Prey - Fabricator Dup & Matter Dup (Cheat)

Prey - Fabricator Dup & Matter Dup (Cheat)

Prey - Fabricator Dup & Matter Dup (Cheat) image 0

This guide will show you how to get more items from the fabricator for the cost of 1 and it will also show you how to dup your matter.

Where To Find The Main Fabricator

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You can find the main fabricator in the upper left corner of you officel which is in The Talos 1 Lobby.

The Macro

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For this you will want to go onto your mouse software (mine is Razer Synapse) then go to the macro tab and then select "New Macro" and "No Delay"from there you will want to press your f key once then stop recording the macro. From there you will want to assign that macro to any key.

Final Step

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The final part is to go the the fabricator and activate the maco on what ever item you want (i chose Neuromod) then from there walk over to the item and pick it up while keeping the macro on and then it will give you 1-3 of itself.

Prey - Fabricator Dup & Matter Dup (Cheat) image 11

Written by Norio The Oreo.


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