available to you yet).

This doesn't *sound* like a lot, but given how quickly you can go back and forth through nodes, without having to reset at all, and with a guaranteed 10 every time (compared to the 2-9ish that randomly digging up chunks of it brings), it adds up VERY quickly, compared to more traditional grinding methods.

And That's It!

How to get the Nest Egg achievement, and easier Psitanium grinding. image 27

Go forth and enjoy your newfound wealth, your pins, your achievements, and never live in fear of doing the Psychoseismometer quest without Dream Fluffs or PSI Pops ever again!

(Seriously, screw you Gisu.)

If you liked the guide, have any feedback, a better method of your own to recommend or other such tips, feel free to leave a comment and/or a rating.

Or don't, I'm not a psychic cop.


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