[EN] Full Alchemical Collection (manual of alchemy)

[EN] Full Alchemical Collection (manual of alchemy)


The original (my russian) version - here

So, dear alchemist. You've come to the complete guide to this wonderful game and I intend to teach you everything I know myself.

The game begins by selecting the difficulty. Higher difficulty = more grind, which I completely agree with. For the first playthrough, grind lovers, you can take at least suffering if you don't feel sorry for yourself.

Start Of The Game

So, we start the game with a little tutorial and a small story part. We are taught how to brew potions starting from the basics - how to add ingredients, how to stir with a spoon, how to stir furs, how to grind ingredients and even how to complete potions. I recommend going through it, as it's quick and gives you a base to play from. Brew all 5 potions - left: fire; right: cold; bottom, left: poison (poison); bottom, right: cure; top: speed. Preferably, achieve a level 3 effect. How to achieve this effect - in the section ‘Alchemy’.

Rooms (Coming Soon)

Coming Soon...

Recipe Book

First book on the left above the inventory. The main source for brewing potions without constantly running to the cauldron. Very useful thing. I recommend saving recipes in it and don't forget to do it. Looking ahead - it is useful to do this even with salts, such as Void Salt, reagents, such as Philosopher's Stone, because making a potion with 5 different effects every time is not very convenient, and the recipe for Philosopher's Stone will allow you to create this very stone in one click.

The Alchemist's Path

The second book on the left in the interface above the inventory, after the Cookbook. One of the main sources of experience for leveling up (the necessity of leveling up is described later). The first chapters fly by quite unnoticeably, but the rest - an excuse to brew the same rejuvenation potion for the sake of experience and completion of the chapter - for which a big bonus is given. I recommend to pass in parallel with trading.


Third section from the right. Practically useless. If you have forgotten something - then the guidebook will come to your aid. It won't tell you any secrets, and it won't differ from this manual, but it will give you a base.

Legendary Recipes

Fourth right section. Recipes for reagents. Recipes for salts will be available for purchase from the Alchemist merchant (who sells enchanted paper) as you progress through the Path of the Alchemist. You will need the salts as you progress, for convenience and for third tyre potions.

Build Mode

Fifth right section. Thing thanks to which you can rearrange furniture/plants bought from a merchant, for example - chairs. You can also delete, for this you need to move the furniture to the inventory and release the mouse. Useful thing if you have lag because of furniture (it can happen).

The main need is in the transplanting of plants. But you can do it only with the right talents. More about talents in the ‘Talents’ section.

Shop Upgrades

Practically useless is the sixth section on the right. The useful part is that you can see what your Alchemical Machine improvement is. There are two enhancements, the Basic and Advanced Alchemical Machine enhancements.


Located at the top of the screen, above the toolbar, such as the Cookbook. Shows which game day is currently running. Also, has a function - when clicked, displays your stats: how many potions brewed; substances created; gold earned; bargaining profit; customers served.

Popularity Level & Gold

There's no point in making gold a separate section, as it's basically just a counter for your gold.

Popularity level - there are 15 (and +1, +2, +3, +4, etc) popularity levels which give bonuses to merchants, customers per day and + to the price of potions. There is a downside to this - for every customer that leaves/is not served, you get a star reduction. I advise you to pay attention to this.


It's located right next to Popular. Basically, the only thing that depends on it is whether people come to you to ask you to burn people or to ask you for hair potions. You get + to reputation if you refuse evil people and give potions to good people, minus to reputation in the opposite situation.


Main Development. There are three areas - trading, alchemy and gardening.

Everything in this guide is strictly the author's personal opinion, as is the entire guide, that is IMHO..

Gaining experience.

You can gain experience while doing any routine task, even something as simple as watering plants. Sleeping does not count as a task. Also, you can complete tasks in the Path of the Alchemist and collect books on the Potions Map.


I DO NOT recommend that you:

1. ‘The Reluctant Salesman is a generally useless talent;

2. ‘Skilful Manipulator’ - I don't see the point of selling anything to merchants. If you sell potions to merchants - then take it.

3. ‘Selling potions to merchants’ - if you will sell, then you can still pump in.

Note to points 2, 3.

