Project Cars 2 KEYBOARD Guide For Keyboard User (For Smooth Racing)

Project Cars 2 KEYBOARD Guide For Keyboard User (For Smooth Racing)

Control Scheme

Project Cars 2 KEYBOARD Guide For Keyboard User (For Smooth Racing) image 1

Project Cars 2 KEYBOARD Guide For Keyboard User (For Smooth Racing) image 2

From Options on the Main Menu, Select Controls.

On Controls select Control Scheme.

On Type use the Keyboard. (Not the Keyboard and Mouse, because mouse will stand as your vehicles steering as you move it left to right) you can set anything what you prefer here like the gearing for automatic or manual.


Project Cars 2 KEYBOARD Guide For Keyboard User (For Smooth Racing) image 7

Now Click Configuration.

On Configuration you will notice that all Steering, Throttle, Brake, and Clutch Settings are all set to 100, Why? Because they dont function on keyboards as they need axis as keyboard doesnt have axis only press and unpress (Deadzone and Sensitivity only works on Wheels and Gamepads).

Configuration: Smoothing The Drive

Project Cars 2 KEYBOARD Guide For Keyboard User (For Smooth Racing) image 11

The only settings that you have to change to smooth your drive is the Speed Sensitivity and Controller Damping.

The function of the Speed Sensitivity is to Prevent your car to Understeer on high speed. If this is set to 100 the car prevents the wheel to understeer and the steer is limited depends on the car speed(The higher the car speed, the lower the turn)(The lower the speed,the Higher the turn). If the Speed Sensitivity is set to 0 you can turn its Wheel Forcely to Full left and Full right at any speed (Even at high speed) and could get into Oversteer (spin).

On Controller Damping, the purpose of this is how fast the wheel turns from center to left or right,left to right or right to left. If the Controller Damping is set to 100 the turn is slow and smooth. If the Controller Damping is set to 0 the turn is fast(quick) and rough making the behavior of the car shaky at slow speed.

The Ideal Guide for smooth drive settings is:

Speed Sensitivity = 100

Controller Damping = 75

You can set it at any value depends on your preferences.

Edit Assignment: Key Mapping Tips [Optional]

Sometimes your fingers is tired of pressing keys while finger crisscross on arrow pad using one hand and you still want to drive.

For better and comfortable drive you can map the settings by changing your keys and use your two hands to reduce finger pain.

You can assign your Gas(accelerator) and Brake to your left hand. Example: A key for gas and Z key for brake. On your Right hand is your vehicles turn Arrow left for turn left, and Arrow Right for turn right (default).

you can also set your Manual Gear on Arrow Up and Down if you prefer.


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