Hot Tips for Betas and Beginners

How To Make Powerful Potions (Any Version)

This one's pretty simple; if you find yourself struggling to make potions at their maximum power (3), there's a simple way without wasting ingredients.

Step 1: Get past the desired potion effect.

Step 2: Wrap around it with the next ingredient, but don't go all the way.

Step 3: Alternate between slowly adding water and stirring until you it's aligned perfectly.

(In the beta, this is made easier by the potion having a heavy outline of its trajectory towards the center when you add water; this makes it easy to stir until it's lined up perfectly, then add water until it's perfect.)

Possible Step 4: If you're in the beta and potions can tilt, the base of the potion should match perfectly with the base of the tilted outline. With as perfect a match as you can get, you'll find you'll hit maximum power with a lot of leniency on the tilt itself using Moon Salt or Sun Salt. If you don't want to waste Moon/Sun salts, sometimes the Oil base will have the same potions upright in its map.

This is a simple instruction you can probably find in most guides.

Early Game Tips (Beta)

In the beta, you'll need Wild Growth to expand the elves' wares, Dexterity to expand the mushroom guy's wares, and Explosion to expand the dwarves' wares. Try to get these potion effects as powerful as possible as early as possible into your recipe book.

Talent Point priorities:

The first few points should go into trading every time, as the small cost with early game benefits gives you a lot of early money to afford important ingredients early (which are often expensive, such as the dwarf's wares).

If you're good at haggling, haggling purchases are extremely powerful. After the first few trading points, these purchases become well worth it, as at max level, you're cutting all purchases in half, and selling at double price (multiplied on TOP of trading levels).

The first few alchemy visibility points should be all you need, depending on how bad you are at spotting small anomalies in the maps. I personally went the whole game without needing them, but the first few make such a big difference, it doesn't hurt to spend 2-4 points there.

Don't both with the bonus experience points. You get SO much experience from making/selling potions, harvesting plants, etc. You will already be leveling up at a quick pace, the extra books in potionmaking won't make a significant difference in any way.

Just focus entirely upon the trading levels until you're completely capped in it. The money increases are felt immediately, and the quality-of-life of having additional recipe bookmarks should be incredibly valuable to mitigate running out of key ingredients frequently.

Mid/Late Game Tricks

Recipe Organization:

Buy recipes. Buy a TON of recipes. Have alternate recipes for every potion effect using entirely different sets of ingredients (late-game, you will have MANY ways of making the same potions). Keep a recipe for every single sub-section of an alchemy experiment (Albedo, Citrinitas, Moon Salt, etc.), but drag and drop the bookmarks to certain separate places to keep track. Don't be afraid to have as many alternates as you need for when you end up in a drought of a certain ingredient; there's room for over a hundred recipe pages, and money shouldn't be a problem if you maximized trade and haggle.

Moon/Sun Salts (Beta Only):

Moon and Sun salts have three properties:

1: They tilt your potion. This can be handy for matching tilted effects. This is easily the least useful property of Moon/Sun salts, as necessary as it is for endgame material.

2: They tilt any path not yet traveled by added ingredients. This is an extremely powerful tool. It gets you out of pinches better than void salt (arguably better than heal salt), and can even play into your plans to move around the map. Use it to tilt the dwarf's wares; teleportation to any specific spot instead of a few designated locations! Creative tilting of other ingredients also helps with general map movement. Never forget to take these salts into account for cheaper potion making!

3: When water is added, the potion will very slowly reset to its original upright position. Keep that in mind when using water to move a tilted potion; any projected path will tilt too! While this can easily mess you up if you're planning too far ahead, you can also use this to your advantage. Don't be afraid to slightly tilt the path using water if you're narrowly hitting a dead zone!

If your moon/sun salt ingredient recipes (and albedo/citrinitas recipes) aren't efficient, I'd say it's worth making them efficient to make more salt. The benefits, especially when going for philosopher's stone ingredients and philosopher's salt ingredients, are too good to pass up. Always have a good amount of these salts to spare, especially in the late game.

General Map Movement (Beta):

The best way to move around the map is to use everything at your disposal: purchase all ingredients (even ones that may seem useless to you), consider the moon/sun salts, consider water, and consider even some ingredients with void salt to slightly alter their paths.

Don't forget the whirlpools; use them during your casual map exploration. Each whirlpool has a static destination, the first time you use a whirlpool, that whirlpool will permanently mark on the map where it goes. Keeping whirlpool destinations in mind can cut travel time short in many places on the map.

With ingredients that quickly change direction in a way you don't like at their end (like goblin mushrooms), void salt can be handy.

With ingredients that seem to JUST be clipping a dead zone, use moon/sun salts or water to slightly alter your path. Use void salts or heal salts only as a last resort; they shouldn't be necessary through most of your playthrough (I personally never touched my heal salts in my entire playthrough).

Combine that with crystal movement (and even crystal+moon/sun salt movement), and traversing the map should feel like a breeze by the end of the game. A breeze where you're shaking the mouse for hours, but a breeze nonetheless.

Final Notes

Once you get used to the mechanics, you can start a new game in the beta and complete up to chapter 8 within a few hours, and chapters 9 and 10 within another few hours (most of which consists of stirring/mashing ingredients). Got any hot tips or tricks I should add in here? Let me know!

(I will not be adding actual recipes, that's for other guides to do.)


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