As one of the people (in RU version) in the comments said:

Originally posted by Arxon:I don't quite agree about not selling potions to merchants. On max difficulty it is a VERY useful feature, as the garden is large and there are a lot of herbs growing there (especially with pumped growth skills). When several hundred herbs accumulate in the warehouse, then brewing relatively inexpensive potions in terms of ingredients - you can convert all the herbs into gold. I have on average so that when global purchases (alchemical machine, garden, salt recipes) 50-60% of the cost compensate for these same potions (brewing and discounting the merchant them by the hundreds)

If anyone who also wants to raise money - the skill ‘Wholesale brewing’ is mandatory to pump. And brew potions should not be 1 piece, and immediately 5 pieces. The savings are substantial, as much as 50%. That is, you for the same ingredients will earn 2 times more money.

P.S. Even if someone who does not want to sell potions, still advise them to craft them when you accumulate a lot of herbs. Cooking potions, especially complex potions, VERY much gives experience. Up to level 200 approximately every 2-3 batches of 5 potions (not the very first, like poison or frost, but which are more complex) will give +1 level..I will add to his words - at the 7th level of ‘Wholesale brewing’ you round up first to the cost as for two potions, then as for three, because -50% of 5 = 2.5 and therefore we can not brew 2 and a half potions.

I recommend that you:

1. The branch ‘High demand for potions - Master of Advertising’. The first talent increases the price of your potions, the second talent increases the flow of customers. I advise you to pump both talents at 100%.

2. The ‘Seller of good/best/best simple’ potions branch. Seller of good potions gives +1 popularity point for each sold potion of the II-th tyre, the best - III-th tyre, the best simple - I-th tyre, also all for one point. I also advise you to pump completely.

3. ‘Friendship with merchants’ - I advise closer to the creation of Albedo. Increases the number of goods.

4. ‘Potion Praise - Talented Potion Merchant’ branch. Increases the price of your potions. The first talent is 25% per level, the last talent is 1% per level, but an infinite talent. The last one in this branch I advise you to take it when you run out of useful talents. The first one will help you a lot, don't regret it.

5. The branch ‘Increased Discount Chance - Reduced Markup Chance’. Useful for knocking down prices from merchants, I advise you to pump fully.

6. Large branch ‘Perfect bargaining - ...’. For simplicity - divided into two parts.

Part 1 - ‘Bargaining on complex topics - Bargaining on very complex topics’. Unlocks the new complexities of bargaining. Without ‘Unhurried Bargaining’, at a minimum of 5 I don't recommend taking it.

Part 2 - ‘Unhurried Bargaining; Non-Conflictive Bargaining; Calming Bargaining Manner.’ ‘Unhurried bargaining’ I advise to pump, but up to a maximum of 7 level, further, makes no sense to me personally. If you often miss in the bargaining - then you can pump completely. ‘Non-Conflictive Bargaining’ - for people who miss, you can pump up to 3-4 level, or you can not pump at all, it depends on you. ‘Calming manner of bargaining’ - can be pumped by one for convenience, but no more, IMHO.


I do not recommend you: precious sludge (can be left at zero) and alchemical practice (can be at two). The rest I recommend.


Pump it up as needed, everything is useful.

In the gardening branch, I would advise against investing in fast growth skills. And instead would advise the skill ‘Fertilise’ for each type of planting. After that, just apply 3-4 potions of ‘Fast Growth’ or ‘Stone Skin’ (depending on the type of sprout) on the planted sprout and they will reach maximum growth and start growing as fast as with improvements.

It saves only 4 levels (3 for fertiliser instead of 7 for ‘fast growth’), but at the beginning you usually think for a long time (if you play for the first time) where to spend your talent point.


[EN] Full Alchemical Collection (manual of alchemy) image 59
[EN] Full Alchemical Collection (manual of alchemy) image 60
[EN] Full Alchemical Collection (manual of alchemy) image 61
[EN] Full Alchemical Collection (manual of alchemy) image 62
[EN] Full Alchemical Collection (manual of alchemy) image 63
[EN] Full Alchemical Collection (manual of alchemy) image 64
[EN] Full Alchemical Collection (manual of alchemy) image 65
[EN] Full Alchemical Collection (manual of alchemy) image 66
[EN] Full Alchemical Collection (manual of alchemy) image 67
[EN] Full Alchemical Collection (manual of alchemy) image 68Does Not Fall Into Any Of The Categories
[EN] Full Alchemical Collection (manual of alchemy) image 70

There's 11 traders.

