how to beat poppie playtim

how to beat poppie playtim

Step 1

how to beat poppie playtim image 1

step 1: open the game

Step Too

how to beat poppie playtim image 4

press ctrl+alt+delete and click task manager

Step Tree

how to beat poppie playtim image 7

find popy playtime in the task manager and click it

Step For

how to beat poppie playtim image 10

find the end task button at the bottom right corner and click it

Step Fiv (opshunall)

the game is now closed, go outside and take a walk

Step Sicks

get back to your pc and remove the gam from yout account

Step Severed

you have now beat poppy playtim now you will never ever think about it again

thank for reading


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