Methods On How To Fix Fatal Error 1/2
As you may or may not be aware of ever sense the game came out there has bin issues with chapter 2 fatal error but one thing that the developers included was the *rhi mode* in the settings which let you switch between Directx 11-12 or even Vulkan depending on what your gpu have the settings can be founded within the game itself once you launch chapter 2 and in settings with red pen marked it shows rhi mode
now if you have directx 11-12 selected but you start a new game and after loading it shows you this error or even just a fatal error while rhi mode is set on directx 12 like this
means that your gpu isn't supportive for these sort of futures for chapter 2 like directx 11-12 *and i know most of you are gonna tell me about that these gpu's can run other games and stuff i know i know i even got myself gtx 760 that supports directx 11-12 itself but it doesn't work on the game you will either have to wait for the patch or either update your pc so don't start biting me in a comments about that your gpu does support it if it does its all cool and well but this game is different and i'll get to that in a moment* now if you run it on vulkan it should load you fine but if you get an error message like this
means your gpu either doesn't support not just directx 11-12 but also the vulkan version because you probably have gpu's below gtx 1050 now if you switched to vulkan in chapter 2 but you cannot open the game after getting this error here is how you can fix it.
NOTE:if you already know how to navigate to appdata then here is short thing that you need to do there and know how to open *run program* or navigate around it simply press win + r key on your keyboard type %appdata% on your bar press appdata right next to your user name and navigate toward local file and look for a file called playtime_protytpe4 and remove it and re open the game and it should get you back to the main menu and reset default settings to the game itself.
*You don't have to follow this if you already are an expert done these things before and know what you are doing you can skip this step below because this explains little bit longer version for people who don't know how to do it*
step one is that you can navigate to a search bar look for a program called *run* or simply press windows + r key on your keyboard *if you already know about this shortcut to open it easier* but you are mostly looking for this program
step two once you open the run program it would look like this and copy this in the run program called %appdata% and press ok and it should open you in a folder called roaming
step tree is to navigate toward the local on your tab there is your user name which is *red marked for reasons* and it says roaming right next to it so so make sure to press *appdata* on that tab right next to your user name
step four after you pressed that you will see 3 files *local locallow and roaming* open local like it was red marked on the screenshot *anything else you press will not be my responsibility.
step five carefully look for a file called *playtine_prototype4* in local files you can press *p* on your screen if that makes it easier for you but it should look like this as its marked red on the screenshot
after you found it just right click it and delete it and double sure that it's remove from recycle bin *for some people removing it once isn't gonna make it dissapear so its worth checking it out to just be sure* and you are good to go you will be launched back to chapter 2 without any vulkan error but fatal error will still exist for older gpu's now for gpu's that are old neither support vulkan and neither directx worked what can you do well this is kind of your only options but if you are type of person that just wants to play the game don't care if you play on low or what ever but just want to experience it even if its *full bright experience* well you can take this step if you don't want to i advice you then to just either update the pc or wait for the patch because this is for people who *really wanna play the game* but don't care weather its full light mode or not now here is how am i gonna teach you how to pass fatal error but you will be playing in full bright mode so decide or do this on your own will if you'd like.
step one is to download Universal Unreal Engine 4 Unlocker in short *uuu* if you don't know what this is let me give you an short explanation *it is a console for the game that allows you to use various of commands to explore the game and etc now im not gonna be doing that here* and neither ask me for them because this is about fixing an *fatal error* not how to cheat and beat the game*
step two is to press on this link which will provide you to the download page itself all you gotta press is download ****
remove the ** when copying and pasting it
here is the screenshot so for people who would be like *its a virus don't download and crap would start spamming that i'm scamming someone so this is how it's called in short its called UUU3021
after you download it it should look like this
after you extracted in any folder or onto the desktop launch poppy playtime chapter 2 game and then launch a program called uuuclient.exe like on this screenshot marked with red pen
once you have both game and program opened it should look like this
once you open press select on *process to inject to*
once you do that look for the Playtime_Prototype4-Win64-Shipping.exe (Playtime_Prototype4 ) thingy and select it and after that inject it
once you inject it it should tell you this on top of the screen
once you do that press the backtick key ` which is under or next to the esc it should look like this on most of *laptops or keyboards* *the pic is example but its mostly under the esc button*
after that it should bring you this dark thingy under your screen.
but press it one more time to appear on your entire screen like this so you can see what command you put does *it will be important you can always close it later with the same key you opened it*
Methods On How To Fix Fatal Error 2/2
so after you opened the console what you wanna type in it or you can copy and paste in it is called command nextviewmode now this command will change the lighting in the game so you don't get fatal error the reasons you do get fatal error is due of this statement from one of the devs which i mentioned before *don't go blame or bully or share hate toward mobgames for their choice on moving on to a new lighting tech it is bad i know but sharing hate isn't gonna get this problem solved neither for you or them so have patient and respectful and understanding thanks*
now that we got that out the way lets get back onto getting the command called nextviewmode in place so first thing that you will notice once you type it will tell you this little thing in the console
now what this mean is that we just changed the lighting settings down a different view for us now you wanna keep on doing it on like on this screenshot till you reach *unlit* it will say it self new view mode:unlit when you reach that stop and then start the new game
the game will look like this *full bright mode like i said* but it will not give you any fatal errors and it works for most of gpu's if it doesn't work for yours either wait for patch or update a pc when you get a chance but this is all i got for you on how to bypass the fatal error if anything else comes up i might update this but don't keep my promise on that.
that is all on how to fix the fatal error for poppy playtime i hope this guide was able to assist you in your way how to fix it obviously i would make a video about it but at the moment i cannot so instead i'm making this for those who have this issues like myself who had it and passed it with either vulkan rhi mode or lighting mode its two ways method and if it worked for you let me know in the comments if you got any questions ask me freely on steam if you wanna talk in private add me and but don't be ashemed or shy to ask anything interesting about this topic in general or how to do it i'm pretty sure this tutorial was clear for most of you so let me know if any of this tricks worked once again thanks for your time :3
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