Type 1. Ingredient traders

1. HerbalistAssortment - Herbs, with new herbs appearing as you progress along the Path of the Alchemist.

2. MushroomerThe assortment is mushrooms, with new mushrooms appearing as you progress through the Path of the Alchemist.

3. MinerAssortment - Minerals, with new minerals appearing as you progress through the Path of the Alchemist.

4. Travelling traderAssortment - plants; mushrooms; minerals; enchanted paper. Benefit of trading with him - sometimes his prices are less than other merchants. Does not sell furniture/tableware (like cups).

5. "Entrepreneur"Assortment - cups (decorations); minerals; herbs; mushrooms. At first, often trades goods that you are not yet available from other merchants. Yes and much cheaper, but the assortment is very small. Feature - if you give her a potion of invisibility from document checks, then you still will not be -reputation, because it is a merchant, not a buyer.

It is a type 2 as well as a type 1.

Type 2. Traders of decorations

6. BuilderAssortment - furniture; new rooms. More about rooms in the ‘Rooms’ section.

7. Female trader without name.Assortment - items that are put on furniture (teapots/mugs/glasses/glasses/feathers/inkwells/cups etc)

Type 3. Traders for the Enchanted Garden

8. WitchAssortment - watering cans; seeds for mushrooms. You can plant mushrooms in the Enchanted Garden. You only need one watering can in the passage. Feature - often gives recipes with mushrooms in additional dialogue.

9. DruidAssortment - herb seeds; watering cans (you'll only need one starter).

Feature - there will sometimes be ‘philosophical things’ in the dialogue in the extra option.

10. CrystallomancerAssortment - crystal seeds.

AlchemistAssortment - Enchanted Paper (to expand the Recipe Book); Alchemical Machine repairs; improvements to the Alchemical Machine that appear as you progress along the Alchemist's Path (there are only 2 improvements); Salt recipes. There are 5 salts that correspond to specific reagents. Read more about Salts in the ‘Reagents & Salts’ section.

P.S. Improvements for the Alchemical Machine - the repair appears after passing Chapter III (on Chapter IV).


There are 5 salts (3 almost useless) that have their own unique effects when added to the cauldron while cooking greens

Void Salt

Useless most of the time, but if you've added too much (or vortex zaruinil)/grinded too much of an ingredient - then you'll need it.

Moon and Sun Salts

Moon Salt - turns the potion on the map to the left side and the path you've already taken with the ingredients. That is necessary, as some potions are rotated on the map.

Sun Salt - turns the potion on the map to the right side and the path already taken by your ingredients. That is necessary, because some potions are rotated on the map.

The only absolutely useful salts.

Salt of Life

If you hit the shards and you have a valuable potion, use it. Add a little salt at a time, because at any moment you may have health on your own. On the wine map, it is better not to use, because there are hit zones near the beginning. Overall, almost useless.

Philosopher's Salt

At the time of receipt will already be useless, because the recipe we get only at the last levels, where all the effects are already there. We prepare it only for the sake of achievements - ‘Path of the Alchemist: Chapter X and for the creation of Philosopher's Salt.

The Alchemy

Coming Soon...

100% Achievments

To search for specific achievements, CTRL+F.

Achievements are given on any difficulty.

The order is categorised by category and % of players who have the achievement.

There are 29 achievements in the game, which can be divided into 4 groups

Path of the Alchemist (10 achievements)

Achievements that you will get anyway when you complete the game.

The Alchemist's Way: Chapter I

Complete the first chapter of The Alchemist's Way

The Alchemist's Way: Chapter II

Complete the second chapter of The Alchemist's Way

The Alchemist's Way: Chapter III

Complete the third chapter of The Alchemist's Way

The Alchemist's Way: Chapter IV

Complete the fourth chapter of The Alchemist's Way.

The Alchemist's Way: Chapter V

Complete the fifth chapter of The Alchemist's Way.

The Alchemist's Way: Chapter VI

Complete the sixth chapter of The Alchemist's Way.

