Project Wingman - Conquest Roster Guide

Project Wingman - Conquest Roster Guide

Project Wingman - Conquest Roster Guide image 0

This guide will be going over what you're paying for when you buy new mercenaries or upgrades in the hiring den, both costs and what they fly. In the case of the airships, the armaments and how the upgrades change them.

Fighter Wing Contingent

Add additional fighter aircraft to your roster.

Rookie Pilot (Talon Wing)

Aircraft: F/E-4 MK.I (Cascadian IF paint scheme)

Costs: $2000, $3500, $5000, $6500, $8000, $9500

Competent Pilot (Eclipse Wing)

Aircraft: F/C-15 MK.I (Cascadian IF paint scheme)

Costs: $4000, $6500, $9000, $11500, $14000, $16500

Mercenary Pilot (Cleaner Wing)

Aircraft: SK.27 MK.I (Cascadian IF paint scheme)

Costs: $8000, $11000, $14000, $17000, $?, $?

Frontline Ace (Rift Wing)

Aircraft: F/C-16 MK.I (04 - Sicario paint scheme)

Costs: $10000, $13500, $17000

Infamous Ace ()

Aircraft: F/S-15 MK.I ()

Costs: $15000, ?, $24000

War Hero (Inferno Wing)

Aircraft: SK.37 MK.I (01 - Sicario paint scheme)

Costs: $20000, $25500

Airship Contingent

Anura MK.I

Armaments: 2x AA, 2x SAM

Cost: 1x Cordium Engine & $12500

Arcion MK.I

Armaments: 2x Railgun, 2x SAM

Cost: 2x Cordium Engine & $15000

Littoria MK.I

Armaments: 3x AA, 3x SAM

Cost: 3x Cordium Engine & $17500

205 Class

Armaments: 6 CIWS, 6 ADV-SAM

Cost: 4x Cordium Engine & $20000

Airship Upgrades

Anura MK.II

Armaments: 2x CIWS, 2x ADV-SAM

Cost: 2x Cordium Engine & $19500

Anura MK.III

Armaments: ?, ?

Cost: 3x Cordium Engine & $25000

Arcion MK.II

Armaments: 2x Railgun, 2x ADV-SAM

Cost: 3x Cordium Engine & $22000

Arcion MK.III

Armaments: ?, ?

Cost: 4x Cordium Engine & $34000

Littoria MK.II

Armaments: 3x CIWS, 3x ADV-SAM

Cost: 4x Cordium Engine & $22500

Littoria MK.III

Armaments: ?, ?

Cost: 5x Cordium Engine & $30000

205-A Class

Armaments: ?

Cost: 5x Cordium Engine & $30000

205-S Class

Armaments: ?

Cost: 6x Cordium Engine & $45000



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