grab-pack flare gun tutorial
before the rope door, look left for a smaller door with the tape inside.
break time
in the train room, look left on a shelf for the tape.
warden office 8/8/1995
in the prison cell block, check nearby doors for the tape.
the doctor
after sneaking past yarnaby, drop from the vent and find the tape on the bottom shelf.
stella greyber project audit
after escaping yarnaby, in the cardboard aisle room, the tape is on the 3rd shelf, right of the green keycard.
’93 theater incident
after meeting doey, exit to a corridor with 3 doors. middle door has the tape on the bottom shelf.
after solving cog puzzles and body bags, follow kissy missy and poppy, then look left for the tape on the bottom shelf.
construction plans: the shelf
in the infirmary, look under an empty hospital bed near kickinchicken for the tape.
1322 report: kevin
after hearing doey and poppy, in a room with a mixer, the tape is on the 3rd shelf by the units.
security feed
after escaping yarnaby, look left of the pod for the tape in an open box.
experiment #1354
in a room with red smoke, replace the air filter, then find the tape in the bubba bubbaphant’s mouth on the table.
use harley sawyer’s keycard, then find the tape behind a curtain on a table.
management: rich
after defeating the doctor, use the purple electric hand to find the tape behind boxy-boo toys on the walkway.
1322 report: jack
after gathering explosives, jump up and find the tape on a barrel on a metal walkway.
doey fight tape
after fleeing through the cave, look up at a wooden archway. the tape is on a beam above the critters.
a reminder
before moving boxes into shelf ventilation block b, the tape is in the room at the end of the corridor.
top secret
inside the room beyond the submarine door, after the greenhouse corridor.
caution: red smoke
auto save: lift control room
objective: investigate the control room.
at the start of chapter 4, solve a simple tutorial puzzle using your grab pack to swing, get a battery, and use it to activate a hand scanner. head left into a room to find a note about red smoke, which is highly flammable. the flare gun won’t kill you in these areas, despite the warning.
riley’s journal: entry #1
auto save: toy graveyard
objective: find another way into the prison.
in caves 1a, you'll find riley's journal entry on a barrel. riley talks about being adopted by the doctor and starting to make lists about what's important to her.
riley’s journal: entry #2
auto save: toy graveyard
objective: find another way into the prison.
keep going through the toy graveyard to find another journal entry on a barrel. it talks about riley’s adoption and excitement for the future.
riley’s journal: entry #3
auto save: toy graveyard
objective: find another way into the prison.
when you reach the prison gate, survive a toy swarm, then head opposite to find a crashed truck with a note. riley talks about her transformation after an operation.
riley’s journal: entry #4
auto save: toy graveyard
objective: find another way into the prison.
near the prison gate, find this entry on a crate by some stairs. riley describes her experience with the “hour” incident and the chaos that followed.
riley’s journal: entry #5
auto save: toy graveyard
objective: find another way into the prison.
next to a security guard’s body, riley talks about hiding a key to prevent the train from transporting children for experiments.
weekly checkup: 1172
auto save: prison cell blocks
objective: escape the prison.
on the upper floor of the prison, find a checkup report for subject 1172, who’s showing signs of improvement through socialization.
cole’s journal: entry #1
auto save: prison cell blocks
objective: escape the prison.
after solving a puzzle, find cole’s journal entry. he writes about surviving after his friends were murdered by the toys.
weekly checkup: 1424
auto save: prison cell blocks
objective: escape the prison.
near a yellow valve tool, find a report about subject 1424, who has severe symptoms from a procedure error.
prisoner profile, experiment 1166
auto save: prison cell blocks
objective: escape the prison.
after the cage code puzzle, find a note about subject 1166 (yarnaby), who lacks cognition but is trained as a bodyguard.
prisoner profile, experiment 1163
auto save: containment zone
objective: escape the prison.
in a prison cell with a broken window, find a note about subject 1163, a failure like yarnaby.
cole’s journal: entry #2
auto save: containment zone
objective: avoid detection from yarnaby.
after distracting yarnaby, find cole’s second journal entry, where he questions the sentient toys.
cole’s journal: entry #3
auto save: containment zone
objective: avoid detection from yarnaby.
in a room after escaping yarnaby, find a note where cole doubts the experiments and the human subjects involved.
cole’s journal: entry #4
auto save: containment zone
objective: avoid detection from yarnaby.
in a storage room, find cole’s final journal entry, asking readers to prevent the horrors of the toys’ escape and the guards' imprisonment.
reconnaissance report: 12.15.04
auto save: prison utility zone
objective: catch up to doey.
in a room near a collapsed roof, find a report by a survivor of the hour who discusses the traps that failed against the prototype.
a cryptic letter
auto save: safe haven
objective: get to safe haven.
in the body bag room, find a letter about mr. and mrs. ayers being invited back to playtime for a chance to get their son.
project overview: safe haven
auto save: sewers
objective: find and defeat the doctor.
in the infirmary of safe haven, find a report about the creation of safe haven, questioning its misprioritization of resources.
subject 1322c report
auto save: waste water plant
objective: find and defeat the doctor.
in the water treatment plant, find a counselor’s report about subject 1322c, a 15-year-old boy named matthew hallard, a potential candidate for doey’s creation.
reconnaissance report: 01.10.05
auto save: sewers
objective: find and defeat the doctor.
in the sewers, find a report about the prototype evading traps and tapping on doors.
propaganda flier
auto save: no man’s land
objective: power up the machine stations via hand scanners.
find a flier in no man’s land telling the toys to give up or die.
secondary lab instructions
auto save: doctor’s domain
objective: make your way to the doctor.
find a note in an operating room with puzzle hints and info on the foreman of the misfit pit, a map in project playtime.
secondary lab mission statement
auto save: doctor’s domain
objective: make your way to the doctor.
in a red gas maze, find a note revealing that dr. sawyer went rogue and was replaced by another doctor.
young geniuses program removal letter
auto save: doctor’s headquarters
objective: confront the doctor/get the omni-hand upgrade.
outside the doctor’s room, find a note rejecting dr. sawyer from the young geniuses program for his lack of humility.
an untitled poem
auto save: safe haven
objective: return to safe haven.
in the caged area behind safe haven, find a cryptic poem that hints at the theme of death.
foundation operator note
auto save: foundation
objective: find and plant (4) explosives.
in the foundation control room, find a note about mixing gases to create a volatile compound that could blow up the facility.
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