The Alchemist's Way: Chapter VII

Complete the seventh chapter of The Alchemist's Way

The Alchemist's Way: Chapter VIII

Complete the eighth chapter of The Alchemist's Way

The Alchemist's Way: Chapter IX

Complete the ninth chapter of The Alchemist's Way

The Alchemist's Way: Chapter X

Complete the tenth chapter of The Alchemist's Way

The Alchemical Machine (14 Achievements)

Achievements you get when you use/improve the Alchemical Machine.

All Outrageous

Fix the Alchemical Machine

From the Alchemist (see Merchants section) we have to buy the Alchemical Machine and we get the achievement.


Create Nigredo

On the Alchemical Machine you need to create a reagent - Nigredo. You create it and get the achievement.

Need more vessels

Buy the Alchemical Machine upgrade

You must buy the basic Alchemist Machine upgrade from the Alchemist and get the achievement.

Void Salt

Create Void Salt

You must buy the Void Salt recipe from the Alchemist and use the Nigredo Reagent to create Void Salt and the achievement is yours.


Create Albedo

You need to create the Albedo reagent on the Alchemical Machine. Create it and you get your achievement.

Time to brew

Upgrade the Alchemical Machine to its maximum level

For this achievement, you need to buy an advanced upgrade of the Alchemical Machine from the Alchemist. You buy it and the achievement is yours.

Something Sticky...

Create Unknown Substance

The most misunderstood achievement of all. I'll explain it to you, my dear alchemists - you need to make a reagent of 3 identical potions and Nigredo. The easiest is of course Nigredo and 3 healing potions, but you are not limited in your choice. You do, you should get a substance in the colour of your potions.

Moon Salt

Create Moon Salt

You need to buy the recipe for Void Salt from the Alchemist and create a salt using the Albedo reagent and you get the achievement.


Create Citrinitas

You need to create a reagent - Citrinitas - on the Alchemical Machine using the Legendary Recipes. Create it and you get your achievement.


Create Rubedo

You need to create the reagent - Rubedo - on the Alchemical Machine by ‘Legendary Recipes’. You create it and collect the achievement.

Solar Salt

Create Sun Salt

You need to buy the recipe for Solar Salt from the Alchemist and create salt with the Citrinitas reagent and the achievement is taken away.

Great Deed

Create the Philosopher's Stone

You need to create a Philosopher's Stone on the Alchemical Machine using the ‘Legendary Recipes’. You create it and get your achievement.

Salt of Life

Create the Salt of Life

You need to buy the recipe for the Salt of Life from the Alchemist and create the salt using Rubedo reagent and collect the achievement.

Philosopher's Salt

Create Philosopher's Salt

You need to buy the recipe for Philosopher's Salt from the Alchemist and create salt with the Philosopher's Stone and collect the achievement.

Reputation and Popularity (3 achievements)

Achievements that you can get when you reach a certain level of reputation/popularity.


Achieve the maximum reputation level

To get this achievement, you must sell potions to people with good intentions and kick out people with bad intentions. The ‘Entertainment Host’ girl is kind, the ‘Entrepreneur’ merchant is neutral as she is not a customer but a merchant. Gain +100 reputation and pick up the achievement.

Pure Evil

Achieve the minimum reputation level

Exactly the opposite of the ‘Kindly’ achievement. Gain a reputation of -100 and take the achievement. I recommend making a separate save for this achievement.

Legendary Alchemist

Reach level 15 popularity

Fulfil the orders of all customers and gain popularity points. Reach level 15 popularity and walk around with the achievement.

The rest (2 achievements)

Achievements that don't fall into any category.

I only want the strongest potions!

Create level 3 potions

Create a level 3 potion. See the Alchemy section for an easier way to do this.

Slippery Deals

Buy the base Oil

It is necessary to buy oil for potions from the Alchemist.

There is no achievement for buying the Wine base. I don't know if this is temporary, or if it will always be like this.

The End

The Alchemy in Potion Craft - is an amazing thing! And not everyone can be master in it. But every human, who bought that game, must to try.

Don't forgot to reward manual and add to favorite.

P.S. That's a translation of my Russian manual, that's why there's can be a lot of grammatical errors. Please, correct me in comments. Thanks.

P.P.S. If I forgot something - please write in the comments. Thanks.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3393819663					

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