Revised Frisk/Search Guide

Revised Frisk/Search Guide


Simply put, a frisk is feeling the outside of a suspect's clothing for guns or sharp object (though drugs can be justifiably seized with "plain feel").

Frisks can be justifiably done in the following circumstances:

Whenever a suspect is nervous

Whenever a suspect is constantly looking around

Whenever a suspect is shaking

Whenever a suspect is angry.

If you find switchblades during a frisk, you can arrest the suspect and search them. If you find a gun during a frisk, make sure the suspect has a permit. Take note that you can not frisk if a suspect gets angry after you give them a ticket. If you frisk a suspect who was driving and you do not find anything illegal, you can not search their car. To my knowledge, you can not frisk people who are drinking in public if that's the only offense.


Revised Frisk/Search Guide image 9

As opposed to frisking, searching is a thorough procedure that involves rummaging through a suspect's pockets. Thus, searching a suspect requires probable cause.

Probable cause includes:

Red eyes

Slurring words

Alcohol odor

Green crumbs on a shirt

White powder under nose

Criminal activity like driving with fake ID/plates

When a suspect is arrested, you must search them to prevent contraband from going into the jail. This includes transporting suspects for other officers.

You can also search vandals if you catch them spraying a wall with graffiti.

Frisk And Search Video



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